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A 6BEAT MËDIüATDISi60VERY7 rtlIljlíIONS llcnr Tentironny to tüe Wondrvful Curattvc Kff'.-cts oí R. WXl.U.ÍLlVf (.U.IPOKSI J.WAun! Prcprielor. í( H. 1íc[)onaij)& Co., l'ruggists añil ü-ii. A-ts. S:-n PnnolMO, (al., 3ii 31' and 54 Comtttuicu üttN.y Vinosrar nitrera nre r.ot í vilo Fnnry Drlnk. Uadeof I'oor Klim, AVltlsltcy, i'roof Spirits nnil Itrfiiso Tiiquol tlfictorcd, spiccd and swcctenedto picase the taste, callcd "Tonics,' "Appctlzcrs," "ncstorors," &c, tlmt crul l!io tipplcr on to drunkcnness nnd rnlnfbQt nrcntrue Medicine, mado from thc Katlvo Ro6ta and Harta of California, freo from nll Alcoholic Slimniants. Tliey are the REAT ULOOD PURIFIER and A I.IF1Í GIVING lUINC'IPH:i perfect licnovator nnd Invigorator of the System, ïarrj Ing o:r a!l polsonous mttl r and restoring the Mood to .t hcnlthy condltlon. Ko person can tako tíioae Bitfors nmordlnj to dirpotlons and rcmain long mnrell, provided tlieir bones are not dcsíroycd by mineral poíson or othor means, and tho vital organs vusted beyond thc polnt of ropalr. nron Oontlo Piircntire n wpll nsa Tonir, llar merlt' of áctlng as a powerftil ngent Ín rellevlng CongCRlIon or inílammation of tlic Livor, nnd all tito VíAocrnl Organs. Dwit tii.iiAi.e LtJ.Hi'iíAIKTS, uhetli-r in young or oM, marricd or single, at tho dawn of woiniinliool or r.t tlio turn of life, tlicsc Tonlc Bitters have no cqr '. For Tnflnminnrni'y nuil Chron-c üiicnmalisui il 11 il (;oni, DytMftta or Inriicrntion, Ililinim, RendtteiU and J.itprtiiiru-nt Fcvrr, DiscnscH of iho lïlood, Iiiver, Kiilncys, nnd Bladder, tlicsc Bitters have boen most successen!. Bncu Disi-nscs are caoied Vltlated Itlood, which Ii gcnorally jiroduccd by derangement of tlio Diecsiivc Orsnitfl. PYSFEP8IA OU INDIGESTIÓN, Bet chc, Pnln In tiio Slioulders, Congl , oí tlio Chcst, Dlzzincss, Sonr Eructatlona of tho BI Had taste In tho Uooth, Bllious Attacka, Palpltatlon of the Heart, Inflammntion of tlio Lnngs.Paln In tlio regions of the Kidnoys, and n luindrcd othcr palnful syrr.ptoms, nrc tlio ofisnrïngs of Dyspepsia. Thoy invlRornto tlio Stomach and stlmulate tho torpldllrcr nndboircls, vlilchrrndcrthrmnf uncqnallcd effleary in clcansing the bioort of all UnpnrlUw, and impartltir.ov,-lirennill5nrtotl:eT.liolcfTstcn) FOK SKIN IDEASES, Krnptlons, f etter, galt Bbenm, Blotchcs Spots, Pimples, Pnatnlea, Bous, Car. bunclcs, Ulng-Wornis, Poald-Hoad, Soro I.ycs. . elaa, Itcli, Soiuft, Biscolorations oí tlic Skin, Ilninora and Discases oftlio Skin, of whatcver Domo er natura, nro Hterally dag op eind carrled om oftlic tystcoi in a" rtort timo by hc nse of tiicse Bitten. On ïmttic in uc fMM ? "' convfnco tho most incrcdulous ut' tlair Cleanse Vltlated Blóod hcnevei ron dm] lts Impnrltles nnrsti.iKiliroutii ihcskln InPInmlW Brnntlonsor Sores, cleamc II wnen yon nd lt otm'rncted andalQgirlsh In the veins i dranwll wh?n lttafbnl an ronrfteflns; wlll teil Keop Li blóod iw and the bealth oftlio folio. PIN, TAPE, nr,tl oUier WOItMS, Inrkliig In tho i ol so im.ii.v thoueands. are efl'ectnally íTeetroj. jdand remov. . r, ., .,- ,..,,.,. f ,y the oircnlar aronnd cach bottlo, prlnted In loar lángnagga- EngUak, Germán, I renet umi Sjjauleh. J. ■WALKEli, Tropiictor. r.. II. UcDOKALD & CO., Drufjints and Gen. Agenta, Sun Francisco, Cal., and 82 ard 31 Commcrce Btreet, New Vork T-SOLD BV AH, DRUGOISTS AND DEALEEP TZÏ1) G LO VES. I hnve 20 dozen of the CELFRIÏATED EMl'RESS KID CLOVF.S : lti the ín st t:xquii?itc ehadcg, for one dollar a 'lf .T. H. MAYNARD. T IVE ÖEESK FEATHJÍRS Conetauti} on hand and for snh' ly BACII$ ABEL Fincst Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by T ATEST STYLES! Li BEST GOODS ! GREATEST VARIETY A!HI LOWEST PRiOESÜ S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RETURNED FROM T I-X E E Ji. S T , WITH THE LARCEST AN BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GGODS EXT'S 1 1 KMS1IIY. GOODS, CUILDUEX AND YOU11IS' CLOTIIIXG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHKLS, &c, &c, &c, TIIAT 11 AS BVKR BB5N IiIiOrGHTTOTHIS CITY, WH1CI1 HU W1LL SBUi Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO.A FIH E ASSORTMENT OF CASS1MEEES, COATHSGS, an-l VEST1NGS, wniCH in-: wij. uaks upto order IlV THE BEST STYLE, i AXD WAURANTED A FIT OR NO SALE: grfroti jpvmfemci, VI ICUlCiAX IIACHIJIEBÏ DEloT G. S. WOB.MER & SOK, D'-alcrs in al] kinds of VVood fc Ifon Working Maohinp. 99, 101 and I-:: Jtttmcn Ave., Detroit, y,cb r JIKISTA Sc mEHMlVG. O WESTERN STKAM MAKBLE WORKg Manufacturera of Marbleand Marbielxed ]„,,' L'ibimt imd Phmiber1 Stock. Monumntii ' Cemetry Work of crory descrlptioii on buuii f 'n Grataa ' Cor. ttomoe Ave. :md Frtnet st .Detroit Mu P. (Jhbipt. Gko. P. Mi. JAMES SAU, JU. CO CARPETS AND DRY GOODS ST Woodward Ave., cor. Lamed St. W liiv au immepse itock and j]] v onough t niüko it au object lor thoj th ■ im-! jur ti lni' ofus. C II f L.T.S, wo make a apeclaltj. GEO. S. FKBST.I f. Noble. Geo s. Tri-t. C. W, j PINK A7STD FA.RMIiCG X.A.rus TOK 3.1 i.k In part of this state and the United St, DETROIT. Cl JC. SwultsiSc Co., . INDUSTRIAL AGENCT' I tplyiDg evcry description of Itfa 17riTH LABOR Office wilh GEORQE 8. FROST 4 C0„ Detroit, JAMES JENKS, CEstablUhti Dealer In nll kinds of MACH INERY AND STJPPLIB8, AIo Agent tor Hall's Patcnl Shiu, BUncblne. At'.v.Ucr ftreet Kast. hetwecu IiateiatiL dolph treem, IXlrolt, Mich. i( DUT WM ATI' lThHOLlariiTt Jj In Hm uriyrht Lexicón ol youth, wbiüi rfpeives f'r iiis youn mauhood, there ia nonword nu fïill. Randa'l's Circassfan Cream Wass Waa ncvi-r kil ii t' f:iil t" Freckl(!,Hi lolh I' tchírs.Tíin, &c. , if used asptrdfc ti i;h. anil MTseverrd in. It your druüíst huk ot it, tel! him to pend for it. J. J. RiNDAIX. Proiirictot Fíherl!lcx:k,Ii( IJIE AND FAnMINiJ IA!DS„( oflerfor nle Ï5,(W aerea of ValnalilePW( F.irmiij; Land oit Time, at Pricn ranineh, S2to ÏO FerAcre 6 8S3 acnaörj 1'int: Lftnrifl ;ru localad ni the WiicoDsia ffi rea n Watcn leadlnjt to Cheboygr Doñean .;:ili S40 acres ou Uie Atieres i 3, K) acre? on Tluimier ilay walerf), leiuiingtoj pena, 8M aero on the Tttlbawaaac Iiiver. !j( . M'.i.K.. :■■:■ Parmi nnd TiaSr 1 iicr' - Uboioa Mineral and Hard Timwr Lu: netir Qntonflgon, " 000 acresPrniriulai ka, near the Union PadAc Riütroad. itüOncr b'urmimr Land in Orallot county. ÏS to ;,v i-: I.mds are wort h the prictp skforthem fot FariniiiL' intr,jBcs aftcr (it ft hen ent. Kor Cal! descrijniou, ince (indtta eeud for Ulrcular. D. PRESTO.; K CO., Kanker Üetroit.Mk!. R. & W. F. liINN, Mannfactorers of (round toffees, :?, ices, Tlustard, ttt,t And Wholesale Dealen in TEAS AND OROCERS' SUNDEIB 120 Jeffereon Avenue, Detioit. "JOHN COPLAND, Manufactura ai O Wholesniu dealer in n largc variely of Crackers, Snaps And IJisniiK Orders ïi]teited and filleA at lowest murketpnt Bend lor Prie Ltat Keel Uvc:i sii-itm Bakery, corner Raodofph e Woodbrldge i-tn-i-rs Detfott. IISIItT D. L'IERIDA CO., IIOLESALE BTO SVÍ TÉT aEa J&T I1S! 35 Woodvraid Avenue, DKÏKOIT', - - - M.ICHIGAX. TTUGH JOHNSON, LX Maaaflictarer of nnd dcalerin CABRIAGE3, BVGGIE3 AND SI.WCÏS.' A fine ftseortxnent (f the latest s(v]os of h-mii iDd Baatern Carrlazc, incIudlDg Laiuci tuiRHaB and Kamu-y CABKiAfin froir ihc odeircri factor; ui' .1. Moit .v Co., Brldgeport, i'uu, f-i:u;!y un lmucl and faniiabed lo order Hoi. i-'') Ui 1U" UmicdSt wegt.cor. Cass St.Detni Ciariiare Maimfactiirtrs. y JOHN PATTON i Are offering the largest and best tMorlmi i CARtilAGBS & BUGGIES IMTHE WEST, At Greatly ümIuciU Prices. AH notk made uk o ir uw ii tnpervlirion,&iid Fu i.y wkrantkp. Pactory and WaTernoma corntr Woodbridge ui Bruh Sticcti,Di'truil. . i 9BSHL A_i2yffH[ - "■''3 - i FVr Tlireslumr. Sawina xy' Mulcing CidePi Steaminï jTood i Cttttie, &u. D. K1UÍ, Manol WW. 191 ATWATER STREET. DETROIT GDUËLTZ & BKOTHEB, impurKn tai Dlerip FISTCY GOODS! loys, Yankee ollons, Hosicry, tafti Trlmmins. AND MANUt'ACTÜUBRS OF CniLDBBS'S CABUWGK8. BASKETS W skilií, No sj and S'i Woodward Avo . Ut'"-' Tranpplant Now.-F'it nt "j! Trcc-i Bhl ■ (irapc Vil the 'mail n Hits Or i ■■ (loiine and Bid Dahliae, Gladiolos iubvs Roíc,MadiTlaVlii ■ hnuld bc planted afii-r tne of .May. BJ" ihobeet varlellw -Flvld Vegetable and rlo" new. HiUls ■'■- Bral yinrof crarsced trae. ■ baT6 do 1 ' -'■■ ! lp" li'ind V ., ■ . riheahove.nt moei ilSros, WM.ADA1B TOUX W. AJIPHLE1T, J waoun u e dealer ix ROCKlKGHAM & Ohio STONE WABS GLASS AND STONK FRUIT JAK. Stnd for Price List. 6-1.& G3 "Vypodbridae Htroet "VTw1 DBTHOIT MICH. rt SCfllLESBCROH, BlIIiard Table i J, facturcr, witli Hm.a.vkiv Patent SilL C'ihiur.s, 8, 100 and IOS Knndulph Street, IW" I Mich. Branth: St. Joseph.'Mo. .-.íiiíl mnafactnre P p 01 bple, Jonii LmBaateUTbleBtnddo ïlktnaiof tiltarlnc J psirinu. Ivtp:i1w:.vs on hmiil 8eco.ll",'ïï; hu(1 all Bood appertalnlnu to rZ Plns andalls ter Mie. lo all kiml "f lriK01 ' done. I SAM. B. KEVENAÜGH, PHOTÖGRAPHSa MAKES ALL KJINUS 0 PICTURES i SMALLEST LOGKET TO THU LIFE SIZÍ' ANHFINISHESTUFMIN INDIA I-NK1 WATER COLOBs ! IN A SriTKlUOIt MANXKIÍis: 1.1,. ■ u. :)() Hl bo si Ef:T I - _ 1 OEOPLE'S DRUG STO' R. W. ELLIS & CO.


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