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ai WSV!. WACNER'S, A I.arge Hfifl tJhoice Stock ol SPRING AND fflMIll GOODS, 1NCLUDING OLOTHS, CASStlïEïtES, VESTINGS, &E.' [jATEST 3TYLES ND BB8T QÜAL1TÍES Wil KMI UV. W1LI. MMÏÏPAOTÜBE ou tevms to stilt. Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING Aïfï) Gents' FURNISHIÏÏ G Goods. BEST STYLB Alo LADIES'and(;KNT8 MOROCCO SATOHELS No.?l South Mt Streel- E t all. CALL AND SEE TI1EM. WIIXIAff WAGHElt. Ann A hor. Muy, '8T1. This Remedy doef not slmply n'liovc for a short tim-. bul it. produces parfeoi and permHBonl cures oí lbo worst cus ofChronlc Nasal Catarro, and 1 will )iy V4) reward i'.t a i1 1 1 m. t 1 cannot cnro. ■i'o'.l In the hcad" and Catarrhal Ilundnche re carird wlth a fi-'v appHcutlons. If y)n have a rliec arirc fr 'm tho nos, uifonstro or otherwise. Stop in of tho nose at times, pnrll.Hl loae of the lenM ol Bmell ,'tart or hei ring. yoa waterinR or wenk, fcL-1 dull, havti pjun or pressura in thehead, you may rest afsurcd that yon have Catarrh. i howftnCH uinually . without manifest in half of the it)u.' Bymptom .termínate in Consumption and md (n toe raTe. No dlSMS9lB ocommon, inore deceptivc or lese nnderHtood hy physician. 1 will end my pamphiet on Catarrh to any addrei-ü free. Dr. SjlgesV Catarrh lïomcdy y liow SOLD BYMOST DRUOGISTS IN ALL PARTS OK THE VVOHI.D. Prioe KO cents. Sent bv muil, potpaid. on ecelpt of C1' cent, or fonr packflgfll tor two dollars. Beware ' f o nntir fcitf anti worthïess imitations. Se that my nrivate Stamp, which is a potttive gnaranM of zenuhi-nc8, is npon the ontslde wr.ippcr. (tmcmbt that tlil pri ate Stamp, insucri bv the rjnltod Siiiies (overnment ex ressly for stamping ny medicines, h.ismv portrait. name and addreu, and tho wovds "U. S. Certificato of Qenuinenesb" enraved npor. it. ond necd not bc mistaken, Don't ie swlndled by travelern, and ot ets reproeentlag Jicinselven as Dr Srtge: I amtheonly man Bon ivingthat hastlM knowlede and riffat 'tomanufacurc the ucntiino Dr. Stge's Catarrh Remoy, and I nevcr travel to seil thls medicine. R. V. PI RCE. M.-D., 1S3 Séneca Street, Haffalo, N. Y. I il Sa w 1 SO g i ! PS UI : (m 2 o i n s UW j o I m 8 . S 5 3 ,, ffl 0 M U d?b5 p a 0 CO (1, cö ü j t g a H Q 5 ! n ë O W J f IVE ÖEESE FEATHtóRS FIRST aXTA.X.IT-5T , C'onntnutlyon huiMl and for sslr by RA CJI ABEL Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by UBNEÏ ï. HELMBOLD'S GOM OUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PÏLLS. Component Part - Fluid Exlraèt Rhubarb :md fluid Extract Catawba Grape Jukt. FOK T.IVER' OMl'ï.AIV Í8 .lAÏNIHOKi;!: MCKK(T1ON8 SICKOKHKKVOysnBADACHB, (.OSTU KÍHCS8. VK. ITïüü.Y VKOETABLK, CONTAIN1NG Ni MKRCUKY . MJNEK.M.S (i!1. DBLETBK1OU8 DEUOS. II Thoíc Pilis irptho most dellgMrnlly pUwant pnrKallvC) suporaedlngearforoil, Balt, mnmeIitctc. Is nothlng more ncceptable tn the stomach. Thry 1,'ivc tone, and cante nelther nanaea nor irrYp. in" piiins. Theï are compoKd of the llnet logre dient. Afler o few da j1 use of them inch ■■■■■■ Inrigorotlon of thoentlre systcm taken piaea u to apprrir miraculou to the wenk and enorrated, wnetber arlsinf.' from lmprndence nr diaeaae. H. T Helmbold's Componnd Flnlil Bztracl Catnwba Grape i'ilta are not 3ii2Jir-cont'i3, frohi the niet thatungar coatcd PÜlsdonot rtlssotve bnt pass thronli theatomncb II hun I cllsRolvii..ciiiiH'qucntly do not prodnrc the deslred eflVct THE CaTaWHA ORA PB PILL8, biiiiir ïilcn-tiiit In taste and odor, do neceealtate thelr bVlng sugar-coated. PRICE FIFTY OKJNTS PER BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IIKilll.Y CON CENT RATED COMPODND FLUID EXTRACT 8ARSAPARIIM WUI radicalt; extermínate from the system Scrofnla Syphllle. Pever Soree, Ulcere. Sore Byes, Boro Leg, 8or Monih, Som Head, Bronchitis, Skin Dlaeiwss, 5all Rbettra. Canten, Rnnnlii:s frem the Bar, Wlilte Swelllnga. tfiimor, CnncerouK Affoctioas. Nodea. Kickc'its. GlundnlnrSwellDgs, Rluhl Bweat, EUh, 'ivtirr. Bnmon of II Kluds, fhronlc Rhcnmutltm j Dyspepila.and all dteeaats Ihni have been cstiiblisheil In the syetcm for yaara. L BEINQ mKPARKD BXPKK88I.T FOIi THE ABOVË COMPLAINTS. ITS BLOOI'-PUBIFYING l'IMI'KUTIKS Al:i-:;{KATKRTllAXANY(iTHKI{ PKKPARATtOM OF SAKS !' ■1:11.1. A . 1T OIVKS THE COMPLEXIÓN A CI.KAR A.V1) IIKAlFIIV COLOK AND RESTORES TUK PATIBHT TO A 81 ATB (K IIK.U.TII AND PUKIIY. FOK PU1UÍTINO Til K BLOOD, REMOVINQ ALL CHKONIC C0N8TITUTI0NAL DISRA8B8 AIÜ ING KROM AN IMi'ÜRK STATE OKTHH KLOOI). AND TUK OKLY RK1IABLK AND BPPBOTUAL KNO"'N REMEOT FOR TUE CURE OP PAIH8 AND SWELLINö OP THE BONES, 0LOBRAT1ONS OPÏHKTHROAT AND T.KO-. BÜOTGHK8. PIMPLESON TUK. PACE, KUYSII'EÍ.A-n AM) vl.I. 8CALY BRUPTIOM8 OF TBB SKIN, AND BPAUTIFYINQ THE COMPLEXION. PKICB, 1.60 PER 3OTTIA M HENRY T. IlEI.MnOI.D'3 CONCINTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU THE GREAT I IIRETIC, hu cnrnd evcry eae of DIABETES in whicli it h.-ie Imm !;iven. IrritaclOB of the neet oi the Bladdor umlintinmmnüor. of the KldDeïa and Bladder, Retentlon uf Urine. Dimaaea of the Prottrate Gland, .-toue in the Dl.iddir, Calcula, Gravel, lirick Duet Dciot. andMiicnonor Jlilky DlscharPB. and for KrtV.-bled and Uelicnte Coustif.ulons of bnth Sexes, utii mli'il wiili the followlng eymptomB : Loss of Memory, Dlfflculty of Braatblng, Iodiapoalttpn to Fxi-rtion, Loss of Power, wenk Nervee, rremlilinc, Horror of Dlsense, Wnkefnlnepu, Dimncpsof Vision, Pata i" the riíick. Hot llanda. FUwhiiiü ofthcBody. Dryneaa of Ibe Skin Ernptlon of the Fací-. Pnllid Countenance, Universal LaBsitude of the Mus.ulnr System, Ele. Used by persons from the gos of elghtcen to twvntv-flve, and from thirtyfive to fUty-tlvu orin [hedccllneorchangeof lifi': uflur connnvmunt or labor palns; bed-wettlng in children. B nELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BTJOITU s Dl nr tic and Blood-PsrlMng, and cares all Dlsease arlslng from üabits of Diasipatlnn, and Excesiva and Impriulcnce lu Life, Impnrltics of the Hlood, Etc.. 8uerfledin Copahiu in nffectlons for which it is uscd, :i ' Syphilltlc Affection- In these dlaeaeB nsrd in con nectlon with Helmbold's Rose Wash. LADIE8. In mnny Affections peculinrto Lhí1I'"p, the Extract Kuchu is" ïineqnalcd by any otliei Remcdv- aaln (;hlorosisorRetenti"n, IrregnlarUy, Palnfnlneei or ■iiipprespion of Cn ■ tomary Bracnationa ülcerated or .-chirrus state of the Uterus. Li-ncorrhrea or ffblte. sterility.and foi ;ill Uompliinits incident to the habits of DiaBlpnilon. It is prefcrlbed extcnsively by the most eminent PnyaMana andMid. wivcf"renfeebled ond delicau OontllDtlons. of both Sexes and all Agus tnttendcd ith any of the above diseases or synip'.ome.jl O H. T. HELMBOI.T)1? KXTRACT BUCnü CURES DISEA8ES ARIíIN"; FROM IMPRÜDENCES, HABITS OF LliSIPATION, BTC. . n all their etages, at llttle fxpene, little or no change in diet, no iuconvenience, und uo expoaure. [t causes a frequent desire, and gives strenRth to Jrinate, therebv removing Obatrnctlona, Prevennng stricturea of thcUrcthn, AllayingPaln and Inflammatlon. so frequent in tliie clus of distases, and exïelliufr all Pniionou matter. Thousands who have been the victims ofincomii 'ti ii t persons, and ho have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have foiiml they have been doccivcil.and that the "Poison" has, by the uíc or "power ful astringente," been dricd np In tho systora to break out in a more asgravated form, and perlapeafterMarrtftge. Use Hi'lmbold's Extract Buchu for all Anectlons md ülscases of the Uriuary Organs. whether exlstni; in Maie or Fcmale, frira whatcver cause origiuitins and no matter or how lond tandlng. Prlce, One Dollar aud Klfty Cents Per Bottle. L IIENUY T. ÍIELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASII cannot bc snrpasscd ns a Pace tound the only spedflc remerty in every species of Cntaneons It peedily cradlcateB Pimples, Spots, BOOTbntli Dryncss. Indnrations of the CutanvouB Membrane, etc, dtopele Rc-dnesB and IncipicatlDftammatlon.HIve, Rash, Moth Pntches, Dryness of Scalp or Skin, I'rost Hites, and all pnrpoees for which Salves or Oinlments are used ; restores to the Skin a state of Puiit y and Softneu, and usures continned healthy action tn the tissue of lts veshcIk on wbicb dependa the agroeable clcnmess and vivacity of complexion eo inuch Hnntrlit and admlred. But however raloableaaa rcmmly for existint; defectsof the Skin. II. T. Helmbold's Rose Wnh hri Iodl' suptained lts principie clnim to iinboundcd patroaage, by pokmkhíhk lualitics which rvnder ita TOILKI' APPENDAüE of the most Saperlative and Coneniul Charactcr, comhlnlng n an ilesant formula Those prominent requMtes . SAFKTY and KFFICACY- theinvarlable nccompaniments of itsuse- s a Presorvative and Re fnsher of the Complexión. Itisan excellent Lotion for discases of a Syphilltlc Nature, and as an injectlon for disense of Uo Urinirv Orann arisini; fn m hsbils of dissipa' ion. used in comT.Tti n wUStheBXTHACT3 BUOHU, SARVpAHII.LA, and CATAWBA ORAl'E PILLS, in Biich distases as recommi'nrled, cannot be surpassed. Price, One Dollar l'er Bottlc. D Fnll and cxplicit dlrectlons accompany the mcdiCiEvidencc of tho most rcsponsible andrelinblc charrctcr lurnUhea on applfeaUon. wltn hiiiidredaof thousands of livhijr wltncaaee, and upward of 30.000 nnsollclted omlflcates and recommondatory letten ,„.„„ ,,f which are Irom the hichest sources. Includ!„„n„inentPhysicians,Clcri;ymcn.SI,itcsmei). (to. The proprtetot haa nevor rnorted to thcir pnbltcatlonuitne newapaperai befloaeBpl ciothlalrom the toet that his artSeï rank as Standard Preparattona, nncl do nol nood to be propped np bj ccrtiRcates. HenvyT. Helmbold's Genuine Preparntlons, nniivKrpilin nnv addros. Pccurrfrom observa tlon. l' HlJsÍÍKi' 0PWARD0P 'nVKNTY YEAKS. RoW l.v Drnggtet werywhero. AMjy lettora tor Information, In eonfldence to 1IKMKY 1. HELMStW W A KK OP 'cSilNTBIintlTS. Aslc for H.nry T. HolmboWsl Takc uo olher. TJ1 o VriCBlOAN 91ACUINKKI DKI'OT. G. S. WORIE& & SON, 1' :.Vrs in all fclndl of WooíI tSc Iroii AVorlcini; Tvlnoliinery. 00, i"! and 1 :' . Detroit, tficb. ij: a!i FAitraiNo laxo-., y í oíícr for Kil'1 '.'." 'i aeren ft' Valimhie I'; Parmtng Land n Timo, at Prlces raoglng from iSJ to SlO PwAcii' 6.883 acroi "i ! nu: Landa are located on the Wiaconsln Kiver. '.'.G'.Hi acres on Waters leadin; to Cheboygan or Dancen Mih Ü4KI aerea on the Au;.'rrs Rlver. :: ,' mi aeret on Thundet Hny water, learting to Alpeiia. 860 acres on the Tltlbawasse Kivi ncroe in Gladwln Mich., r.r Parran and Tinibcr. I 27' aerea Choi;:e Mincrn] and IT:ir:l Timncr T,::ik1s near Untonafron, -i WX) acret Prairie land h k:i, ii-';t r the Union Pncitlc Kailrond. 000 aeri Furmlug Land in Oratlot mntity. f8to$Sper ncre. ;.- M:my ol" thfi-e Lnnds araworlh the pilce we aek for them l'oi Farmin;: pnrpoaos after tae 'j'iin bsrla ent. Por full doncrlptlon, ince and ternu, sent! Tur Circular. i. PitKSTO.K & co., Bankan, Detroit MIch. A R. & W. T. LINN, Manu'actoren f Groiind !'fi. 8plcei Mi:s(ard, etc . ■! And ffbolenile Dealen in TEAS AJÍD GROCERS' SUNDRIES ! ! 120 J. ff Avenue, Detioit. ]0HN COPLAND, Manufacfnrer and Crackers, Snaps And liiscuits. Ordrra foliclted and llliiül at loweal morket pvicc. ScmkI tor Prloe Liet Reol Oveu Hieam Rakory, corner Randoli.h an Woodbrldge t■■!s, Detroit. !.bi;uï i). iii:isti;& co., il WH0LK8ALE sjnL:s&r ps .: asma 9 35 .WoodwardiAvenue, DKTKOIT, - - - MICIitcAN". TTUGH JOKWSON, XX Hannfitctarer of anddcaterln CAKKIAUES, BUQOIE9 AND SLBIQ8S! A line aeeortment f tbe lateet nlyles '-f home made aod Saetero Carriaca, locladlDg Lamuaus, Clabkmi: .nul Cabki-aukb iii'iii tlio (Xflebrated Itictöry of 't. Vii-jr r.. Bridgeport, Conn., cou fijuiiiy im hand and fnrnlahed t. urdor. Np. DO i" ï'i ■ LarnedSt weet. cor. Casa St. Detroit - JOIIN PATTOM &SOV, Are fl"ering the largdtt mul best ";lall':lL of CARRIAGI-IS & BUGG.ES IN TKK V.lisr, At Grcatly Reducid Prlcea. All work made onder onrown m!htvíshm. and Ftri.Y WAxaANTBH. Pactnry and W.inri hik ccraer Woodbrldge and ilrush Sirt-ulr, lKlroil. For ThresUmi;. Siwing Wond Malcinu; C;icler, rftojiiiiins: JK"X5i tor Cttttle, teo. 1. K. Rl H, Hanuractiirer. 191 ATWATER STREST, DETROIT. GDOELTZ .V BBOTHEB, [mpurten and Dealofs in PANCY GOODS ! Toys, Yankee KdtoBt, Hoslrry, Lafcs anti TttaUBiiga, AHD MANUFACTUIiEKS OP CHILDRSN'S GAiïüIAÜKS, BASKETS AND Blaigha, No 80 and 82 Woodwttrd ato . Detroit. Traneplimt TsTov.- l'rtiit and Ornamentaj Treea, Bbrubs. Rosoe, Qrape Vino, and all the -mail fruiu Oreen House and Bedding Plant, Dahlia.-. Qladloln-, ■] abe Rosee, Mudcri V'lni shouid bc plantod aft or the middle of May. B Ibebeel vartoüo- Field Tcgetablc ml Flowcr, all new, A this i the. arat year oí our secd trade, we have no oldse-dn on hand A vcry large stock of ihe moderate rates. ' Adüress, WIL ADAIB, Detroit. ÜERRArlD & 03BORNE, KURSERYMEF, FLORISTS, Etc , Eto-, Have tbe Largest Qreenhoae and the Best Collectiou of ríanla in Detroit. Wc import new plante froni Ba.-ope every Toar. Alao, Prnlt and Orna mental Trees of aliklnda. 3rcrgreenaa Bpeclalty. We aolklt a vtoit to our ontablwhDicnt, èoriicrof Fort and 'J4th streets, Detroit. RH rrf VERBENAS, New and UUjUvv rare beddlog plant. FUUT 41TO OKXA.1IEÍTAL TREES ETC. Catalognea wnt "n appllcaüon. Addreca HUBBARÜ& DVI8, Detroit, Mich. Mr. Tbol Archer. from St Jimeph. " April25. oays: "The Verbenas carne i" joodor der, and ave Mnalnly the must healthy. Btocky plants I cixr aan " And to the asmo efloct write hundrt'da of Other con sponden t. i)ll W. iMPIILETT, O WBoimui tunn ut R0CKINGHAM & Ohio ST0NE WARE GLASS AKD STON.': FRUIT JAKS. Bend for-Prtce Liat. O5U fc Oü Woodbrklse Stroet "VVest DETROIT MICH. CgCHDLEKBCECH, BHIIard Table n.-mti fucturcr, witb Biutii's Patent Steel Wire C'lslnon, !'s. HJ and 102 Handolph Strcot, I ctruit, Mich. B ranch: St.Joaeph, Mo. I also mnufacture Plgoonhole, Jcuy I.ind and BagateU lableaand do all kimlsof alterlng and re palrüiE. Keepalway on hand Seoond hand Tablea and all eood ïppertainlin: to liilliurds. Bowling Plu and Halls for salo. Also all kinds of trlmmlsg douo. QXOlVEWAltE.- 00,()O0 Gallons OHIO STONEWAEB, AT WHOLKflALE BV 3DA.-V1X5 nvcocoitivrxcis:, Dealer Is Croc!;cry, Glass-n-nre, &c. No 1O ivliohiean Ats,, IJetroit. QTO2SIE -STAEID.-J.W.BafcltclO der, (Formerly BatCbelder & Cook.J Dealer in Bawed and wronght Ohio nlue FrecBtone and all kinds of Plain and Ornamental ent stone, such is loor Sills and Caps, Watertáble, Keystonea, Plinths, Wall Copinj;. Ac. Sawed tone do wolk laid In any part of the State nt hf.v rutes. Uontractorn and those contumplattni; bnilding aie reepectmUy invlted to culi and examine my stock and prices. Corner Shelby & Atwatcr Sts , Detroit. STONJt.-Antlrew Ilrunton Coutractor and Dénier 'm all kinds of l'LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CUT STONE Orders by mail promptly excented and Cut Stone Work contractcd for on the mopt reasonablc terms. Office and Yard on Doek bet Kandolph and Ilrnsh sts. , next below D. & M. R, K. Passenger Helio J farjoa n- wiix be PAin fok the p0viül flrst case of failurer of Raudall's Circassiau Cream Wa3u, To remove Frccklcs, Mth l'atchis, Sun Hurn, Tan &c.,if used as per directi.ns, and trlotly persevero] in J. J. KANDALL, Proprietor, piaberBlock, Detroit, Sold by Draggfata gencraüy. lölS-m3. SAM. B. HEVENAUGH, PHOÏOGRAPHER, MAKES ALL KINDS OF PICTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUK LIFE SIZE, AND FINISHESÏHEM IN INDIA INK ! OIIj. CyJFL WATER COLORS ! I.N' A SUI'PEKIOU MANNER. 1319-y. !Vo. 30 BVBOH STREET. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints,Oils,&c.


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