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The Water Works Report

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port of Hon. W. M. Bennett, Superintendent of tho Water Wörke, was submittod tn the Council Monday evening. It is very full and explicifc From it, we learn that .'8,003 fcot of pipe of all dimensions havo been latid in tliis city, or Beven miles and l,70:J fcet. Thern in'; sixty hydraute Lu all, and 20 stop gates. There 'are on hand 12,924 feet of pipo of all gizes, or 2 miles and 2,304 feet, with 1") hydrant? and otlier property. The numbor of establishmento iising wattr is 128, of which 65 are dwöllings. Tho total coat of the woxk, including pipe, hydrants, öi, on hand; was ii.Ti.n'ic.i-j, leaving tho actual oost of construction i ;■_'] ,:; ic,.i-j. Tho running expenses of the works for the cight and a half months tliey have 1 '■■'■il ia operafóon hve boen $4,,. Dnring that tium, the quantity of -water pumped was 87,411,328 gallons. - Jacison Ilev. "Daddy " Cain, tho negro editor of tho MUrianary Becord, published al Chaiiestos, S. .:., repudiares the Badioal party. "Daddy "is a powerfnl leader among his people in tho State. He kiivs in his papci: : The ltepublican party start d out woll. 1 wus muob encouraged for my race and party. But a et of men havo now got huid of it who ue bringing diigraoe upon it anil nuuÜBg ifc for their own benefit, bi no State of tao Union is the Bepubliparty in sucli odium as in South Carolina. Tho Legistature in ignoran! and corrupt, öoodmen ha-vc boen thrug( asidé lo make room for plunderen. Kfany of the so-called oarpet-baggera among us aro of the worst sorf , and bad mèn can tiot be got out of office until tho whole Republican party in the Stato goos overboard and tho Domocracy come to power. There never war, a party that had a better chanco to do good than ours, never: nev1 waa ono that dono wo.


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