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[" ATEST STYLES! BESTGOOD8! GREATEST VARIETT AND LOWEST PRÍCESÜ S. SONDHEIM IJAH JO9T RttPllKtD FRC'M THE E A. S T , WITH THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK oif SPBiNG AND SUMMER GOODS wrs rumsnrcc coods, HILDREN AND YOL1IIS' CLOIHIXG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCIIELS, &c, &c, &c, TUAT riAS EVER HEEN BROVOIIT TO THIS CITY, WU1CH UK W1LL SKLL Cheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASS'JRTMENT OP CASSIMERES, CO ATI 'N GS, and VESTINGS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE ÜPTO ORDER rN THE BEST STYLE, I AND WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALK. FAZNTS PÜINTS FAINTS Oils OJls Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PAIJNTS. &c, LOOK TO YOÜU INTEKEST AND CALL ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFO RE PURCHASING. Go toB.W.ELLIR & C0'e for choiceWines and Liqunrf i for Medical Purposos . mMETH!NU GOUD AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having ocated at this fplace, has just opensd as FINE and SELECT an aseortment of LIAJlllfy tílDOliUllilllljO ól FM VESTJNGS, As can be foUnd West of New York City, which he ia repared to lncikc p into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST N0T3 CE, ■AND LÖWEïï POSSIBLE PBICE. AESO A I.IXE OP GENTS' FURMSHING GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and ho -vrill GIVE YOTJ FITS. JAMES BOYD, UWtf 24 Main Street. rL O FARMERS ! I deslre now to rcinrn my hearty thnckg for the litwrnl pitronaffo or the Parmrrs 01 Washtenaw nnd ailjoiuing CoutieH..who have for so nisnv years in the pnat extended lo na tlicir tr.irie, lid i hope nnd trust eatlarsrlorv and profitnble to both partu-s. I hops to roceWo n fair share of their ptr..nH(;c in tlie frtture. My offorU wlll be houestly directed towarda the Intercsts of my Customers, Dweil mrayora, Jlnrl sgaln my oim wil] be, not I k:ep aeclieap p;ood a iiossible, but as g-iod ai can be fonmï. and at as Low Rutes as the qnality of my aroods can be afforded. I wlll not undertake to compete in pricee with inferior goods. I will not irapnlr the quaüty of my implemenf. In order to re dtice the price. The pnrclmseof cheap Roods of any kind provea fin nnproíitfthle tnvestment, as raany have fouii'l to their coet. I hal 1 kt cp a FULL STOCK OF FAKMG TOOLS on hand. that t penerally fonnd in market. I am the authorizcd agcut for the i-.llowinj THEESHÍNG MACHINES Genuine Buffalo Fitts, Buffalo, X. Y. ITIichigan Surrpstakes, Béttre Creek. Nichols A 8hcpherd's Vibrutor, Ii. Creek. Geiser machine, Racine,Wls. AL60 The Champion Reapcr & -lowcr, SelMlabe. Tbe Hlrby Sclf-Raklng Rcaprr, Coidblncd. The kii !y Tiro-Whceled Mower. Wuod'K machine, l 'ombincd with Self-Rake. JACKSON WAGOXS, Buckeye and Shortsville Grain DrillsFairbank's Scales, all sizes. THE GENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Mannfactnrcd at Kalamazoo. I harp loented myself iit the oM and well-knnwn Apple pRClclng Hoara of D ïlonninp, on Detroit Street, opposlte Bnchois' Block. wherc T ehall bc happy t meet as mrtny of my old enstomers, and ae man}' ncw ones as may please to come. I have Bectircd the permanent services of Bnm Mc' laren, nut of my old shop hand?, who pcrfcCtly undr-tunds nE-A-iiiisr oAU kind of Aïricultnral Tools, and wlll be on haml inrly in the morning and late at nlght, whei necesnary to accommodate . m. rocers. ' en Arbor, Ar"'l!st.l5Tl.


Old News
Michigan Argus