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Salads, How To Make Them

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First und bost, becauae simplest, stands French salad made of vinegar and oil, three parta of the latter to one of the fonuer, salt, and pepper. For the pvopur coraposition of this, au oíd prcm-rb asseits thora are four persona raquirod - a uiiacr to meaiure tho vincgar, a peudthrift the oil, a sage to judge of tho galt, aud a rnaniac to stir ftli togetlier. Tho oil ahouldbe puru, the aalad-bowl lioaped with froslieat oros and luttuoe duly mixed, aud if thu manipulator is skülful, the roault caanot bat bo delightftil. For peopla wiio dislike oil, there ' cream-dresaing, made in this vige : tho yolki of two hurd-boiled eggs are rubbed very fine with a eilvor spoon ; to those add a dcgstrt-spoonful of miied mustard ; blond the ítvo thoroughly, theu stir iu a tabla-apoonful of uiolted butter and lialf a tea-oupful of thick croara, a 'ittle aalt and cayenno, and, if dosired, a daah of anohovy or Worootershiro sauce. Last of all, add littlo by little vinegar enougb. to mako the wholo a smooth, croamy i'ias, and pour it ou the lettuoe just beforo serving. Salad Mayonnaiso requirea exporienoo and a certain knack, trhich the Fronch cooka aay ia a gift of Nature, and not to be Hequired. Liko tho poot, a true saladmakor is set apart frotu hia brethren byi mystic chriam all his own. " Tho oue oúaontial of tho Mayonnaiso ia oil - oggs boilod or raw form the basi of the mixturo, the oil is added drop by drop till the paste is thick as custard and sinooth as velvet - a few drops of vinogar or lemon-iuice completo it. Servo in a small silver dish by itself, or pour ovor tho lottuco, or iu a wine glass sot in tho niidst of the lottuco bowl." In the hands of a practicod hotisowife salad becomes one of the ocononiios of tho tablo, working up all mannor of residuary scraps, which without it would ba cast aaido and wastod. String boans, button onions, a stray mushroom or tivo, cold beets nioely slicod and seasonod, boilod potato, fragmenta of cold chickon or moat, all find a placo in tho salad and lond it variety and tlavor. A pretty ornament for tho middlo of a dinnor table is inado by croining a bowl fnll of groen lettuco with blosaoma of scariot nasturtium. Tho flowors aro submittud to tho drossiug as well as tlio leares, ai-d add a cortain piquant puugoncy to the dish whicli must bo triea boforo it can be approciated. - Seribntr'i Monthly.


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Michigan Argus