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Xkw YoitK, Muy 16. Heavy iraports of foreign goods, and a consequent aeavy drain of specie to meet foreign exelmnge balance, have etimultttcd the gold premium, which clones to-díiy at 1 1 1 X with prospecta ota further advanee. The shipmentsof coin last weck renched ncarly $3,000,000. Sterling exchange to-day renchod 110a', the hiirlit'jt fora long time past. Tho dry goods market is inactive, and prices of nll cotton gooda stendy, except printing rlothn, which rule strong. Breadstuff havi rartcd but slightly during the week, and close strong, espedally tor winter wheat. The stock of wheat now ia hand u largely composed of western spring, murli ot" Whiab i unsouna and unsalable. Whüo, thcreiun-, this olaw of wheat is a shade lowerj winter gradsi an 1 -t 2o highar than ut laat report. The Liverpool market is agatn on the advanee haring improvea l-cSd on tbu weck. The rtooki in British podcts are but moderate and the erop prospecta tlierc nol. favorable, so that the wants oí ti rent llritain during the slimmer and fa 11 are likely to be considerable. C'oni Hud ( )ats onch ïmprove on the week l(a 2c. l'rime medium Jleana art; caro-, umi therc is a good demimd tor email Iota. Fair to good, erop oí lít70, aro cuotable at $1.60 q 2. Jn bultvr, weateru tuba scll wellwhen ia irood color and properly oeaoned. Ünly the best makes, however, are salable. White and streaked go only us areaae, but really good yellow would meet a isqouy. Micliigan tubs, good t o prime, are ijijoiable at 2:)'&'21c. Home remark have hcretofore been made as to the style of butter packoge. Open packagea of good butter, where thcy ctm begotantotíu market m good order, are alwuya in demund forthe local trade at outtide priees, but thene should not be used exct'pt upon a certaiiiiy, firatoí good quality, nd secoud of their arrival in good condition. Stock that must toke ite chance for Khipmeut to all quarteru, is best iu secure puukages. Detroit, Síay ITth. The week tlniF far hne shown quite a revival in the wheat market, soroe grades beinv 4&5c better Ulan ut the close of last woelt. New York dinpatehcn ioeived to-diiy report a firmes murket, nnd there secmsa general udvance at all ixñnts. Kxtra white wheut ,ko11 today at .I. ;."i, Tieiulwc'l at $1.4!), and amU-r at 11.45. Corn ifl tlrm but unchangixl at G3ï(4. Out flrm and unchiinged at bb&66% for mixed State, and white. Jieans are somewhat more mquired for. Salos of medium Suite are reported at (IJUI.50, City hand picked aro of course higbcr. 1 tut ter i in more, and good to choice now ia the only grade that ia quotabla. Thfl gcnttnl average ís 1920, witli 1 ffOinetiiiics nl.tiiir.t 1. 'Ihi v viill a plautiful mij - ply of common and inferior, that brings all prico wm Vb btings iiny. Ctwieae, lili lirm at I7,j.ltcfor choioe factory, and 13ftl5c for common. 1KVN steady at 12Htol3c. Hop-, !■(■.. withoal MÜAa Maplo Bagar, WA much iiMjuirccl for, and isquotablo at li(y,13 l'otutoi s fiavo ruliríl quite Htrung, but are a ehade weaker to-day. (notable at ÍK) o, 95 per busbel, and í2..Su;gi2.rJU per bbl. TaUow, 74&1 V Affil AKBOR PRODICE .TI ARK ETS. Auuris Office, Mat 18, 1H71. Wequote thlsaftornoon aefollowe : WUBAT- Whita, 1300140c : Rl, H5@lC0c. CORN5ifi.00c. OATS- 40@4öc. BKANS- 1.00. HAT- 8H. BCTTBH- 1 r. EGGS- T Oc. LARD- 12c, AP?LES- 125c. POTATOHS- 75C. CllICKKNS- I3c. TUUKEYö- Hc.


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