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Dana Explains

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Mr. Charles A. Baña, of the Xew York Sun, having been oalled urion by eaveral of tho friend.s oí Ooueral (irant to know whether Lo ■rould not desiüt from atiacking him, gaya : As the subject is ono of a public nature, vre can only give a public anawer. I. Let him pay back to Jay Oould tho thousand dollars which Qould pay to tho Rawlins fund. No President should let the blot of false pretencea remain upon his personal honor. II. Let hún dismiss the military attaches whoin he keeps as ughers, messengers, lobby agenta, and pretended secretarifis, in violation of the law, about his peraon at the White House. III. Let hhn dismisB from the public rib his office-pcddling father, his numerous bn ithors-iu-law, eousins, úneles, i and o t lier near relations whom he has appointed to places of employinent and authority, without regard to thoir personal, political or business qualifioations ; and let him rigorously observe the principio laid down by Thomas Jofforson, that the family relations of the President are not to bc appointod to office. IV. Let him return to the donor or donors the cottage at Long Branch, presen ted to him as a gift since his inauguration as President. V. Let him turn out of office oyory man who ever gave him a presont, and make it an uusurmountable obstacle to the appointment of every man to office that has over given him a present. VI. Let him dismiss Bancroft Davig, the bribo-taker, from the Department of State. VII. Lot him reorganizo his Cabinot and fill its offices with Kepublicans of capacity and reputation, whoin tho peoplo know and oan have confidence in. In so óToing, let him abandon his foolish notion that a corporal or private musiciau can snfely be promoted at one jump to be a mujor general and put in command of our arnxy corps. VIII. Let him oarnostly cali upon Congress to reduce the rates of taxation, abolish the unconstitutional incoine tai, relieve industry and commerce from the burdens that are now making the rich richer and tho poor poorer, and crushinK onterprise and honesty to tho oarth. And if his Socrotary of tho Treasury will not agroo to thoeo nieasures of reform dismiss him. IX. Let him introduce commou senao into his appointmenta, and leave off dividing, distracting and. breaking down that noble organization, the Kepublican party. ■ X Lot hitn eond adrift the ring of military money-makera who surround him and exorcise a malignant influcncc upon his conduct; and let him avoid making himsclf ridiculou and suspected by ongaging in such absurditios as the San Domingo swindle, bo that prominent Republicana will no longor as now pronounco h ra a fooi. XI. Lot him boware of tho flatterios of silly rich men, and leave off his adoration of golden calvos, and cease to corrupt the youth of the CPüntry by evincing snch supreme ivorship fo monoy. XII. Let him announco thnt bo is no longer a candidnte for re-olection, and declaro that ho will sternly adhore to tuo opinión he expressed in 18G7, that no man ghould be President more than a single term.


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