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JJENRY T. HELMliOLD'8 COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Partí- Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Huid F.xtraet Catátela Grape Juict. FOR IJVER COMPLAIJÍTS JATTSDICE, Bil IOfS AKFKCT1ONS.ÍCKOKNIÍ]V(HSIII.-M)rinCO8TIVENKSS, Etc. I'UKELY VKCKTABLk' CONTA1NINO Np MERCUKY.MI.NISHALS OR ! DBLKTEU1OUS URUOS. H Thoo Pilla -írethe most delightfully plcasnnt pnrgfttivr sflpcpRediug castor uil, aalts, magnesia, etc. Tlicre In iHrthlni; inore acccptahlo lo the tiiira ïi. Thoy eivc tone, and rnuse neilher tintinea nor -npint! p.ilns. Thev ure cumposert of the llueat Ingn dient. After h few daya use of them. such an invlgoratlon of the en tiro rytem takcf placo na to Éppear miiai-ulmi ■ to the wcak aud etiurvated, whether ari.iiii.' from Imprudence or disrase. H. T Helmbold'n Comp'Jiind Fluid Kxtrnct Catawba Ornpe rille are not euuar-coated, from the foct thnt sugar coated Pllls do nol disHolve bnt país throu;h the stomnch without dlMaiilviiig.cousequcntly do not produce tlie desirert effect THE CATAWJ1A GKAI'K PII.I.S. ftphi pleaunt In tante and odor, do necensitnle {helr belnt augar-coated. PKIC'E F1FTÏ CENTS PKK BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHJ.Y CONCKNTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will rndlcallr extermínate from the ystem Scrofnla Syphilii). Fever Soree, UlcorB. Sore Eyes, Sorc Leus, Scire Moutli, Sore liend. Bronchitis, Skin Diseanea, Snit Rhcum. C'arikors, Rnnninrs from thi' K:ir, White SwelUogs. Tumors, Canceroue Affect'ons, Node. Rickctts, OltodalarSwcIlngi, Nieht Sweitts, Rash, ïctter, Humorsof all KindB, ('hronie Rhcumitism, Dyppcpsitt, and all dieases that have been establÍ8heU in the system for. jeare L BEINO PREPAIJED EXPRESSLY FOR THE A1I0VK COMPLAINTS, ITS BI.OOI'-PURIFYINU PROPIÏRïIKs AltE HRHATERTHAJ) ANY OTHER PREPARATION OF SARS AP ARILLA. TT GITE8 THKCOMPMCXro.N A CLBAB AND IIKAI.TH V COLOll AND RESTORES THE PATIËNT TO K Si ATE OFIIKALTH AND PURTTY. FOR PU 11 1FYIN0THEB1.0OD. UKMOVING AI.L 'HRONIO (M)NSTITUTIONAI, DI9EA8B8 ARI-I.VG FROM AN IMIURKSIATEOPTHK BLOOI), ANDTHE ONLY RE1IABLE AND EFFE'niJAI. KNOWN RBMEDY FOK TH f; CURE OF PAINS AND SWHI.UNH OF THE BONES, ULCERATIONS OV niETHKOATANO LEGS, BLOTCIIES, PIMPLESON Tin: FCE, EKYSIPPÜ.As, AND ALL SCALY ERUPT10N8 OF TUF. SKIN. AND BFA1TriFYING THE COMPLEXION. PUICE, $l.l0 PER UOTTLK. M II KMI Y T. I1K!..1IHOI.D'S CONCI IÏTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU TUK GREAT MfRETIC, line citred cvcry cae of DIABETES in which it hn bt-'en iven. Irrltutlon of ttie neck ot the Bladder and loflammatlon r the Ktdnevi and Bladder, Ketuntiun of Urine. IHxcases of the Protrate ftland, Mone in ihe Bladder. Ottlcalos, O-avcl. Hrick Duet Depolt. find Mucnona or Milky Diftiharget, and for EcfecWed nnd Delicate Constltutlofle of "both Sexea. rttU ndtid with thi folio wl Dg pymploms : I-oss of Mmory, Dilllctilty of Iïrenthinr. IndUpopiiion to Piert (on, I,on8 of Power, wenk Ncrves, i'reniblinjj, Horror of I)i-e;iso, Wakeftilness, Dimnespot Vision, l'nin in the llnck. Hot Hands Plnthtoft of the Body, Drjnes of the Skin Kruptimi of the Face, Paljjd CoQDtnnnce, Universal LaMlcod uf Muscular S.VKtem, Etc. Used by persons from the aces of eightcen to twfiity-five, and froiD tlnrty-Hvc to flfty-flve or in fhfldccline orchnn of life ; fter confincment or labor palntí bed-wottlng In childrcu. B HELMBOLti'B EXTRACT rTCIir la ninreticnml Blood-Purifyinii, nd cures all DieéavOn arfsinfi from Tlnbitu of Dlivlpat Jnn , nnd Exceesw nnd ImprndenCo In üffti Impuritlei of ihe Biood, Ktc, SpcrHi'dïnjr Cpabia in nffIious for whieh it is used, (ind Sjphilttlc AffecUooi - in ïhcf(! dineascB used inconnection with llelmbold's Ro&o Vali. LADÏBS. 1 u many AÍTectioní peculiar to Ladt, the Kxtrnct Ituchn is unequaled by nny othci Kcnicdy - na In thloroeisor Hetft'itiin, Irreeuluriiv, Pafíifiiíncss or npprevrion ot f'u tomary KvnciintioiiH. l'loerated or rcblrrnt ftato of the Utcrtia, Lencorrhtca or hirci. Sreriliry.nnd for uil Complmnts incident to the aabit of l'H-fipntio. It i prpcribcd extf nsively by the mojt wnlnrat Physlcians andMid wive-i for enloabld anti doltoata (;in.-titution9, of both Sexo- and all A;ea (nttemled with any of the bove diíeaáes or tynip'.omr .) O II. T. ÏIELMBOLIVS EXTRACT BUCITTT CURE DISTASES A1U5ING FROM IMPRUDENCES, HABITá OF OIIPATIOKr ETC., in all their stagee, at llttle rxpense, little or no chaugc in cliet. no iDConvenleiice, and no expoHiire. It canses a Ireqnont deire, anti pivca strenth to Urlnatc, thereby removiDp Ob&trucüons, Prcventing Stricturt'p of the Uretha. Alia.ving Pain and Inflammfeilon. po frequent tn thls dius of diecases, and cxpellinu nU Pulonow matter. Thousniuïs who have beun the victima ofincompetent persone, nnd whu have paid heavy fees to be CQred in n liort time, have fonnri thev have been deceivod nndthatthc "Poieon" hnc, by the ave or "powerful a-tringents'been drieri up in the ratem to break out i a more aggravatyd furm, and perhaps after Mirrlajee. lT#e Helmbold's Extract Buchu for all Affections and Dise.ifte of the Urinary Orfjans. whether existIng in Maie or Fcmale, f rom whatever cause orijin atinff. And Ill matter of howlom; tandlng. Prlce, Oue Dollar and Kifty Cents Per Bottle. L HENRl T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH ennnot hc furpnuFort nu Fnce Wnh, nnd will be lound tbc oniy npeciflc rrmcdy iu pnccii'sof Cutiincoua Affeclion. It ppecdily erndientes Pimple, Spots, Fcorbutic Drynens. Indur.itions of the Cutaneou MomUranc, Ptc, dfspele Redncjie nnd ïnctpcu InHaminittion. Ilivos, Kash. Moth Patcben, Urync!ñ óf Bcalp or Hklu, Front lïtteH, nnd all purposes for wlik ii SülvoB or Oinlmcnts nre sed ; restores to the Pktn ft state of Pnrity and Softneg, nnd insures contiiHH'd healthy action t the ttmnea ofitp vee■■Is. mi whirh dippndR the areenble clearness and vivaclty of complexión to ranch sonfrhtand ndmired. Bilt howcver vninnblca a reiacdy for eximini; do. fecta of the Skin. H. T. HclroboldV Rose Wash has loDg niftaiued it rinciple clnim to unboniidod patronage, by poseftuKlnE: qnnlities whlch ronder it TOILET ÁPPENDAOK of the most S.iperlative and ConKeninl Chflracter, comhining in nn i'lonnt formDll (bote promnifiit requisitos SAFKTY and EFFICACT- the iuvariahle accompaniments of ite une - a a Preservative nid Rt fresher of the Complexion. II la an excellent Lotion for dncnses of Syphflttlc Nature, and s au Injection for dlwense of UioTrinary Orean, ftriinïr fnm habitK of dissipa'ion, ned In eonuretton wilh the EXTRACTS Brciltl, PARsAPAIilLLA, nnd JATAWBA ORape riLLS, n snrh disrñftí'R ft recommrnded, cannot be surpasscd. Prlce, Ono Dollar Ter Bottle; D Full and expltcit dfroctlnnit ncrompany the nicdicines. Evldcne of tlicmost responslblc andreliable character furniwhed on Application ■ with hnndrrdit of thoannda of IWlDg wilnewWi a ml upwarri of 30,000 unKolicitod c.frtïflrrttPH nnd recommendatory letters many of whicli ure irom thn hliïlust sou rees. tnchidinc eminent. PhvfiioiniiH Clert'.vnifii StatMmD te. Thu proprietor luis ncver peaorted lo theír [niblirntion in tii f nflwBpaperai badoosDotdotbh inm the fact that hit articIcH nmk au Standard l'repnrntions, and tlt not ueed to be propped np by certifícales, Henry T. llelmbold's Genuine I'rcpumtions, DflivercHltoniiTaddress. eenrefrom observntion . ESTAHLT-TIKn TPWARP OF TWKNTY YE-IKS. Poid by llrllpÍBÍK evfrvwhere. Addrews lettfrn for Information, In confldenee to HEMRY T. 1IELMliOI.D, Drufclst and Chcmint. Only Depots: n T. Holmbold's Dm? and ChemicnlWurebonse, No W4 Hrondway. KewYork.or to II. T. Helmbold's Medical Depot, 104 South Ten th Street. Philadclphin. Pa. HKWAnEOFCOUNTERFKITS. Ask forHenry T Helmbold's! Tnkcnoothcr. A 6REAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY. itll 1,1.ÍOT'S Tent motu to tiip Wondnrful Curntive EÍIrcts of IÏ1Ï. WALKEIt'S IAI.IPORMA 3. Wil.WKn Prcjirl.-lor. R. II. ro., Urugjim ni Vlncirar Bitter are not avile Fnney Drink. Madcof Poor ttum, Whíaker, i'r.iul Spiril nndRefnsc Liiquoro doctored, splccd and mtu ncdto picase tlic tnste, callcd "Tonlcs," "Appctlzera," "'Rcstorcrs," de., that leud the tlpplcr on to drnnkcnncsa nnet ruin, but are a truc Medicine, modo ftom the Nativo Roots and Herí of California, Ireo from nll Alcohol te Silniulnnts. Thcy are the REAT BLOOn Pt'KIFIElt nnd A LIFE OITING riMNCIPJLE, n icrfict licnovator od Invlgorator of tlic Bystom, rnrrylnff off all políonon matter and restoring tlie blood to a hcaltliy coudltlon. Ko peraon can tako these Bitters accordlng to dlrcctlons and remaln long unwell, proTlde thetf bonei arenotdestroycd by mineral polaon or othcr mcnll9 and the vital organa wastcd beyond the polnt of repair. They arca Gcntle Pnrentlve n wcll no Tonic, possesslng aUo, flio pecnllar merit of ctinff as a powcrfnl agent In rellevlng Congestión or InüammatlonoftheLlver, and all the Viscera: Organs FOR 1'piALE COMPI,AINT8, hetber In youngor old, married or Binglc, at the dawn of womanhood er at the turn of llfe.those Tonic Bitters have AO equal. For Inflnminntorr nnd Chronlc lihniiiintiHNi nnd Gout, Dynpepsta or fndim iloti, Ililloiia, Rcmittent nnd Intcrmlltent Feveri I)iscne of the Blood, Llver, Kldnoyt,, nnd Kladder, these Bitters havo been most uccemlul. 8nch Dlscnaen are eauscd by Vitlnted Blood, which Is ecncrallT produccd by derangement of the Digcstivc Orarnns. DYSPEPSIA OR INDKJKNTION, Iicadche, Pain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlshtness of the Chest, Dlzzince, Ëour Eructatlor.i of the atomach Bad taste la tbc Moutli, Hlllous Attacks, ralpltatlon ofthclleart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pain In the reglón of the Kidneys, and a hundred other palnful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsla. Thcy Invlgorate the Stomach and etlmniatc the torpld liver end bowcls, wlilch render them of nnequalled effleacy in clcanslug tlie blood of all Impurltle, and impartlng ncw Ufe and vigor to the whole systcm. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptlons, Tcttcr, Sait Eheom, Blotches Spots, Pimples, Pustules.Bolls, Carbunclos, Iïing.TVorms, Scald-Hcad, Soro Eyes, Erisipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Dlscoloratlons ol the Skin, tlumors and Ciscases of thaSkln, of whatever name or natnre are litcrally dng tip and citrried out of tho ystcm In a íhort time by the rao of these Bitter. One bottle In such cases wlll convincc tlie most incredulou of tLlr Cleanse the Vltlated Blood wbenever von flnd ita mpuritiPS bontln( tHroogb the kin In l'lri.p U Km"' tlonsor Sores, elf nimc It wlicn yon find it olmtructcd and Klnmislt In tlie veins: ckanseit I tl fooi md yonr 'fee hnn wlll teil Jou vhen. Keep the lood Ce and Uic health of the Bystcm v, ill follow. P ?' TAPE, nnd otlier WOIlltlS, Inrklnpln tho nvstein of so nmny thonjand. are ciienually rtmroy. dand removed. Kor full dlrectlons. rcaof carSulR the circular aronnd onrh hottle. printcd lïi four langnages-Engllsh, Cernían, Frenen nr.d SpailVh. J. TVALKER, Proprletor. I?. n. McDOKAI.D L CO., Drnrsim nJ Gen. Agents, San Francisco, Cal., and 82 ard 84 Cbmmerce Street, New York rWSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALEBil SAM. B. REVENAUGH, PHOTOGRAPÖSR, V1AKES Aí.L K1WDS OF PICTURES FROM TITE SMALLEST LOCMET TO THE LIFE SIZE, ANDFINISHESTHEMIN INDIA INK ! WATEB COLORS ! IN A 8ÜPPEHÏOR MANXER. ÍKAAf No. 3 ÏIl IICX STUIIKT, Mortgage Salo. WEEBEAS, dcfault ha heen made in theeonditions of a oartain morfegage, nitide and exucuted by Daniel Long, Jr., on thfl twcnty-thinl diiy of December, A. ï). eiffhtwn hundred and sixty nine, to John McOoimick, which mortgnge wna recordcd on the name day, in Uieotfiee of th? líetristcr ii" Daedn in and tor the cmnty of Wji.shtcu;iw, itii.-hiian,in libor iorty-two of mortgruges, nid v,io two hundréd nnd Afty; and trUereaa, taere i? now aue and unpaid the sum of thirty dollars on (snid moHgage and the note aceompnnyin t)ie sume for inton-st, und the t'urthcr Kiim of three hundred dollars principal und aecruiiiir tntemt nbove the sairl thirty dollars will beoome due on the fliBt cUiy ofOotober aext, nu tkaieii nlao thirty doürsdue tor jin attornoy fee, provided for in mi mortfc'agc should any proccoílinKs be tnkento forelfMe the same: and, wheieas, no pi'ooi'edingH at law or m cquity have boen taken torecover the snraeor any part theivof : notine i hereby gÍTD, by viitue of tlft power of sale contained in ttid ïiiortgruge, that on Monday, the seventeenth day of Jnly A. I). eifhteen hnndred and scvonty-nin1, at ÜW hour of twelve o'olock, noon, of sald day, at the frontdoor of the ('onrt Houw the county nt Waob tenaw, the undersigned will sell at public iinctiun, to the liiphest bidder, the pmalsoi described in aid mortgage, or sutticient tuereof to p;ty and autisfy the said dobt, the interest thereon, the covta and exptnse of said sale, and the attnrney fet provided for in Kkid mortgage: The said premis?s being described ns ihat rertain pioee or paicel of land lying and beinj? in the city of Aim Arbor, in the oountg' t" Wubte&kw. OOOndod aotfdBSOribed a follows, bciuK the noutli half of the Mlowinu desorifasd land. bounded hy the Ann ArKr city limita on the north; on the oaM by the Oatholic Cemetery ; on the wiuth by the Chubb rood; on the weet by lands recently ocnujned by Mr. tSilk, being eight róds in front and ten roas deep. Ann Arbor, April Uth, 1871. JOHN MeCORMICK, Mortgagee. O. Hawkins, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1317-td. Mortgagc Rale,DEFAVLT htwing been mode in the eonditions of ft certuin UDfftgUS, executcd by John D'Wolf, and Oaroïiiw1 D'Wolf, of the township of Freedom, Wnhtenaw Oounty, Mir-hijmn, to John Jacob Fiegel, of the rome place, hearing ilaio the eirhth day of July A. D. 1870, Bnd reroitlcd in the Register's office for the said Oounty of Washtcnaw, on the eighth dy of July, A. D. 1870, in líber 41 of Mortfrages, on page 659, by reason of which defftiilt therc Ís now due find to beemnè due upon unid mort gage the tum of aix hundred and seventy-fmir dollars and fifty-two cent, and no snit or proeecding ut law or in caatteefy huving been instituted to reoOTQT aid amount, or any part thereof ; Notico is therefore hereby given, that on Paturday, the twenty neoond day of July, A. D. 1871. at eleven o'clock A. M-, of the said day at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said County of Washtonaw, {the same being the place wbere the Circuit Court for aaid county ík held), I &hall sell at public auction to the highest bidder the preiniaes hereitüiftcr descritHïd, or o much thoreof as nhall QM6D1 sary to satisfy the amount due on said mort-ape at the date of this notice with interest and cots and expenses allowed by law, to{?ether with fin Attomey's fee of thirty dolían, proviikd for in sjiiil mortffAgë that is to sa y all that eertain tract or paroel of land Mtuated in the townhip of Freolom, ('oiintynf Wnshteimw, and Stat.1 of Michigan, known and dcwcribed U tlie -;ist half of Uw norfhwAèi qtiárferbf the nortli wo-stquarter of section nuinber twulve, in township mimUi three south of range nuniber four east, in the district of land subject to sale nt Detroit, Michipan, coutaining t went y acre raorr or Ipss. Ann Arbor, April 24. Ifl71. JOHN' JACOB FIEGEL, Mortpagee. D. CRATF.n, Attorncy for Mortgapee. I.ïl9td Mortgao Salo. DEFAVTT havinp l"'n made in the condiiion of a eertain mortpifíf ('xecuted by Norman Jïates, of the township of Sharon, oounty of "Washtenaw, and 8tutc of Micnian, to Jíosca I'aton, of taid eounty of Washtenaw, on the first day of January, A. I). l'sfifi, and recorded ín the líepíster's office of tuiiA rounty of Washtenaw, on thr ninth day of Juno, A. I), lftfifi, in liler 'M of mortg-ages, at pago 24, on whieh mortnge and note accompnnyinp the wam? there w now rlaimed to be due and to tieèome due at the dato of thi notico, the Kiim of t'if?M hundred and Kevtfnty-tliFPt' nd (W-100 dollars, alao an Attorney'n fee of ten dollars provided fur in sftid moríjí"' ;inl Tin in'nrprflinrs nt luw or in equity having becu had to recover the said amount or ny pari thereof; Xow, Ihervfore, noiitvi is hrrfby given, thnt by virt tic of the power of sale in said poortgiurc contAined, I shall eil nt public anction, to the hig'hest bidder, 00 SiLínnlay, the Hrpt day of July next, at 11 o'olook in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the ( 'onrt il(jur, in the city of Ann Arlor, in unid county, thüt bcing the place oï hoMing tbe Circuit Court for Rttid county, 11 that oortaln tract or paroel of land jíitttateíl in the townshiji nt" Shur.u aforeeaid, knuwn [ and itouïibed as folluws, to-it : the west one-half of the süuUicJist quartcr, iiinl tJie west one-half of the ! past huif of the wuitlifinstquartcr of wction even, in ' townshic three oouth of ranee Utree east, in the State ' Of Michiirrin, containingonc hundix-daud t went y acroe more or loss. April 4th, 1871. IIOSEA EATON, MorteftMft, D. Crameïi, Att'y. for Mortgagoe. 1S16 - t " GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'f í for strictly Pure Drugs and l Medicinee,Paints,0il8,&c. Mortgage Sale. TJKFAt jf haring been modela the eondition of a ' .-i rtmn DMtgñ exeeoted by Charle Bentta umi jsrncatiDHi hb wife. of tbe Mr f Aan Arbor in u aahtenaw orant} nd sttc ef Kiehjgnn, to Ah.l,,us Folch, of the siitüc uliiie, on Ure Kth diiy of Muv leo, umi rocordcd In Uw nla of Begiater of Deeoi tor nnid county of Wanhtcino, m the 31st diiy of Ka, a. i). IMO, ut 8 o'clock a, m., in liher 20 of moxtgaatm, ra page 782, which hnid morlgngc wns dulv aiMffnea t. iil Alphena Feleh tu Eneatuie BeutW, of the city of Ann Arbor, uforesaid, the J3d dny ol April, a. i. lstiü, mul recorded in the olflee of Jtegwter .l Deed lor snid eounty of Wushtennw, on the 29th iluy of July, a. i. lH(i), at HU o'clock a.m., in liter i of menta of mortgagea, ou page 268, mul assignod bytho snij Ernestina Beutier to Auguetiu man maan, of the said city of Ann Arlwr, on tho lCtli duy of Mitroh, a. n. 1870, wh.i-h udgninRil i rocorded m tlie Registert ofliee of unid eountr, in libcr 3 of asMKnment of mortijiigCB, nn page SS, and thut Uicnla cluimi'd to 1 iluu ut tlic date licrcof the urn of two bundnd imd two doUua nnd Ta cnU, also tbc rtáaoouble cost and attornoy fue.s, ahoulrl nny proceedinn be had to fori'diisc tlic smne ; nud no snit or ■ nms ut luw or in oquity having Eten luid to recover tho d. i.t ncured by nid mortvam, or in pnrt thervofNol ica ia jítot i hst iy rirl n of i he pown of ■ale in lid mortpuge contained, I ehaU wii at public luctkm, to-tlw lilgluwt bidder, ratha J4th dar of Juno a. d. lrí 7 1 . ut twoo'rlKck lo the aftemoon of tbot dor, at tho front door of the Court Honn in the suitl r-ity ñt Ann Albor, Intheeaunty of Waasianaw and state of Uiclugan,thepremlcsdëcribdin aaidmorta i thosc ivrtiiin tnicts or pnrecta of lund dewxibed na follw, to wit: the north part of lot nuniber tl.i. In l.l(:k niimlicr flvo, Iwin a BtrH) of unid lot, two roda un north ra nt tin. KHm, imi ninniox aaroM the nm from mwt to wet! aks thmnili IMirt of lot numtwr two, in anie block, bottbded ai follows, to wit : on the north by a line conu lq theeaal bneof Bprina; atreet, at tbadktanceof 2Z feet fmm the nortbwaat comer of miid lot nunilxr two and thence eiistwitrdly aci-owi miid lot to X)iit in thp cast line of fmtd Int at the dixlance of -10 feet from the northcast of s:iid lot nuhibcT two, thence running aoutheily by tin.' eoat line of euid Int to the aonthmst i'nn'.ct thermf, west br the south Una ol" sniil lot ti. Spring Htreot, thence north by the wust hne of said lot to the place of bezinning, thé urne aituatod in that pnrt of snid city of Ann Arbor knoirnaa Feloh'a addition, a plat ofwhiehü iwyrded in the office of the Register of DeaAanfaaM i-.mnt y, in libcr IS ui di-ijd, m pt;ue 140, lind the mtid promiaea are hereby uuuTeyatl ubject to allri(;lit uu] privileKys whicli liflonir to the pi-ojirii-tors of themlll race whinh ruim along the enst border of snid pieniLsen IJntd, Murch 22d, 1871. 131 A. WIDENMANX, Aw.ifrnc. Poreclosure of Mortgago. DEPAULT having been made in the pnyment cf th H'iinn of nioney, with ten per cent. inU'rcut there ou, accured by the mortgagc executPd by .lohanna Unge to (;hnunrey 11. MiUen, beuring date the nmo. teenth day of April, a. d. 1869, nnd reconlcd Mar 3d a. . 1SÍ1, In the office of llcfristcT of Jx-eii nf the county of Wnshtenaw, in the Ktatc of Michii' :i i, liber No. 25 ot mortgnges, at page (M3, and amigncd to Hononih Morse, September % A. c 1862, by deed of .■wignment rccoriled in said Uegistci-'s office, m said liter No. 25, ntpiurc 004, on the 2flth day of March, a. p. 1871, bywhich defnnltthe power of mie contnined in said _ mortgage beenmo o]ei-ative, aïul no suit or proceeding having lieen instiuted at law to recover the debt rernaiuing avcurcd by aaeb mortgage, or anv pnrt thercof, and the ann of two hnndrad and four dollars and neventy-eif-ht cents bcing now claimed to be due' thereon: .Soticc is tlierelmu hnvby givcn thnt anid mortgapc will be forecli'íed by the miieof the mortgag 1 premlBes known and diwribed as bcing in Brown A: Fuller's addition to the villa (now city) of Ann Ar. bor, in tho county of V,iahtena-.v, ín the State of Michigan, and commencing in tlie nortlierly Uheof Broadwny, eighteen fret two nnd two fifth fanÁÑa amtinreateriy from the corner of liroirn atreet nnd Broadway, nnd running thenoa northerly and parallel with Brown srreet, fortynine fe-t, thence southerlr and parallel wilh llroadway ninctet-n feot and a half thence aoutbeoaterly and pmaBel wiili Brown stiwt torty nine fcet to Broadtty, thenoe on the line of Broadwoyto Uie plae of baginniac, '" the imdi vidod half of the following do.crill land: (ommencing m the southneaterly line of Jlrown atreet forty-nine feet nortberly from the corner of Broadway and Urow ii street. and running then northerly on the line ui' Brown atroet eightecn bet.tbenee wath■ilv at rijrht nngles with llruv. n atreet fltty-aeveu feet kwo bichea and two nftha to land tormarn owned it Aso L. Snith, thence eMteily and parallel" to the flrst mentioned lino imrl on aaid Bmltb'a line dghteen feet tliimc northorly at right nngles and parallel with the BBcond luie tn the place of bwlnning, nt public nnction or verane, ut the Court Hou.c, in the city of Ann Arhor, in aaid county, on Batnrday, the lirst dai of July next, at noon. HONORAH MORSE, AMif.-n..c. Datcd, March 27, a. l. 1871. E. W. Morcian, Att'y. 13)5 Mnrtjrngc Saín. TAKFAULT haring Wn miule in the eondition of u JL certam inortttagi', exiiiitcd by Joamm ü'IInrn of the iity of Ann Arbor. (ounty'of Waahtaunr, to Anflrew .T. Shively, of the Lirt of New York on the niiietCPlith ñJ Of I-Vbruary, A. D. 1960, and IWOTdM on the manaiaj. in llbei SS of mortgagea, on page 216 at saw dar, on wtajoli mortgasa nnd bond accoinpiinyiujctliesJinie, thcre is ciaim] to be due ut the il:ite of tliis noöee, the mm uf tlnoc hundred nnd sixdolluvsiiiirl tuvnty-flvc cents, nlso an Attorney1 lec of tlmly (lo)lurs shoul.l nny pnwecdiliKsbe tnken to lotecloae the ame, and no pmcccdinp in luw orequitv hnving leen hnd to recover the debt or nv uiirt thcreof ; ' ' Motín is hereby given, by virtne of the power of mie in ;iil moi Imge oontaincd, I ahnll iwll ut publicftuctfon, to the hi-hest bidder, on Sntunlny the tenth du of J :next,l : n'ebNkiii tbe aftemmn nftald Ijiv, ut the Conrt House, ín the City of Ann Arbor, In unid I onnfy, tlmt being tlic piuco of holdin-t Ilietircuit ('omt lor s:iid ('ounty of Washten.nv, ill thon eurtnin jii.-ivs 01 parooa of land situatcinthc towiuliipof Ann Arbor, County of Wnshtenaw aforenid, kiiown, boiindcd nnd dewnbed ns follow to-wit Uingr nl) that rirt of the west half of the northenst quarter of sectíon ntimbcr nine (9) east of tbe rood crasjng the noithwest corner thereof: also all thnt pnrt of the east half of the fioutbwest quarter of snid KCtion lyniif east of mid iod nnt heretoforc deeded to Daniel O'Bars: all in township number two south of range numbersiz ((i -;isi. Manrh 15th, W71. A N'UREW ,T. PHIVEI.T, MortRagec. Jomi K. Oott, AUorney for MortgRf;ee. 131S Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, the Circuit Coitrt for tho County of Wnahtcnnw, in Chancery. MAKY M. RAVAGE, Coraplainnnt, ) VB. [ AUGUSTUS M. SAVAGEDcfendant. ) It aatiafactorily aopeariog to tbis Court by nfH'lnvit that the defend;mt. Augustus M. Sarage, isa non-rpRidentpf (bia State, on moUoo o Falab i Orant, Bolioitors for compialnnnt, it ík ordered thnt the said defendant cause hia appenrance to lie entenxl within two inonths frora the dato of tilia oulor, and that in case of bis apMaraaoe he oouaa ni anawac to the complainant'ö bill to be filed and n copy thcrcof to be Berred n the oomplamant! Solidton witliin twt-nty djira aftor service of a copy of said hill or complaint and' DOlice of tliisnrdt'r, and in defnult theroof that the eaid bill ix) laken as eonfesaed by the Mlid doffndant : And it in further ordcicd thnt within hrmty daya thu aid complainant causo a copy of this order to bepnbliahed in tho Michigan Argut, :: nows)per printed in asid county of 1 nshtenaw, and that the publication continue at least onco a weok tor six weck Kuweseively, or that he cause a copy of this order to bc pcrsonally served on the mii deféndant, aceording to the rules and pructice of this ( ourt. Duted, April 6th, 18Ï1. R. nEAn a. Circuit f'oiirt Commissioner, Washtenaw County, Mich. l'KLCII & GltANT, Cmijdainant's Solicitors. niGw6 Chancery Notice. PURSUANT to and by virtuc of a dccrcc of the t-ircuit C'ourt fcr the County of Wnshtenaw, iu chancery, mnde on ihe S3rt cay 'ot September, 18"u, in a cause thercin pending whereln Charles Brook as L'iiiiri]' of Mac Heli Dearborn. nn Infant, is romplainant.and laalah M Harwood is dcfendnnt ; Notice is hcreliv pven, that I shall Bell t public Tcndue, to the hiirheit bidder, at onc o'clock in the ofteraoon, on the 2Tth day of May, 1871, at the front or jouth door of the Court House. In the city ol Ann rbor, all that certair: tract or parce] of l.ind and promlaea known and descrlbed as followe: t the southwent corner of gectlon twen ty-seven, from thence rnrning eat one-half of a mile, tbence north forty rods, from thence west to the center of the public hihway sitúate near the west line of section twen'v-seven, thence south nlong the center of safd hipfhway to the place of togionlng coutaining forty acres more orless, and beinp; a part of sectiou twenty-peven in the townshipof Pittafleld. In the County of Washtenaw, and Sïate of -Mirhipan. Üated, April 13th,18Tl. R BEAEAN. A Circnit Conrt Commissioiier for Wa-htenaw County, Mich. E.B. Woon. Complalnant's Solicitor. 1317 Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICISKi-AN, County of Washtenaw, m. 7 ia the jnatter of the entate of Albert Htevens, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that in pursuanre oí' un wder granted to the undersigued, Administriitor of the estáte of siiid decensed, bv the Hon. Judge of Probate, for the county of Wanhtenaw, on tha seventeenth day of April A'. T. 1871, there will bc sold ut public venelue, to thehighewt bidder, in front of the Ulifton House hotel, in the villageof AVhitmore Take, in the county of Washtenaw, in said Stnt, on Satnrday, the third day of June, A. D. 1871, nt eleven o'clock in the forenoon of thut day (subject to all encumbronces by inortgageor otherwisc exipting nl the time of the death of snid dNMMdf subject to the right of dower of his widoir therein), the following d&scriued real catato, to-wit : A parcel of land begin - ning four chains iind twenty-fi ve links umi li of the quarter post botween soctions live and six, in town sliip one south of MOM six oast, in saitl State, running tlience notth cighty rx und a lialf degrees cast tirelve chuins and wixty-t'ipht links, thence south nine degrees cast two cliains, thciir' south flevpnty-five and a hnlf degrees west throo rhains and wventy-neven links, thenee south eighty-six and half depreos west nini. ohiuns ui'l tlurt y-two linke to the section line bet ween sections tlve and bít, t heneo north two iloprops west nlonf? Raitl seotíon line two rhiiinu and .seventy links to the puoe of beginning, containingthree acres, one quarborof an acre nnd Kixteen rod of land, bo the sume moreorless; also one other parcol of land in naid town and rangr, deaertbed as coinmencing in the oenter of the highway, on the west mde of Whitmorc Inkf, at the northrnst corner of a piwse of land heretofore deedcd by AVilliam Jny to Jool W. II all, thenee poutlierly along the center of anid highway fourtcn feot, thence westerly bont two hundred fwt to the iinirlc in said llall's nrndi line aud to a stake, thence catoily alom? said ]I;ill8 north line to the center of tin hihway and place of beginning ; also all that part of lbo son th west (juarter of the north wet qoArter of said neetion five, samo township and ntnee, which lies enst of the center of tho high way ruiming north and south on the WBfl bank of Whitmore Lake, not hrretoforn ltHnlcd by &nv Albert Stevens aud wife Dated, April 17th, A. D. 171. 1IEXRT FRALint. 1-118 Adminint vator. Beal Estáte for Salo. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnaw, ss. O In the matter of tho entate nf Henry Kower. flcoeaaed. Notice is hereby gtven, that in nursuancn of mi fntlr Tantl bO tlic uiulersijrnt'd, Aflministiatrix of the estáte of said deora.sed, by thf Hon. Judgeof Prolate. for tho county of Wachten uw, on the aixteonthday of Janiiarv, A. D. IWL then WÜ1 l sold at public vt?nduf, to toe hiffhest bidder, at the south ] door of the Court Ilonvc. in the rit y of Ann ArUir, in . the county of Waahtamvir, m Mld State, on Wèdaav lay, WVOatb (tav of Juno, A. I). 1.S71. at ten oclock in tlic fbraiOOO Of that lay ísiilijcft lo :ú encumbrancos by mortírngv orothorwise existió (f t the time of thcdotttli of suid dwHswi, ml jtlsn subject to the riprht of dower of his widow therein), the following desesibed real estáte, to-wit: All that part of lot oight, in block one north of Iluron etreet and range tliroe, HOcurdiDg to the recorded plat of the vfllaga (now nity) of Ann Arbor, betrinntnpon Main strtcr, ,u the northeast corner nt' sai'l lot. tli-uro snuth on the line oí Main Streel twt-nty-wirp feet, ThODCC wezt to tinalley in the rear of siiillir, thence nrr(h to tho north line nf iaJd tot, thence eoafi te the place of beginning, with the brick store standin thereon, being in said city dí' Ann Arlxr, county and htate afoivsaid. Dated, April LBUi, A. 1. 1871. MAJIÜAUÜTT O. noWKR. 1318 Admiuistratlix.


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Michigan Argus