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FJENllY T. IIELMIJÜLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATAWBA GRAPE PILLS. Component Parts - Fluid Extract Rhitbarb and Huid Extract Calauba Grape Juk. FORUVEKTOMPLAINTS JRJNDICE,BILIOUS AïFKCTIONS.SJCKORNIÏRVOUKHKAnArllK CO8TIYKNKSS, Eti'. l'l'KKI.y VP.(;KTABI.E CONTAINING NO MEKCÜKY.MINJiUALS 01 DELKTKllIOUS DRUOS. H These Pilla iretb1 mout rielightfally preaefmtpirr gatlve, ftupor8cdiog castor uil, salta, magnesia, ote Therc nothhig more aceeptnble to the etomach They Live tone, and cuc ncrther nansea nor grip Ing pan. Tïirj are compoacd of the Önest Lngrc dient. A f ter n few dny'a use of them. atu-h uu in vigoration of the pntlre Byetem taken place aa to np pear miracnlou to the wcak and enervated, whethe arisin from imprudence or dieease. II. T. Helm bold'P ( 'i'rn }n nuil Fluid Ëxirnct Catawba Gritpu l'ill nro not auar-coated, from th fct thnt saar coate( Pille !f in-t disfloVre. bnt pnss ihruuli the stomac without dfpsolvíajr.cnufcqnpntly do notprodnre th deeired effect THK C'ATAWIÍA ORAPR PILI-8 hoi n tí pleasant in tante and odor, do nci:nftat their hefng uLar-coatcd. PUICK Ï1PTY CENT PfiK BOX. É HENRY T. HELMBOLD-S niOIILY CONCENTRATED COMPÜtrND FLUID EXTRACT SARSA PARILLA Will exterrainnrte from the oystem Scrofnl SypliiliR. Fcver Soree, Dleore. Sore Eyes, Soro l,t -s Sorc Miuufi, Sor; Hnad, Hrtmeliitii, Skin Dieenses Salt Khoum, Cankera, Ruimlii:' from the Kar White Swellincs, Tumors, Canccron Atlectiou Node, Rickettü, OlandiiliirSwellngs, 'illt Sweats Rash, Teller, Humor of all Kind, :hronic Rhet inüt.inm, l)}'prpi,an(l all dineniK-h tlmt have bce egtabltebcd iu the j'ateni for yeare. L BETWQ PREPATiET) KXPRKSSLT FOK TnF AIIOVK COMPI.A1NTS. ITS BI.OOH.PUKII'YIXC l'KOPKRTIKU Alt E OHEATEKTH AN ANY 0TI1EI I'KKI'AKATION OP SAHS.V I1 ARILI.A. JT GIVE THB COMPLBXtOH A CLEAH AND TTEALTm COLOR ANO RB8TORB8 TUK PATIKNT TO A S'ATK OPHU.W.TH AND PUKITY. FOltPl'ltl PTTNO THK BLOOl), REMOVINQ AM. ilHONIO CONSTITHTIONAI, DISBASES AHI-IN(i PRO AN IMI'UKHSIATEOPTHK BLOOD. ANDTIIL (INI. Y HUI IAHI.K AM) BPFBCTÜAX KNOWN REMEOY KOU THE CUBE OF PAINs ANI 8WELLINO OF TUF. BON ES. UT.CKItATION OP IHE THROAT AND LEGH, HLOTCUHP. PIM PLESON TUK FCE, EIÏYSII'KI.AS, AND ALI 8CALT Klïl PTIONSOFTIIESKIN, AND BPAT! TIFYINO TUE COMPLEXION. PKICE,$l.üO PEt BOTTLB. M IIKMIÏ T. IIKl.iIlillI.irS CONCEBTBATBD FLUID EXTRACT BIJCHIJ THE GREAT IÏIXRETIC, hm cnrnd evnry cane of DIAT1KTTÍS in whlch 1t hns l) teo L'ivcii. InitHtioD of the neck oi" the Bladdof Uld inihimmation of the BJdDeyfl asd Bladder, Retention of Urine. I)i?cases of the Prostrato Olaud, ?tone In tho BUdder, Calcnlua, Gravel, BrlckDoBt DepoitH, And Mncnoos OT Milky Discharges, a ml for Krfeebled and Delir;itc ConstUutloQl of both Sexec, ntU'iided with the followitie nyinptoms : Losb of Memory, Difliculty of Broathtng, Indispop:Uui lo fxcrtioD, Los ol' Powor. wc:ik NttrvQSi rembliilg, Horror of Oieapc, Wakviuliu'ss, Dimncfsof iji"ii. 'nin ín the lía'-k. Ilot Hands, KlnohiiiRof the Body, ■ryucs8 of theSkin Eruption of the Faro, Pallfd 'onnteuance , Universal LíiffHitudc of the Muscular ïystem, Kto. "üsed by persons from the ages of eiphteen to wenty-fivc. and from thirty-five to fifty-flve orin hcihline orchango of llfe; nTter coufiuement or abor palxs; bed-weltinc in childrcn. B ii rlmbouvs extract huchu s MureUcaod tlood-Puriryinir, and curm al] Disecase ftrMng Trom labits of DiMlpatlon, rad Exceptes and [mprnden0 in Ufe, Impurith'p of the Blood, Ktc. superadlos Copabla in nflteclloiis Tor wtdcfa it is npd, and 3'philitic Affoctionii- in these dUeapep ueed in con - ection witta Hclrabold's Rose 'iVash. LADIES. In man y Affection? peculiar to LaoVfl, the Extract íacha i tinequnlcd by nny othei Ueniedy - e in hlorosis or Uerctitinn, Irregularily, Paitiftifnes or upprceMon of Cti'tomary Kvacnntioue. t'Iceratcrt. r frchlrrnfl itate of the Uterus, Lcncorrhtea or 'hite, PterílitT, and foi all Complaints incident to ie hahiti Of Pi'iipniion. It I pn-fcribed extrnvelv by the mout eminent Physicinns and Mid ■ivcv for enleeMed. and duli;atc ConMitntions, of othSexeaand all Ages (attended wfth any of the hnvu dieeasoe or eymptoms.)! O n. T. HKLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHÜ 'JREíí DHBAflBS AIMSTNÜ FROM IMPRüDENCES, ÊABIT3 OF DISSIPATION, ETC, n all their wlage, at líttlc expense, little or no UUkgfl i u diet. uo inconvenience. and no exposnre. , causes a frequent desire, and glvee strengt h to Irinatc, thereby reroovinj; Obfetructions, Prcvi-iiting t riet u r es of the Uretha, Allnyinp Pain anrt Inil.immation. so frequent Ín thisclass of diseaees, and cxclliiig all Poii-onou" matter. Thoneftnds who hare been tb e viciims ofinrometent persons, nud whu have paid heflvy fees to bc O röd ín a short time, have found tliv bave been deeivod nnd thnt the uPolf0Df bas, by the nsc or powerful a--trin''r.tfl," been drled np in the cystern o break out ín a more agravatt-d form, and porapa aftcr Uarriag. Ue Tïelmbold'i Extract Buchu for all Affectlons id Dtecnscs of the Urinary Orga&lt whother existtig in Maic or Feniale, from whattfrar canne origlntrnji. and no matter of ho w loner "tnndlng. Price, uc Dollar and Fifty tntBptr Bottle. L IENIiï T. JELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH nrnot bo snrpftascd os a Frcc Wafli.and wlllbo and the oniv epeciñe reniedy in every iJjiccit-sof ilnncoud Affection. It f pocdlly cradicatcB Pimples, lotfi, Fcorbutic Pryncss. Indtiratlons of the CuIneons Mombrnnc, etc, dlspcle Rednoss and Inciput Innnmmation. Hives, Knuh.Moth Pnti-he, Drychb of Scalp or Ski", Front Hites, and all piirpoees or wblCb Salven or Ointments are UHftd ; restorus to ie Skin !i State "f l'uritj and Softucs. and insares ontinued healthy actlon to the tisno ofits ves:ls. on which di"pcnds tlieaKrccable clcarness and vacity of complexión eo much Ronphtand adinircd. )ut howcver valunblens a remedy for ezlatlns deertaof the Skin. II. T. Helmbold's lióse Wash has onu nstsined itn principie elflim to linbounned patinHue, by mwmmIbie qnalittcs whidi rsader It a 'OILET APPKNDAiïK of the most 8aporlativ6 and Congenial Character,conibining in an elegant form,1 fhose prominent rcqnlglUta. SAFF.TY aud KITI0Ï theinvariable accompaniraents of its uc - r a Preservativo and Kí fresber of the Complexion. is an excellent Lotion for difteases of a Syphilitic ature, and as an iniection for discase of the Urinrv Ornn, arisinc frfin babits of diasipaMon, nsed n connection wiili the IÏXTKACTS UI(.IIT'. SAÍIAI'AHIU.A, und OATAWBA ORAPF. PII.l.s, in irh diwasen au recoramentled, caDnot bc eurpaKsod. rice, One Dollar Per Bottle: D Pull and expllcit direction ccompany the mediKvidence of the most rewponaible androlinblo charctcr fornlsbed or appncstlon. wltt liiiiuiredsof hoHsinds of livinjr witno-sis, and npwrd of 30,000 nsolicited cirtiliciitru aud rrcommciidatory letten manvof vrhleh are (rom the liicliont on rees, lududis eminent PnTrictaoa Clernrmen Ptatesmen, tc. 'he nroprletor'hnii ncver resortod lo Ihiir publicaon in Ibe nwspapersi ha does nut. dothis irom the iirt thnt bis ardcIfB rank ji standard I'repnrations, ld do uot nMd to bc proppcd up by certifícales, lenryT. Helmbold's Genuine PrcparationSj eliverrd to anv addr'-sM. ernrefmm ohMTTattoil. KSTAr.l.i-Hiíii i PWARDÖFTWKNTT VE.vüs. )ld bv lrn"LrihtK cvvrywhere. Aft'lrrss letters for formntion?lnconli(leme to HEMRY T. IIKI.MOI.I, DrogsM and Chemmt. Only Depots : II. T. Helmhold's Drnc nnd, N WI4 Hrojnlwny. New Vork. or II T Helmbold Medical I)cot, 104 iouthTcnth reet. I'hiliiclelplmi. Pa. HKWAKROF CO1INTERFKITS. Ask for Henry Hclmbold'sl Takc noothir. i:ilü I . Real Estafa tor Bale. STATE OF MH'jiífíAN', Conste flf Washtenaw, m. ju matturof the sttate ef Frank W. ■■ minor: tíotíoo hercby riven, tikfíi in punuanoeof mi order gmnted u the imaenjjrned, taardian of tbe estáte of safd nünor, by tbe Hon.Judgeol Erobate, In Ui" coi ni t y it W:islitfTi:iv, mi tw,-iíy-sixtíi d;r oí ApríL a. i). 1871, there wiil be sold at pabilo rendad tu the burhest bidder, at the office it Qooaals & Hanley', íti tbe vtilage of Delhi, in the oounty of Waahi in suiíl Btate, on Batomay, thc aerentecnthdayof June, a. . 1871, ut ten o'eloek in the fbrenoon of tluit day, (üiibject to uil en&unbrancos by morteage or otborwise existing at thc timo of salo,- and aro subject to ths ritílit of domr fjf the widOW of Norman K 'ioodalc, deceosedt therain}, tbe followingdeaorfbed real estáte, to-wit : The undiviricíl half of Iota niño and ten, Ín block niño, in the villnge of J Ihi, in attld oounty, ancording to the recordea plt of miid vilbige. Dated, April 2Oth, a. i. 1871. BDWARD L. BOYDEN", 1320 aturdían, Chancory Notico. IJURST'AM1 to nuil by virtuc of a decrce of the Circuit Court for the Connty of Washteoaw, in 'iKUM.ciy, made on the üiid cay of September 18"0, in a cnuíc therein pending whereln Charles Urooks as guardián of Mac Bell Deurborn, an hifunt, ín compUinant, and Isatah M Ilarwuod is (ïefendant ; N'oiirt! i a hercby plven, that I shull sell at public vendue, to the hihest bidder, at onc o'eloek in the ate rn non f on the 27th day of May, 1871, at the front or south door of the Coiirt FIousu, in the city ofAnn Arbor, all that certain tract or parecí of land n)d preoilsee known and deserfhed as folio ws: Iietriunh.j; ut the sotithweat corner of section twen tv-Heven, from t henee rmining eatt one-half of ,i mile, thence north forty rodt, from theiice weet to thecenterof the public hijjhway sitúate ncar thc west of pection tweiry-cvi-n, thence aouth alrmu' tho center of aaid hijhway to the place of befflnntng contalning forty acres more or less, and being apart Of SOOtlOB twenty-feven in the townhip of Pittffield. in the County of Washteaaw, and State of MIch!:n. Datcd, April lsth.lSTt. R. BKAEAX, A CircnitCourt Commissioner for Wnihtenaw County, Hlch. Oomplalnanfi Solicitor. isit Sheriffs Salo. Stilte of Michigan, County of W'iwhtenaw, m.- Tïy virtne of s write of exr:uion, fasñed out of and nader the acal of UieCtreoii ('onrt for the county of Waahtena anl Statoof Bfichigan, dated nintib (itth) ilay of Maxoh, A. I). 1M71, mui to me cUsected iind delivered, Mftinst the gooda nd ohatUes, tanda and tennmontR of Charlea, (lcfeiiil;int therefn namcd, 1 did0n the tweutifth' day of Bfarch, A. ]. 1871, fot the want of frootU and cluittles, luvv upon the followi Tier reaJestwce: Bflofamingai a nUxko in the center of the Territoria] rond, '-i: the oart half of the aoutlnresi gnarterof section fw ven teen (17), in townsbip four (1) Boath oí nmge '■' ix wt, thence north eity-seren degreeaessih aixduiinsj thenee north fifteen minntea wrst, four cliüins ind cihty-üve link; thenre Hiuth eighty-eeren degreea thirty minutes west, dxohaiiu eleven links; thence wnitli forr.y-one dogTCCH thirty minutea (.-ast, threa diahie ; tlicnce south etehty sorsn degreoa tliírty minutes west, four chuinn forty links to the place of beafetnmg, oontainfog thrro nnú sctrnty-iiveonc-hunnredths acroH of lana: AJsoaparoel of land bi-L'inninir at a stalce in tho center of the Territorial rood, on the east huif of tho fwuthweat quarter of section (17) seventeen, in town [4] swmth of range (6) cast; thenee north eiplity-seven drrces thirty minutos east, four (4] chaina íifty linkn; tlit-npi south Forty-one degxeea thirty minute eert, thme rhains; thenee aonCh etehty-aeren d errees thirty minutos weBt tin-H' chaina to the plaoe of Segmalng; Also a piece of land lx-in;? ir. the northwest corner of the west half of the soütheast quarter of ioc. (17) soventen, in township (4) tour south of range (6) sixeaítt, commeBcñiír riffht roda eaat of the northwest corner of aold lot, runninu' west eiiíht roda to the corner of nai lot, thenee aonth ten roda, thenoa Dortheaateily to the place of beginnina;, alVtne abore doaraiptlanj aappoaed tooontain ÖTe iiirj one-fourth acre of land : vVlso the aontii half of the west half of the noitheact quarter of section (17) aeren teen, in town?hip four HOiithof ranc siv eaeti sontalntsg forty aerea of land, ta Also ii part of the norchwest quarter of section i: mi, town tour [4] aouth of ranga [6) sí: beginning at theaoutheaai oornerof id quartor sootjrii nerenteen, and running thence north twenty-one chaina aml muutv-two Unks, thenoo weal aizteen chaina and sixty links, thenee south flfty degroea west nina chaina and ftfteen links, to the center of the Saline and Mnnroc rond, thcïioe BOUth thirfynine and one-fourth dejirees eaat, twenty cluiins and f'iiiy-timr links, to the aonth linoof BaUQuartn ■■■- tion, nnd tlience east on saiii Une tan ehaaia and pcvent y links, to the place of beginnüw, containfau forty aeresoi land, more or Ie. Whit-h premisoï i ahaU ezpoae tor Mie at public anotion, t the higheat bulder, at theflouth door of the Coutt ÈOUSO in the City uf Ann Arbor, in saidoonnty, on the tbird day of July A. T. 1871, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon oi aaid day. J)atcl May 19th A. D. 1871. MTEON TV EBT!, Sheriff. 1. ('kamkti, VWíTh Att'y. 1822. Sberiffa Raio. BY VIRTUK ofoneexeculion sned out of and onder the acoJ of the inuit curt for thcCountyof Washtenaw, nnd State of Michin. bearlng date the ihïrlieth (biy oí Jecmbrr. A 1. 1S70, and o me directed and delivered, I. Byron K. Potter, Sheriff, hy Thos.J. Hoskins, Deputy Sheriff; dld.on the thlrtfeth day ofDccember, A. l.' uto, U-vy opon Hiid ae!s6 all the right, title. mul Intrrert of Hanrlce 0Cconnor, In and Êothf folio wl ds ricribrd lamia nnd premlaeato wit: Theweat J (halij oftbesoutfa paat ',; fqnftrter)ofectionflfteen,an(l inê northweet Hfquartor; of the northcjipt '., fqnnrter) of section 2(tweuty-twoj, town onc f-outh, rni' six e:ift. iu the C'ouuty of Wiishtcnaw and State of Michigan, whlch premist or thc defemlsiit'w Interest thereln, I sl);til exposé foraale, at public auctlon, n? tbe law dlrectfs at the south door of ihe i ourt JIoupc In the city of Ann Arbor, tbntbeiDg tlieplncc for holding the Circuit Oonrt for ilie Connty nf Wwbtcñaw,on Salurííny The tv enH -m -vertí: (-ty ofllaj next. Dnlc-d, Ann Arïor, April Ktli, !7i. 1S.R POHTKR, Sheriff, 1317 By Thop. ,ï. HosKixa.Depaty Bherlfl Mortgagc Salo. WIIEREAS, düfuult haa bren made in theoonditiona of q oortain mortgage, made and exeeatod by Daniel Lang, Jr., on the twenty-tbird day of Decemn'r, A. D. olhteen hundred and Bixty-mne, to John MoConnirk, whioh mortgage waa reooroed on the ame lay, in the olfice of the Jtejrhter of Desda in aml lor herountyof Waahtenaw, -Mirhiiran, in Uboi forty-two of mortgagea, and patre cwo hundred and flfty: and rhereaa, t.iereis nowoue andunpaid the sum of thirty lollars on said morteage and the note aoeompanying he same tor hítense, and Ihe fnrthtr gum of Uiree Mindrod dollars principal and neorulng Interest abore he a&id thirty dollars wfll bccomc duo on the lirt day ' of October next, and there i also thirty dollar.- duo for ; in rtttorney fee, provided for in suid nioitgnpe ühonld ' iny procela lins lx: tak on to toréelosO t he same; and, ' wherctis, no nroceedinga at Law or m equity have loen aken torecover the aameorany part thoreof: notieeis 1 teveby giren, by virtue of tlie rnwer of sale oontained ' ii aaid mortgage, thnt on fttoiïday, tho seventcenth ! a y of July A. D. eighteen hundred and serenty-one ' t thc hour of twelve oVlijirk, noon, of said day, at the ' ront door of thc Court House for the oounty of Waah ■' uaw.tiie oaderaigned wfllseD at public anecian, to ' ho hiffb.vt. bidder, the premiaen deearibed in aaid ' mortiratfo, or rtufheient thtTcof to pny nnd satinfy tbo 1 aid debt, the interest thcreon, the COffts and ezpenaea f Hid aale, and the nttorney ree provided for in ni mortiage : The wud nremisea bdng describéd aa thnt nrtaln pleoe or paree] of land lying: and bahw in the ity of Ann Arbor, iu thc county of Waahtenaw, touwled and descriliod ns follows, bt'infi thc sonth huif f the fbUowinff dssetibed UumL oonnaod bythe Ann i rbor city limita on the north; on the eost by the i 'atholic Oeinetery ; on the south by the ('hubb rond; ( n the woat by buida rcccntly occupicd by Mrs. .ilk, ; rin-.r ei "hi hwÏh in front and ten rtwls deep. , Ann Arbor, April llth, 1871. ] JOHN McCOUMICK, Mortgngce. O. IIawkinb, Attorney for Mortagce. . l:ïlT-Nl. i . _ - i . l f Mortgage Sale. DBP AT'T.T havinjr boen made in the omdltíoDfl of aoerttun mortgoge, exeented by John DWüt and Caroline IfWuli, f the to wnsliip of Preedom, waahtenaw County] M chipan, to John Jacob Fiegel, of the aaxne plnoe, bearlng daté the eighth day of July a. ik 1870, and recoided in the Register's ottLoa tor the aaid i 'iimty of Washienaw, on tho eighth day Of -ïuly, A. I. 1870, in liter 41 of Mortgagcs, on page 6Sü, by reason of which dof n uit iliiif u now duo and to become duo upon said mortpajre the buiii of six imndwd .nd seventy-four dollars and fifty-two cents, and no snit or ding at law or in hunvrv baring been institutnd to recover said amount, or any pari thereof; Notie ■ is therefóre hereby priven, that on Saturday, the i wen tv aeoond day of .ï'uly, A. lx UJ71, it alewn O'olook A. M., of the aald day at the front d(K)r of the Court House, in the City of Aim Arbor.insaid County of Washtcmiw, (the HJiinu betog fchfl plaoa wbem the Circuit Court for suid county is held), I shall wil at public auction to fcl)e highest bidder thepramfaea beroinnftfr descriled, or w) much thereof as shall bo neceeafy to ta-tbfy tbe nmouut due on múd mortgagQ at the date of this notice with intorwt aad oseta and expongas aBowed by law, txwetficr witfa an A.ttoraey'a lee of tlnrty dollars, providfd for in wiil morteagO thut Ís to say all thrtt cenain traot or pavod of land attuated in tho township íf FrcíHiom, Countv of "Washtcnaw, and State of Micliipan, known and deeorfbed M the oaiit half of the nortlnveat qunrter of the north west quartei of aeotion immber twelve, in townsliip unmber threc ftouth of runge numlKT fonr cast, in the district of land mibjt'ct to s.ilr.n Ih-troit, Michigan, containing twenty acres inore or lew. Ann Arbor, Apiil 24, 1871. JOHN JACOB FIEGKL, Mortgagee. D. CltAMKR, Attorncy for Morigagce. 1U6U Sfortgage Salo. DEI'ATLT haviiifí neen mtuc in the eondition of a oextain mortgage exeouted by Nonnun Itates, of the fcownaMp of slmron, county of Waahtenaw, and Btateof Mii'hipan, tu QOMfl Baten, of said county of Wnslitciiaw, OD tAO flXBt day of Jamtary, A. ]. tWifi, and ï-eoorded in tlie Begiatar'B offloe of Said oimty of WaahtenaVi OU Üdd nintli day of Juno, A. D. lftGíi, in lilíer 37 of moxtgogea, at page -li on wlücli mortgage and note aoooanpanying tin same thera i now olauaed t be and td beoome dne at tlie of this notioa, tin' sum of eigfal hundrtd and scvcnty-tlncc and 60-100 dollars, also an Attorncy's fee of ten dollars provïded for in Haid mortgage, and no proceedinys at law or in ii]niiy having been had to recover the tsnid amount or any pari thereox; S'iw, thnvfmtj, nolicc is hor'by íiven, that by virtuo of the power of aale in said mortgage oontarnad, T sliall sell at puMicnuction, to the hipnent bidder, on Batnxday, the fint day of Jnly nexti at 11 o'olook in the fov-noon of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arlior, in siid county, berng the plaoe of holding the Clrooij Oonrt for said coiinty, all that oartain tcaol M panel of land Mtiiatcd in the townahlp of Bharon aforesajdf known anddesoribed as toUoiri, to-wit: the west one-half of ihi Bontheast quarteri and the went one-half of the easi haU f the Bnut hast qnartat of wrftion even, in t)vnship threp wuth of range tliree cast, in the State of Mirhipan, continingouc huudredaud twi-nty aorea more or b'ss. April (lh, 1071. IIOSEA KATOX, Mortnire. 1). Crameb, Att'y. for Mnrtgiigcc. Ï3l6 A poort house nnd lot eoDtllalng all ihc tttemtry convanlencea of a sood boma, In Ann Arbor. Mirh.. for hirii I win exenange nc of likt? doscrfptlon, on verv libcnil terina, in the city (r Prceport. 111 Mv house ind lot aro niccly eitiiatetl, are wortb $4.0l0. I :iI.h( have twelve acres of nice fnrmtng or gardsningland loinlna city limit wortb (300 pt .■Kir, :ill of which 1 wi?h to exchAHg6 for prnperly in Ann Arbor ir a larm in Washtenaiv Am preparcd to pai or take the ilidVrfiitf In ciifh. A Krent hnrgaio i II bu givcu. Addrtü and loarn parucalanÉi 1. KW IS COI.BY, 1320ni3' Freeport, 111. Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO's i for cholee Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes . tfortgage Sale. DKFA1'T1' haring boen muflo in the comlittnn of u imi.iih mart{ ■ executed ty Chariea Beutier mid Knu-.stine, hia vm of the city oí Aim Arbor, in Waahtonaw rounty and state ti Michigan, to ArpheOfl 1-Vlih, of sume ilan-, on the Htl, ilKy of Haf f n'l rocorded in thsomaeof RegiateroJ said H.unty of Washlenaw, on Mie Slat '! iv 'it Hay, .. d. IB60, at 8X o'clock a. ic., in lilicr 21! of mortgagoi, on mbjm MS, which said mortgaga vm Auly lUMiL'iied by iia Alphcu Felch to Broeatine Bentier, of the city of Ann ArUir, aforesaid, the 22d day of April, a. i. 1NGÍ), and recorded in the office of ki ií-í.t Of Doods for sairl county of Waahtenaw, on the 29th dny of Jilly, A. I. 1809, at 8% o'clock a.m., in übM 2 "I asaijrnim'M of mortswn,OD page 258, and ■smñed Ky Ou; said Eniuaüue BoDtter to Auguatoa Wiaen iiiriim, of tilt: Huid eity of Aun Arljor, on l'il h üay of Maren, a. i. isti, wh'.rh íwsinmunt ia reoonled in the ltegnrtrr' office of said county, in liber 1 ai u. Bignmcnt of inortgiittca, nn paure .'iS, and lluit theraia claimed to m due ut the date nereof the suiii of two hundred and two doUtfn ini'l 7s oenti, nlso i. , - ablo costs and attoniuy feos, hoiild nny pn behad toforeeloMtheaaine; mul no mts ot procevdinffö at law or in eanity havin( been had to reeove] tlu i:n il tiy -ii] mortgage, Or uny port tl.' Nut : Notice ia herel.y iven that by virtde o', the power ut ■ale ta iiid mortgage oontnineo, I ahall mU ál pnbUe anetion, ti the hijrlieat bidder, on the 2-lth day of Jnne, a. i. 1S71, ut twoo'elock in aftsmoon of thatday, at the front, door of üu; ('ourt Hoon in the said city óf Ann ArboTj in thuiwninty of W- DtenaTT and State of Miohtgan, fl jstaajaoê deiarlbed bi .ai.i mortgageaaan those oertain trncts or parcela of land deaeribed as fulImv, to it: the north part uf Int nniiiticr thrce, in blook ntunbar flve, bbiff a itnp of aald lot, two rods wiiii' on the north end of the Hume, and running acros8 the same from cast to ircst ; alno theaoutfi part of lot nuruber two, in ame blook, honndcd as followw, to v, it : on the nortli by a line comruoncin{ In the aan Une of Spring ttreot, at the dlstanoeof ;1U feet fi-oin the northwesl corner of saidlot numlwr two, and rnnning tin-nee eastwardly aoroai said lot to a noint in the eaat line ot said lot al Qie diatanee of 40 reet trom thu northeaat corner of uid lot nuniU-r two, thenec running aontherly by the eut line of raid lol to tl:c lOtltlMaat eoi-ner thi-n-df, the&flewOBt ly tlie aoofh Une t said lot t Bpring straat, t&eaee nortfa by the went lïne of aid lot to the place of beginninir, thsamo tein situatl in that part of ïald eity of Ann Arbor knovn n Faleh'g addition, a plat of wLich it reorded in the nfliyf the lictrinicr uf Deedsnfairid county, in liljor 4S of dwds, on r''e I-lft, und the said premisí-n are hereby oonveyed (ubject tn all rignta and pririlcffi-H Uoh belong to tlie prourletom of the mili tace wBich runs ulon-r the cast Iwrder of said premisea. Dated, March 22d, 1871. 1SU A. WIDKNMAN-X, Aslgnaa. Forcclosure of Mortgage. DKrAi'I.ï bsYing berai made in tin paymenl of Uw mi of maney, "ith tao p oant hitereal there on, hcciirwl by the mortgage oxoontd by Athanne BagstoChaonceyH. Alillcn, Ixsirmg date ninateenth day of April, a. d. I.r9, nnd reearded .May Jd, a. ii. UU, in the oIBce of Regiater ot Deeda or the connty of Washtenaw, in toe stat. ofMkWgan, in liber No. 2.J ot mortgiipes, at paire 003, and u-. . Honorah Mono, September 22, a. s. deodof (Hiifnment nooideo in said Registert otücê. in aid liljor Nu. IS, at page 904, on tlie SÖth day of Maroh, a. n. 1871, by which drtault tlio pomr of ale contained in hbo mortgage twauie operativo, and no snit or Sroeeedina; havtng been tnstfoted at law torecsm h ebt remataina aeeored by raeh inortgafiy, or any theroof, and the snm of two hnndred and f our donara and aeventr-ebrht oenta being non olaimad to be dic thereon: nonco it therafwe bereby given tliat suid mortgage iviil ba foreokmd by Übe aaleof the mortffu gdpnnuaea knovn nnd seaenbed nabeingiaBrewn & Fnller's a'lciiti'in tO the nmv city of Ann r hor, in tlie county of Waahtenaw, in the State of Michigan, and cominencini; in thu nortberly line of Broodwuy, eightaen feet two 1 hro tlfth inchos outhwesterly from the corner of Urown stieet and Droadway, aai rnrnnmr tliviirc nnrthnly aml jinrallcl witli Brtnvn atoeet, forty-nine feet, thenee sonthi-rlv and parallel willi llroadway niin .-1 . ■ n feit and a half, thenee southeasterly and parallel with BroimstTeel forty nine feet to Broadway, Uwnoe on tha Une of Broadway to the place of begündng. Aleo the ondiviihl h.ilf of the foUowíns draerilied land: ('ommencinif in flip aoaUnreetarly line ot' I!rwi treet, fottr-nfne feet northerly frañthe earnn of Broadway and Brom Btreet, and rnnnjng thenee northerly on the Une of Brown streel eighteen feet,thence south.■rly at right anglea witi Brewn sbwt rif tT-seren teel two inohea and twoflftha tv lamJ fornri-rly owned by Asa 1.. Smlth, thenev cmtcrly and parallel to the tirst mentioiuil H-, antiaaaajd sraith's line efehtecn feet, thence Dortherly at righ( anglea and pnraÏÏol with the ■eeond ünoto tlie place of beginning, al pnbBc or rendue, at the Couri Hooae, in the city ot .n;i Arlxir, In said county, on Sature!. iv, the lii'.-t doy of July next, at noon. HONOBAH MORSK, Asiignoe. Battfl, Mnn-h 27, a. i. 1S71. K. r. UOBSAS, Att'y. 13X5 Mortngc Sale, DEFAXHiT haring lcn mTe fn thf condition of n certoin mortgage, exeentod Ijy Joiinna O'Ilara, of the City of Ann Arbor, Connty of Waghtenaw, to Aii'in-u .!. Shrrehr, of tlir city of [icw York, on the nineteenth day of February, Á. I). lsüfi, and recorded on the same day, in libel U of mortgagea, on page 21G, at 3 p. ii. of aaid day, on wbieh mortgaee an aeoompanying the aame, there ia claimedfa be dne n the date oï this notice, the anm of thrce hundred and ais dolían and twenty-flve oante, alao an Attorney'a fee of thirty dollars ,slioiildnnyproeetdingsbet:'.kin'ti forecloao the same, and no proeeediaga in law oreqnity havlng been had to reeAir the debt or 'any Dart thereof ; Notice w hereby givon, thsl by virfiif of the power of sale in said mortgage oontainod, 1 sliall aell at pul licaiHtion, to thelugheal bidder, on Saturdiiy, tlin tenth day of June ncxh, at 2 oVdookin tlie afternoon of Mud day. at: the Conrl Honaa, in eboCityof Ann Arbor, in said i ounty, that being thr pjnce oi1 holding cnitCYrartror aaid (oimty of Waahtenaw, all ia;!. ;.. r.s or pareéis of land sitúate in the townabipof Ann Arlwir, ('iiuntyot Washtennw aforesaid, kmiwii. bonnded and deaeribed na foüowa, to-wit: i-iiiL -all t' vut of the weel halt of the northeaat quarter ot aeeoan iiuml-r nine (!)) of thoroad iroBsing the northwest corner thereof; al.-o all that pnrt of the cast half of the aouthweal Quarter of sairl wction Lyingeaal of said road net herotofore deeded t Daniel Ö'Hara: all iatownahip numbe-r twonouthof ranfre nnmberan (j ca-t. March lOth, 1371. AXDREW J. SniVEI.Y, Mortpagce. Joirs K. Oen i. Attomey Por SCortgagee. 1318 Mortgage Sale. DEFAVI.T having been made in the conditions of a mortgage exocuted by Mary M. Watkins to Ij!waid 'J'n-ailwfll, and dated April 4th, ls7n, whieh mortaire is recordad in the ntïice of the Bemater of for the counly of Waahtenaw, Btate "t Üichigan, in liber . on ]a(fe 221, and by reaaon of said defanlt there beug now dne th. sma uf two Lhoaaaud ■even hundred and twenty-throe dollar and eightyeightcents. a;i an Attorney'a fee of thirty dolían, and no prooeedinga at law or in ecnity having been had to ï-eeover lid amount ; Notice is thercfore herebj giren, that on Satorday, theth day ot August. 1871, at eleven o'clitek of saiil day, at. the BOuth door of the ('ourt Honae, in fehe city óf Ann Arhor, in said connty,] ahall sel] at public auction, to the hjgheat bidder, the prenüaea deaoribed in said mortoage, that ia to say : ril of the follownig pieeoB or jmroels of bind situnte in the city of Ann Arbor. aforewaid, known and described as folïow : I ot No. one, and the Baéi half of lot Xo. two, in bloek No. one north of lluron atrect, in ranpe Xo. two east, accordi .y lo the recorded plat of aid eity. Dated, Ann Arbor, Way Stil. 1871. BUWABD TÜKAinVKLL, D. CbÁHKB, Mortffat?,. Att'y. for Mortpagec. ' tl-.'l Real Estáte for SüIc STATE OF MICHIGAN, County oi Washtonaw n. I?i the matter of the estafe of Anthony Kly, dc(X'.'itsotl. Notice is hereby gíven, tímt in porsuanoe f au order pmnted to the ondHraigned, adminintrator of thc estáte o: aaíd deoftased, by the Hoil Judgc of Probate tor tho í'unnty of Washtenaw, on the Qfteenth lay ot' MÁy, -. l. 1871. tlu-re wil bó eold it public vendue, to the bigUest bidder, at the south dom ot tho (,'ourt House, Ín the City OÍ Aun Artmr m tho county of Waahtenaw in said 8'tato, on Wedneeday the flftb day of Jnly, A. I. 1871, ut One o'dock in the afternoon of tlst da y t:l'jrc:t to all encambronóos by mortgngQ or otherwñe exfetíng at the time nf thc death oí said deoeased. and also subject to.the riftht of dowrr ot' his widow therein), the tollowing !■■ real estáte, to-n if : The andivided half of a parwl of l.-nui bouoded as follow : Beginning at northeasi oonierof Cíossaiid Suros streocs in tho city of Vp-i l:int!, eoanty ;t mi State aforesaid, tasñ ramasg tbenoe north along Bnron tttreol nine roda, tUtanoa easl along (. Ba&dwr lurul to the river, Uienoe down the rivet to Cross stsset. thonoe voel to fehe placo oj beguining, (extx;ptintf nnd reeerving the parcela ot 1 h1 crwned by Ihnrlea ttc knrmick and the ( Üty of FpsUantí. Duto-i, May Lftth, A. i. 1871. l:t22 I1IKAM DAY, AdmüÜBtratOr, Real Estáte for Sitie. QTATB OP MICHIGAN, County of Wnahtenaw , a. O Itln' matter of thc cstute of Albot ütevens, deceastid. Notite i: hereby giveu, that in pnrraanoe. of on order gmnted to thc imdorsignpíi, Adminiatrator of thc estáte of saicl deceaaedi lv the Hun. Jodge ot' Probate, lor the eonnty of Waantetnaw, on theseventfcnth dny of April, A. 1). 1871. thcre wfli bt? wild ut ppblfe vfiKluc, to the hiirhcrtt bidder, in front of the i.'lifton House hotrl, in tho villagooi Whitmon Lake, in thc county of WTaahtenaw, in Baid Btate, on Baturlar, tlie tlurd day of Jane, A. D. 1871, t eleven o'clwk in the fbrenoas of that day toabjeot to all cn■ïiiMl'ijmres ly mortngcor otherwiso exi.stinf? rit the :imc of the death of uüÓ c t oeated, and jiIso subjeot feo íhe rjflht of flowex of Jiis widow therein?, the followinp toeonDed real estáte, to-wit A parecí of ïund bciniiing1 foor ohains and twenty-five linky south of the nnarter jKWit between sectfons flre and i, in town sliip one south of rune six emt, ín p;iid State, running thenoe notth eiffhfy sizand a half degreet east twelve tbsina and sixty-cight: links, tliunce Kouth nine dcnrees east two cïniins, theace soath aeventy-flve and ;i uilf flngtnim wost three ehnins nnd sovuuty-seven links, hance aouth cihty-.six and i half degreea west nine ohains umi Ehtny-two links to the aeodon Sne betwo o aeetiona flve and i. thenos north fcwo degioes west iliitiii said st'etion line two ch;iin- and KTUkty links to ;he place of bepinninii-, rintJtiniiifrtlinc aerea, oneqnarter of un ucreainl mxteen toda of land, he thetmme noroorleas; also one othet pjdrcel of land in müd own and tlHDBB, dflSflribed as ( oiunicnririji in the een: er of tl ie bigirway, on the west sido of WhJtmore [,:ik-, ut the northcoHt eomrr of a piecc of land hercolore deeded by WUliam Jay to Joel w. IIjiU, thence coutliorly iluiii.; the oentflf of said hihway fourtcon eet, thence westcrly about fcwo bnndnd net to thc angle in aaid Hali's north line and to a st;tke, theuce lasterly alonff BaU HalFa north Une i" the center of he highway and piara ot' hayinning ; also all that ytxtí of thc southwest quaxtcr of the northweat ïuarer of snid cetion flve, same township und range, vhidi Hes east of the center of the Ugliway running ort li and sontfa on west bank ot wnitmore Lake, not heretufore delul by faid AIbcrt Stevens and wlfej Dnted, April 17th, A. U. 1871. EtBNBY FKALïCK, 131S Adminisfrator. EUal Estato for Sale. HT ATKOL' anCHIQAN, Ooun to of Washtenaw, sb. O In the matter of the estáte of Qenry Bower, deascd. Kotioe is hereby ghren, Umi i" pnzBnanee of in order pnintcd to thc undersJgnadL Ailmiiiistralrix o! tho estáte of said daoaased. By Soa. Jodge of Jrotmte. for tho rounty of waantenaw, on the sixccntli oayof .lann.-irv, A. D. I871i theve 11 ba sold tt publlo Toadno. to tma hlghest bidder, at tho outh loor of the ( lOtur Sonso, in tin1 ei; y of Ann Arbor, ín hc county of Washtonaw, in saLd Btato, on Wed nesl.i , In' Berontfa day of June, A. I. 1871. ut ten n'[ li ik u thc forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrnnlea tar morteage or otherwne eadatlng at the time of hedcath of said deoeased, and also svbjeoi to the ■ik'lit of dower of lii.s widow therein), thefoUowing ! ui estata, to-wit: All that part of lot dght, Ín blook one north of Sason streel and range hroe, aooording to the racorded pial ut' the vfllage non city: f Ann Arbor, beginning on afoin atreet. at hc northcast ronior of said lot, tbenoS NHlfh n tlic ine "i' Uain .- 1 r ■ ■ t twenty-one fri, thenoe wesi to the ilUy in the rear of said lot, thrr.ic nórth t the north inp of said lor. th Doe :it to plaoo of beginning, with the bride store standfaurthereon, beinginsaid city jf Ann Arbor, connty and Btatt afbrenaloT. Dated, April Iftth, A. L. taTL HAB0ABETT f. lïOVRJi, 1318 Administatatrix. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Puro Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus