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Local And Other Brevities

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-v - 1 lie potito bngR. „jlonilav next- tho Turner Fi'st. _ Ti:til" y nxt - Decoratlon Day. „■ffwtncsday neact- Clans Day. „Tliarwtey, 7 M.'- threatenlog rain. „ nother fro&t- Ttiesdáy mornlng lnt. ,-,t a pprinkle- i str'.i!:iy mom Jjfow_thc.t!mo to subscribe ibr the orPAV op.. Dry s an :!'! heap - gardeui nntl Is in tliis viciniiy. „jhiyor Dodoi.ass is bacH fröra hls 'xi California, lookiog &h ii' he IV. red ne. ■ „ Air Line" ronda bel ög notorlonsly ( from Clévetand to bt Loali beenchri-tcoed the " Bee Line." _ frfc idvertlrfiig- ihat bnckwheat junto bog riniody. (Jrairt dealers we pstinü :"'K(' s!lfl of it. _TiHfd:iy evenlng next - pnbllc cxer Lgi-oraüon and poetn - ol tlic 81stannu. CM Ps' Conventtóti, at the M. B.Ghnrch. _That ' blaretcd blnswft," the potftto eeu (1 Koven d feastlng on c:ml :-Lr plaats. The eptcureau gorinaridlzer. a. Report comes from Bowell w&i Detroit Jutite Porter Zoaaves of tliis city wijl site up tl)e Howèllltes on ttre comlne foürth Of J.ii'y-.liomlay eveniog next- Strnwbcrrics mil at the r'rosbyU-rinn Clmrcli- ,rc lerved by tbc young ladles of the mtlonal Clmrcli. -At Ypsiliuiti Edward Wim.iam 'Uic.mj H has '"'i-1" arreíted and hetd Sor tfial, .1 with cominittlng a rape iion bis ishter, aged 13 years. _ Euvabd Wiínsiiii, a Lutheran raJuisVpsilaüil, has been arrested, cliarged cleaning and uslng'canceled yoy -. An ill-treated wifo gave tho :nL()D. - Tin' Ypsilantl Üommerclal snys that . S. Achax, of Pittsflekl "couimitted m Thursday of last week, by open. f.i -..:■. vy In ! ''■ arm." -Tía: Circuit Cour; bas i.v.-n in sesslon Mondny, Judgfl Higby presldin'g rstcasewas given to jury aml tiesecond one commenced yesterday mofn-We lienr tUat pome of onr farm to clieat tiie potato bugs by covertejthe'.r potatoes with ftraw as soon as u?au4 eultlvatert. We shall vvatch the f.xpor.iiKït and report thu result, anrt with ocettf lts üticcese. - tiuffi Gkkknwooi) calïs Anna Dkjk IS6OJ " the heroïne, the ' Joan of Are ' of the Repbbllcan party." Wliicli is s:yinj; i !g thiiig for tho party. - Eeport bas it tliat a larg nr.mljcr of foplisatiil I'ros!) bolted on Tuesday, intcrI the elepliant and suito, guzzled too noch lager, burncd the college privics In rening, - how quick Paris fashions ire adoptefi hcre, - and got suspended next dsy for their folly. - Ot tliu Muskogon Gas Company, Jas. Ci.emlnts, J. W. KNioirr.apd - II. Dooolass, of thïs city, ire dhucterg, the (brracr be(ng. aiso, Becretary. Anti Arbor .etuis to buve :i mlsslón : furnishing ii;iii to tht othcr citics of the State. -One of our ciliüens was peen a day or . two ugo chopplDg awa-y nt a tree in his firden with a " little liatcliet," and dol] aï (htf: bot, tbcn, liig name wasn't QkoeOE fflíHIKOTOR. - It costs $10 and 00 da 71 In the House o'. Correction for one jealoua Ypsrilancl "kwyw" to shoot at a rival. Tliat's What NiiHAsiEL 1'ri.i.dCK got for ghoot'ne at Wn.UAM WltlTMAIiSH, jllBt lni:;HlSr WiSS Dexteii preferred Whituabsh to Bol IOCK. - At the late annnul gatherlng of theAlpha Deltn Pin frateruity, held at Mlddletin, Conn , It was detcrmlncd to hold the ivention with the Peninsular Ch.iftr, Aun Arbor : Pretident - Hon. W. S. Groesbeck, Clnclnnatl, Ohio. Orator - Dr. los. TnoJiPSO, N. Y. City ; Altérnale- Eï Senator I)ooi.rrn,K, of Wiscons: 11. 1 - ''-Mantox Mahiü.f.. of the N. Y. Morid; AUwnate-llev. Fit ank Sk wai.I.. - We are requeshd to gay that the pr'n'ipil of the State Normal or Tralnlbg fchool, Oswego, tf. T., has slgnlfled a dtsircfor it temporary ezchaoge of daughls with some resideut of our city. Or, putting it In otlier wonis : the gentleman 'e'errert tr wishes to senil a diUiRliter to the Unlverslty, and to get her a home, - 'M a mere boardlng place, - and wouid 8'Te a home to some Ann Arbor daughter ilihing the bcnefltsof the Oswego School, 'Ie gmrluatcs of which conunand the high 'silaries as teachers. ■-The prac'Jce of llcenslng clienp jewCir5', pain killer, piaster and prize rMckage pwldlers, notion dealers and trayellng auc lioneers of all kinds, to blockade thestreeU nd scll tlii'lr wares, dlsturblng adjolnlng Places of business with their bawllngs, Is '"comiiií; a miisance that needs abating. c invite the attention of our city fatbers tathe matter. The little tribute nionev ''lich flnds it way into Üie treasnry from sochsources, will not componsate lor thé 'nconvenience Jour business citizens are S1%cted to, Baying nothlng of the rovv'WBi'and general demor !i.:il ion conseWwtupon such performances. - Tiie Univcrsky seniors took a lialf 'olldaj'on Tuesdsy, procegsed throngh the rectg lang matches of college songs, nml l'fn marclitil in a body, with a few Jud'", wphs, and fresb, sandwlched in, - to fe op tbe 60 contrae ted for,- to Wie Kangaroo, or, perhaps, In scarch of Dur Wn' progenitor. " :5 cents a liciid " was "e contracled irice,anU the clais frlce club r"cvea the band by Ringing " Old Noah'g Menagerie " and snndry other pleces "Boys will be boys." The eompleted plans of tlio Deparfcjent pooks of New York will be the eonstruction of new picrs at once, commencgatBaU.ry Place. The North B od Ea8t river's new picrs projocting from taigRoa w;ill, and opon underní ath wobstmet ir littlö as the C went, and uhedg upon ür pier to wttect iiiorohnuliso,


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