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lt I(1III.A M A HIM;ttY DEPOT. G. S. WORMER & SON, era in :tl1 kinds of Wood &c Iron AVorlcintx Machinery. 99. ini and 1 B Ji-ff on Ave., Detroit Hicb. E I : A !% 1 IAU ! I !í I,A DS. Y offer for tale 25.0 0 aeree of Valoable Ploe and brmlng Lande on Time, at Prieel raninu trom 43 to &1O PerAcie 6 86H acre of thefre ine Lauda ure locfl'cd on the WiacoDatn Itive-r. ,GW tem on Waters leiidliii; to Cheboygnn or docu Mich t-i'i aerea on the Angrea Rlver , oo ncree on Thumfor Uv watert leariing to U ena. 850 ncre on the TltlbawaMe Hlver. '.200 erad in Oladwln .. Mich., rr Pannv and Timber. ïTj acre Utaoioe Mineral and Hun! Tlmb6r Lande iar ODloMgOB. "i duo acres Pratrle land tn Nebras;, near the Uuiun Pact tic Kuilnwd. WO aerea go'xl rtrmlnK Land In Grntiot aonntj $3 to %& per acre. fr Mnny of the-e Mnds n re wort h the prtce we tsk for iham Rn Farmintf purpoees a f ter thw Tim jeris cut. For ful) dopcriptiou, nrice mid termn, öiiü Ciri.'nlur. ü. PKKSTOT k CO., B.mUrrs, Detroit Mich. R. & W. F.JCINN# M.inu'íictnrprH of (round Codees, Spices, Jlustard, cu , ett. Anl Wholenale Daalera Ín TEAS AND GROCERS' SÜNDRIES ! ! 120 J IB ra.. Avenue, Detroit. [ÓHN COPLAND, Maiiufaofuror and O Wbolomlt dealer in a lyrc variety of Crackers, Snaps And l$sciiits. OrrtiTB solicileU and lllled at lowest markcl prlos Sf nd Inr I'rice List Ui'cl Ovitn Suvim Bak'Ty, comer Randolph anil Woodbridgfl firct-ti, Dolroit. ii.Kirr i), i'ii.ik i;.v to., IIOI.F.SAI.I-: H B ■ "SBT "- 9 9 Si 9 35 Woodward Avenue, Dl'JKOn', - - - MICHIGAN. HUGH JOHNSON, Mumifiícturer of and dcalor In CARIUAOES, BUQGIES ASDSLKIGIIS ! A RnortnMDt of the Utett Hljles "f home made uní Khhutm CarrlMC! inchidiug uAXiwim, i'i.irKRai mui 1'iMii.y Cakkiaow from the (wlcbrutMt fariury of i, Mow íí l'.. Bridgeport, Conil., con tatitly on Imnd and furnlshed to order. Nod. i', to nt'' I.urncrt wi wcst .cor. Cass St. Detroit Caij Miinndicliii'i i .-. JOHN PA'iTON 4 1 SON, Are ofterin" Urgcet and best afflortraeDt of CARKIAGES & BUG&iES INTHE WEST, At Oroatly Roducod Price. All work mado tinder our own pupervicion. ond Fri-i.T Vabbatíh. Fíictory nd Warer'om córner Woodbridgc and Rrui-h Sirett, ,Utroll. For TTii naliincr lawine: Wood Mnkiiiï Cider cfteaznins ood vr Cíittlf, Seo: D. K ltl Bi Hanafnolurer. 191 ATWA.TBR STRBT, DETROIT. GDOELTZ Se Impartors and Deulerw Ín FANOY GOODS ! Tojf, ïankre Solloii!", Iloslery, Laces and Trlinuiines. AND MANUFACTUIfERS OF CHILnHíN'S CAIMtIACKS, BA8KBTS AND Slel;lis, Ro 80 Ud WOOflWMd T0 .Detroit. TrariHplunt Fruit and Ornamenta] Trae, Bhrnb. lís, Qrape Vine, and all the mail fruit Oreen HonM aiul Bedding Planta, Uahllas, Oladloin', niiic; Rose, Madcria VIiipb, &c. thonld be plnntedafter the 1( May. Bum ol the best vnrii-tii-s Field Vegetable and Plower,al! new. Chis i tos ilrsi year of our seed trade, we have no old sei tL" n hand A vciv large ?ock of the ohove.nt moderate ratcs. ' Adilreo. WM. ADAIB, Detroit, NURSERYMETT, FLOEISTS, Etc , Ete-, Have (be LugeaJ Qraenhoae mul the Heet Collcction of Planta In Deti olt. We import ncw planta trom Kirope evcry nar. Also. FrnU and Oma mental Trea of H önda. SrerjereeDaa ppecUlty V"i KoliüHH vi?it to our establishment, toruer oi Fort and '4th öirect, Detroit. RH CfC "VEÏlBEIsréVS, New and uUjUUU rare bedding planté. llt 1 11 AD OitVATILMiL IRKLS ETC. CatAloguee pent on application. Address HUHH Kl & I) iVM, Detroit, Mich. Mr. T bos Archer, writins from 8t Joseph. Mich , April -;". say: "The Verbenaa carne in good or der aud are certHiuly the most hcalthy. etocky plttntH I ever naw " And to tbc same effect write hundred of ether cor pondente. TOHX W . AnPHLETT, 0 WUOLKHAI.E DEAI.RK in ROCKINGHAM & Ohio STONE WARE GLASS AND STON.-: FRUIT JARS. Send for Prlc List. 5c 6O 'Wood.bridco Stroet "West, DETROIT MICH; i SI'HILRMSIKCII, Billiard Tablr nanuJt fiKtiircT, with Dki.amiï's Pateni Steel Wlre C'-islnons, !■, 1(K) and 102 Randolph Street, Detroit, Midi. Jiraucb: Si. Joseph, Mo. 1 also mnnfactnre Pigeoohole, Jonny Lind and Baatell Tables and do all kind of altcrin and re jairini: Keep alwaya on liand Sfcond hand Tablet and all goodfi appertainin,' to Rilliardw. Bowltng Pin and BalU for sale. Also all kiuds of trimraiu done. (0,000 Gallons O OHIO S T O isT E W" A. R E", AT WH01.KPAI.K HV JDA.-VT-D MoCOBMICK Dealer in Trockery, Olassvraro, &t. 3STo 1O Miohisin Ave., Detroit. QTOrsTE STAT11D.-3. W. BatclielOder, (Fonnerly Batchelder & Cook.j Dealer In Rawed and wruu-ht Ohio Bine Freeetone snd all kind of Plain and Ornamental ent stone. ntcb i 'oor Silla and ap, Watertable, KeystneB. Plinths. Wall Copine. &c Sawed itone ido walk laid in nny part of the State t low rates. Contractors and thoe contrmplaltnic buildlm; tl reípectfiiMy invlted to cali and examine mj stock and prices. Corner Shelby & Atwater St , Detroit STONK.- And rei lïruntou, Cuntractor aud Dealer In all kludi of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CUT 8T0NE Orders by mail promptly exeented and Cnt Stone Work contracted for on Ihe moit reanonahle termB. Ofllce and Yard on Doek het Randolph aud Brush ts. . next below 1). ie M. K. R. Paateneer lieimAnna 01 wixt be paid fok the kpOU.ál flret case of'fallnrer of Randa' I's Circasslan Cream Wash, To remove Precklea, Moth Patchep, Sun Bnrn, Tan c ,if used as per directi'ns. and stric.tly pernevered in. J. J. RANDALL, l'roprietor, FinherBlock. Detroit . Sold by Druggists generally. l!US-m;i. SAM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPHER, MAKES ALL KIMJS OF PIDTURERS FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AND FINISIIKS THKM IN INDIA IN KI OILj, OR WATER 0OLORS ! IN A SDPPRRIOR MANNER. 1319-ly. lo. 3O III'KOIV STIIKET. „ EOPLE'8 DRUG STOiv, R. W.ELLIS& CO. A.N3ST A.HBOH k GREAT MEDICAL DISGOVERY. jtlIllIONí Benr Trstimony to thr ' Womlni-fnl Cnrnilve BflacM of " Dit. VAI,KEK'S CALIFORNIA ,, J. nAl.K'R Troiirlftor. K H. MrUniAi.n C.O.. Hruggtfltii und Qra. aiï'w. Snu rntaalne, Qtl uUii'i siCummercc bt.N.Y Vlnrcar Bitter oro not avile Fancy Drink. Made of Poor Kii'in, M'hisltcy, Proof Spirits and Rrfiine Ij i worg doetorod, eplccd nd swectcned to please tlie taste, cal lort "Tonica, "Appctlzere," " Uestorcrs," &c, thnt trad the tlppler on to drunkenncss mul ruin.lmt are a truc Medicine, made from the Nativo Roots and Hcrbs of California, tree from uil Alcoliolic Stimnlnnts. 'I hey are the GREAT LOOD PUKIFIEÏt and A LIFE OIVING PRINCIPIE, n perfect Itcnovotor and Invlgorator of the System, carrying off nll polaonoua matter and restoring the Mood to a henltliy condition. Ko pcraon can take these Bitters according to directions and reiualn long unwell, provldcd tlieir bones are not doatroycd by mineral potson or otlier mcans, nnd tho vital organa tv ast cd beyond the polnt of repair. Ttary nrr a Oentlc Piircntivc n wcll ma Tonto, poncsHÍng Alan, the peculiar mcrlt of aciing fis a power ful ngent In rolievlng Congestión or inflanimation of the Llvcr, And all the Videra; Organs. FOR FERÍALE COMPLAINT8, vhether In youngor old.marrlcd or single, at the down of womanhood or at the tam of Hfe, thcec Tonlc Bitters have do eqnai. For Inflnmtnntory nnd Chronlr Khrnmnlinm nnd ïont, Dyspepsln. or ImÜfrrntion, RiliotiH, Ufinit trut nnd Intrrmlttcnt rpvrrn. Placases of the Blood, Llver, Kidneys, nnd Bladder, these Bitters have been most succcssful. Suck DlücaaoH aro eimsed by Vltintcd itlnod, which Is gcnerally produced by dcrangetnent of the DlstrKi i vi' OrirnnH. DY8PEPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Heartaclie, Pain in tlic ShouUIers, Coughs, TightncFs of the riicst, DizzincBS, Sonr Eructationa of the Stomach, Bad taste In the Mnuth, Billous Attacka, Falpitatfon of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungf, Pain in the reglons of the Kidneys, and n hundred othcr palnfnl nymptoms, are tlic oftsprings of Dyspcpsla. They Invlgortto the Stomacli and stlmulate tho torpid liver and bowel?, whirh render them of uncqualleil effleacy In clcaneing tho Mood of all JmpuritJes, and impartid new Ufe nnd vigor to tïic wholepyotem. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Trnptlons, Tetter, Salt Ittienm.Blotchcft Spots, Pimples, Tnstuleo, P.oll, Carbuncles, I?Ing-Wormn, Sculd-IIcnri, Fore I'yes, Erisipelas, Iteh, Pcorfs, Pfscolorationa oí tlie Skin, Ilumors and Disensos of the Skin, of vliatevrr nnme or nature, are literally dng np mul Ctrrled out of the pyttem in a phort time ly tho tipc of tliene Bitters. One bottlc In encli case w ill convincc the inoist Utcreduluue of thelr curative effect. CleanBe the YitiMed Flood vhonovrr yon flnd lts ImpnrltlM burstitiK throtigh tlic ikin In Diiiplfs, Kruptlons or Borcs, rleanse U wlitn yon fínrt it obstructed andslnggisli in the veins; clennsttit. lnn ltittfonl.and yonr feelingft w ill teil yon when. Keep the blood pure ttnd the hcaitli of the yetcni wil) follow. PIN, TAPE, nnrlrtiirr U'OKHIS, lurklnpln tho nystem of fn ntany IhOOMndff. m6 ellertnnlty fiostroved and removed. FOT f '.UI dirortions, rff carefiilly the circular nround pucn l'iittlc, prfnted in four lauguagta- Englisli, Gonuan, I reixh aod Bpaaitb. J. "WALKER, rroprletor. R, JI. KcDOÏÏALD CO., Drnrtets and Clcn. Agcnts, San Francisco, Cal., and 33 ard 31 Cmmerce Street, New York. ry-SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND UJEALERP Iicíil Estáte for Salo. OTATE OF SI ECH1ÖAN, Cotmtr of Waahtoiaw, s Ib tbe mattw ot th otate ui Pnmk VT.Gooanle minor: Kottoe U hereby riven, that In pnrauanoe oi an order yranted tu thr un íerugnod, luardlan of tlu estáte of saÏM minor, by the Sou. Jodge ot Probate for the oounty ut" Waahtnftw,on thetwènty-siztb öbj of April, a. d. 1871, tliere will Ih; boM al public veudue to l.i.-h.-i biddonai theoflftce ol GooaoleA Henli v Ín the illage of Delhi, in tho county of Waehtenaw Ínaald8Ute,on6aturaay,theíeventeenthdayof June . ]i. 1871, al ten ocloc]i in the forenoon of Üa1 day Bubjeci to all enpombrnnoes by morteage or otherwi existing ui the time of sale, and aLw subjeot to the right ol dower of the widow of Norman i . Goodale Uie fuliuwinur desorïbed ú ■ ni-wi: : The undivided bali of lotsnine and ten, ii blook nine, in the vülage of lelhi, ii suid county, aocording to the reeorded pial ol Baid village. Datfd, April 2Gth, a. d. W71. ÜDWAHI) L. BOTDBN, 1320 Ghuttdlan. Commissioners1 N otice. l" I - I I", 1 .11 ! II 1 ' t, .-t , ,tultïV UI ,1-lu. .. Tl? usdenigned haring been appointed bytb Erol tteConrt for said County, Comniiasiona to receive, ex unlne and adjnst all claims and demanda of :tll persons againsf the estáte o!' John M. Cominea, late of said County, deo ased, herebi notice x months from date aze allovedtby order of aaid Probate Court, (or evediton fco preeent ïlnii olfttmp ogainsi LheoAtateof said deoeaaed, and that tl. y will meetal tlic offioe ot Qeorge W. Turnbull, in thr villugc oi Chébea, in said County, m Saturday, thé twentyfouiih day of Jone, nn'l Moiulay, the twenty-tbirc day ot' October next, at 10 o'clok A. U..of eaofa MM dfivrt, to rE(H:ivc, exarnine. jind adjnst aan cl-'iiins. Dated, April 22d, a. D. 11171. l;uw4 WIU.IAM II. CALKINS, ) CommivñMtevi CJiAULKS II. WINE8, f Coramissionem. Commissioners' Notice. TATi: OF2nCHIGAN,CountyofWa8htcnaw,aa: The iindrrpignrd having boon appointed by (lio Probate Coort for nid remuty, Commianouers to reC81VO, Oxamin and adiuat all claims and lirmnnds of nll jrf'rfsonK ftguinat tlit eatnte of ('alista Klhs, late of said oounty, deoeandt hereby give notice that ni% monüu from date an allowect, by order of said Probate Court, for orediton tci nrwmt their dainu againat the estáte of snid doccased, nnd thnt ÜHn v ill meet at the office of W. ÍTVlBg 'rrklry, in tho villiifi? of liuwsonville, in uid county, on Baturaay, t he twni" tv fomiii day of June, and Wedneëday the twentyft'fth day of Ootober next, at ten o'olook k. m., ai oach of said dayn, to receive, (íxuiiiíiil1, and ailjust Bftid claims. Dated, April 25th, 1871. BANFOED MANNTNG, Commissioners. 4 w 1319 Attachincnt Notice. BY VXBTUJS of mo writ of nttnrhmrnt isnucd out of the (in-uit Court in and for the county of Waahtexiaw, the Etthdayof Bíareh, 18&1, Charlea Almandbiger and John ML Wagner bemg pluntiffs, nnd Oma Croman, defendant, agalssi the goods, chaitlee, moneys, etfects, land and tencments ot' wiil Ouvri Croman, for the sum of iifteen hundred dollars, said writ of Httachment mode rcturnnble tlie 4th dy of April, 1H71, at ten o'clock, of said day, I did, on the lüth day of Murch, 1871, seize, tako and levy upon all the intereöt that Owen Cromiin has in tho fotlowindescribed reul eBtatc, to wit : uil that piece OT parool of land lyinff and beingr in the towiwhip oí' Northñeld, couuty of WaahtanaW, State of Michigan, known, bounded and duemtbed aa follows, to wit: the northead quarterof the eoutheaBi quarterof aeotíon number Uiteen in township numler 0116 south and range nuinber six fltttt, accoraing1 to the oriin;il survey contnininK forty aOTOS of 1' rel. Dütud, April i'tith, L67L MYKON AVEBB, Sheriff. 1319-wG. By Jortik FOBBJtt, Uunder-Sheriff. Hortgage Sale. DEFAULT ha ving teen made ín the eomlitions of a certain mortgage, exeeuted by John D'Wolf, and Caroline I'Wolf, of the township of Freedom, Washteoaw ,'onty, Michigan, to John Jacob Fiegel, of the Muur place, bearinjf düte the eiifhth day of July A. I. 1870, and recorden in the Kegister's office for the said County of Washtenaw, on the ciglith day of July, A . I). 1870, in liber 41 of Mort gagos, on pajre G59, by reason of which default tliere is now dvie anl to beeome due upon said mortgage the um of six hundred and seventy-four dollars and flfty-two eenta, and no rafi or proeoediiig ut law or in chancery havin? been institutcd to recover Baid tintount, or any part thereof ; Notice is therefore hereby givcn, that on Saturday, the twenty seoond day of July, A, V. 1871. at eleven o'elock A. 1C, of the unid day at the front door of the Court House, in tlie City of Ann Arbur, in said County of Wntshtmaw, (the name beincf the place where tlio Circuit Court lor aaid oouAty ís held), I shaïl mD al public auction to the hifrhest bidder the premiaai hei-einafter deftoiibed, or so mueh thereof ns slull be iiecesaary to sat isfy the araount due on said mortgngo at t be date of this notice with interast and oosta and expsases allowed by law, togjethar wlth an Attorneys fee of thirty doUart, prorldod fox m siid morteage that is to say 11 that eerüiin tvact or panel of bind t-ituated in the township of Freodom, Countr of Washten&w, and State of Miriiipan, known nnd describod as the east half oi' the northwent quarter if north west quarter of section number twelve, in tovnahip Dumber three south of range numbar four etst, iu the district of land subjeet t sale ai Detroit, Michigan, oontainmg twentr acres more or lens. Ann Arbor, April 34, 1871. .ld) LX JACOB FIEOEL, Mortgagee. D. CiiJkMi;ii, Attorney for M'ortgagec. 1319td Mortgago Salo. DEFAUÏT having boen imule in the condition of a oartaln moxtgage executed by Norman Bates, of the township it Bharon, oounty of Waahtenav, and Kttitc of SCSomgan. to Soaee Eaton, of aaid oounty of Waahtenav, on the fint day of January. A. D. löGfï, and reconicfi in the Reffister's office of muu county of Waahtenaw, on the mnth day of June, A. U. 186o, in lüH-r 3? of mortgagee, tt. page 24, on which morteage and note aocompanying the same taere is now olauned to be dtu' and to beoome due at the date ut' thia cotioe, t Bum of eight hundred and ■erentythreeand6(MO0 dollars, also an Attorneyja fe of ten dollars provided for in said mortgage, and no prooeedingB at law or in eijuiiy haVing been had to recover the aaid amountor íiny pari thereoJ ; -Vi'A. i hfi-'ioiv, notiloe is heraby piwn, tliat by virtue ot' the power of sale In said morteage oontained, 1 ahal] seU al pubUe auction, to the blgnest bidder, on Saturdtiy, tlie Hrst lay of July next, at 11 o'clock in the fbrnioon ''t sadd day. at the south door of tbc ( 'ourt Qouae, in the city ot Ann Arbor in said oounty, tliat Im.-íiil: the plaos OI holding tlie t 'in-uit i 'uiirt l'nr Baid oounty. all taal certain trad or parool of land situntcd in the townahip oi Bharon aforeeaid, known and deaoribed aa HoUowa, to-wtt j theresi one-halJ of thesoutheast quarter, and Che weal one-half of the ir of the ooutheasi quarterof seotton seven, in townahip three Bonta of range three rast, in the State of -MirinL'.-in, (H)ntaining'One hundredaud twenty acre more or (ess. April 4th, 1871. HOS F, A EATON, iri)rtiragec. D. Cbamer, Att'y. for Mortgagee. 1816 PIIÏSICIAM' PRESCRIPTIOIVS lOOCBATELY ANIi CAREFULLY PREPAPED BY ií. W.ELL1S & C0.,DRUOGJS78.


Old News
Michigan Argus