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The Joint High Commission

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V xMuycrnv. Via;, Rtft. The follAWirifr w i'! tiffthi in the Wttfihi;r-'iti .tti-)ut! J!,-r';'r,iu to-morrow láontilt K. is ah nuthoritatiTo and official statement of tho ïvsult of the labors ot' the joitlt high comíais ion : The treaty is to be kuown ;is tho treiit y Wf Washington. For the adjuatment f cltiiiiH for injury ftlUánd by the Unit i ft tatos on account oi' tke escape Of Confedaiteba eraütm frodi Britisfa porteend ■depredutious coukiuittod by t)"1 ■ teSBfcbj Rilling the Inte níbclHon in this country, the tribunal of arbitration, sm 'constitutd, is to consist of flvo arbièratorB, one to Wc' iippóinU'il bjf lbo I iiitnl States, ono by lirciit Britain, fciid the other three iieh by desígnate sovoreign States of l-'uri'pr and Aorica. The tieaty osdiblio-? jjooial ï'tiles of neutral duty and ■blifrioi íti additioii to the genevally ♦eoeiveë -public luw, whioh rales, although Wot (kdmitted by the British oommissionw to have boen in foree it the time, are yet, it is ugreed, to retrooct and to govern the decÍ8Íons of the arbitration. This teibwud may eithar award damages in detttil or in grois at its discretion, or may rofer this duty to a board of asíonsors, ■itting in the United rftutc", ph sh;ill n1port froin time to time, v.ith puyni(M to bo made accordinglj'. Tho British Gövorument frankly px)resses its regret for the oecurrence of tho incidents complained of by tho ü-nitod States. For tho adjndieatio'n of all other clíiitos oí oitizens of tliH United Sta+en nixinst Oïeat Britain, and the f.itizt'ns of Oroat Uritaiu aiffti-rtst tiiu ÜAited States during tho sftWe fetiod - that is, from the UJth of April, 1861, to tho 9th of April, 1805- n ordinary mixed commission is provided to sit at Washington, with an umpire to bo nominated, if neeessnry, by a desigmited friendly power. TJiis limitation of time is material in substiinee, for it eonlines reclamation against the United tjtatos to incident of actual war. It ie "HccwiapanieA. :Jo. 'itli a declaration on the part of the Three Brituh effect oxoluding claims on account of slavo property. Great Britaiti doei not recognize claims of her subjects for tho soasare of cotton in cases where thoy took up thoir ibodo in the South, as they tacutnc the subject to oontingencies. ín fogaril to the fisheries, in addition to tho liberty already secured to them by the treaty of 1S18, fishcririen of the United States shall have the liberty to t;iko ieafish on the se coast and shores, and in the bays, bnrbors and creeks of the Prov:ices of CJttebec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the colony of Prince Edward's Island and islands adjacent, without beiug restricted to any distance from the shore, with permission to land upon siinh coasts, shores and islands, and also opon Magdalen IsLande, the pur] mm of drying their nuts and euring their tish subject of course to tho local rijrhts of private property, and the same liberty is grasted to British subjects cm tke eastorn encokufts amd shores of the United States, north of tho SUth parallel of latitudo, this liberty not to inelude Gither li il fish, salmón or shad iisheries or other fisheries in tho rivers or mouths of rivirs. It is further agroed that fish oils, fish of allkinds exoept the fish of iulund lakes and their rivers, and exeept tish proetirved in oils the produce of fisheries 'of the United Stfites or Cañadas or Princo Edward's Island, 6hall bo admitted into each country free of duty. The privileges thus conceded to tho United States are obviously most important ones. It is as erted by the British Government, but not adraitted by the United States, that the priviliges accorded to citi.ens of tho United States are of greater value than those accorded to subjects of Grcat Britain, and to prevent or avoid controversy ou this point it is ngreed that a mixed comniission with on umpire to be appointod by a designated friondly powur hall determine whethor any compensation for guch alleged excess of privileges, and how much, ought to be paid by the United States. Nest come various questions of navigalisposed of by declaring the uavigation of the River St. Lawrence and the Rivers Yucon, Porcupine, and Stillinc forever free and open to citizens or subiects of both countries, by providing for the equal uso of tho Weiland, St. Lawrence and other canals in the Dominion, on the one Imiwl.. and Lake Michigan and tho St. Clair Flats Canal on the other : by pro■idinK for ttie Stpp teaK6iï of merchandise to and fro, as well in tlie British possessions as in the United States, and abolishing the provisional export duty on Ainerican lumber on the Biver St Jolm. All these provisions concorning flshories and commercial transit are of course made contingent generally upon their being pproyed by Congress and tho Britüfi Parliament, the Parliament of Canada and Legislature of Princo Edward's Island. Sr theso various stipulations all privileges of ffsherj-, navigation and transit, aCcorded to the United States by the treaty of 1SM, nre once moro stipulated in a botter fonn and without the burdensomc condi♦ionsof that treaty in tho matter of reciprocal iinportation. Of the pending subjects of controversy botween the two governments there reroains to be considerad the question of th northwestern boundary lino. It is to bo remembercd that the line of the treaty of 1846 runs by the middle channel whioü eparates the continent from Vanconvor's Island, but Soveral 6ich channels exist, Grcat Britnin oontends that tho channel of the treaty is the Rosario Strait-s ai'd the United States that it is the CauaJ de Haro, the two elumncls bein separated by tho Island San Juan. This question having once been reported on by u mixed sommission, that for the survey of the line, the United States are not content to fofer it to another such comniissiou, nor )ms it been deemed convenient, even though such tribunal be appointed by a friendly sovereign power instead of tiii?. It has been agreed by the present treaty to" sttbmit the question to u neutral powef, aTld the Emperor of Oeini;iiiv hns ticen selected for tlie purpose. The Government of the United States has in its lmnls much ovidence in support of its Jrt-etcnsions not made use of, and on that s well as other groimds is coufident of botter reasons on its sido to assurc to the United States possession of the Island of San Juan. Sticï aro the outliaos of tho provisions of the present treaty, and such some of the consideratioius which have commended it to the approbation of the President.


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