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Memorial Day

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program me h;is been rtrranged for Tucsday b xi, Memorial Day, ai of excrclsee in LhE square, prayer, inusic- voca'l and Instrumental- and an oratl o, to be io'lcwcd by a proceuslon to i!iy scvcrnl ceuieteries, Ueadud by the Zooaves and Band, and IncíudlngFlre Dspartment, CivIc Socli i;.' j, Soldlera wlth S wers,and citirally, on lbot and In carrlagea procession wUl visit the cénieter the foHowlug order: Porest 1 1 i 1 1 Cume tery', Oíd Cemetery, Lower Town Cernetcry, Ciitliuüc Cemetery. The oiBcers ot the dy are : Preidnl-Hon. A. l'i i. n. Vke Pretident Messrs; P. Bach, E. 15. Pond, P. Demoran, Frazer Harria, J.AasScott. Oratir- Vrat M. C Tylef. Vhaphtin - llQv G. 1). GUIeyple. Reader at the Graven - Gluirlus l'ull. ! ■:■■:! ('- ,í. K. Snniaer. !- Brastus öllbert, Chss. Joues, .los. T Jacobs. GO young ladies wilt act as a decoratlng conimittee. Supt. Pbrhï has placed us under obliga tion for a copy oí thc " Catalogue of the Public of this city, tor 1870-1, Just issued by OEder ol'the board of tras tres- neatly prtnted pamphlet of40 ; [Belading tlie Superintendent, who teaches the advnnccd classes in languages, ther are tblriy-four teachers on (tuty, assigned to the geverei schools as follows : In thc Hili School 10 " " Grammar School 4 " ' FlrstWard School, 5 '■ " Becond Ward öchooi,.... 4 " " Thlrd Ward School, i " " Foiu-tii Ward Scium!, 5' " " Fiah Ward School, 3 Tlie number of pupila eorolled iu the ! schools during thc year, are'; I ii tl' High School 890 " " Gminaiar School, 272 " " War'l Schools, 1,140 Total, ; 1,702 In giving tliL'se Aguces we bftTe revlsed r refooted the summary, Iu the figure of whlch there s in evident mlstakc. The attenclunce falla short of tliat reported last yar Í62, whüe the number of ion-resident pupila h;is lucreased from 135 o 159. The Catulogiie glveaj In full thc revlsed onrsea of study fwr the sevcral schools and departmenls, and wMely cirfulated voiild l)e a prof) tab'. e advertis.ment of our ity. A very little Item is golng the rounds of !,i State press, stating tliat tho coming ourthaonual sesslon of the Michigan PubIshei's' Asociaiion Is to be held at Bsy City, Juno Ctli, and til at a pteambuat exnrslon to Mackluaw Is dowq on thebilljof .irc: hut wc havo as yat fa led to discover any official aotlce (rom the Exeoutive Commlttee orSecretary. How Is it, Secretar - By the way, accoivlins io fhe constltution of the ARSOciatlon, "tlic second Tnes'.lay of June," the I3lh, s the day of neetlng. It is time the program me wus lly annonnced. - Aml now comes tiiese t vo paragraphs - the very laUst - copied from two ); : rolt d:ilics : Willi M. Carleton wlll recite a pocra bcfore the Michigan PubHshers' Associ vbich meets at B;iv City qo the I8tb of une. - tree Press St"ir.i Items. The annual meet'ng f the editora and pablishers of this State has been cal led to meet Jal v 18th, ai Bay Olty. On the evenIng of that day they wlll take the steamer Saudnsky for a trip to Macktoac and retnru, occnpyiug about tour iluys on the trip. - ï'n'iiint. VTho wUl straighten out the ktnky con cera. Do i!, somebody, quick. The erluble Da Rice, prtnqe ut showIs agaln in the fleld,and is posted for a performance In thla city on the 5t!i oi une, with hls Paris PavHIon Circos any. Ilis troupe Inclndes such talented, vell-known and popular artistes as LoitBir o Maya, tlio Hing Clown o.p Paria ; Frkd Jahci.ay, the new Zenith Star Equestrlan, nd '.' greatest of the great bare back, p'.ructte, ai 1 somcrsault [performers ;" Miss jIzzie Marcellus, "the jovenlle Queen f the Ménage,' and others of equal note. nvaa Is large aod the accom ■■ [ons on the most generóos scata. ïhc ;idnlrers of oqoestrlaB and atliletic feats, and other sports of -the ring, will be sure to j;:ve Col. I!:( k n bfneflt. At a recent exhibition of drawlnfts by papila of the Natlonul Ac-idemy ot Design, - uader the instructiona ol Prof. WilMARTBt,- two prizes, a silver and a bronxe medal, were for the tirst time awarded, and both Won by ladies. The New York Mail sayg : " ]I;ss Marie Loui;e Bascom, whose gratifylng progresa we uoted wheu we visited the sclioo!, as a lady oí rare tasle nnil Indomitable Indntry, is the happy winner o! the Brst :nzi the silver medal, for her drawlng from the Antlqui - a dtfflcult one, as those familiar wlth the casta will re inember - ' Si leu as with the Infant B.icchMiss Bascom is a Michigan lady, grartuated at the Peínale College, Lnslng, inider the late Miss A. O. Rogkus, nw. '.ftcr gra liiation taugbt drawlng and palntliijj in tqe s:une school. Her m:ny friendo iu this State will rejoice vith lier in her success. A few days s!ncc Prof. ïï.i rsox received ■, telegram from Dr. Hall requesMng hlm to send hlm a youog man to accompaoy hls expe.dif.on In search of the North Pole is astrooomer, at "$1,200 a'year and found." Prof. r. rau over the rol 1 of. the senior clasü, made hls selection, an 1 tetídi red tlie posttion to Samuel B. Orbkn, of Media, 'a , a Bcientific gtadent. The offer was promptlj' accepted, and Mr. Greiox 1 e ft. on Tuefiday afternoon's expresa train, fon Washiugton, to be spcclally posted in the Intles assigned to hlm. The expedition will sail In abont four weeks, and is xpected to be absent, three yeirs. Mr. Gkhiïn U reported one of the best stadents in hls class, especiaily In astronomy, and we have uo doubt wll make hls mark. About flfly Baptfat ministers woiv stowed ■wviiy last olght In tlie upper chapul of the önlvereity. During the nlght a number C rnlBcblevous studente proceeded to tbelr Bleeplng place, took evefy gárraent whlcli 'nul been lald aMc .".inl with tlicin adorned the lowercbapel. The scène this mornlng eau be beller imaglned th'an described, whon the reverenda awoke wit h blushcs umi vnin cfforts to coneeal the excremities which the occasion exposed. The gents st.ole thelr way down st;iir, sel their parmeuts and aséuroed an exterior whloh Qtted them lor m appearance in pnbWc.-Ohióago Tebgram, May23d. As the Univcrsity iiame.l i a Baptist institut'ion, with no " suspectcd beretlcs" la lts faeulty, it 19 evident that tlie "g colleges" do not monopolize all tl. ntry. Jas. R. Osoood it Cío. have ssued a pamphlet editiou of tlie " üitllien C' with ome capital lllustratious by B. Eyt-' tSOE, Jr .wliich have received the approval of the nuthor of the poeni; - h'ri ,-; S i'urday, that popular illus Irated wcekly pabltsbed by the abovo flrm is publishipg a series of condened ppvelfl by Bret Harte, anthor of "The '! Clihiee." They are a happy take ofl' of leac! ng noveUst; Al a regalar meeting "f the Ann Arbsr Base Ba.ll Club, held at tlie club room, the followlng offlcers wwe c'ectcil íor the ensíiing year : Vrtui'.Uut- Clias. A. Letter. Yice PrendétU-Qeo. II. Pond. Becretary - Martin Horris. TrcHxurcr - Bamnel Douglass. Diredors-Fvauk Kean, Larry lloban. Seven of tlie " íirst niiie " hava been nppolnted; beldg tbc sume as last year, papelp ; Messrs. Maynárct, Hayman, Wells, Jones, Qobnn, FJctcher anfl Jïüss.


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