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Estato of "William Latson. Q TATE OF MICUUïAN. Cimnty of Waahtenaw) w. O Ata seasion of thé l'robate ( 'ourt for tho i oita y of WMbtanfeWj bolden ni the i'robate Oííir, in Üe( ïty of Ann ArlKr, on Mumlav, the Bfteenth d.iy erf May, iu the year onc thouwuul t'i&ht hundid umi seventy-fnic. Procent lliram -T. Beakes, Jn tg of Pi In the niatlcr of the c?tate of Wiliiam Latson, On roading and filin;? tïio pctit.ion, duly vcrificd, of Elizftbeth H. Lfttsoa, praying tüat a oerttdn instrunirnt now on Hl in Qófl oourt piupartii 'O tos the last will mul tL'tttiim-nt OÍ tniá tleceased m b ted to probate, and that atïministration mnv bc rantm to Bome BBltable f 1011, Th.Ti'uponit íb ordered, that Monday, the t welft h ;lay i'i" Jmu jit'xr, at tono'clook in th forenoop, bc iissignrtl for tho hooringof snid wtitum, trad ilutr tlie legntees, fa toeea had béira tU law al Mid allotlier ponona in reeted n said eetate, n ■■ pequüi il to appoar it r scmíoh oí feúd court, then to bp boJden, nttho Piobate ttiïv In it y of Ann AtIhu-, nul show cntuiMt' imy the be why the pryer of the Ietitioner should not be nanted: And it is further ordored, that win petitioner girenotice to the pwkhu Interortod in s:iil estatst of Üm paadeucy ui BAid petiUou, and the heorinff thtrcuí, by pnusing a copy of th is order to bublivhed iu tne Michiyáyi Arrits, n m-v. -v;i;..t printfl and flirttlulink' in f-tmi iiinty, three öuccessivc wwkfl pieviuud to auid day uf heanntr. (A tme py.ï HIRAM J. BEAKES, 1322 JwdgOf l'ixïbate VANTED. A good house anti lot containing nll tho pQeul7 convenioDCt-b vi n good hunu;, Iu Ann Albor, Mini , lor whJch I ill exchauga one of likií (lescriptton, od ver.v liberal tumis, iu tho cily of Froepuri. III My house nnd lot nicciy titimU'd, ara worth S4,ouü. I also have twolve acres of d1(;o farmiugor gArdAnme land Jolnlng rAty iiinit- worth ifcflto u-r , nero, til "i' whicn 1 Wlh toexGhue ur ]r' ttTlv in ! Ann Arburora lurm in WashUiiaw CQunty. Am , preparod to pa; or ti ♦: tlie i i n ■ ■ in caen. A , i ffreM barquín Will be ïvm. AíImk-ss aud learu ] 1 ■■ liar.-. LBW-IS CÓLBX. i ir2Om3' Frecpori, I!l. ; - - - - - ■ - ■■ ■■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ - - - - i - - - - -- - - I t I 1 " ' " MUM _ '■ I ■ I OEOPLE'S DIMJG SÏÜ..1. R, W. ELLIS & CO. A.JST3ST ARBOK Estáte of vrelon Bates. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WitsMawm il At a session of the 1 róbate Cottrt for tile C'oimtj Waslitonaw. holdeB &i tlrtí J i ni .-ti (.■ OtHne, iAtheCIV or' Aun Albor. u:i C Bixtemtfa ilij' OÍ May in the ye.ii ouo thoucand i;igüt litmdred ftw teveat J -one. ir. Jfiram J. Beakat, Judge of Probate. Ín i lie muiter ot' thc istiu: it Vn-lun liutcü. dUu reading nnd fUinf? thf pMïtimi. rïnly Tfritifl. f'1' Iloni-)' C. Batos, prayinfí thtit lieorí ■. C'. 1 age or B otlKT uiluMo penOD ni:ty !"■ :ipinnu'd adininistm ' tor ut' estáte ot saiil déoeagea. TbcrcUpon it i otdcrad, Tlmt STondüy, toe livi'üth cly of .Tuno nut, :it fon u'clu'k in tht foix'noon, he awiffned í'or heiuing of uid petitiofli um'1 tbat the heirfi at law of said dráeiiwd, nnd ull i;l: n ;4Í1 entftto are reouirad to np pcar at a sessám'Ol ai.l ( in, tlu-n tu bf holden, h i the Probate Office, in th City ot Ann Arbor, usei'if aay !-■, wliy prayir uf ti ershouldnoi ffnuuca: -V'iil i' ; furuKT . ha! said petitionei i1 ■ rnücr to üic íatereted in wvid eetatc, of Ine pendeney of niH tion, and the héarintf I liereóf, by eíuudng h bep? of thi (M;kr to lir jiul'-'ihi-ti in O.r Michipnn Argvx, ■ paper priated aml oirculatin in &w Biuxvsivi.1 vreeks provious tu saW !:iv ol hi :vin. (A true-oopy,) HIKAM J. BKAKJ 132Í J mlge of l'rolwit. lístate ni' Jacob Jlaehrle. T VTF. OF MICHIGAN, Coanty of W.-wlitonaw, Atasdwioimr t!i.! Probaío "irl for th C'OJfg .r WashtenaV, holden ut Ine Probare Office. ■ City ot' Ann Arbor, on Satwrdaj-. the rixth W of May, m Mffi fea olio ü cight hunnW and sev ni v-one. ,-., Uirwn J. I5ooka, .iiV 'f ripbate. In the matfet of (lie iiLtu uf Jacob Jlnelir „ , f nnxlfllipg trio potifion, dul .-■ hmli r."t vitii I annexed, ptojiilK tUat he u ' ceft.ain real estaíí !- Thi reuiion ii i onictod, Uiat Moudiy, tl dny oí .luí:,' ii. xr, ftt t-n oVioek in ti nndforthehei W'ÜS , detiaecs ud hein at lv a ■!, 8 all othi r k iT-, .11 inteji tonppeAral sbbíoo of airl (Wirt, thn to i' holiieiy I at tnól'robate Offlre, in Uu nnArbor.ano ue, if air.Mh,:.: be, Whj OlC pn.v.T of thepetitiouci' should ii"t I' grnnted: And it u tiirllu'r . tha( --ii'1 iietltione ' ,! in unid [a(c. ot tbe [ífiuíi-n : of, liy í'Uumíuü (,i,it to be publiilied in ihc Michigan Arijas, .1 neWJ paper i'tintfd and ciroulati ' ouply, iuc k Of hi ariiiKlAtri py. UU'' Jm:-. I


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Michigan Argus