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The Whitehouse-cheney Controversy

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Chicago, May '.). Bishop Whitohousc and tlic montbere O thé oc,clesi:is1ic;il court who lately rcc ommeiidod thc degradation ot' Itev. M i Chciiey f rom tho ministry met by ap pointment, at Trinity Cliurch yustorda; morning, the reverend gentleman nameo togother with the vostry of Christ Church The Bishop proposed to raspend pro nouncing Mi Chenoy's sentence uatil tlie meetiug of tho next General Convcntiou, aud forever thereafter, if that conveiition shall dóoide that lr. Chcney had been following thu doctrino of tho Episcopal Church m omitting to uso tho word " roeeneíats " in tho office! of infant baptism, Mr. Choncy to consent U its use mcantimr. His proposition WBB in efifeot that thc General Convention should d(údc betwcen thein. Mr. Cheney took tlioground that the omission ot' the word was a mattar.of coiisoii'iií'i' wiíli liini, ;md that he cou'.d not be inducod to use it by mv power upon oarth. The meeting adjournod until afteniooii, the Bishop hoping that Mr. Cheney might upon reflectiou bo iuduced to chango his mind. Upon reas semljliiifí Mr. Cheney adhered to the determination he liad exprossed in the niorning, and read a list of bishope and prominent clergymcn who had written him otfenng their sympathy and announeinjí thcir willingncss to stand by him, and also to omit the word " regenérate," as he had done. Tho Bishop theu left the chureh, and it is nnderttood that he will pronounce sentenco upon Mr. Cheney next week.


Old News
Michigan Argus