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■pOUR POPULAR REMEDIES OF THE GE DR. KËLLOGG'S ROOTSIIÏTEfiS! o LIVER INVIGORATOR 00 1NDIAN EEMED7. FAMILY CATHARTIC PlLLS! Worlli, Merit, and llelinbiliV conceded bv all to be houorubly won and fully Rewnrded by Dr. Keilogrg's fur Meritorions Coni - ponndSi ROOT BITTERS Absolute frecdom from phjïlclal discasc Is a ilcBsing desired hy il, bul cnjoycd only by the few udlgestlon, Laaauade Ui'ueral Uebiiity, Mnscuar Weakuiss, nn.l Jack of Nervous Kncrgy, ure cummon alimenta : t they nre the foreranñera ol mor sericjus eompTalnta. Dnpeptia, wttb all lts horror.-,11 is only chronic indigestión, and manv i puor ooasambUT mortal tolterlng upun thü ven.'!1 of j)!ivfil ilisaolnri"u, viridlv remcinhcrsthe ;euernl deblllty and nerrone prostration wMcb leraldei! theattack "Í iliu invidioua encmy of life. rod advii-c íiict:iír(i hy commoD pcnt-s ■ ia not to et thee minor complalnts lurk in the y-tem nnloticcrt and unhueded," yetmany peraonswlm il-, ! :ilL'iud ifu'r even moderate exercise, whose blod s aliiggtah in circnlation, digestión morbld, nppe lite miniar, complexión pallid, nerves weak and instrunj,', muscular ñbers loose and iinbby. and whose Bystem is in condition of general debility. viih orcry avenn open to the sneroachmant aiid tosffessdon rfnniirmed and deetnictivn istlessly nroiiud ■ living skeleMns," appuently regardleof the bleaslngá of betdth and nnmindful f thesn natural warnlnga t the appnach of com)lete phygical proslrafioii., " í)iítase comes xvhen least rxpectcd" is ft 1 nimon bnt veiy abc-nrd BaviBff, ?of these cornmnn compbuntp are the BkirmlMion wliir-h rom. menee the attack and herald the approacb of the ncmy ; and ii is the wiadots oi common fiio, to ruard agalnt thdr arlnchs, and if the; have pis8eeson.todrivo (hem 'Yom the ver m 'i hc iiiiuirnlly (eeble frame may he strengthened, nti the robnst who have been partially broken own by IndlgeBtion, Dissipation, Nervoii DeblllW leeaBc or nDaanal bardablp, may bcrecriiitra.añd etored to heatth and happinea, hy this dellcioaa otanlcal Tonlc, psriect and wholesome appetlxer, enlal ald to dlireatlon, and rcintle nervons tstimaant,- Dr. Kelloaj-s (Vlebratcd Hout Bitten. ïhey wlll improTe theappetite, matenallv n'.ñ i&, ettion. perfect Uw --.;-. ■■ c proiresa of iüease. ttrenghen the emaciated, aid and conllrm ie res toratton of the leeble conralescent, and prorct tlie nyptem againpt malarifil diprase Theyjirc blefslng to tbose who flud themaelveB weak. ani?uid,and lackin? encrr;y. fts the warm day of liring approach Thcy ure atreaanre to women who anfl'er frim nervons debílíty, loes of vital i-ength, andphysicul weakness. These "Bitters," are not a vilo mixtnre of wretched whipkeyj and aloes, but a genuine Botnical compoimd, pure, pleaaact, and agreeable, nd warranted to bc eqnal to tbeir recommendaons. LÍVER INVÍ00RAT0R B nd Blood Purifler, is a ccmpotiíid preparen tft canse the syetem ofimpnriiicp and cnre conflrmed isorders Hrlsine from a diseased state of the Liver. There in somuthin the matter with my Liver," is ie observation of at leM8t three out of every five lerpoim, ivhen qe8ïioned in regard to their ln-alOi, nul it is a wrll-known truth, that disease of the jier 1b the irtost cmmonailment the physicían has ocontend withalthouh he íp íeneiftlly callediipon o meet it in the f jrm of Fevcre, Ague, Nervous rostrfltion. and "thcr acute maladíes of which disrder of the Liver ia thf prodiu-in cau1-. Impurc Blood, Stek and Hilioua IL'fiíiacíiet Costveness, Nervons Weakness, Loss of Energy, Kntdation. I'ainsin the 81de and -hoiilden. Wt:nkuos!) nd TremblitiL Enter exörclse, MeiaocUolr, Drowsies8. iiinl Chfontc Blliousnes, aresönavtii the miur Bymptoms rf Bili:ry lerrtnci'ment aud Disease. The nnal rcmilt if tïioö syniptoniK are díprptíardd art; different kinds of Fevt-r, Rhenmatisins. üiar. lïea, General Pro.t,ration oí' Nervous Svsleni. endng in Jaundice or Oonsumption. The Liver i the most sensiiivc "rjui iii the human atmette. except w Langs, and so long as di-compoairtou of vesjeable matter coTitinues malaria arises. and the presnt habita of life are iudulged, so long Liver t.'oniilalnt will beeoBlmOD. As there iwno prospect of hese condition being obviatea henee the neceeaity f em])loyh' tgei.te Lo c anteract tlieir iullnence. In selectiiii? and proportioniug the ingredients of )r. K'-Uoeer's Liver Iuviorator, special attention las been had to compunnd a preventive and cure br Bilione Disorders of evcry type. Tl:c most po trut agences known to Bitanical research, havo been ncorporated hito this trnly popular speciftc for Liver Complaiuts and Diseases of theülood. lts tfect upon the hnraan system is ín perfect accortl nee wah tbc laws of health, aiid the pcïewce oí hysical structure, being Alterative, Diuretic and 'onic. By its AHcratlve and Dïuretic powers. il earries he'impuritiesof the system off through uatnre's ourscs, and at the ,samt' time bylts Tonic virtnos t stimulates digestión and givea tone to the nerv003 povrerg. Family Cathartic Pilis. The objection that these Pille were not iMtt Coated hus been obviatMl by the proprietora anti in bat respect they are now eqnal to uny in use. - Their worth hp anafe and relinblc Cathartic has never been questioned. For Chronlc Constipation hey are a cert'aim remedy. Iiy their actlont tlu-y cleanse thft systcm of vitlated eecretlone. 'ihey Htimnlate the Livrr to activity, give tone to the itnnach,4nd BtrèDgth to the nérvea. Thereisnothng in thclrcompOHitloi) but whtit is purely vegetale- Ihey are mild, gentle. and entfrely effectual. instoflti lof irritatlog they restore. They are c4rftin reinedy tor OonsUpatïon, UticinniLtism, Chmnc Indigestión, Stnbborn Wwase of the Liver, Bilooeness, ViroIéDt Imparltle ttftiie Hlood, audall DUordere where a ' }i orongh lasative Ie required. INDIAN REMEDT. A medicine n'íverti.=fd to curo all, i generally held In dlarepato. 7et it Ie pofslblo to compoand a n-miílv liat m:ty ba beDefitaal in ?i varletj of coniplaints. Dr. KellogK'sInrtlin Rem'dy Uan citIng jiruof of thia posBibllUy, lnasmnch ut it eau be ompfoyed in a Tariety "f oomplaint, and In each prodiltQ a liíippv reealt 'i ba Remedy is adniittpd by themnuy who fiiive ïiüedit, and who ensider il indlspensablo, t bo the mout pi-rfèct Iïi'inirty lo Conghs, (.'nhl. (;rmi]. and a!I l'ipiiñct.s tít the "rtiroa aadLung. tbat bai et beeb offered to the pubüc, while for WOPDds, Sorna, Boma, Sc;i11k , aiiíl t-vcr v;ii-:cty of Kxlri ir 1 Inil'iminiitidii M known to !" an absolute and Tnralllbte cure. Tn fací ii U [ftipoa siWe to eniimcrstc and epsclfy nll thp complalnt aml disorder for wMcli tnIS "Remadj11 1 an nnti dote Suflice to eay that whtrever thern it laflam mation, mierrial or ozternal, on either man o beast. tbat lt Ib a peedy, perfect türt rellable care We warrant that tne use of one bottíe by mij laiñ ily will estftblish it i one of the necesbitk-s oiiiouse holü ecouomy. All tho above medicines are prepared at DE. KELLOGG'S SV1EDSCAL WORKS AUN AEEOÉ, MICIL, And aro Sold by Druggists and Dealer Everywhers. WEW GOOI)S J BECEIVED. feeiTLei is i CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE TEOPLE OF l'HB CITY AND COUNTRY TO TIIEIt! EXTENSIVE AND WEU, AR-'ORTID STOCK OF SÉASONABLE G ODS IN THK LINE OF BOOTS -A-ISTI3 SHOES, Wbich thcy now have in tore,nd to trhfch con atnnt addllions wil] bc miuie tlironhciut the aoaton' The ffoods which we oftcr are new ODd frcsh Trom the F.ic-tDiy, aurt iu all cases wUl be l'onud as rep. reeented. EYEitr DEscRirriox of LIGJ1T AND HEAVY WOHK, po a ITIENj "WOilKN AIVB CHILDRO'. We havo tlio KKGLUSIYE SALE OF TH 15 CELEBRATED f.'.ï.K HOOTS Al) SHOES, JVTade by JAMES M. BURT. 01' K. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WABRANTED BOTll IN STOCK AND WdtïK Also the F.XCUXI'. i: S4LÉ of RGVNOLD'S itüO'S. LADIES FÍSS SHOES OF BV BBÏ 8TTLE bove win!; : - far sdporloP ï nny herotftforfl F.vr.h' ofTerodíu ihis . iu-, and we e:iucAiUoo it m evrry particnln n1 seiflt at TF.X l'hn i - 7. bckw P ■ ■■!?. rOO VOLUMES IN ONE. AGENTS WAÑÍED FOR The Library of Poetry and Song JSrirg Chiict Scltctiont f rom the liext Poeis, Eiipriisli, Scotcb, Irisli aml Americanj With an Introductlon By WILLIA.M CUT.L131S BRYANT, Undtr vAóti criiicat npervüion the nhmt Kas compiUS. The hnndsomest and rhenrcBt eulxcriptión .feóók etant. Over 8(H) paf,'i. bcHinifiiUy prfntei. cboicelv !ll;i8tratl,h!u(lsomely bonnd. A Lityrant ..6 robinia in ene bonk, whose cóntcnts, of ño ephemeral nature or ihtcn ut, Wil neicf row oidor etsle. lt can he, nnfl will lie, rpa6 and rraad Wlth pleasure hy oíd añd yotiDg, aa loöc aa rta ltiive hold togeiher. . ' A perfect Burprlse. Scnrcol nrytning t an a favorite, or at all worthy of pluvc hre. Is neglectéd. It i a book for every húiijehi19."- A'. )'. Mail. " We kuw of no similar oollcttiou in the Enplish lanpuage, whlct, lu coploftsnOis and Micity ofaeli'Cüon and arraiigcmint, cbú at all compare with it."- v. i'. ïïi. Tcrms'iril. Selllnp verj rapidly. Scnd for Circular íbd ïêrnn to J. IS. l'OKI) 4: CO., 8T Vttrk Place, N. Y. W19W4 AM. B, REVENAÜGH, PHOTÖGRAPHER ï RETOUCHES ALL HI8 NEGi' TIYES BEFORE PRINT0Etj SO THAT FRECKLES, MOLES AND TAÍÍ ÍJo üot síiow iu any of bis PicturCS, o Extra Charges. :' PIIYSICIASS1 PIESCR1PTIOI8 AOCCBATELT AND CAREÍ ÜíjLY PREPABBD BT il. w.ÈZZlé & co.,DnuaaisiR.


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