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JlT) QLUVJL8. I have 20 ilozcn of the CBLEBRATBD BMP8BS8 K1D GL0YE8! Iu th.? m st exquifite ehades, for onc dollnr 1322-tf J. II. MAY.VARD. OUTTER WANTÊD. I fim agaïn prearec? tatako iilT CIIOICE BUTTER Made. In the 'otinty, for CAFII or gooda 1822 tf J.II. MaYNARI). DIREOTORY -OF- A. IV. IV ARBOR FOR 1871, With a Complete Portraü ot the City an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &.c. &.c. TUK DVJHMSIGNED baring hiri m eïtctislY fxjmri-'iicf' in th' cimtilinin and publicado ofCllyand Connty Directorlal iu this.iiiil othe Statce, and havlng uren rollciled ly a nrjrober the [irnnviieiu cttwenfl lo is.-uo a work of Uu kim leela tafelD proiating complete Mtiafectloo Th trorkwill umtaiu n i; mpleu portralt of the city setting f'ith üs advantages a a commercial arj maonfacttirinx town ; alo ataUstlcal tablea show Ing the mmberol Brma fDgtsrd in every depar ment or manufaetura itnd trade; the agregateai ,ri. ' jilea o: the sjiinc ; the nnmber of ow Ilin andblMi'wCM honies In the diy, and in fc-t erer kind or charaoM ' Inform! "" 'ïe c"";"n itramrer mav desta rftctchei ipl !"■ school churche, benevoleut iOdeUe Tfie dty o;ses' raai.y adraotagw which If lh ;','r" ir,'''"'rr'1 knowv, woald attract aettlaii f"1"1 a" P'lrtil ' '" couutrv II : mir dealgD to puMlall u w r.c fo ,t .1 dlmrlbhtlon Ihronuhon United BI it B It wonld ba loperfluona to lu-rc u-ge the nceeall of adverttelng a city.or tomenthm the dTntae (hat real ett8 owDcwarid MKlne men denv i'nnn ihis ethod of advertifin' sciiy. w"ik wil! IxmI. liv.icd to ni)frrilpri in th m-niih or.Jul.v It ís t. o liip''1 thal bwloeM me will A:üy consHer and appreclato tn anvantan of advortlslnc bn-ines? In tbtobo k. Itw fouod in stores, dtliroj. hotels and all pul] p1a"e where the card mnet moot the eye f scon ol pur(:h:i:ri? evpry day. Te-ras of A dvertising. ■::?..:::■.: v::::r:::rr;. :::L Poarth" ■ Ca'ittal Ñames PAeui booklto tn'i cr!ber,J f o t: in 'n r:nlri, J3 5. I32itf JAM89 It TIïOMV. Shoriïï's Pal-. St:to of fid:ijan, ("oimty cf 'Wnslitenavr. ui.- B virtue ot' a wrilé or Bzoculon( isauod out ofnn! undcr thifii!of the Circuit Comt fnr t!ir Min% Wushtonmv nd State of MicliiKftn. datcd the nini '■■:. day : Mnieh, A. I). 1871, and tome dirocted ani 1 U njairist the ROOÏs pnd chftttlè. lal) tenetn -;i.. of Charlen Penoh, defendanl thereln namo I (lid. on thetwentieth o! Mnrch. A. ]). 1871 f the of BOoda :a) ohattle, livv upni the follow Ing real estaSf: Bearlnnüïg at n ttnit v. (hf c nt r the Territoria) roa'l, on the e:-! half of tli" BOuthwi quartcrof sofión seventeen (17), in towrmlop ( sontli of ranpe [6) i-ix east, thence north elpnty-arvi derres trisi. six cï'.ain; thonee norih flftoen ininul weef:, foor chftins nxv eiïrhty-nve links; thcaoe Bout eiehty-si-v'n fVj.ri'j tbirty miautw v.-s'. ñxohnii el rt links; I tl forty-one dofTTees tliirt nu'pi'i -'i-1 . tlir; ohnina; tbanoe ponth eitihty - ■■■ Aojrreee hirty minutea wost, font ehainfi forty liül to l!:' ]!i"' oj ' ■":'i'ii:iii, rontaininff thiTe and s cniy-tivc ono-hundii of land: Aulaoiipwts ai kind bwinninK al a sf uk o m tho rr-ntcr of the Te ritorial ruad, on tlieeust. half of theaonthwml qaarte of section (17) seventen. in town 1 sonth of nmpe ( east. ; tbenee noi-fh erhty-s"( n defrrMa thirty mil utes cjist, four l-l) eiiaina fifty links; thcnoa wyl forty-one derees thirty minutes east. threc cbaim thenoei mth eighty-wron degzvn tbirty minu thn.-e èhaina to the plaoc of bofrianing ; AlflO a piece o Land uoing ie the novi hwast corner of the wee half i r-Senst qnarler of aea (17) seventeen. in town ship (4; toutaeuthol range :!■: Btzeant ooTjunenoii eilit ro'.ls oast oí' t he nortlnvest corner of said lot, rui nïng west elglii rode to the obrner of aaidlot, theno so'ith ten rods. thence nortbemtraljr to the piare o beginning, airtlie above dewniptiond Bupposed toeoi tain (ivi; and (me-fonrth acres of land : Also the aout half of the w.'si half of the northoartqaarterof ee tion (17) aeventoen, in towwUip Conroonthof ranij rïx easti containing forty acres of land, more or leB Álao a part of the nortuweal qoaxtsr of seetion (17 ..n, town toar (4) south of ninge (() siiens bogiiiningal the aoutheai! ooraerof sai-l cmarterae tion Berenteen, nnd running thenop north twenty-oi cti.uns and wvciity-two links, Itirnri? wosr sixleo .liairs :mil sixty links, theuce KOUlh filly west nine ehain and fiffeen links, to tho oenu of tho8aÜne and BLontoo ioad, thenec pontïi thirtj iiinemid one-fourtli lr i. . - '■ i -I . tv-nty chaina ali( loi ly-lu'.i liaks, io the souUi lino of said quarter sec tion, and tíienoa easi tn said line ten chaina and se% cnty links, to the plaoe of baginjninjr, conttiininK lort .-;. . ':- ol' land, more or le?s. Which premises I sha lor sale at public auciion, to higheet bidde nt the south door of th.' ( omt [Touae in the City of Ann Arlior, in said connty, on the thinl dny of July A. 1. 187 1, at ten o'clock íd tho forenoon of said Datad Muy lOtli A. D. 1071. JIYUON" WEB, í'hctíB. ü. Okamf.r, Plt'ffa Alt'y. 132Ï. L!,:11 Üíate for Sale. CTAIE OI" MrCltKiAN, C'ounty of Waalllenaw ss. t In tho matter of theestateof Anthony i:iy, deceaecd. Norice'fa herebyqJTeo, tbatin punuaooe of au ordsi eraHted to the undHrstonod, a.lmimstrator ot' tl... state of aald deceajed, by t;:.' Hon. Jndgc ..i ProbaWfor the Countyof "yaantenaw, on Uw Bfteenth dayof May, A. 1). 1871, thoce will be sold at. poblie hÍhIiic to the highest bidder, at Ole south door of tho Coon 11..-1M-, in thei'ityof Ann Aiborm theoount of Waahtcnaw in said Htale, on Wedneadny the Oftn dav of Jnly, A. 1). 1871, at oue o'clock in rttlcrmu of Uut day (subject to all enenmbrnnsea by or otberwise existing a1 the time of tho daath oí ".'. .. i-.'l. and lao snl.joct lo Uioritchto dowor of hinwidow thcix'in). the follqwing de real cútale, to-wl : 'I he undivided hattof a puroel i" land bounded :i follow: Beginniog ■. norüu i-' eomarof Croaaand Hurón treets in thocityoi ypsilanti, county and State aforesaid, and running thenoo nortli along Hnvon atreet niño rorl, thenoe eat alone (i. Sanders' laad to tho rtrer, thence down the river to t ros street, t.honce west to t.ho placeo! beginning, ;cxsepting and reAerving the paroela of lana ovned by I l.-t 'nniiirk anii tho City OÍ VpMlanli. Untei, Mav l.ilh, A. 1). 1871. 132a niÜAM DAY, A.lmiuistra'or. Estáte of Alilricli. OTATI-, O F M U -i IIO V N. Comí I y of Y.-ihlfïriuss o Ata aetalonof the Probate Conrt for tíu; Gaonty of W;([itt?;iiw. holden it tin Prohate oflire. In (he c;iiv of Aun ArboriOn Thunklny.thoetj;hteADtbUM of Slriv, in Um y':ir ono ihoawnd efffbt boodrea ;l!ll scv.-]ity-'IK' . Presea!, lltrnra I. Benko. Jnugf of Probnip In th niiilli-r ol tlie Mate "f Araas.1 Alilrich, Murtlm It AUnrh Bxoeatrlx "f th lat wlll .mil tostumcut of Síiid d'-rcnsrtl coiih-m ilili Oort and iwprant thni oh'' i- nam preparad to reuder bnr Anal Rcconnt i sach Kxrcatrlx. (4Therapoi Itlcordoreil, thmJMondny, thctweirth Ityol .lime? nort, :u tni.ivliirk la tk rnrcnoon lyned for exjimininir nnd allwlifi BiiHi ae t, :hh1 thnl tbe lecatera devtaerê nfl h"ira t nw of boW d"Ci2ajcíi, nnd AM oiht-r ponona Inreí-t.'il ni anld Mtnte aro requlred t" pyear nt a aaslon ií -i:iia Conrl Ihen tn !■ holduu at the robnti Odie. In tbedtj "t Au Arbor, In vmí.i i'inty, and showoaoao.lf nny tharobe, irhy the aMacooontahouldnoibéaJIowodi And it ni Tur.hcr orderedt íhftt sniíl Bxpcatrlx glvo notice to ;u' personi liitereatpd i phü! estatw, of pen ciirv of wid accointl. .'Mu! the Im-iuíi:-.' tbQVOf ly auafnga copj "i to be puWlshed in tbc ■ .i Anj", .1 oswapnper prlntnl and rti iting in s'i''i Coaiuy. t tirce anoselBaiTa maka iravionatn lalddaj : heartne Utrnocopy.) HIRAM .1 íiKAKES, 13lotU Jndac ol Proba te. ïjciïoit imúsmtnt$. MICHIGAN ItIAtniKKV DEPOT. Q. 8. WORHER & SOK, Palera !n nll kinds of Wond k Iron "Worltinj; TVTaoliinory. PO, 101 and KSJtíTciHMi Av(., Detroit Michi nuasxA tttiua.ircr;!, l WEST KUN WTKlM MAHBLK "W OHKS. NfuncturT" of Mnrbl n'1 Marbietscd M:i'le, Ciintior. Hii'l i'iiintin-rs Rcock, Monnnv ntal nnd '(■iTi'irv Work uf evtiry dtitcrlpllon n ham!. Also dtttlera in Grotei Oor. Mtinruc Ave. and Farmer st , Pctroit Mlch P Cusirrf. Go. V. Mfumno v JA3IKS XAI.L JU. CO-, I)-a!ei i ti CARPETS AND DRY G00DS ! ft" Woodward Ave., cor. Larned St. N. B. We rmve nn Immense Ktock and II scll feboda luw oaongh to maku Il m i.bjcct lor thu-c In til1 iif'Ti'ir t. tmy of u. C IRPKT&, we make a speciaHy. GS)'), i. I'HOST Ar "O. Cbu. Moble. Oeo, a. Frwt. C. W. Hoble. lJi:N 1: -A.N I LANDS FOR SA1.K In cvery part of tliis Stn'ea-id t'ie Unitetl St:.tes, DETROIT. i 3Ü, .wuliw &c Co., INDTJ3THIAL AGENCY! Por s:ipplylnL crerj descripti n of lndu?try WITU LA33OÏÏ. Office wilh GICOKGE S TROST & CO., Detroit, - - - Micll;an lAidCS JKNKS, cl 1864.J l r in nll kinds of maohinp:ry! and suiti.ii:s. Also Agent for Hall' Pátent Slilngle .11 .i liiue. 20 Atwntcr atreet K;iit, ! ttween Unies and Rnndwlpn strirn, Detroit. Mich. i TOT WIIAT IF IlsHOtLU t'AII.'!" 13 In liri'ht LozIcod ol yflnlh, wnlca (ate reserveB f"r hia younj manhood, tlierc is no puch word ne fail. ■ Hand.Vl's Circsslan Cream Wash ws nc-Ter known t " hll t ■ rarnove Frrckle, rimplc?, Moth P tchc'ü. Tan, &c, if BMÍ ns pi'r direcli na, nnd petcererád ia. Il yonr drOKXlM Uas nut i;ut il, .cl' üim to Kcnd for it. J. J. R NDU.I, Prnprirtor, FithcrDlock, Detroit PIMi ANO FABOmfO I-Ans - Wc offer for rale ■ nerca of Valunble l'ine nnd FVirmine Land "n Time. at Prloea nmslDK from ífi-' to 91O I'er Aotp ti :m nens of tbeM Hne Lanils ure locaied m tlie Wlfcousla River. 9,420 Mra 011 Waters landing to CheDoysaii 01 Doñean .Yirh "♦' iiciok on the Aiü;" RlTer 8fti0ttrwon Tbonrior Bay w-nrs, lejidinj: tt ai. pens. 8:n acref on ttie Tmbawane Kiver. 2.!hi ncr' in Öladwïn 'o. . Minh.. f r Knni" nnrl Tlntfcer. i ït aerés Cbuiee Mlnciml and lïarf) Tiinix-r LflBdf uñar ODtonafron, ü imio ar ros Prafrlü Und Id Nebroska, ïifiir the Union Pad ie RallroAd. ;n.i acre ro iKir mi ii'.: Land rn Orarlotcointy f3 t $.■ per aera. í Many of the e L'tnrls nrewirrh the price we nk for üicm fui Parnlox purpopes nfter tbo Tim lier ík ent. For full deícription, Pnce nnd terms. atnd tor eitmlnf. . PRESTOS & CO.. EnnSirrfi. DttloU iVich. J R. & W. F. IiINN, ïfann'actnrrr-" of Groimd Toffees, Sjiiry s, nnsturd, etc , tr. And Wholesale Deaien in TEAS AND GRIKERS' SUNDRIESÜ 120 Je-fforson Avenue, Dt:oít. IUHN COELAND, Mamifaoturcr and tl Wholesale (leuter in a liirge wuiely of Crackers, Snaps And Biscuits. Qrdcra POÜclted and filled at lowes' mirket iriee Smd lor Prtoe Ltat Keel Oven Sicjim Tinkery. corner Iï;indolph nm'. VFoodbrUlge atreetc( leiruto. 1 I.KI.UT D. FIERCE & CO WnOT.F.SAI.E 35 .WooclwarcAvenii DKTBOIT, - - - MICHIOFAIsr. HUGH JOHNSON. HanalBCtarèr of nnrl tlcafcrin CABBIAUE9, BUGGIE8 A3ID SI.KIGHS I A fino asior'ment of the latcst atylcs "f home made und Baalorn Carriaics, lndodlng LiAnus, (tn sok and Familï Oabhiom frum ilie n-lebratel faetón of J. M"tï 'o.. Brldgeport, Coun.,con' Btantly ou Imiid and ftirotehed to order. Noa. Sj to IO Laraedöt, west cor. Cas St. Detroit f nrriasre Wfaunfflrinvfjra. U JOnN TATTON' JtSOJÏ, Are Hfttrlm the )arj.-et-i and best aforlnicnt -f CAR BI A GES & BUGGilÜS IN TITE WEST, At Qroatly rteflnccrt PrtcM All wnrk nuic nnder ourown ("opervlion , and Fe 11 Wahiutku. K.Lctorv and Wrer mus corner WoodDtldge and Brush Sl'iittf . iK'lrnil For '1'hresrniTj:. ï-awinu Y?1 M;,l;in" ' uier. ettaaminS ioot lor (Jtttll?, co. D.K KUK, MMBfHrtárer. I9i AíWATEH gTRSST. DETROIT. iñ öoiiirai c BHOVHGB) VJ(. lmportrra and UeMleikin FANOY GOODS ! Toys, ïankee lïotions, llosiery, l.aees nnd Ti iwwimfi AND MANttFAOTLlUEHS OF CflILDBEN'S CMÍUIAíiKS, BASKETS ANÜ Slelghs, No Mand 8 J WooiwafdAro Detroit. Trneplani Now.-Frnit Mid OmameDtft. i-ri-i ■'. sbroba Rosea, Ornpè Vinca, wid nll the -mail f-uits Oreer Honre ami Bddln([ PJanU, Dahlia?, Oladtolns 'J nle Kok. Madcrla Viuca, -v .. shouM be planled aftor the mlddje of May. BKaM o hbeat varletio- Field -Vctrotablo nd Flowet, all new. ti is u the ilrsi veaf of our seed tr:ul-, we have nooldse-dson hand A erj laura Wock of the moderste ratrs. Adttreas, w M. AHAlK. Detroit. [Oin W, ABl"HI.KTi.' U WUOL'ALE DEALBIÍ IÍ ROCKINGHAM & Chio STONE WARE GLASS AND STON.: FRUIT JARS. Send for Price lllat. 6-3= 5c OO Woodbviclei Ptroet "Weet DETROIT MICH p SIHILESB1.1CH, Billhüd Table Manu. Jt fnctnrcr, will I)mjh'i Pa'ent Steel Wire C-ishion. os. ldoand 102 Rnndolph Street, Detroit, Mlch. Braneh: Bi Jofepb, Mo. I nlso mnnfacture Pttroonbole, Jontj Und and Baffatell lattlesand do all kind" of nlterintrnnd rep.'iiriüi Keep always on hand Secnnrl hand TaMe and all croHs appertalntoff to IlilIianlB. BowHng Pins aud Balls for sale. Abo all kinds of triniminj; foaa. A GKEAT OFFER ! Only $3. for $11. in Value. Unt'.l tbe flrst of November nest, the betOtlfbl .ind artistic (.Imnno, "Isn't Sho Pretty," SiB 13xlT. after Lillio M Spencer rntail prlec SS 00; wilj ba eeni by mail Bwnröiy don tip. p"ït rrër, na a premium ti cvery ycnrly 'dbscrib r to Dcmoresl's Illostrated Magazine. AM) MIRROR OF FASHIONS, nrkunwlrdirod tho most priietteni, ncTn], orf,iuft] l'nrinr Maguillo, Mïuit 6h Pretty," is n beaaUfbl Chronvs ftpleuUid Parlor Picture, und ? vaïuAble work of at t ; il i hUrhiy ftnlfrhcd, m onted nnd MralstacfA, nd wnrtb morel hun nll tha ooit nf sahncrlptiOD, mul together wtth Üiaiomr8Ta Monthlyi rtffhrai ao tipportnntty for tüe lnyetmeirt r 'ihreti Bttuh as mai oever oocnr agida. Dft pot flültosnhm iKnR'--s'i s Haani and yon will nev■r willlng t' be wlÉboot II. Il will tipt only eoch yOll h:'v t1 tïrnt?.how tn );, hnw ii DUlke ).-r uiir rhililrcn'a clothft. Butit wlH makfl vou i'ttT, ivlpcr. twppii r. Womcn eyerywber ilud tcxactlj wtmt tht v w:u)t. In if the lnl omplet) i-n'üi-' Miiu"ixnc iww pnb)lhl. Mihnn(N. Fnlhcis Hrothcrs. mihI Loviii BObacrïbfl for r tird with the heautlfbl hTorao, Inn't ha Pretty." It will mnt:c eyéfl ípnrklfl with ()■ uht finrt aalla-facüoilt nul prova r moqthly rcmindr of yinir oud taate ;iini kind fteellng. AidreB8 W JB27NTXG4 DE MOR BS t. IV8 Bruftilwuy, N. V. spofimn Copio of thn Lntect Wem. of tho Mugv i s. ut freti'-u reccipt cf 5 CBQta. OotoS.W.ELLIBft CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and M9c!icine6.Pamts,0ils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus