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CONSUMPTIOÑ. lts Cure and lts Preventivo. BY J. H. SCHENCK, M.D. Many n human beini? hf pnasecl awny tnt whoM deuth thtr was no other nnison thnn tlwr ncHlf-ot ir known und indiaputiiMy prvrn rucan oí cnrr. Thuae ncar nnl liir lo fumlljr and frti'nda nro aleeptni; the drcamlesssluaibcrititu which, hndtboy caimly n!npKil dr, josErn n. hciïen'cil's simple TREATMEXT, and KTAllod thomseivos of hls wondcrfully cfficacton mndldnen. they would not havo fullon. lr. Sfïlionok rui In hls own c.nvo pro vod thut wnervcT sufflcirnt vitiiltty remtiln, that vltality, by hls rrwtUelnos nnd Iii rllroctton f. r thclr uso, in qulckenMf Int Iwailhful vlKor. In thi utatuniont thoro Is nothtntf prosiimptnnns. To the fnlth of the Inraüd ia marte no rcpreurntrttlon that Is mt thmisand times sitfostantintcd by ÜTtog ■ ml r UI ble works. Tho thcory of tbe cure by Dr. Pefoenck's medicino Is ns simple os ir Is unfuilinti. ta pliiloïtophy reqnirea no argument. It Is uelf-asijurlnif. nelf-convIndnK. The Sca-weod Tuitte and Mnnctmko'Pill ar the flrst two wiMip. .11 with which tho citadel of th rrmlartr lf uüttiMed. Two thirds of the enms of onsnmntlon orlKinuto In dyspp8ií and a functlonlly dlsordcred llvcr. With trils conditlon th brnnchlal tuboa " ympathlxo" with the stom:eh. Thy rrspoml fcn n morbtScoctlonnf the Hrer. Here thn cvwe th almliiuthiK rettlt,aod the autttng tn, with all lts dlatreaslng syraptoms, of cossumption. Tho Mandrake Pilis are ííomposfld of ono of Nfitnre nobiest glftn-lhe Podophillum Pfïltatr.m. Thuy poses all the Mood-srttrchinff, aïteratire proprt1ei of calumcl, hut, unllko calonicl, they IiBATE NO TINO BEHIND." Tho trork of euro is nnir bfljrtnnlnff. The Tltiatcd nnd muems depnslts Itï the bowpls and In tho allmt'ntary canal aro eected. The livor, like a dock. Is wound up. It aronses from lts tornirtlty. Tho stomach neto rosponsíveW, and tho puticnt bcglnB to fooi tliat he Is gottlng, at last, A 81JPPLY OF G00D BL00D. Tho 9ca-weod Tonle, In conj.inctton with tho PUls, Twrmnntes and aosimilatos wltlt the foorl. ("hyliHoation t nov profrrertsinu withont Uu prerlons tortures. Digestión becomrs painlest. and the cure is scon to bo ut ti;tnd. Thore is nu mor rtatulence, no exacerbatlon of the stomaoh. An appeMto sots tn. Now cnmos tho gTfat-ïst Blo(l Purifler ercr yet rIton by an ndulpent fthcr tn uiTortnman. Hrhnnck's PulmnnicHyrup comes in t perform lts funetloniand to hnsteit and completo the cure. It enter ut onoe upfin lts woric Nature (vin not bo nlieated. It oolleds and ripns the iinpiiirctt and diseawed portionnof the lunjrs. In thu fn-nt of ffatheriny, it prepare thom for oxmTtorution.and lo! in Tftry ph-rt timo tho cialady Is l, tho rotten trip-n. tbat It oocupid in renovHted and inarti; nw, and the patiënt, in all tho dlgntty of rexntiifi Tijïor, itepi) twtit to njoy tho niuuhoott or woniuiünn'U tbnt vtaa GITEN UP AS LOST. Thcsccond thlnsfli, thn pntiontsmnotptnTln n wnrm room nntil tlioy pot wel! ; tt Is almoftt Imposslble to prevont takin : cold wlicn tho hinps aro diseased, but tt must bfl prerrentod or a onre oan DOt bw effected. Kresh air and rldlng ont, espectally In this section of tlie country, in tio fu!l and winter smttinn. nro all wrong. Physldans wbo rorinnmt'iid that coiirw i ioir piitlent, if tholr lui m Bre badly .Hpnsed and vet, becaase tïior are in th ■ houne they must not slt down quii't ; thoy must walk nbouc the room bs muen ind as fitst aa the Btrenptü wlil bear, to pot up n pood clrcolütlon f blood. Tiio pallen tt Dottftt keep In porni spirits- he d(terminf.l %fi get woll. This hns ii ureat deal to do wltli tho appetlte, ml Is Uio groat point to T dnspatr of rnro aftcr ptioh rvirtnnec of lts posslbility in tho worst cases, nnd moral certatnty ín all others, is sin ful. Dr. Sehc-nek's personal Ptutrmoni to the Facutty of his own cuio mu lu these modest Trords: . "Many ycars oro I wns in thr last stnpos of consumptloi;" conflnnil t- iny bod. nnd nt ono tim1 rny physicians thonht that I could not Uto a woek ; thtm. likti a drownlnu; mn cutchfnsr ut Ftrawi, J hennt or and obtained tho prep:ir;iti'ns wbfch I now offer to tho public, and thoy óaade a perfect euro cf xuty. H loo&ned to me ttuit" I oould fee! Ihom penétrate my whlu systÖD. Thpy BOOn rlpfnod tho matter in iny Innjr.s aod Iwonifl spit unmore thnn a pint of ciïenaive ycllow matter every niornlnjc forn lonjr time. "As aMn as that bearun to subsldo, my cutifili, fovrr pains. and nisiit BWöalS .':J1 t'Piirin to }onvc mo, my üppetite becamo RO(m?at that it wis with rlifllctiltrthat I coQld keep from eatlng too mnch. isoonRíiinmy strenjith, und huvo prown in fïnsh cvt'r since. "I was weijfluvl uiortlj aftor my recovcry." odded the Doctor, "tïicn lookfns Üko n men; Bfcoleto my weipht was only ninotv-sevcn pounds; nv prt?5entweightlstwohundrexi and twfmty-flve p5)pounds nd for yoars I lt:ivo enjored unJntcrruptrd hrnlth." Dr. Sciiftnok has dlsoontiaucd bis professional vtetta to New-York and Boaton. Ho or lils non lír. J. TT Sohpnck, Jr., tul enntinue to eee pntients nt thcir sfflee. No. 15 North Slxth Rtrort, Philadelphia, evorv SHturday from 9 A.M. to 3 r.M. TllOM wlio wlsh s thorouph oxanilnutiun tho Iïoppironietcr will br ctKirppo fSy. The ReSplmmoter declares tho cxac onditiOD of the Innps. nnd patients can reaOily learn whethor thev nro curahlo or h t. Tho dinotiona for (aklng tho medicinen ero ndnntec to theituelliRoncn eTon of i chlld. Follow those dfrop ttons. and tind Natjiro will du tho rost, ezceptlna inT; in somc cases the Mandrake Pilla nre to bc taken ii incroased doses; thu thrco medicines nerd no othcr accomnnniments thitn tho r.mplo Jrstructlons thatac oompony thom : Flrat weate appetlto. f n'turninif henlth, fi u n per is tlio most vr oleóme pyxnptoxn. Whei Itoomea, is it will come, lt the despnirinptnt once be of tEod chocr. (iood hlood nt onco foUow, the coiiffh looscna, the nipht swent is abttted. In a short timo both of these morbid ByttptOiSB ara pono fore.vor. Dr. Schenck's medicines are oonstantly kept in tens of thousands of families. As a }nx:itivo or pttnmttVfl the Mandrake Pilis nrc a pt:md;trd preparatlon ; wlhïe tlie Puimonic Byrap as n cura of couRhs and coids may be reparded as n. prophylaeteric nííuin?tconfimption tn anj of ita forma. ■ ïYicc of tho Pulninnic Svnip nnd Hn-weon: Tonlc fl.50a bottle, or $7.50 a half dozen. Manclntko Pilla, Tú oeuts u box. For sale by all drnggfBts aod dealers. HÜRLBUT & EDSALL, 32 Lake Street, Chícalo, IIL, "Wholesale Agent. TU EW GOODS RECEIVED finleyXLewis ! CALL THE ATTENTION OF TnE PEOPLB OF THE CITY AND COUNTRY TO THEIR EXTENS1VE AND WELL ASSOUTKl) STOCK OF SKASONABLE GOODS IN THE LINE 01' BOOTS -A.3STID SHOES, Whicb they now tiave ín 9tfre . and to which constant addilione will bo mnde throiiirhout the soason' The goode which we offter are now and fresh from the F.ictoiy, and iu all caves will be fouad as represented. BYERT DESCKIPTIOS OF L10HT AND HEAVY WORK, FOR il i :. vo ii i : a i ( ii i i,i;c i . We havo the EXCL VSIVE SALE OP TUE CELEBK.1TED UH UOOTS UI SDOES, 1 ai by JAMES M. BTJRT OP H. Y. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTU IN STOCK AND WORK. Also the EXCLUSIVE SALE of REYNOLD'S BKO'S. LDIES FINESHOESX)F EVERY STYLE The abovc work iBfnr Superior to any heratofore FA'EIt offerfd in thlft ( ily, anó wc. "tiarsutee ft in cv-ry particular, and teil U at TBtT I'EH CB.1. bc low üetroit Pricee. on the game goods. JAM. B. REVENAUGh PHOTOGRAPHER f RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIVES BEFOBE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLESJIOTHSANDTAN Do not stow ín any of his Pictures. No Extra Charges. tOOFING! MICHAEL MURRAY FIREAND ?TATEIIPROOF FELT AND COMPO9ITION GRAVEL ROOKS ANDROOFINd MATERIAL Orders Left at the Store of L. C HISDOW will receive prompt Attention. KESIDENCE- Joflorson Str ot, Ann Arbor Mich. ALL WORK WARKANTED. 1319. w4. jpÖR SALE. A. House and Lot On Kust RÍle State Street, in the City of Ann Arbor, hinl lnnise owth of Washington. The lot w4xh rntst ind hoOM ík of brick, onc and a half stom. Wflj Hí sold on easy terau. Tnquire of Judgc Beuken, of Sdward Kyan, Northficld, or nddress th undersigncd it HiK'hlaud, üakland Co., Mifli. KUWARD POWER8. Ann Arbor, Jan. 29 1871. 13O7tf I PÏYSKllA' PlESCBIPTIOÏSl ACCfRATELY AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BY ií. W.ELL1S & (JO.,DRUOG1S78. 111 E L.ATE F1RE! We desïre respoctfully to catl the attention of the pablic to the fact that we have the LARGEST STOCK OP WALL PAPER ! In thls city. At tho tho Hte flr, ApnTWth, portion nflhfa Stock wa ixJiircd by wator ; int w hare aaeortrd tht entlre tuek. and in ordur to close It nll nut we offer it at priccA that (Ufy foropetltion. Tht naper whlch we oll m xrtecX we will warrant iu all roupecta, notwilhatanding tho prlcea are front 50 to 0 per cent. lower than thoae herstofore charged. We h?Yc paper alightl; damaged tbat we wil] f =11 at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES! We hart cleo th Largett 8teek of Curtains, Cloth and Paper Shades, Hollands, Corda, TASSELS, FIXTURES, ETC, Tobefound In thl city, pnrehmed directly from tbp Manufacture nt pri-oe i third lees than tboae charged by other faouaes. We keep ctmstantly on band a complote aaaertmoDt of SCHOOL BOOKS ! STANDARD HISSGËLLANËOUS Baoks, Suple and Fancy Stationery, Albums PICTÜBES. 4 PICTURE FRIES, Of all fijwasnd ?tylpf, and all othci zoods in on liiH'. all of wliich we ofi'cr for cash at low pricoa. Rcmeniber Ilie place. JVo 28 East II uro n Street, n few tloors east uf Cook's Hotel. Cali and examino our onk, and get Our Prices J, C. WATSOI & CO. Ann Arbor, April 26th, 1871. ITEAR YE! The "Bar" not being a Monkey 1SNT ONE OF DARWIN'S PROGENITOBS BOT WHAT OF THAT AS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON ! HAS 1 FULL 8T0CK OP HATS & CAPS I POK SPRING AND SÜMMER ! Hls STYLES -A.K.E THE L.A.TEST. H1S GOUDS THE BEST! AND HIS FRICES THE 4l Ba JB H HE - iuk Hfl _ HB ?_ HJl ■■ ' Aleo a fnll line o( Gcnta' Fnrnishtng Gooda Cali and examine hls CHIPS, PALMS, STRAWS PANAMAS, and LEGH0RN8, belore purch.islng. 7 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. OAM. B. REVEÜVAÜGH KEKPS ON HAND A. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HU RON ST. A UGU8T lOth, 1870. NEW WHEAT FLOUR auperlor qualtiy, attbe ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. fery nice bolted Corn Moal, coarse Mea], Gralmm 'lour- good aecond qnallty Klonr at liw prlce,- irackcd WheattaDd all kinda f Kocd, at lowest prlcea.anddelivered Inany part of the city. Term Cash. SW Order left In my Order Box at the Post Office iromptlyattended to. l8 J. T. 8WATHEL. y HEN Y OU WANT FINE PIIÜTOGRAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH. No. 30 Iluron NIroc. MEW GOUDS W8VI. WACNER'S A La-rge and Choic Stock o( SPRING AND 8HHER GOODS, 1NCLUBINO CLOTIÏ8, OA8SIMERE8, VESTING8, &.G LATE8T STYLES AND BB8T QUAL1TIE WHICH ni WIIX MANUPACTUaE on tcrms to suft; Also a foll line of RKADY-MADE CLÖTHING Aft Gents' FURNISHING Goods B333T STYLEI. Al.oI.AmKi'.ndCK.NTS MOROCCO SATGHELfs No.ïl aouth MsIb Strest- Eaainld. OALL AND SEE THEM. V I III ATI WAGNEIt. Ann Arhor.May.lSTl. Thïs Remedy does not Blmply relieve for a Bhor time, hut it produces perfect. na permanent cures o tho worst cases of Chronlc Nasal Catarrh, and I wil py $'fio reward for a cape that I cannot cnrc "Colil iu the hcnd" aud Catarrhal Ilcndache ar cnred with a few applications. If yon have a dis c arge frm the nfse, ofTensive or otherwíse, top ping up of the noso at times parlial lois of th senM ol emell, taste or hearing, oyes watering o wenk, ffH dull, have pain or presëure in the heai! yon may rest aseured that yon have Oitarrh lhnnsand" annnally , withoutmanifesting hnlTof th nbovc pvinptom , terminale in Coiifumption nn( end in tíie jírave. No disease is no common, mor díjf-o]itivp or toM nnderstood hy pbyHicioD. I wi eend my pamphlet on ('atarrh to juiy address freo Dr. Salíais' Catarrh liemedy is dow SOLÍ) BYMOST DRÜGQÍSTS IN ALL PARTS OF TUE WORLD. PrfoeM COntS. Srnthy mail. po tp.iid.on erelp of 6l ennts, or fonr pftckagofl for two dollars. He : tmrn i f cotmterfrits and worthlcss imitations. Se thatmy private Stamp, whioh is a posltive guaran tee of iíemiinn'5s, íb upon thc outside wrapper HRmem-ber that tliit pri ate St.unp, iguod by th United BtatU (ïovernment ex reiíly fnr etampin m y mediciiieR. hn8 mv portrait. name and address !íiil words "U. S. Certifícate of Gtmutnenet' engraved upon it. and need nt he mistaken, Don' he fwíik11m1 ly travelers, and ot crs repreentinn themsolvpnas'Ur. Sage: I amthonly man now living that Uhp thc knowledie and right to manufac tare the troon tne Dr. Siifíe'8 Catarrh Remoóy, an I nover travel to sel! thls medicine R. V. PI RCF. M. T., 133 Séneca Streot, Bnftalo, N. Y 5 H 3 Z it i s ■ . H a td S 5 2 s i Jé di W ÜJ ;h i w 1 Si HS O ■ ï y, o a Si I ií (8o ? Ofl í 9 n O S u ú V W S ! ■ 3 M a 1 J) r IVE ÖEESE FEATHERS FIB8TQIIAI.ITY, 'onatantlyon haud and forítaleby BACHfr A BUZ 1 Finest Assortmentof Toilet Goods inthe City,by


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