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If yon have a discharge f rom (he noso, offoD.sivc or ■üil ua of the senso of smcll, taste or hearing, eyes watering or weak, fcel tlull and stupid or (l''li!i!aiel. pain or preesnre in thehead, takc oold easily, you may reetasBured Uu tanh. Thnusaads annualljr, without maniftstftig mlfof V. latfi in ConBun md end in ih;1 in;:w. ?. : ■ tmmon, more . li " i:ir'ii-: i ■ K. V. Pierce, M. D., of HnKo, X. Y., is the proprietor of tarrh, "Cold in the Head," orCatairha] I!' i . postpaid for sixty conrs, or font : 6oM by most drugl 'ïywlicro. .Too. T. Jacobs, The clothier, i-1 jnat ETQttiAg n ftnother ;' ClothinL. l i.iir dcalinjj smns to tuit fche people I'oint liiiro SSmwJs it S7.50 f i om Action, ebeap :t 1 5.OO, ut tbe NEW HIIlXIIVr.RY STORU. wm-4 a kgtoB A New Stock of PAIStEY SHAWXe, at WTNES & WORD Vou eau buy a l'aint Iac Sbntvl front Auctiou, for $10, wrth doublé the molles, ' tlic Pfcw Unilinory stort-, Soutli ITIiUn Street. BoUfera of lIL'. who 8i-rvil Blxty (lav. ar en. t'tlc.d to Pension, and wliotHd npp'y immediately to John N. Gott, Bouoty and I'enaUm Agent, Ann Arbor, You rannot make a. botter iuxcstiiiont wortSi $;5.5() tlinii to buy a Point Ljare Shawl for it :it tti Kcw ITIiHinery Store. A Laryc StOCk .t NEW CABPETS, at WINES & WOEDEN'S. Tlie New Iflillinory Store 4T Soutlt Mitin Street ík Heatiqiiurters for I'urnsol und Fans. A sl'l.l'Miil) STOCK of Japaneee fril'Ks and Poplins, Ju! W1MES & WOBDEN'S. For Moth Patchcs, Treokles And Tmi. TTe Perrj'a ïfoth and Frcckle Lotion The ou!y rellabla and harmlessVemedy for remoTins Brown Dlscol m the !-!:-d. For Pimply Braptioss, Black Heads, Blotched DlsSgnratlone on the face, uae Petry'a Comedcne & Pimple lífin Prcpar'od only by Dr. B. C. Pcrry, Dermatojogüt, 49 Boud Sireet.Nhw York. Sold by droggiatl ï- ryuhere. 13ï4m4 Douiiiy (o Soldfrrsi Tliope v.-li" cnli-K din 1S51 on tbe flxat cali of Prcsdent Lincoln, :tuii hi were honorably dlscharged eforcih(; ezpirathon of the term of their enlistnent, are entltled to ildii eacb. au bountyAodsoldiersenllatins anderact of Jnly 4th, 1864 reto be allowed t h italinènte ofbounty ftliey were discharged by expifatioa of service he abovO daaies shoold inake a]jplicaiion to the undersigned. March24th,18T0, itWU JOITN N. GOTT, IlrMlüty aiui Olaim Ajirüt. Serond Hand and Bw Orgnns And Melodeone Forsale very cheap at Prof. Mills' noele room, No. 43 Main Street. (Over IIiilliKobDson.j ïarutf ALVixwiLsi.y. fo Kebraaka California, Knnsas, and the B. & H. K. I!. Lands. The itartlog polnts of thla Route nrr it Chicago and Peoría. The central polnt is BURLINGTON, ii tbe M nol nnd tbe wbole breadtE of Soythern lowa. iNir tln; Missouri lis Lm::!; forks ïnto tlirec braiiches, for it has three western terraiui. lts norlhern terminr.p is Couiuil Blnnfe, where l" Dll'.'li.:: ■.-.illl ttie 0IÜOD Paeifle for all places on tbe intr.i-contlncnlal md Paope. Ovcr-Iand travel ar.d trnfllc cboosethis reliable route more and more. lts nest tonnioflfl la Lincoln, tb Capital of Kebraaka.flftyflve miles west of the Missouri at Plattemouth. Thls 1b' the only direct avenne to th Platte coontry, wliere the sales of raflroad land last scason, ro?e to half n mllliun. lts third tcrmiiiMs is ii Hamburg, and Hel City. Al Hamburg, It makps cIorö conn twiceatiay, for t. .Tocph, Learenworth, KaBsaa CltJ, and the whole 8ool i In Joncnejlng thenv from tbe Baat to Kansas, vin Bariington, yon enjöy adrantagea yon can "Hurc on nu fither line. You both paasf.ovei a roadsoC' ici'l io no ot tier in sjmí'íI , aafety, or atay Pnllmñnlnx ury of modern travel : andwliileon your way, sur, vey the garden of Illinois and well as 40V,00i acrcBOf prairie in Sonthwcstvrti Iowa, nouin marketat pricesand lo.i credit Keep Ittbenbeforepeóple we.-twaid boand, "to takatbe Kui-1!".L'to!i Kute." la!itf ÜMETHING GOUD AT LAST! 24 Main Street. The undersigned, havin? located at thisPplace, hns jnet cpenedasFINEand SELECT an assortment of (Mi, CASSIMERBS i FAKCY MTI18, As can be fjund west of Tïew Yovk City, which he is prepared to make up into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST N0T1CE, ABT) LÖWEÏÏ POSSIBLfi PRIGE. ALSO A LOptB OP GENTS' FÜRNISHINÖ GOODS. ('uil on JAS. EOYD and he will GIVE YOU FITS. JAMES BOYD, ISlSti 24 Main Street. T FARMERS ! Ideulre now to return my heaxty thack? for the itronage of the Farm era of Wiislitoiiaw and og CouniioB, who have for 80 inany yeanln past rM( mil (I i, i :, mui I hupe and trost -aiisractory and profltable to both parnes. I -ii.'iiv of ttu'ir patronage in the future. Mv i'fturis il; be honeatly alreMed townrda the Interests of my Gasfomers, nwri] iismyoivn. And aialn my aim wlll be, n"t to keep as cbeap goods 48 poseible, bat ns ííild as can be found. and at ae Low Ratea as theqnalit of nay feonda can be aflTorded I will mt andertake to : Ices with Inferior gools. Iwillnotimjiair'thtMinnüty if my iroplemeot in oi'dcr to re anee the price, Tbe purcliaae of ctieap goodfl of any kinil provea an uiiprofitsble inVestmcnt, us many have fonnd tu thelr cust. I aball kiep a FILL STOCK OF FAIUIIM TOOLS on haiifl. that !s pcnerally found in market. lam the nutliortzL'd agent for the fullowlng] THRESHÍNG MACHINES ICuffnlo Pltta, Tüiiffalo, N. Y. Jl irliitcan SiiT'ist;iït's, BattleCreek. IVtcbola A Micjiliciirs Vibrator, n.Crcek. The 6dM( .tiiii-liiiic, Raclne, v,ia. AL6O The Champion Rcaper & .Tloirer, Self Rabc. The Hirby Sclf-Raking Ueapcr, Combincd. Tlio Kirby Two-UItrelril Ho er. Woad's Machine, Combined tb Srlf-Rakc. JACKSOX WAGOXP, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Grain DrillsFairbank's Scales, all sizes. TUF, CKNÜINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLQWS, Manufacturcd at Kalamazoo, I hare located mysslf :it tite oíd and wcll-knou-n Apple i' ■■■ of I QeDDlDjr, on Detroit hoz Blocki where I shal! be happy t" meet as mnny of my oid custoiuers, and ae iu:iiiy D6W 0D6a as may pieaafl to come. pertDitnent senicea of Knirmel ?.!■ l:ii' ii, ai i;iy uld Ahap h;liM, who porfcCtly All kinds of AgpIcoHnral Tools, and will on hand oarly In innrniny nud Late at night, wbeu WL ROCERS. I A-u April Ijt,1 i:irmo


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Michigan Argus