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Local And Other Brevities

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,_ M.lili'i' - 'he trcather. _ f ee p:iRture - tbc Court HoitKv&quare. jutt hs fro- .duor-yard aml garricns Lour"Ooinnicrolal ' letter ts itoll. Kcail _ thtre re uow Uiree potofflce ui tl w#0 of do, _ Arrive.! - the uew flro alarm bel!. A :,.,y ci.nccrii. Wliat tiie.'rtíe rlscr saw, Muy 8lU- a ,irp wliito fïtwt. GbO fHt clvep, aml stil! fiolritf down i ,jeMin slnct bore. S Suwberrlei ttom BouUjero Itlluola , in Uiis marki-t uu Uw Gth Insc. Thcfroutoi Momlay morulus lï rjriol i lijui'lng grapes, loimUot-s, etc. 'litv. 0. II. Briowam is duw Jellveiiog jisauuii'il Icciure courac at Jleadvlllc, Pa, „Tlitit was :i scomid iiost on WcdueaW uivrnlug, bul lljhlei1 UittU H::;t of Hou- ïi:iii!Y gocs l)ck on tho report tli;it ... gouo out if the Hat and Cup trade. t.J _No,w is i s((JI' time tu paj wliatyou ,n. at ii) Argos oiUee üw ereditom ■tal t_Tlic' Rev. Mr. Pauuot, of Poítinc, has ucd tlie cali to tlie Pi-u'sUyu-iian Chureh of tlila city. -$24,000 liare bevu txpemlcd ou the ,nfls of YpsUwiti wit 11 n llic lasttwo , Sotay.s Mayor Iíuoakí _ 3Iayur JaVi of JEmporia, Kansas, ííg . u few iiav ago. We refjret bavlog tii out when lio put iu liis appearaace at Ni ufflee. _ VT, W. Sal'.mijsus, for souie yeani eu„.eil i 'l(; trrcery biisiurss in tbe Sth nid, i's sult' ll!i stock of itoods to AldtTjim Hammo.n. - Johiisou is on hand witli new stylcs of HtU nd Caps, and itew "ml." iu the Oiir reeden wlll be glad lo learo ttat ,'iii "Ji" '■"'= ot a rival of tlie monkey. _ Tlie city dubt of Ypsilantl Is $10,500 ; IddebtedueM of Ward- treet ín ml - $?,- j;jiJ; rallruad akl buuils dollvered, $30, W; deposltvd wit ii Slatc Trcasurer, $55, _ Tin hor and cow bcll coacerts are In gjeiww. All rlglit; deficiënt in bijter Uiuslcal taste ot education must Ue mftted toexercisc the ower talent glvep i.irm. Anollier Washten.iw canü was decidud i;i :,t Supreme Court on Weduedaj Klislin IV.Cuokü. Harrisou W. li;issett. Jnd uuiit 1k;Iovv - in favor of p.aiutiff Cuok-iwemed, und execution orderal for da:na psnad custs of uil tlie cauris. ïliis iiedrioB sustains tlie valid i ty of the ftHowüj KSolntlon adopttd by tlie Board of hperrlsor of thls county, ut tlie session dim: '-Rttolced, That Act No. 1867, be ulc opera tlve iii iliis county, exceptlng tbc tovvnsliip of Augusta." - Our cillzena wliuse gardeu8 are daily amhiijlitly foragvd upon bycows wtll have loseek protection uuder lbo resoluüau aud uw.e l)u e held gooil. A mce-iu;' Of the Board of upervisurs s tu lic beid uu Mondiiy, June 18'tb, for the pjrpüstüf vqualiziu tlie ussessment i'olls. 'fue several Sopervluon ure reqnifed to hivc tlieir rolls so fuoted us tu show the ■uober uf acres, thu value of real estáte as iSKtsed, aml the like value of personal pruperty. The ibtate liourd of Equallïatiua wlll meet at L&UBlug ou the tUird )l(inday of August, to wUiuh ïticetii) the lioird ofÖupervisorM of eucli county mny ni delégale - u Utlker nut a voUr. A correspondent wriles us thal the Scio iwtollice h8 not been discontiuued or rcnoved, and thut the Delb! Mills offlee is Mil net? and independent, ile says : "Tho :ciuuli;ce pays the governnient about fU2 ijear, over and aboye all expenses. That kumoch per cupita, probably, as any AeluMicUtgan. We tliüik that Uncie inii s too great and gooil an uueic to distoiitinue our postuülce becuuac a WWOfflcs t establisiied in a difl'etent part oí the lowii." We iitcnded to wrlte a rallruad artiele lUa Heek, but the Menagerie advertlseKM takes lts place. We get pay for the Jvertlsenieiit In greeubacks, but have itvcrrealized a dividend on our ratlroad Wlclcs spread over several ycars. - We ure g!ad to liear, however, that a muiberuf the directors, aud w? hope u wjüriiy, favor commending work lninicdiatety . TlnU is the tme icaj. " God helps WH who help tlieniselves " Is as applicaktorailroud directors as tQ the rest of omkiuJ. The special coinmlttee of tliu Board of Regent was in scssion Twsdaj eveulng "J Wwluesday ïnuruiug, lo gousiiler the Ued plans itfr th'e oew bulldlug, E. ö. tangon, ol Chicago, vna the successful wetiltect. The bnlldlnfi will pil tiio space teweeg the two old oites, will be 127x138 i aud lts InteltWl arraugcmeat aml ex"'Ml appeurance wem to give jenural 'islaction to Regenta uud Faculty. We WI spcak of it more fully -.vheu the plan terfocted. Wc are iiulebteU to our frleml W. S. orge, of W. 8. Gkokoe $, Co., Jautiug for a copy of the Le;iiilative Jlauual Wtte recent setsloD, The compjlyr, S. D. sgham, dld hls work well, au dld the Pdatert, uiakin' it a valuable volume for Witical and general rcfm'uiice so lar as 'chlgan Is poucernpd, JJessr. Geokge ■Oo.have publUhed a talo editiou, at ''50 ppr volume. icommittee of the Couucil has vlslted ""getabul for the city piinting. Our SD was : Wu símil be pleased to do any ïnstlag lor the city, ai auy time, aud ut eiue rates charged aldermen, ludWldu'■f'Wrtspectable private citizens. HalfPr'ork or charity jobs are reservcd lor c beilefit of tlie aud nctcly. That Si'ways beeu rulu, í Supremo Court has made au order fiuii-iu,, tho State Treasurcr to dcliver up 5 Dctruit railroad aicl boods. Our cit; j"hontl,;s had better cali home abou "WiOOO; an4 order cheni cauceled. p - '"II m- W. H. p. jJarmü, or Meadville, Pa. '" Preach iu the Unitariaij Cljurch on the e three Öuudays, murniiig and cveoipg Rcv. Mr. Dickso.v, ol Albany, N. Y., wil ' uacli ' ie Pnesbyterlan Church 8unda m "loruinjfaudeveuing. ,u!EACli has not yet dawued upon Franco uiiing no propct wo can not tol 'n t)ie FreueU iu and around Pari m to imítate tho " Kilkruny cats,'


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Michigan Argus