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$mm polier C0NSÏÏMPTI01fr lts Core and lts Preventive. BY J. H. SCBTENCK, M.D. Many ñ hurmn brtn hrw pnsped aay for wiiose cleath thre wis u rther rcimnn thiin the negletrtof known and triáipuUthly proven mrarin of euro. Thoso near anti doar to-famlly nd frtends nn nleepmtï thf dreamlem alumbvr Into wliich, had thy cal ml y adopted DR. JOëKPH H. hCHENt'R'S SOIPLB TREATMXXT, and nTAlled. themselTiH of hls wnndnrf utl y flleiwrion medicine, thor wonM not hare Titilen. DV. Schcnck has in hls own cast prTwl tht wherever sufflclent vttatity rmnins, that Tttallty, by tilt medicines and hl lirectton& r tlioir usu, is qutctenod int'.' healthful vtffor. In thl statement thr Is nnthlng prejinmprnou. To the faitli of the lnralid la milde nu repris en tatinn that Is not a thousand time eubutantmted hy kring and visible worka. Tho tboory of tlie core by Dr. Bchenck's medicines Ir ha Imple as U la iinfilïnn. lts philosophy requires do argument. U ia uli-uitrlnjgt self-eunvinrinji, The Sea-wc) Tootfi and MandnikoTIIls are th ftrsl two weapon with whloti the ciuiüel of the mulatly i assailcd. Two thtrds if the eiwes of consumplkm nrijtiuate In dyspopsia and a. functionully dtactnlcreil liTer. Witb thtscondiUon tho bronchial tuhus " sympathlze" with the Btomneh. Thoy rfspemd o the tuorblücacttfui of the liver. Hcre then comea tho culmhuuliiK rentilt, nnd tho setting in, with all iu distresainíi Bjaiptoinü, of CONÖU.MPTTOX. The Ma7)rti-ao PiTts aro cnmpoupfi of ono of Nuture's noblest tfitt thr PtKlophtllam IVluitum. Thai potst-ss all the blood-MParchlntr, ulK.-rutlvo prepertics uf calüQKil, but. unliko culomel, (hcy "LKVE WO 8T1NG BEniND." Tho work of euro 1 now bCRinnlnjr. The vltliited nnd inucoit deposita in tho bowpls and in the alimpntnrr cuñal aro tiected. The iiver, llke a dock. l wotind up. Jt arouxes frnm lts t-rpullty. The ntnraaoti acts responsively. and the paiu-nt botns to iel that hu is gcttlng, at lust, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Sea-weed Tnnic. In conjunctlon with Ihe Pin, pcrmmites and assimUateK with tho food. Chyllflratlon is now proKrpiriii wl thout í ts prcrlonB f ortnre. Difiestiun bt?Ptu3.'s painlflss. and the onfc tn wn to b at hund. Thore Is no more flatulcnce, no .x.irerboii'm of the stnmach. An ppetito n-t in. Now come the frreatyit Blond Purlfler erer yrt piren by an Indulttent father t PUtTerlnman. 8enck'8 Pulmón te Syrup comus In to perform ititfunctinnaand to hnsten and complete the cure. lt enters at onee apon lts work. Nature in not ht: chaatd. It collecte and ripens tho irapatred und di&eaaed portions of tbe lungB. In the furm of Katherings, it piepan-atheni for expectoration.and lol iu a vtry short tioiu tlu mitlatïy Is vanquished, the rottun thronc tbat it oceuptcd ts renovnte4 and made tuw, and the ptttlent. In all the dlKnity of refrittnt'd vfKor. step forth to enjoy the maahood or wumunlioud that was GIVEN VP AS IiOST. Thonnertnd tlilng Is. tho píitlentsmnst..ty tn n warm room nntil tin-v got well ; tt In alniont itn'popflihlo to prevent takin t rei il when the lungs arp di!aptd, hnt it must be prorontod r a cure can not be meted Krnsh ilr anffridiiiK ont, rppecfally in this .ectlon of tho country, in tlio fnü nnd winter spHHon. are all wrortf?. Physiclans who recomucuMid that ctursp lose thelr patlenti. if thelr wvv ure badly ítlrarted and yet, bccituBC thoy -■ ln tho huso theymost not slt downqulet; they must wulk Bhnt the rKm : mnch iml as fust ís tlm Ktrentrth win bonr, to yt-t iipugootl clrcnlati')n of bl'Mïd. Tho paLicntü must kocp In Rood splrite- he dKttrniituil ir get wll. Thl-t ha n reat deal to do with tlio appüttto, anU Ís tho grcat polnt U) gain. Ti despatrof cure nfter inirli tríñfmee nf 1t poislblllty in the worst eaitf-s. knd mornl rntiiin'y in all otliers, ín Klnfui. Dr. &chrnckla perennal ptatpmont to tho Kaculty of his own cure run In these mdoet words: ' Many years njio I irns Ín thfl Int Finge nf conBtunptlon; contincil t my bod, md ut ona tltnp mv iihyslciuns thoitftht tliat I could not llvo. a. wfpk then, llko a drowniuf? nuin cutoliln nt p(niw, I hrnrd or and obtuinud tho preparatlonfl hfi !i I now ofrer to the public, and they iDado a perfect curo of mo. It seemed to ín o that I c.uiú fct-1 thcm ponptrate my whio-ystcin. They BOOn rhxwd tlie nmtttT in my lunK-i. and 1 would splt up mora thart a plut of offeuílve yellow uiattor overy mornlnff fir a long time. " As sm)i M rli:it beflAd t snhHido. rüycough, ti vor pnlns, and" nlght swpuis :ill begun to learo iDfl and my appetlte heowne fo prent thm it was with dlrïicnH v tlmt I could keepfrom eatint? t('t nmoh. I gtn,n Kuinínjy strenRt.h, and hsivo jtrown in Seth OTcrfllncc. "I waa wfíijzhod nliortly afttr my reroverv. dd ed the Doctor, "then looklnK liko a mere kIítn; my wfft'ht vm only nlnety-pcvcn poundit; my preentwftiffhtistwohunflrcd and tweníy-flToCa6)ponndí and for ye.irs I h:ivo onjoyed unfntcrruntrrt hcalth " l)r. Schonnlí has discontinuad bhl visits tp Now-York nnd BuRton. lio or hn un. Dr. J. H Sfhenck. Jr., Rtlll continué to neo pattonta at thctr Bffloo. NO. líi Nurth Silth Htrcrt, rh]l;u!clphi:i, evt'ry Saiunlny f rom 9 A.M. to 3 p.m. Tho.e wlio wtsh a thoniiich oxamtnatlnn with tho Resplrometer Will bo Oharsed ?6. The Rt'spiromítrr deciarp tho exact oonditlonpf toe limp?, and paticntscan rcadily learii whcthpr they nre enrubie or not. The fllrcctions for tuking thf medicinen íirr ndíiptcd to tho IntelllRenca even of a child. Follow these dirvrtlons, aml kind Nat uro will do tho r'st, exceptlng tlffit in sonji casos the Mandriiko I'IIIs nre to be tukon In inoroiiíieri doses; the tlire.o modlcinoB nred no other .■ici'nitifianinients tlian the itinple Intruction tlmt ací-.iiuu-uiy thnm: Fir;t ernato nppftite. Of tetuming' hoalth, huneer is tho most vel como nymptoni. When It comes, ns it will come, let the desjwiirlnK nt once bo of (rood choer. Good hlood at zolluwn, thecouh looftens. tho nlght fiwcat is abnted. In a short time both of thpse morbld symptoms are gno forever. Dr. BOlMnek'a medicines are constan tly kept Ín tens ot tnousands of families. As a laxativo or purgativo, tho Mandrake PlUnuro :i standard prtpunition ; whilo the Pulruonic Syrup, as a cure of coufthn and OOMa Tunj be reiíarded ns a prophylactcrlo agalutttcoiiKuiiiption In any of tt forms. ■ Pric of tho Pnlnionlo flrrup and fa-wea Tonto, 1.50 a bottle, or B7JIQ a halí duzen. Aliuiflrako Pilis, SSoenta a box. Fur Bale by ail drucxisU and dealers. HÜRLBUT & EDSALL, 32 Lake treet, Chicago, Ill.,( Vloiil Agoste mew o; ds AT WWI. WACNER'5, A I.nrge a ml Chotoa Stcl ol SPRING AND SUMMBR GOODS, lSCLUniNO CLOTH8, CASSTMERE8, VEST1NG8, &C LATB8T STYLKS ASD BBST QUAL1TII8 willen m vriLl. MANUFACTURE 011 tcrms to snit. Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AIlt Gents' FURNISHING Goods ODEIST ST"5TXj3E1 Al-.I.AÜIEi'n.l(!KNT8 MOROCCO SATCHELS Mo.91 gouth MalStret- E1ld. CALL AND SEE THEM. wiLUAirr .m:i5. AnnA bor.May, '871. This Remedy does not flinply relleva for a ahor time. hiu it producsa perfect and permanent cures o the worst cas of Chnnlc Naal Catnrrli. and I wil piy M'O rewnrd for a caso that I caonot cur ■ CoM in the hond" and C'atarrhal Hoadache ar curad with :i few appllnatiuns. If JOU have a dldc nr"efr m the imsr, offtniire or otherwlsc. stopptng tip of the bom at times, partlal lo r tlie sen'e ot mell , tasti; or haaring' e.v8" wt'rin(! or wrak, hal dnll, have pain or prossiire in Iho head yon mny rp?t nssured that. yon have Catarrh [hoaMna anmially, wlthmit inanifestlntr hlf of thi abova symptom ."termínate in Oonsiimplion hui end in tlie icrave. No disease Is o rommon, mort direplivc or lew nnrtorslood hy phyatelana. I wil end my pamphlBt on Catarrh to ny addres! free Dr . Sat'ós's Catarrh Hemndy U now SOLD BYMOST DRUOGTSTS IN ALL PARTS OF TUK WORLD Priod W cents. Sent Ijt mail. po tpaid, on cceip of C'i cent', or four parkaes Tor Uro dollars. Bc wfire fountc-rfcltcand worth!e8 imiUtlone. Be that my DCimte Stamp, which ie a positivo guaran tee ofseniiliK-iiess, Is npon the outside wrapper Rmrmher that thia pri ate Stamp, lusuetl by th l'niii'd Statca Oovernmcnt ex resMy fut stamping my medid nes. has mi portrait, name and address and words -U. S. Oertiflcate oí Geniiinenes1 engravcd npor. t. and ned rot be mistaken. Dor' bt' fwindled by travclers, and ot ei represenlin theinsclvesas'Dr S:ij:e: 1 amtheonly man no llvlnifthat haotliekuowledKe nndrlüht toraanufa Uire the Kenuine Dr. Snpe's C'atfirrh Remeóy, an I nevor travel t ?ell thls medicine U. V. PI RCK. M. P , 133 Scncc.a Street, B.-.ffilo, N. Y 8 t i 8,ÏS h.B;i i s I 2 . 8 zi 4 BB H IJ W 1 P Of --P . ö B i -:l { Usjh d i o I '" s m g M S j s 3 Hgw L cc 8 nï 8 S P W CO - (1, eö ' Oí ! ri ü 2 g LH i 5 " r-i O P WO Oi b tTve qeese feathurs Li PIBST GiTT.A.I.IT-Sr , Cüimtautij o ii h ui ut u ii ti i ui' hu k by RA CE Sr A BEL ! FinoBt Assortment of Toilet ; Ooods in the City, by 1i.W.Etiig&60vgmggigfr. I riENRY T. HELMUOLÜS m OÜND FLUID EXT KA CT C AT A W A 3KRAPE PÏLLS. Component ParU-Flmd Extratt Rhubarb and flu d Extrml ('alan ia Urope Juiti. KOR U VER' OMPI.AINTS .TA1NDHK HU.IOUS AKFK T1ONS SIUKORNERVOUSHBATiAOHB, i OSTI.VBNES8, Etc. I'URKI.Y VEGETABLE. roNTAINÏN NO MKRCUKY.M1NK11ALS OK lELETKlíUS DRUOS-. II These rtils irc the most dlirritrullTpleAsnnt pnrïativc, superiedingc.nxtoroil. salt. m igncsiit, etc. bhtre i nuthlng mora looeptahle f the ntninnch. They give tone, nnd canse neither nausea nor trnpIn" pains. The) recomposed of the flnext ingre dlênl. Aftcra few day's ie of them r och an inTleoralion of the entire íystem takc place at to ppciar to the enk nd f nervatod. wnether arl.inr Trom imprudence or disi-nsr. H. T Hehnbold1.' Comp' nnd Fluid Kxtract Catawba firape l'Ula are not soiiarcoated, 'rom th fnct that iii:ir eoated Plllsdot diisolw bot i.i throui;h Ihe stomacli !tlint rilssolvliii.colisequcntly do ni'l prortucr the rtKirwl ff. THR CATA VT BA. GRAFK P1I.LS. beln !:iit ia au odor, do" iM-iu ii tuar-coated. PRICE PIFTV CBNT8 TER BOX? E HENRY T. HELMBOL.D'3 niOBI.T COJCKHTRATKD COMPOÜND MID EXTRACT SARSAPÁMLA VTill radical! termínate from the jMi-m Scrofula Svphül. Fcrer Sore. ülcers 8ore Eye. Porc Lear, Month.Sore Hand, BrnnchitU. Skin Disensos. Salt Rheum. Cnoker. RnnniDE" from the Kar, White Swellinga. Tumor. Cancerna Affections Mwles. Ricketts. GlandnliirSwellnj;, Nlgot oweiti Rah, Tetier, Humor of 11 Kitidf, i hronic Khon niatlsm. DTipepnia, lid uil dlee8c that htve bee establlshed iu the jitom for rearn. L BKINO l'RKPARED EXPRESSI.T FOR Tlir ABOVE COMPI.AINTS.ITS BIXlOK-PURIFYINr PROr-ERTlKSAHEORKATERTlIANANYOTHB PREPARATION OF SARSAP JRIU.A . T OITR THE COMPLEXIÓN A CJ,EAR AND HEALTH COI.OII AND RB8TOKB8 TUK I'ATIKNT TO 8'ATE Ol'IIEUrn AND PUntfY. FORITKI FYINO THEBLOCM1. REMOVINO All. rllltONI COSSTITlTIONAt, DI9BA8ES AliMNT. FROM AN IMrURKSIATEOKTHK HLOOfT. AND Ml ONLY RE1IABI-K AND EFFE'TUAL KNON HEMEDY KOU TUF. Cl'RF. OF PATN8 AN 8WBLL1NO OF TUF. BONES, OLOERATION OKTHBTIIROAT AND LEOS BLOTCHES. I'I PI ES ON TUK PACK, ERYSII'KI.AS ANO Al SCALY F.IUPTIONSOFTI1K SKIN. AND UFAI TIFYINö THE COMPLEXIÓN. PK1CE. $1.50 PER HOTTLK. M HKXRY T. IIKI.MHOl.D'9 CONCINTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU TnE GRFAT I H RETIC, has enrert cvery case of DIABETES n whleh it hun boen giren. Irrliarion of the netk pi theBladde and nllammntion of the Eldpejra and Bladder, Ke teution of Urine. Diseases of the Proatrato -lonclnthüBladocr, Calctdoa, Onjel, BrlCkDna Dwoelt. and Mncnous or Milky Dlcbarp8. a.l fo Ecfoeblod and Dulicalo Coiistifinons of lioth 8exe att.'iidedwilh the followinsr aymptoiM: Lom o MsiaaÈxJQU&filLltj f Breathlng, Indlsppeittoii to Horror of Di-ease. Wiikefulnfpf. Dimneff1 rCVWlBff l-ain in the Back Hot Hand. Flnshing ofthe Body Drynnsn of the Skin Krnptinn of the Fuce, Pallic Couiilenance. Universal Lassitude of the Mue.iila System, Etc. "Usod by person from the agos of elpthteen to tweütv-five, and from thirty Pvc to tlfty-dve orit fhedpcliue orchanj;e of liff; nfter coudui'mcnt or labor paius; bcd-wcttiun iu cbildrcn. B ÜELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIITJ i Itiureticam Rlond-Parlfyins;, and cureR all Dispjiees arisin from Habita of DiHslpation, umi Kxocscs and Impruden cc !n LiTe, Impurfties of the Blood, Ktc. , tfopOf sedine Copabia in Hffectious for which it is ufcd, an( Syphilitic Affectione - in these diseases ueed ín con nection with Helmbold'B Kose Waeh. LADIK3. 1 n nifttiy Affect Ion e peculiar to Ladl the Extrae Btichu is unequalcd ny any othii Rcmedy - as in Chloroffis or Retention, Irregulariiy, Painfulnes or Suppreeeion of Cn-toroary Kvftcuationi? l lrcratec or r-chirriiB state of the Uterus, Leucorrlitca or Whites, ïiterility, and for all Complaintc iiiciilt-nt to the liitbits of Disfiipalion. It it pre?cribed extonpively by the most eminent Physlciftua and Mid wivef fr enfeebled and delicate Con-titutious, o both Sexes and all Airs tattended with any of the above dieeases or gy nipt oma.) 3 O H. T. ÏÏBLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIÜ CURES DISEAÍES ARISINU FROM IMPRÜDENCES, HABITS OF DISSIPATION, ETC. . In all their ta{;f, at little ixpente, little or no change in dict, no inconvenieuce, and no expoure. It causes a frequent depire, and gives etrenpth to Urinatc, thereby rrmovinp obstructions. PiiereDtlns .Stricture of the Uretha. All.iyinp Pam and Inflammation. so frequent in this clas of dieease, and expelliui; all matter. Thousaudi who bavebcen tbc victima ofinconi. petent persons, and wbo have paid heavy foes to bc cured in a short time, have fouiid tbov have been deceived, and that the 'Poison' han, by the use or "powerful aKtrlngenta'been drled up in the iystcm to break out i a more anwuuO form, and per haps after Marrlago. Ce Hdmbold' Extract Buchu for all AfTections and Dlseaies of the l.'rinary Organt. nhether existin5 in Maie or Femal . from whatever cauie origlnatiug, and no matter of ho w lontf tanding. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Bottle. L HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IHPROVED ROSE WASII cannot be snrpassed as a Face Wash.and willbe louud the ontv spcciilc remedv in eTery species of (Hilaneotis Tt ppeedlly eradlcate Pimples, Spots, icorhutic Dryness Indnrntlons of the Cutaneous Mcmbrane, etc., dlspnln Reducís and IncipieTit Inflammatlun.Illvcs, Kash.Moth Patches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, Frost lütcs, am! all porposee for which Salvea or Ointments :ire used restores to the skin a state of Pnrlty and Sortnes, and insures cnntlnued healthy setion to the tfawnea ofits ves bcIr. on which dppends the-asreenble clearness and vivneity of complexión eo much souíjhtnnd admired. But however valuablo a a remedy for exlstiiií; de. fectsof the Skin. II. T. Helmhold' Rose Wah has loDg sustained lts prtncfplfl claim to unboumieil pat rondere, by poHHftsKiiiK QUflllties which rpnder il a TOILET APPKNDACK of the most Superlnlive nnd Confïeniftl Character, combiïiing in an etogani formulo (nou prominent requisltes SAFKTY and EFFICACY - the invariable accomiianimente of íts use - as a Presorvative and R( fresher of the Complexión. It is an excellent Lotion for disoases of a Syphilitic. Nature, aud as an inji.'rUon for diíífaseK of the Urinary Oreans, arlsinc from habits of dissipaMon used In "coniTiTtion wiih the F.XTRACTS BUCHI', SAH-APAKILLA, and OATAWBA QRAI'E PttL, in such dineases as recommended, cannot be surpassed. Price, One Dollar l'er Boltle. D Fnll and expliclt dlrection accompnny the mediEvidencc of the most responsible andrellabls charictcr furnlshed on arplfcatlnn with hundredsof thonsands of living wltncsses, and upward of 30,000 nnaolicttod c"rtlflcates and recommendatory lelters 'iiHiiy of which are from the hicbest Bource. includinc eminent Physiciane. Cler:ynion Statewnicn. -ir. The proprietor bas never resorted to their pnbllosfion in tlie newnpapers; he rtoewnot dothis from the rad. that hl arricie rank aa Standard Preparatlosa, rad do not need to be propped up by certifícate. Henry T. Hclmbold's Genuine Preparations, :)ellveredto ny address. eciirefrom obsenntlon . nED UPWARD OF TWENTY YEAR8. oldbv Druecists everïwhere. Addrew letters for nformationVínconfldeñce to HEMRY T. HELM1OLP, DrURgIt and Chetnlst. Ouly Depot: H T. Helmbold's Drni: and Chemical Warrhonse, N W4 Hroadway, New York. or '." II. T. Helmbold'H Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth ■reet. Philadelpbia. Pa. BRWARE OF COUNTBRFEIT8. Ak for Ilenry T. lïrlmbold'i! Takt no olbcr . Í7t%


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