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Joc. T. Jacobs, Tlic cIotliÏT, is just poltini? in nnother stock of rlothini?. Qua price and fuir dcaling soems to Buit tkr pvople. I'oïsil I.a(cSlinwlal UI ..-( f rom Alie tit'li, lionp 1 15.00, al the SIEW MH.MXFRV STORE. More tlmn SOO.ncio people. bear teslimony to llie wonWful onnÜM effects of Dr. Pieroe'a AU, Ext. ot GoUen MeSIc&I IMrovery. I-'or p.ilpitntion or ivreLulnr .ic'ion of the heart, uil severe nrute or lingcrinp Covifrhs, nnd for " LItui Cotnpl.iinf" or " Billioosnes" it is uncqualcd. Sol'! ly nll ilrungMts. A New Stock of PAI8LEY SHAWLS, at ■U'TNT.S & WOEDEK'S. Yon rnn buy a t'oi'i; I.ncr Shawl froni Aurtion, for 810, onh doublé the mono), at the New Tlill iiiery loic, 4T Soulll 'tuin Slrrtt, Soldiors of ISIS, wlio sorvod sixty days nrc ent'tled to Pension, and chouM flpplj tmmedUUely to Johu N. Gott, Bounty and Pension gtnt. Ann Arbor, Mich. Ton ri ii nol mnkc a botter invrstincnt Hortli tft.SO (ii.-ii! to n t'oin; I.ace SUawl for it ut the New imillmerr sor-. A iMTge Stoek of NEW CAIirF.TS, ut WIKE8 & WOKDÉEPB. The Ni-w mrilliiïOTy Ktorc 4T Koulh U:ïn Street i" luitiUj hui ;tk for Parasais and Fnim. ■ - , i wn i i i i ■ A SPLEXDID STOCK of JapBOOT BOka ftnd Just recrixtid nt WINE8 Ar vrORPPN'S. For Molh Patchci Freckles And Tau, UaePcrrj's Moth ttüd Frecklc Lotion The only roll;i1le and h.armlesa remodjr for removing Rrown Discoluratlone from Ihe skin. For IMmpiy Eruptlon?, Black Ilrarl?, BKtichcd Disfiirations on the faco.use Pertya Comcdonc & PiDipl1 Remrcly. l'repared only hy T)r. B. C. r rry, Dcrmfttologist, 49 Bond Strert, New York. Sold by drnggistB tvorywLere. i;:4:n4 Bounty fo So!!ïors. ThOBf who cnlistcciin ISSl on the Arst cali ofl'rcsHvnt [jfüéiiln,Hn ! who worc honora!ly dischanicd bct'un-the cxpir.-itiim nf Uie terra of thoir enlistrafiit.ftrtKMititlnd to $100 Citeh as bounty. And-íoldiurscnlisting nndo.r act oí Jnly 4Ui, lSf4 areto bc aüowed the mipsul iK&ldtmeuU ofboimty fthoy wctc disKhariod by expirntion of service Theabovc cliiMef-should raake applic:ition to the undcreincd. MarchHh(IS;of l-ö-tf JOIIX N. CÏOTT, noiintyanJ Cïalm Aeui# . Second Hand and .Keu Organs And Melodeon fura! very cheap at Trof ÜIN1 raupferoom, No.43 Main Street. (Over Huil & Kobnaon!. 127Ötf ALVINWILSF.T. fo obraskn. CalITornia, Kansas, and (hcB.&IV. k. r. Ltalls. The startln pointe of ihfs lïoiite nrf nt Cliioapo anfi Peoría. The central point ír BÜRLINGION, on the M:,-.sïssvpi. Il trnvorses Illinois nnd the wbole jreadth of Southern Iowa. Near the Hiwoar] its trunk fork iiUo tUrce branches, for it has three western termïct. Ita nortbern terrninnp is Connril Tïlv.fTs, vltore, cros-siny to Omalia, it connects wkh the Union Vacific for al) places on the iatra-coiitinentiil und Vucific slopfis. Ovcr-land travel and traflic choosc this r ■ liable route mors and more. Tts next terminus Ís Lincoln, the CnpHal of Nebras ka.fiftyfive miles west of the Mlasotlri ut PlattBmouth. Thb in tho orly diri'ct avenne to the Sonth Platte conntry. where the i.t'.es of railroad land last seaRon, rose to half a milli n. lts thlfd tortnlnlp is at H.imlmríí. and Nebraska City. At IInmbnrt', (t mak s close conncclións, twiceaday, for .t. Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas City, and the whole Southwest. In journeytng then, from the J5rt to Kansas, via RurlÍDgt'-'ii, you rnjoy nflvantnes yon can secure on no otlter lïne. Yon both pass" over a road sec ond to noother in speed, nafeiy, or any Pullman lux iry of modern travel; and while on your way, sur vt-y the parden of IHlnoia and ii houii, as wcll as 40,n()0 aer'8 of prairie in Sonthwetrn Iown, now n mnrket at l prict-s and loig credit. Keep it then before pooide weatward bonnd, " to tak' the Bj-l'n;ton Itoaíe. IBlOtf


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Michigan Argus