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Mortgage Sale. DET'AUTr having been made in the cmdltion of ft oertain mortgage oxecuted by Charlea Jii.-utler iid Brneatinft, bis wife, of the city of A tin AtboTi in ,'iishtMi; oounty and state ot Michigan, to Alpheis IVlch. of the winit' place, on theftthdaynf Mav, 960, and recordad " uw omoeof Register of Deeas ot taid eounty of Wnahtenaw, on the 31t day of vjjiy, a. i. 1860, at 8K oYlock a. m.. in liber 36 of uortgagca, on page wbicb said mortgage vu duly ■ i . y -!il Alpheus í-Vldi to ttroeattne Beutler, it' thc ii'.y of Aim Artxr, aforceaid, Uw SSd dny of pril, a. D. lSíiíí, and rororded in the nttiee t' lteiiister )t' líeeds for said eminty of WnshU-naw, on the S9tfa luy of July, a. i. 1868, it s' j o'clock a.m., ba libar rf usfgnments t' mortgages, on page 268, and asaigned bythfl iiiil Kiiicstiiic beuttei to Augustos Wideniiiitiui. of the said -it ■ of Ann Arbor, on the ïotii da] A M.inli. a. i. 1870, ;m i; iiiix-iit m miinlril m tlie lltjiihter's uthe.e f snil county, in lib&f -1 of BS rig&ffieni Of TinrtjLiijres, 'n page AS, nnd that there ís claimcd to be dne al the date beroof the sum of two himilr-1 i and two doUan and Th eontSj abo the rwaoD abtoCOKtBAnd aUonwy fees, shonld any procoeding be had toforedoae the saino j and no uut or prooeeïlbin ut law or in eqnity having been had to recover the j i'n.hi aecuved by satd mortgage, or any prt thereof": Notice is hereby gires that by virtue of the power uf ■ate in Kjiid norteage eontaineo, I shall sell at public auetion, tothebighest bidder, on the Mth day of June, a. i). lfiTl, nt two o'clofk in the aftcrnoon of that day, At I ba FÊont door of the Court House in tlie said city of Anti dtbor, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, the premise described in said niortagt' na all thosc certaiu tracts or paréela of land duMribeu as follom, to wit: the nortb purt of lot numbi-r three, in blocknumlt;r five, bein? u strip of said lot, two rodn wids on the north end of the same, and running n croes the smuk: from east lo west; alhO thesnuth part of lot muihIht two, in same block, bounded K-s foüows, to wit : on the north by a Une rammenaing in the east line of Spring etreet, at the diatanoaoi %4$% toet from the nnrthwest corner of aaid lot nnmbertwo, íluiI running t henee eastwardly aero said lot to a ]Miut in the east line of said lot at the dirtance of 4ft ftt from the nortli(-)ist oornes of fi lol nnmbet tw.' thence runninp nouthcrly by the cast line of s:iM lot to the Bontheaai corner thereof, tíienoeweat bythe south lino of said lot to Spring street, tbenee DOTth by the weat line of said lot to the place of beginning! ''"' ■ame bcin aituated in that prt of wil dtf of Ann Arbot knowii as l'elch's nduiticn. a plat ofwhiehis reoñrded In Uie offioGLof the Register of Deedsflfsaid cimniy, m tfbél 48 1 aeeds, on pnfro 140, and the ssid premisea me hereby oonveyed sul yaet to all righte and privileges whioh belong to the projfffctois of the mili raen vfiieh runs alonp the Cfit border ot' said premisas. Dated, March 2ld, 1871. l:tlj A. "WIPENMAXN, Assiguee. Foreolosure of Mortgage. DEPAT7LT having benn madein the payment of the nuns 'f inoney, with ten rx-r oent. Ia ter est there On, Beeored by tin mort trage exeeutftd by -lohanna Bage to Channeey H. Milltn, bearing dale tlie nsne teenth day of April, a. j. 1í, and recorded May :u, A. d. 1849, in the office of Register ot Deeds Of the ctnnity of Washtenaw, in oí Miibian, in lilnr Ño. 35 oi morts. iros, at pajre 60S, and asawned t Honorah Morse, September , . n. 1803, by deed of ossignment recorded in said Kegiaters offlos, in siiil litor No. 85, at fKH, on the Vnh day of Harch, a. i. 1S71, by which default the power of sale eontained itt unid mor tg age beenme operative, and no snit or proceeding having been inntiuted at law to rSJGOVOï tindabt n-maining aeenred by such mortgnge, or BOT part tht-rcof, aiüi the siiin of two hnndred arót fnr dollars aad Hcventv-eight cents being now claimed faBe dne theroon : Notice w therefore hereby given that smid mortgafre wïll bo foreclofcd by thr naleof the mortfrag ed prenuses kxiojro nnd dsaonbed as 1eing in brown &: 1'tillt-r'n addition tO the villiige !now eity' of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in the State oi Michigan, and oommeneing in the northcily lineo! Umi Lway, oljhteen fct two and two tlftli Incfaei touthwesterly from the corner uf Ilrown tit-et and Broiidway, nnd running tbenoe northcrly anti parallel with Drowo street, fortynine ïeet, thence sontherb and parallel with Itrotwlwny nincUtn fsel and a half. i inin ■ Bontheasterly and parallel with Dnñrnetueel forty nina (set to limad way, thenee on the line oj Broadway to the place of beginning. Also the undivided half of the folio wing dfsorinod land : ('oinr;uncinii in tlie southwestirly line of Rrnwn lliOüL forty-ninc looi northcrly from the corner of Broadr way and Brown ntteet, and running thenee northerlj on thr line ot lïrown street eighteen feet, thenee soutli erij al right anglas with BrovsatzeetfliftT-seTenféei two Inehes and two tifth to limd formcrly owned b] Asa I-.. ímith, thence eaeterlr and parallel to the rlrn' mentioned line tmd on said Hmith's line eighteen feet theneenaortíterly ut rígat anglas and paraliel with tin seoond Une to the place of beginning, at pnblio aootíoi or vendne, at th üonrt xUsise, m the city of Ani Afbor, in sjiil (nmnty, on Satui-duy, the Hrst day u July next, at noon. nONOKAH MORSE, Assiirnee. DateA, Marrh 27, a. i. 1871. K. W. Mohgan, Att'y. 1315 MortMge Öale DEïFATTLT having been made in the oondition "f i eertaJn mortgage, executed by Joanna o'Jl!ir;i, t tlie ('ity of Ann Arbor. ounty of Washtenaw, ti AndrewJ, Bhively. ut the t ity of Xew York, on thi oineleenth day 't rebruair, A. J). I86f, umi recordé on the samo day, in libei 35 of mortgages, on pase IM at 3 p. m. of iiiil fiuy, on whioh mortigage and bo accompaiiying' the same, there i clebned to be dne e date Of tliis jtotiff , sum of tliree hundrei] am sis 'inlïavs and tw'iity-fivc ceut, also tin Attorney' fee of thirty dollars ahooM any proesjedinga be taton b forcirlosc the Mime, nnd no pitweêdings in uw oreQUit] bavnu been had to reoorer the debt or any par thertof ; Notíce i hereby giren, thai by virtue "f powe t s:iic in said mortgage oontained, i anal] sell at pub Uoanotion, to the iugheet bidder, on Satnrday, tb tenth day of June next, al 3 o'dookin tii' áftcrnooi of said day. at thti COttfl Itouw, Ín the City Of Ani Arbor, in said ounty, that being the place of hoMin: the Ctreuil Üonrt for wtid County of waahti thortc coitain piecen or paiwls of land sitúate in th townabip of Ann Arbpr, County of Washtenaw afore said, known, houndi and desonbed as foUows, to-wit bemgalltul part of-theweal half of the northeaa qnarter of wet ion ttttmbér nine W east oftheroju '.■.' the northweet coznex thezêofi alao all tha ].:trt of the east hall of the southwesf quarter of aai lecnoii lylug aast t aoid raad nol noretofore deeded U Daniel t'Hani; uil in township number fcWOSOUtho range number au [6] east. Mai-eh lÖth, 1871. AXDRKW J. BH1VKLT, Mortngoe. John X. Gott, Attorney for Mortpn?eo. 1313 Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court fur th County of WaahteSAVf in ( ■Jiïinwry. MA11V M. SAVAtiE, Complainant, vs. AUGUSTUS M. 8AVAGE, Defendant. ) It satiafaotorfly appearing to thi Court by affiiiavit that the defendant, Augnstus M. Savage, is a nun-res' ident of tljis Btate, on mution of Folch & Urant, Solic itow for oomplahiant, it is ontercd that the said deCendant cauw his appearance to be enterad within twt months from the date of thi order, and that in case o] bis appearanee be oauw lus answer to the complainimt'a bill to be filed and a copy theretif to be served or the romplamantV SolititorM within twenty dam aftffl ■BTvioe or a copy of seM bill of oompiaJnt and notíoi of thisoxder, and in default tlien-of that the said lü lío taken as contessed by the said defendant : And il is further ordeierl that within twenty daysthesaui oomplainant a oapy of thb order to bepubUshec in the êtiekjgom Arguê ;. aewspaper printuu in said county of W ashtonaw, and that the publieatíon oon tinui' :it least once a week for bíx weeks saeeassif%lT, or that he eause a eopy of this ordrr to be persoualïj served oii the iid defendant, uccording to the rules and practico of UÚ8 omt. Dated, April 6th, 1871. E. BEAHAN, C'irruit Court ( 'ommissumer, Washtonaw County, ilich. FEI.ri! & TiKANT, Complainans Solicitors. ISlfiwfi Chancery Notice. TüRSUANT to anrt by virtue of a decrce of the X Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, m chnncery, marie on ihe 23d cny uf September, 180, in a canse therein pending whereln Charlee Hrook? ti (íuardiíiu of MaeBull Deurborn, au infant, n comphünttut . and Isniah M ilnrwuod is riefeodant : Notice ia hereby plven. that I ehnll peil t poblk Tendue, to the htgheat bidder, at one o'clock in the nfteraoon, on the 9Ttb day of May, 1871. at the front or ?outhdoor of the Court House, in the city oi Ann rbor, all that certnic trct or parcel ol land and prermaeg known and deecribed ae follows: Beglnniüg nt the south weet corner ol section twen ty-eeren, from thence running eatt one-half of a mile, thence north forty rode. from thencc weat to the center of the public high way aitnnte ncar the ut'ar. line of section tweiyy-seven, thence south along the center of said hignway to the place of beginnlng oontaintng forty acres more or less, and bei nu a part of section twenty-peven in the townehipof PittKflcld in the County of VVuhtenaw, and State of Michigan. Dated, Aprii 13th,18H. n béaéa. A Circuit Coart C o ui mies l one r for Wahtenaw Couoty, Micb. B. B. Woon. Complainant's Solicitor. 1S17 Real Estáte for Sale. . TATE OF MICHIGAN", County of Washtenaw, f. In the matter of the estáte of Alhcrt Htevens, deceased. Notice ia hereby given, that in pursuance of ii n order grauted to the undersigned, Administiator of the estáte of said deeeased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate, for the county of Wnnhtennw, on the seventeenth day uf April, A. J. 1871, there will be ttoltl ut public veudne, to the hirlut bidder, in front of the Jlifton House hotel, in the villageof Whitniore liake, in the Dounty of Washtenaw, in ud Stato, on BatUTday, the tlnrd day of June, A. D. 1871, at eleven o'cloek iu the forenoon of that day (subject to all enMinil'raiictvs by inort&ufe or otherwise existin al the :irae of the dawfa if said dnceased, and also ubjtct to the j mlit of dower of his widow thereinj, the folluwing loBOrioed rea] estáte, to-wit : A paivel of land lK.inningfourchnina nd twenty-five links south of the ïuark'i K)st between soctions live nnd six, in town tiriip oue soutli of raiifcc ix east, m sald Btats, rnuninf? tin boe novth eiffhty sixaud a half degrees east twelvo tml sixty-eitfht links, thence south nine depees aast two cliains, thtiiLxtiouth serentyflre and a ïalf degrees west three ohains anti seventy-sovon links, henee south eighty-eix and a half desjorees weel nine ihains end tlmty-two links to the seotion line ïietwei-n ■eotians fivo aad six, thence north two degrees weit ili'iiv said seotion line two chaiihs and seventy links to ;he place of begimiinpr, oonteiniDgthree acres, one -juur;er of an acre and sixteen rods of land, be tin same nore or It8ü ; also one other parcel of laad in unid :own uud rangr, dcMchlted os coxainencing in the cenor of the highwity, on the weet eide of Whitniore Iike, at the northcast corner of a piece of land heretofore deek-l by William Jay to Joel W. Hall, thrnco southerly along the eenU-r of wiid hirhwuy roortawn Vi't. tlu-iicc wrsterly tbout two hunared feet to the mgle in aaid üaliv north line and to ■ atake, theuce tasterly along sald Hall'a nortii line to the center of he hijíliway and place of begfauüng ; also all that tart of tile Southwest quarter of the nórfhwsst quarOT of said BOOUon ílve, amo tOWnshis and mw, which lies eaat of the center of the highway running lorth and sonth on the west bank of whitmon i.ikr, int beretofoxe deeded b] said Aibert stevens and wife Dated, April I7th, A. i. ih;i. HKXRY FRAUCK, 1318 AdminwtiJitur. Real Estato for Sale QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, bb. 0 In the matter of the astataor Henry Bower, deeased. Notioe is hejveby sjirea, that in puzsjuanea of in oraer granted to the underatened, Admiuistratrix 1 the ustate of asid demwed, by the Hon. Judgi'of Vobate, for the Bouatj of waantenaw, on the sixeenth day of Jaouary, A, B. 18TL then will lm nold it publio vendna, to the higheat bidder, at the sou th loor of theCouri House, intheHty of Ann Arbor, in he county of Washtenaw, in said Stato, on Weilnealiiv, Üwseventhdu of Juna, a. D. WT1, at ten o'cloek ii th.' foranoon of that day (subject to all oncumhranoes by mortage or otherwisc existing at the time of hedeath of said deoeaaed, and uIho Hiibject to the righl of dower of his widow therein), the followinir lescribed real catate, to-wit: All that part of lot tijiht, in blouk one north of Hui-on streel and range hree, aooordmg bo the reoorded plat of the viUogc now oitv) of Ann Arbor, beafiannw on Main street, at he northeast corner of said lot, thence fouth on the ine of BCain itreet twunty-one feet, thence west to the illoy in the raar of miid lot, thence north to the north ine of siiiil lot, thence uurit to the place of beginnin;r, with the brick store standing themm, being iu said city of Ann Arbor, county and State afores. id. ltated, Ajüil 18tb, A. IX. IX) k MAliCfAllKTT O. BOWER. "18 Administrafrnx. ■ - SherifFs Sale. BY VTRTÚK ofonecFXCcffAta íasnerf ont , b onder Ihenal ofth ircuit ('ourt fortnpn tyorWftflhtrnaw, and State of Michigan L„ ?'■ dittcthe thirtifih (ïay ül Trcmbcr. A D í?íirÍB? otnedlrectedeD dellvercd, I. Ityron R 't" herlff, by Tboit.J. H--kins, IepmyShr-rIiT SS the thtrüethday of December, A 1 i;o leVS ' Oï And scize all Iharlftht, litle. and intercct'of {. ï OMconuor. fnand to the followW deacrih5 1 rtc and prerolMBta wit: Theweet , (lS ü"th Jïi1 :it '.fquart r;nrfectionfirtun,aiidthe north. 1 Í fqoartcr) of the northeast '4 fquarten ofseoii11 (IWenty-two), town ,nr M.nth, range rii eaYt ,? ■i;rry of Asbtmfl and BUtc of M Chican "Wfci f premiad or rit fi-ndnntv interéíMbertin i ïcb expose forsale, at public auction, as the Uwrti, ' at Lbfl Bonlb door f the i ourt llonie in th c [ U' A mi Arbor, ttintbflng the place for hold'imï Circnit Court ror the Cownty ofWaahtenïL h Balnróay the twnty-reventh day of May nt n l'nted, Aun Arbur, April lrth, b"il lï. R PORTEA' Sheriff Real Estáte for Sale. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wannten,, . 0 In the matter of the eatnte of Adam Uut?' ocaaed. Notke is hereby friwn, thnt in prV, ' in ordc-r graiited to the undrigned, adininistrat 2 the etate of aaid deceased, by tiic Hon. Judi fT? l.iiU' tor the county of Wnnhtexutw, on the tL day of Mitren, A. D. 1871, there wül bc wld JSff vondue, to the hiKhest bidder, at the dwellüw Y, on the premiso h'breinufter describud, in the cmm Waahutuur, in fetate, on VedntdaT tk?7J day of Muy, A. 1). U71. at one o'elock in the ft n:;n of that day (smbject to all cncumbrancpabTiüi! gage or therwiw exfttillg at the time of the dtatfÜ aid MOBaead, iiii'l il--o subject to the r%ht of do, j )iis wnlow tliurcin; following desenhed real at t to-wit: licing a puit of the wuthwet qunrter o! 't aoothwe-n qoaxterof hcction twenty-eight iutownv three wnuth of range foor ast, in aid State boDi52 us followa: (imun!ncing neven ruda north of the nS 1 a-t oorner of the wmthwest quarterof the omhiïquarterof said Bectkm, t henee north forty-twoM? thenee w(wt ten rods, thence aouth twenty-thn w? tbeooevssl niñeada, thence sonth mui-totn ï thence east ninetten rodn, to the pluee of bwinnir' aontaining three atreé and one hundred nd el roda of land, with dweUing honae tbereon lated. Man-h Mth, A. I. ]71 ! JOHN OüKTZ, Administreer, Real Estato for Sale. cTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenav H ■' In the matter of the eetaie of Henry cunfieid'iu cea ed. Notioefc hureby givcn, that in purauaúcir an ordei granted to the Diraentened, twlminstrato? Z the estáte t said dei oaaod. l the ilon. Judgeof ï for the ("ounty of Wanhleiifiw, on the twent second dfty of March, A. 1). 1871, there will be soWit public vi-nrlue, to the hiyheBt bidder, at thedw EbOUM OS the premiaes hereinntter dencríbed, inï oountybf WjisbUTiaw in aaid Hiute, on Wednêïuv tlie ntliJuy oí Muy, A. 1. 1871, at ten o'clock in ti uraMMUOi that day (ubjeet to uil encnmhrancei h lortgm of otherwine existint? t the time of L deuth of Mild iii''fa-i, and ulm subject to the riehttf dowcr of hi-i widow thercin) the folio w ing deacnW real WtulfL to-wit : coiuuiencing in the center o( Mii Itreet, in the village of Chelsea, mi chainii nnd niwtT. one links sMiith trom the north line of section trelr townsliij) two fMTüth of range threv eiist, and nuu thence east twelve Hm nis rul nii'ty-one links tolaj 'l'aylor's line, thence south along mud Tuylor'ilin, Beren diatoa more or em to (.'elena Snñth's lui t henee outti eiKhty-eeven degrees vest nine rhiu and èlglity-two links, tfaettee north Hvechainni iorty-two links, thenre wcbí three cham tn ■ twelvo hnk t ctniter of the highwnyf thence nth alODg the OHBter of highwaytwo chtiinsandfoitT links to tb jjlr nf beginning, excepting aaántm. ing n stri of tmaé one and one-half rod wide tnn tlie north:iwt conic? ml running west on the linead joiniiiK Jobn M. LctfH land fort y rud, for tW use of sitifl dCSCrCbed hmils, wiwl tcwi John M, Lettt ! or their suceeawirri, i-s a laat. Dated, Mwth-Md, A. D. 187?. 1314 C11AULEH KEMíF, Afflntaiatratot. Kstato of LcaJïder LeBaron STATE OF MICHIGAN, ('ounty of Waahtcñn. . At :i seesinaof the Probate ('ourt for the (ont? 'r of Waahienaw, tooiden at the l'robate Office, in tU f'ity of Ann Arbor, on Wünciy, tbc twesty-aüti day of April, in the year one thtousaud eigh't bui' j dtea and Bevênty-one. j Proeont, Hiram J. lieuken, Judge of I'robnte. i In the matter of the estáte of l.eunder LeBMtn, f (ït'Cl'JlSOil. On reading and filing the petition, duly %-erifled,( Sally LeBaron, prayfawthat nome tuitable penonotf bfl appohited Adininistrutflr of the enlute of uid dtecaeea. Xberenpos it i; ordent!, that Mondy, tbetirntr. -■ ■!■■ ■ t i l iIüv of -M.iy next, at ten o'clock intbcfonnoon, te nsijinwï for the hearing of siiiil wtitko, x and thüt the heirs ut luw uf said dcceHtted, anaallotb-t _■: petaoni Inteseated in said estáte are recuired to y , peal ut a Marión of id ' 'mirt, then to be holden, it c the Probate ottiit, in the t'ity of Aun Arbor, tak 1 ihow oauaft, if any there le, why the prnyerof tt . petttíoaer hould noí be gra&ted: Ana it ia furthn 1 ordercd, thut said petitionei give noticetothe penou t Inteveeted In aald estáte, of the pendencj of wlpeöl tion, and tlie hetiring thereof, by CHUsing n cnpy 4 s tliifi Order tO be pubUshed in the Michigan Argu, QBWBQGpei piiutwl and rirrulatinp in Raid Conntj, i three .sucettwive weeks previoun to uiid day of heariaii t (A tme eopy.) nIKAM J. HKAKES, 1314 Judge of Irobat. Estiitt of AVillimn D. Holmes. l 'TATKOF MiclIKiAN. County of Waahtenaw. ! At a BOarion of the Probate üoñrl for theCountyof r Wanhtonaw. holden at the Trobute Office, inthe(ï:j ] of Aiui Aibbr, OU Monday, the seyenteenth day óf . Apiü. in the yt'ur one thuusand eilit hundreduid . nevent] one. . Pxeaent) Biran ■!. BeeJcoa, Jndke of Prohnte. j In the matter of the estáte of Willium D. Hol&ti, ] deeeaaed. t On reading and filinfrthepetiion,dulyTeriflíd,oí I Sarafa Hobnea, praying that ahe and Sidnej 1, , Holmee may ie npnointed adniinistratnrs of tbe tf ( tate of ■■"■liil deooaaocL Tbereopon it is nrdered, That Mondy. (ke títeenh ilny of M; y next, ut ten o'elocX ia tt forenoon, le aijín.'.. for the hvnrinf tf unid pet&n, and that the hefara at taw of snid Aecenseil, and nlloüier ]'Ijiiis mteiested in sjiid estáte, no ri-quircd to if peax at n Beasion 't said Court. then to behoWi,i tho Probate Offle, ba the Gft of Ann Arbor, and show cattfle, if any there be, why the prayer of the i petitioner should nnt m tiTïinteil : And it i furtbn ordered, that siiil intitiuuer uive notiee to theperwa Interested ba saidiBRtete, if the pendeney of tidodi-' tton, mul the hearing thervnf, by ratisinjf n copj' oi thu order to Ik published in tlie Michigan Aryut, a wnpaper printen1 and ofrenlatfng na said tonnty, thm moOGanve weeks previuus to iwiid day of henring. (A true eopy.) HIHAM J. BKAKKS, 1318 Judfc'eof Probate. Ínstate of Bamael J. Freeman. Q TATi: OF Mï 'FIGAV, County of Wnshtennir.M. i O At il iqnwioü of the Fr bute Court for the Couatr of Wanhtenaw, I olden at the Probate Office, in tk : t ity of Ann Arlwr, on ilonday, thc!evcnteenthdiyoí I April, in the year one thoueaud eight hundred ai ■erenty-one. l'rwent, llirnm J. Beiikes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of thu estáte of Samuel ï, 'reemDr i deoeiiiiii. AVillium Geer, Kxeeutor and Atlministrator of tti4 estáte, comes into ('ourt and representa thnt heu nmv preparad to rendar hje tinul utrount u sndi i Executoir and Aflmtn fatfft w. Thereupon it i ordered, that Monday, the fiftenlfc day of Uay next, nt teno'dook in the forenoon,! assined for exnminin and allowing such account, I that tbe Legttteee, devieeeaj and heirs at law of wiiddfOOniWüli, and itll other peron& intcrested in sflid eftt(. are reOjuired to appear at uession of said í'onrt, tbín to holden, at the Probate Office, in the City of Aan ArUr, in aaJd ("ounty, and show rauwe, if any tbwe DO] why the Baid uretmnt should not be aliowed : And it is further onlered, that said Kxeeutor and Admini trator jfive notice to the persons intercstwl in said ■ tatc, of the pendeney of aaid account, and the hitT inL thenof, by cini!inp a copy of this onler to be poblihed in tbe Michigan Argüe, a newspaper printíd and cireulating in aid ('ouiity, three successive wi previouH to said day of hearing. (A true eopy.] UIRAM J. BEAKES, 1318 Judfreof lrobte. EsTuto uf Catharinc W;ill. STATK OF BnCBTlOAN, County of W:whtenav, At a aeesion of the Probate ('ourt for the Couty of 'aslitenaw, holden ut the Probate Otiice, intfcf City of Ann Arbor, on Weduesday, the twelfth dtytf April, in the year one thousand eight hundred aal seventy-one. Present Hiram .T. Heakes, Jurlge of Probate. In the matter of tlie Kstatt; of Cathahne VaB, deceaaed. on rradintf md ftling the petition, duly verified.rf Christi.m Eoerbatíh, pvaying that he or ome otbff suitable person, may be appointed Ad mini trator rf the Catate Of said deeeased. Thereupon it ia ordered, Thnt Monday, the cipV day of Slay next, at ten o'cloek in the forenooa. be afwipTied for the hearing of oid petitiou, ui that the hens at law nt' ail deceaHxl, and all othff personB intereated iii suid estáte, are required to typ1 at a fiession of said Court, then to bê holden, at tbe Probate Office, in the (,'ity of Ann Art)or, andsbo OVIiee, if any there he, why the prayer of the prtitiow hoold not 'nc grnntetï : And it in further ordercd, tint' aaid petitioner aive uotice to the pernons intenwtcd Haid estáte, uf the pendeney of said petition, nd ti bearins thereof, by causíng a copy of thiK order to bf publisncd in the .Vichi ffan Argus, a newspaper prïiHrf and circulating in wïid county, three succesuive wki previous to wud day of bearing'. (A true copy.) HIHAM J. BEAKÉ8, 1317 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Jorusha L. Judkins. TATK OF MÏCH IOAN, (?onnty of Washtenaw, O At a ses!i(ni of the Probate Court for the Oufltf nfWahtenaw, holden at the Probate office in !% city of Ann Arbor, on Thursdar, the thirteentfnEtf of April, in the year one thóusaud eight hicdred and seventyoue. Kreaent, Hiram J. rtcake?, Jude of Probate. In the matterof the estáte of Jeruaha L. JudkiM decejised. Van&eee Teachnnt, Adminiittrator of said rtfftt come into Court and represent that he f u preparad lo rencer hii final account as snch Adoin Utrator. Therenpon it is Orderetï, that Monday ihe t% day of May mxt, nt ten o'rlurk in f1 forenoou, Iwassined for cxaminin und sJIowípí ancti account, ana that the hei ra at law of said (if oaued,aod ullolherpernonf iüterecteri In aideettei are required to appenr ut npepKion oftflid Court,thfB tobe holden at the Probate OAIce. in the Cityof An" Arbor iiisaM County. and huw canee i f any iherel why thu said account sboñld not lu: allo wed: And il ' further ordered, that aairi Adminffttratorgive ootltt to the persons interest ed in said estáte, of the ïD dency of gttid rtccount, and tbe hearing thereof, causfng a copy of this order to be pnbliyhedi" l1" Michigan Ar#utr newspaperprintedandcircnlfttintf !n saidConnty, three Kiiccedsire weeks previos l sni-1 day of hearing. CAtruecopy.) ITITIAM .T. BRAKKS. !3lTtd Judue of Probate Estáte of Anthony Ely. QTATÊ OP MICHIGAN, Coonty of Wasbieni rf; At aHusainnof the Probate Court for the CotirttWaahtenaw holden at the Probate Ofiea, m te nJ of im Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-ffluvtls daj" March, in the year one thousand eight hundred D seventy-iMir. Present Hiram J. Beakr, Judge of Piiba e. , In the matter of tht OatflAt of Anthony Kir fr pffwwfl, On reading and filinfr tlie petition, duly veriflea.t Hiram Day, Admlniatrator. praying that ba mayt liowwftd to sell oerteln real estáte whereof üd dcoeased died seiied. , Thereupon it is ordeead, That Monday, the ( day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, H asadgned tot the hearing of said petition, aiJ thai t hetn at tew of said deceaeed, and nll other persons m. terested ín aaid tétate, are requini to appear at "?"■ siniiof wiid Court, then to be hoMen, ajt the rrobat Office, in tho City of Ann Atbor, and hqvr u.any there be, wliy the prayer of the petitioner jdwuW not be KTHntetï : And it in iurther drUercl, Uí w'!i petitioner (rive ia the persons ihterested ip &? eetatoi of the ptïndenoy of suid petition, and tbe inff fehflreof, by causing a cojpy of tliis onlcr to ïe p"% lisfied in the Michvjan Argué, a c?w.spiiper P"111 riiculatniL' in sad ('ounty, four succfüHve weeks pï" TÍO118 to Raid ilny of hearmff. _.. trun ,py.j HIHAM .T. ïïEAKKV


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Michigan Argus