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Good Story Of A Kentucky Judge

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- Au incident in tho careor of Hou. ThosJ B. Monroe, who for ovor 2ü years oocupied the position of federal judge in Kontucky, will illustrato the high purity of his character, and may servo to remind the judiciary of our day how consciontiously judges of tho olden timo held tho scalos of justico. A studont in the judge's law school ono day asked hirn if, in deciding a case, ho evor feit any bias or prejudico for or against tho parties. The judgo promptly gaid: "Nover but once; I'll teil you the story. Thore was an important oaso, whioh was argued with great ability boforo me by the most distinguished lawyérs at the bar of frankfort, and it took two "veek3 in trial. Evory morning as the court oponed, a little wonum, dressed in black, jnodestly and unassuniingly came into conrt, as if unscon, and took hor seat near tho door. "Just boforo the court adjournod, sho retirod, but not without making a courtesy. It attractod my attention, and I inquirod who she was. I was told that sho was a party to the suit tlien on trial. Wuen tho causo Wiis submittod, and I wus proiaring my opinión, I found it impossible to dismiss Erom my niind the littlo woman and her courtoay. I bcgii to doubt whother I could do justice in tho case. I studicd tue matter very closely, and finally docided in her favor. It involved tho titlo of all she possessod in tlio world. I never," said the old judgo, " was ontirely s;itisfi(tl th:it my decisión was correct, imtil it was finally unamimotisly aflirmed by the Supremo Court of United Status, l feared my judgment had boen waiped by the simplioity and delioaoy of a little woman in black." - Ilartn-ïlk Vi'lctte A British scientific publicntion giros tho following letter : Miny of our readers have doubtless had moro orlesstrouble, at somc i)criod oí their livos, in repairing water pipes where thn water eould not bo shut oft" convenient ly ut tho t'ountain head or somc intermedíate point. In going to iny office a 1Vw daya sinoo my w:iv led pasi ;i place wtere a man was repairing a lead pipe, which had been cut off aocidentally iu maklng aa oxcavation. There wns a pressure of water of moro than fifty feet Load. His plan scemed to me to be novel and injrenioug. Thotwo ends of the pipe were plugged, and then a small pil of broken Lee and nd Balt was placed around them; in flve minutes the water in pipe was frbzon, theplogs removed, a short piece of pipe ínserted and peileetly solaered, and in fivo minutes the ioe in the pipes was thnwed and the water flowing freely through. " An oíd negro mode application at one of the publio buildings in Washington, n short timp ünoe, f or íomething to cwt, and claimod that ho had a right to como threfcf victunls. The hond of thfi drnartment waa oalld in, who asked tho (l;i.vky npon what ririii ho basedhJB claim. "Whj," soid the naole representetii the öfteenth ameadtnent, " i andewtand ion in de oonstitution for de oolorod Mbê, and t h&Ten't had lo fuat rumb. "


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