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Nl-.W ïoii:, May Í). Thtírt is a redandaucy of cAirency occaftloncd by frc remlttniictis from the country, and henee !uiik Dotes atv at hu irighth u;i íuurtii ifítícount vvhi-ii teiidered iu paytneut 01 comiiii.txfla! feilli. L'nti! wool and suiniiicL1 crops i-tuut' to.tíe iuoVvcÏ, so as to créate n fon n: r flow ofWYeucjF lo the country, nu outy gtate f mouetarr ail'airs ui y Ik unttcipAtetl. Gold rules stCOUg at a (Vtictlon arjove Ml, umi tlio stock board tfl s'j ;.rn:iiii. General trade is hut taoderste ; Üotton góotU ure steatly, vvhlle the ten(K'ik y of wooleo goodu U io litglier priecs. Tli'j bre&lsitrtft ftuirket fluctnnuts more or loss from day to clay, but prieta do not viiry mucii ruin a weck tt-go. Thcr-u mmihs iio gcotj nu aso u to anticípate Ioywt prlccy ftf Muur weektí to come. As the new birvewt comes ou, koivever, therc uaay be a Peccsslon, especlalíy [ftlip prospecta forau ftboudaut and sale Jiarvest arciioo(J. I'ris eut prlces ar.1 of luteieat oniy so tar asfchey raay t-ffectstockd now in hai.d. Prlces tor the new erop wijl not be establUhti1 iuiore Öcptembei' or Octcbi r. The Uck iu Brit lali port, aud en ru.'ütbither, are inodcratü, and pr;coa In Liverpool are well iu.ilntAliieii fjive stock are general ly weli ;in I jack. in city and at olher leaclluj points. I ifii;o,T, Muy 10. The BOftsonablc ocüvity in fann work causea a irorresponding faHiiia iü' inoity bnaoccB. 'f hedaUv bhIom Ofwbeilt ot l'.imnl, in lin'.aii Imr uviTiüri', ;tt tbfl followïug rango ui i'.xir.t white, (1.61.53; Ko. 1 ml iWdwell, fl.t -, l. f. : nmber. I1.36&1.4O. Corn and outu -:.■■. i . Corn, mixed, ui ' I 'J'. t tato, mixed, jl-:.'i.'): wlnv. 56. Ueana uw In tvtl-1 iUBut. and fltmer. Average to gobd oountry hand ll.40al.fl0: rüy hand picked, íi.t'ohi.oo. nattor 20 '2'2c for RW) 1 1" juimc rll. Eïgga s!mly ut IJttlSa Maple, fair to good, li'ïilS, 'r]p'l. Th]? --ir tl : fher early in the wek UiitTi duiiii Uie uüddlf) of lar woük, bui re ngniu inclined to weaJ eed my quotod al ;.j 'i.SM, aud L'cachbiov 89 -'■'.■ the caí loiid, : i; .[■ l. i M th proTtiiUng want oí' InttrOBt ín the gon eral markeUt uiaa x uppendod undet the ui in .i . . oj buttei' aiü wooL BUTTElt. -tu New York, Detroit, aud other , thii i ■ :■ i acoumulatlon of inferior And poor butler, tii;ii inusi uedd i; got rid "i1 ut verr kra vvuïie irt oil hutu-r aiwuys oouunuiidti outëide p) i all poiui j. Lu Xew York, there is a diflli ronce ul 10 $ L5o between favorito rnukcra of Stuto butter and th Vedteiu üntitr. TLereüno reaaon í'or tíiis, .:ii r and aending (o miktket. il: ■ 5i w V k mothod of poclrtng in tuiw and paUsi i weferted to tiut weHtorn Btyle of Brldiu aud kegs w n abould nol our Miohigun f.nm ra within i county or giveu dintriot, tonn hit t ter mukors' atwooiaüons, üwoiiffb vrbich ttïay cunld tmoei tain uud !ill".v tltti i. dmxCi a uf uuuiufiictuni and inüi'ketíBg :' u ia no mure thnn twetve Iiours fiirthei from New York City, thankd to thi-. railroad oge, tnan oentrtil New York U. LUvoriU biunds ui Vork Btato County ptkïU," ote., ara alwuys quuLud ut the I i m New York. Tböre is ü" gond ceiwoii wny i ):i don I, V adlitcnuw, Kalamazoo . ■■ Northern Michig in i Lul) outterifhould notcoutetthcir iticriU w iih tl.c t.i:át maken. Tlie tlumglit is giren tor whal it U wort i, an i co-operation b ui that is reuiii'l lo briny utiuiu tï.c result. WOOL.- The high i)ri(;(-s of wool BtUl ooi Fui-oijfti wooia adTHDoed, and orders per oable trom thiá .-i. ïv-jiiiiiii unÜUod, ] rioöu being highv thuu mau :i thia country are t pieoent wiilin f lo i ay. Tlioa. UoQraw St ., wool coiuinis■ ii;tnt:-, oí Detroit, report uverape Qeooe wool 'i v.v :.i.'iri thanin Janvrtiy. It U ti!li;iill to 'üstovvrau] oauAOiui Chin, other than the i'tict thul the bulk of the stock is iii the banda ot' ;t (few tetaran toto ;i oonier where Ihey are oumpelled to come io their vio íFd or stop tii. n iiiiil, are thuu enablcd to oommand I o Q ■ i i :i . :'. ■ ■ i;o i;idication of whn they may be in the future, lt xhoukt . turthcr thut the advuuoe is only on elothiDg .. inK: combin oï delaine irooLt, sm Leiceatera and oihi r Lung wools, are uo Itigher than in winter. In tliw uiiíHírtanj slte of the markei do one vcntures tt nauie a prioe for U ■ nuw clip. tthïle Kd priccM ao moni hkuly jo prevalí, prudi nee wonM sngroweru not to utatioiui w high &a ii buyt rs out í iV.' i:iu ket, uud ño duiooruli,c tbJB tarado that it ntnst óf neoesiáty nact.


Old News
Michigan Argus