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Prof. Magner And The Horse

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The great increase of railroads has no lessencd the usefulncss of or demand forth Boree,- man's ready servant and Bteadfas friend, - and he will not soon go out o feshion in this vicinity, 3t least nut nnti the corapletiou of the Toledo, Ann AxbO and Northern Railroad, and wïicn, o! wlien, w II that be ? It a thorefore desi a blo, in fact necessary, that the owncr of a horse shouid know how lo train, handle e.lucate, use and treat hini, on he road, ii tlie sta'D'e, in sickness as well as in hijallh We shall, Uien, do every reader who ovvns or expccts to own a liorse. or who bas occasion lo useone, a service, by sta tin; that Prof. D. Maoner, dUtingulshed as a horse trainer and tanu-r, and authorofi valuable work on the, Wtll commcoc a coiirse of instruction in uur city 01 Wednesday next, contlntlfng one week Prof. Magxk.k has wjtb liim nina beautifu horses, pupils of hls c.lucali;ig and trniu ), whlch will serve us living ïüustration ol liis system. He has recen tly visitu Adriiin, Jaekson, and otiicr citics in ou State, and Is spoken of by tlie pres-;, uud b; well known rltlxens wlio have attcndc upsn his Iccturoí, as (ollpws : The Alrian 'iimcs s;iys : "He has crriiiiil :i ■.n' c furore umon il! In teres ted in horfccs in tlus olty, mul hl repütatlon hasestended toa Inrse circuí of COUDlry, persons 1 1 : i v 1 1 i; ittfiicli'd hl CiiMBM trom over twonly milos dlatanl He has gucceeded In Bubdoing and reinier Ing perlectly troctable stille horses vch li'tve reslsted all previous etjbrts !" hors breftfcers and ot.liers to reduce tliein to sub naleston, and h:s wpnderfiil power ove horse excites tlie aux. aslou'slimcnt (ron those best posted in equlné care and treal inent, and tlie Cxhibttions ot the trilnei slud of horens whicii hc owiM a:nl carrle willi li i in ara e}ual in inieivst to tb clioiccst leatu res of the besi circus t.riivol n. In cvtry ilace Iiüh heen the Pro lessor !: recelved the tnos! emphatlc hik cordial endorserni'irtfl. TM iress of Toledo whieh place ho vk:h I before coming ben Is en'.irel.v nniiiiinous in hts praise, aixl it goód word are echued by hls nunieroii pil pils." From Jaekson Prof Maoneu brings th tollowlng endorsement : We aic mtmbers of Prof. Magner'a Hors Eilucatius Class in this city, and fullv en dorae hiin as a reformer of mort thai ordlnary merlt. We have geen him tukt horses o( I.'ie wlldeflt and most. viciou ehnracter - wonM kick, run away, ant Could nut be ilriven ddab or single, - ant in a few inoinints so ch.'injic tlielr charac ter as to be drlren geotly, allovrlna; the cro;sp;cce of the Klinls to come agulast tliei binder parte, and in every wny then to act as gently as the best twlned horses Prof. Magner'tt trentment Ib simple, easllj learned and applledtdoes not reqnlre com pllcated or expihstve meunü, . id is a prea iinproveineiit. over auy ire.ilineiit. we havt ever w .inn-sscd by otliers who have trave!cd throagti thla State in the business. IU does all he advertises, (tnd a kuówledgd p his system cannot but be of great vatne to all in any way Interestcd in horses : J. NOYCE, Mayor. L. W. SEATOÑ, l'tmaster and Mcmber of the Olty Council 1). 1$ HIBBARI), EkMM Dealer, &c. 8.H. VAUUÜN, Prcs'l Ilorse Bieeders' Associatión. I). J. ROIJISON, ) I'rop's. Hibbard A. V. PANTI-ANn, ] Hoose. DR. G. CIIITTOCK. l. KNAP?. J.ivtT.v snd floreo Dealer. J. A.. HÍGGIN8, Olty BxpwM B. ;. JOHNSON, Memher City Comicil. .1. BROWÑ. Member Clty Coancll. üoirT. RNOWLES, Uounty Clerh. II. VANDERCOOK, Member Council. (MÍAS MESSERAIi, City MarsliaL JESSB HURD, Owner of Track. JOHN GOODYEAR, Livery and Bale Siiible. C. C. POND. lirokor aml Stock Dealer. ANI ONU m :. [!1K OTBGRS. The MicMriin Farmer lias this conpli. mentsry nortee oí' him . House liiucAKiNO. - Amons tho botse tnmers aml bUBiHorg whotN systeni is a rlecldcí) improvement, there are none wlio Rlaiul hlgher In the profossion thnn l'nifessor I). )[agnci', who li i ssueil ■ vvrv ntc nsiiiiL' 'ork on tlie subject. The I'roc ■-sor is ut. Jackson, u'liere lie dellvers iis Iceturea t a largo cías? every aftcrooon uní thcy are really woll worth the time and money. II is ïnethml of CnrlDR a horse bat habltoally pulls on the halter is alone worth the ice that s paid to scv liltn, Tlic phm Is injíPiíioiis and edbcttve. We sjw ii:i efïeotn i!ly cttt"e ons ui" v-ry v.'oit laltcr bnuKt-r hl Jaekson, the property oí i ctTtuii) physielan ofttfat placr, n.i aiso siibrtuc a horse VYliloh the oWner claimed i.i'l mrwr allowed itsel f to hc put i:i a pin ííic harncss without strlppin In a ícw [ttlnúUwaflerwaxds. II a mcthod ;so of sulxluiii kickiii!; cows. and ruaklrig thc:n piiet .:t the mllkins pall, I mioIi that any man orcommon MiiKe cait npply it. Xliere are sevcrnl principias whícll lic introduces thnt ara new nnd original with himsclf, it ixi from what wc siw we Incl'ne to thlnk tliey re etlVctivi', and anj mn wbo s psed to the liaodllng of bofsea can readlly :i!':.v llicm liiniM1!!', alttT he has scen hiin do it. The work s siiopie, bui it. la uecessary to Instnictloñ demonstra terl to the learner by the practlee in tlie nrena. As fcir onraetves, w wonid not be without the infoniKition we galncd, for tive time. tin amotuU of the lectura (fee, and wc tnkp plcasurc in callin attent'on to the service that l'rof Maguer is doiiig tothe communl ty t4t t Tlio poor Inö5ns nre bcnoniing civil zod. rivo of the wivcs of Cut-oVcr-tlu top, oliief of a Kansas tribo, havo appUe for li v In Quoon Amic's rcign, no phjrsicinn witli the sliglitcst pretensions to practior could manage witüout liis chariot anc four horses. A Boston woman was genteneed lo tlie House of Corroction for six montiis, las woek, for stoitling coins from a dead wo man's oy :S. Fuct. J. T. Cleveland, of Texas, lias mndt the trip to Boston, to see his fatha achicvd 100 yeara of age in Juno. The boy travclud ;ili tho waj alone, tboug] he is only 73 yoars old. The first Kfttional Bank at Fonton i Liqaidstillg all accounts, nnd WÍ11 sooi givoiiiit ebartera. lts circulation wil bo redcemod the coming year. Disoorc .and Btrife among the stockholdcrs is saic to bc the inain cause. %


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