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Estáte of Willium Latson. QTATK OP MICIÏIfïAX.Counly of YV'MíL 13 Ato Bewionofthe Probate Uourt foTS??' of WaehtenaTT, holden at the I 'róbate Otfpo , !i oï Aroi Avbor, ou Monday, the flfteemh ! 5 May, in the ear ono thoujand eight humW I v aty-one. uurfl Frenen t EiroiD J. Beaba, Jsdga of Piafen lu the matter of the estáte ot N ilh-.,,,'r il-i eased. ■t On n ading and fUing the pctition, duly verifLj Elizabeth 11. Lat&on, praying thut a certai? ment now on lüe in thia conrt, purportmjr 'i ' last will and testament of sniti dtwuned may C' led to probate, and that adminintrnti'in of ]lür'may bc grunted to eome suitablc person. t lipón it is ordcred, that Mondar the ilay of Jane next, ut ten o'olock in the forti (usigned for the hearing of said pel it ion, aml th ' légateos, devisen umi bain at kvw df mij ílfj!!? all other perftons interested in siiid catato, are t%lW to ■opear at a m salon of ;ii'l oourt, then to h iÜS at tbc Probato Office, in the City of Ann Art - show ■:msi', if any there Ik, why the pravet onr shnuld not e pranted : And it 13 f ordered, that saJd potitumer givt notite to tl sons interest cd in naid estáte, of the pc-nrli said petition, and the hearing thorrof, ly ,. . ' wjpy oí this order to bc published in the y?1 AryH, h newspaper printcd and drculatiBt i1 I Bounty, thiao HucoeMive weeks previona tt joTu jN t hearing. llS .; (A tnw ropy.ï HIltAM J. BKARm 1 Eritiitc of Jacob Muehrle. OTATE OF BOCHEOAN, Coaotj of Wihttt. vi At Hseum of the Probate (onrt foriKr 'l of VTiwhtenuw, holden at (bc I'robato offiJ" City of Ann Arbor, on Bottirday, the iiünt; of May, in the year ou tboumind tiht wJ' ! and (wventy-oue. Tresimt, Iliram Iïerali, Judge of Probatt In tliw xoattcr of the eetKte vt Jacob V ;. On reading ad fiHag ÜM pctition, dniv ytj Jacob BaQ8E administrakei (' &ontj íji wíj ,'r' annexed, práyinffthai be may be liccnsrd toi tain raü enate inureoi wid decenaed died kJ1 'i hrn;upm it w ordenxi , th'üt Mondny, the bS day oí .rum: next, at ten ttclock in the fotJc"' be uaigziedfOT the hearing of id-tnw.u. jiJflegatei -. derfaeei andheínat luw ut HAiddecean? all other pmona Intereated In said eatute, are rw to appear at n ■eatdon of aaid Coart, tben to U-S?' at the Probate OtBfe, in the City of Aun Arli' ' show OOUBe, if any there be, why the proyci iS,1" titioner sliould not 1 RTantea r And it m 7?" osüeredi thntsoid petitíoner gire notíoo tu thjT intereetod in Miel i -t ■;(■. oj the pendeney of ritoi" tin. and the hearing thereof, by cauuD(racmiJ! order to be pablinheu in fche Michigan Arau$ T pftper printod nn círculating in Baid CodqiïÏ, t iré week previene to vid day oí1 heariní1 E {A trne copy.) HIltAM J. BKAXfl 13ga Jndge of Pmb, I Estáte Of Yrekm Üatf-H. " OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oanty of Wnlte fc O At u sewtoD of the Probate umi for tbf('Lj Waahteaaw, holden at the Probate OtSeo, latZ! of Ann Afbor, on Tueeday, che ixt- n-i, ,'- May in tho ycur onc thousand eight hundí? JJ I GO'tnity-onc. ' J PXHenti Iliram J,. lïowkrs, Jvdgeof Trohate In the matter of the il;ií; "i . ceaaed. ' ' ' On reading and filisfc thepttitnt, du); rciifi#j HönryC. Dates, praying that Gcor; C. iWcJi? other witoVte ptrnwm Baay be aypointed irlmin tor of tlu; cstU oí" deoeai Thereupon it is urderal, That 5iondaT 1 t welf tli 1ay of June next, at ten o'olock 'in iw forenoon, be asftined tor the hearing1 of Mjj nSt? and that fcke luirs at law of sjiitl tl. een d, ud tiuj er ptxBons iattceated i said Ml iti , ure ntaferátta! poftr:ii aaeMenej uddCoBn, then to behoWnLTi the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arhor J stio-.v i-ujse. if any there be, why the ; petitioner flhould not h: rnntrd : And it '1. ordeix'il, that wid petítioner ive notíce i"thotn 1 in said estáte, of t ïi e pesdeniy of Mvr. tion, mul the hoHTitijcthwreof, hf cauning Rceptjk order to bepoUfrlit-d ni the Michigan .: v,f ,, , DlT paper print 1 and ejnoiatfng in raid coimtr tW Buooeamve vceks previous to s;iiil day of heorhif (A-truecopy.) ii;i:am j. i , 1322 . Judge of Ptoïii Ktatfv ot Amnsa Aldtícfe. QTATROK M10HlOAN,OoBptyorWwbtcniv,. i' Ata Besslon [ the Probjrte Conrt fbr theCoóii of WTatfbtcnaw, bolden at the Probjrte fiïfr"i in ui City of .Ann Arbov,ou TbiKtfèVy. Me tfirhtflèBlfo of May, h yvaf ono lhonand elgüt buedná and Tenty-une. tVeseot, Iliram J. Bonkes. Jadre of Prolmte Tn the matter ol" the i'stnte of Amasa Aldtó deceavtd MtirTlm H Aldrich Bxocotrix ot Jhc lwt Si I and tcitument of eaïd d'cpa cd. como rolo Coat! I and represen a that 8h'i dow prepnred toreneer her final account as such Êxccntrix. ATherftup kieordereA, HMlfWourtüj, thelwcin fiay ol June next, nt teno'dock ra thcforeiu: be asjned for exoinlslng nnd al Ion Int inch! cuuiit, and thai the legateev. devtoers nnd hHnit law of said deceiiicd, and all oilicr persooï ested 111 .aid t-state are required to npciriti Beaalou of said Coart tben to be holden t ife Probate Office, in the City l Ann Arbor, in ni connty, and show canso, I f any there be, vrhy i paúl aero nut sliould ooibeaUowcd : Aiul it i?[u-thet ordereA that nM Kxecofvis gfve i"t? 5 tbe peraoni interesten In ald eHate, of the pea. dencyofsaid account, and the bearlne therfof b? caoslnga tsopj of thi order to be pubïUhed h fti Michigan Arptu, n newspaper prlnted and drei latini; in said County, three auccesive wki previos? 3rítíd day of hearing (Atruecopy.) HII1AM J BBAKES, ftlttd JmJceol Pruijítí. Estáte of Stephen "W. Griüin. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of WMhtrn. O At a eulon of the Probate Conrt for theCoosij ofWashtenaw, holden at the Probate OfEre.iflihr City of Ann Arbor, on Momlay, üc Srti dajr ot May, in the ycar one tironyA witt huiidred ami eerenty-Obe. PrenentHlrani J.BeakesJwtgeof ProbnU, In the militar of the cütntc o[ siephcn W. Griflo, doceared, OnreadlncandOring the petltlon dnlyTtrMMt] Am U Uarling, Adsuntetrutor, pravtug thit ba mny bo liccurcd to mort.aire or scïl cemin reil estáte vhervql aaJd deceaséd died Mxed. Thereopou it i .ordcred, thnt SIoDday, the twelfth day of June neXt, at ten fc1ockin the Forenooo, bt aaaigned for the hearing ol m;c petltlon, and that the beir at law of said dcvaHdy and all other persons tn&erested in suki CtUti, are r(M;iiic) to appear at a scsíóob ofsttdCoPll theo to be hokten at the Probate Office, in taf elt?l AnnArhor, and show fu-.-, if anj there W.wlij the prayer of the petilioner shonld not be cranltdi And il iafurtherordered tlmt Midpetltlonei irfveno tícetotheperaonalnterestedinsaJaestatcoftaett (i'-inv of aaid petltlon, and the IbeTfOf, '7 crtiisin: a copy of thie Order to br publiehed In tbc .Vu luim} Anj,it,n ncwipa])erprintrd odcirrn1atij in eaid connty, four sticcessivc woekf previonno naiil daj Ol liearinp. CA truecopy. j HIRAM J. IiKAKES, 1321 Jodge ofProUU. Estáte of Allen W. Bordiiie. STAT E OF MICHIO A N , O ranty of WashtaaiF, m Á t a KHkm of the l'robnto C-ourt for the Couaty of Washtenaw, holden at. tliir l'robute Otfire, intbe City of Ann Arlx)r, on Frfday, the twenty-dgnthdsl of April, ia the year onc ÜKnwand eight hundrMlaDd Si-velu y -one. freaent Hirrun .T. "I'eakes. Jtutge of Frente. In thfi matter of the V'MnW of Allen W. l'ortiiiHV dcC6Aaod. On readinffand iilin;rthe petition, dnly Yeriënitf Norman Boxdise, praying tnt (Joorge W. liwüw ma y bc appointed Administrutor ol tlie catate oí -a[ ctC06O86u. ThcrVupon it i ordercd, Tbat Momhiy, the tweTilyninlh ilay of May mxt, ut ton O'dock in the tcn nonn. ï1 uwigsed fox the hearing of said in-titioD, him that tlie'iciis al law Of snid deeoased, and all o'bfr persons jiterasted in said estáte, Me reojvired toappi Mi 1 tMMSion of said Cotut, f hen to bolden, nttbe Probate Oflioe, ín the ' ity of Aan Arbor, and sto cauy, il' :my th re I ■, wliv tl. e j.rnyc-r of the petiticnet ■hoalu not begronted : And ii s furttn Torderod, tbal aaid petitíoner givo ootiee u tlie penooa mtend m saiil fstaic, of pendency "f said petitíon, ñA the heftriofl thenoft hy otuiBing u copy of this orav to to publipicd Ín the miehtffan Argvt. ;i aemippcr pn'nted and circulntins in líií county, uuree buco --ivtir proviouf to -li' day of bdshiffi (A true copy.) IRAM .1. BKAE BS, I8S0 ge of I'robftti. Estáte of Lcandor LeBiiron. CTATKor MICHIGAN, Cotinty of 'Waahtfli.' 0 AtatoarioBof the Erobate Conrt for th t'untT of Waahtenav. hulden ;it tho Jámbate OtJiw, intb Oity of Ann Arbor, on Frtday, the hrentyipU day of April, in the yc;ir one thoiiëand cight aun dred and wrenty-onv. Prcs?nt, Hirjnn J. Hoakes, .Tudpe of Prolmte. In the matter of the ettute of Leander lAiBawo( dcevascd. On ronding and filinp tïie ptition, duly verifleu, Sally Tyf'Iïuron, prayinir thnt some s nitahlo penKn niy be Oppolntod Administrator of the Citate of iwiid &+ ocíiít-'d. Thereupon it is ordcrod, thnt "fond:ty, the hrfnij" ninth day of May noxt, ut ton o'clock in the ioWnoon, le nsMgned for the hearing of suid petition and that tV.c hrir at luw of s:iid deeenscd, and nllotier persons interest cd in said 'state ate re-juind to p pojr ;it a sesion of said l'tmrt, then tobehoWen, the l'robuto Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, a1 show chuso, if any there be, vhy tbe praycr of tin petítioner shonld not be gionted: And it is furtliff oitlered, that said petitionor grro noiice to the persen Interest-1 in p;tid estáte, of UK p?ndenry of síih1fW" tion, and the hearing' thercuf, by catiüting n copy ttiis order to ïio puMüdird in the Michigan Jrgut, DOWBpapSF printed and nrrulfitintr in said Conntjt 1 hl. , BUCO saive weeka prc-ious to raid day of beiirioi(A trun copy.) il KAM .(. BEAKBB, UU Jadee of l'robnte. Estáte of John C Bnrkhftrdt, Senior. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Connty of Waêhtew. Ataaoaaionol fche Probate Court for kbe Countjw Wislitii;nv, holden ii t the rrubafc OfHw, in the i'T of Ann Arbor, on Tueeday, tho seooxul day of MT in the year one thousaud eiht hundred ana sevciitToue. l'i-esent Iliram J. Bcakes, Judtfp of Probate. In the matter of the est Ate of John C. BurlchnnUt Senior, df-ocniwd. . (m rcadine and fïlinir the petifion, duly verifled Mary Hurkhardt, prayinu' that Kmanuêl Mann "" .-(tnu Othex BoitabÜB persou, may Ik; uj)poiuted ■" ministrater of the ertate of said deoeased. 'J'hereupon it isonïcrcd, that M onday, thetweniyninth day of Hay iust., at ten o'cloek in the fnreiiooBi bc aasigBetl for' the bearinx of said petitíon, fnrt that the heii at law of said dcreasfnl, and nllotntt persons ínterested in aaid estáte, are required to tf" pearal n wwntmn ofwid Conrt, then to beAolteB" the Probate ( Jttice, in the City of Ann Arimr, and sbo oaiue, if any there be, why the prayerofthe petítíwiff s'mmld nol b grnuted : And it i.-" forther orderi d, MM s;iid petitioiier pivc notice to the perooiM intaKBtod m aaid estáte, ri uto pendency of said rn-tition, übíI tjtff hearing thereof , by causing a oopy of th& order tot pnbUshed in th1 Miekfffa Arpa, :i newspaper, printed and Oircolating i aid 'oinity, thlOQ BUOOCMUTfl wet3 prerioua to said day of hearing. LA trueoopy.) HlKAM J. lïKAKKS, IS30 Judge of Pro bat- Attivchment Noties. BV viuriTE of onewritof Attachmexri faneflo of the Circuit Coort in and lor the ruunty Waahtenaw, tbe Mhdayof March, 1871, Charlei AJ mundinuvr and Jolin M. Wagncv bt-iny plantilla n Owen Croman, defendant, agains the r ■■:-- cl nonoya, efleots, lands and tenementi 01 Mtffl ('wen Croman, for the ram of ttttoen huudinl doUara ■ rit ol attachment made retnruaW the 4th day April, ïf71, M ten o'dook, of wdA diy, I did, oa toe ïmh day ut' Man-h, 1871, Kfae, take and Uvy upon nü the Lntezöai that uwen Croman basis the followicff d 1. destare, to wit: allthatpieceor r"r(T' lyin andbeing in the townshin of Northfleifli countyoi Waahtenaw, Btate of MichJpan. known bounoed and deeoribed as follows, t wit : the oortlinarterof theaontbeasi qnaiter of coob inunber Uiteen in tewnahip nombar one sonth and rinig naraberai onet, aeooraing to Uu origina] rorwx "'"' taiuinfr forty acres of limo. Dated, April 26th, W71. MYRON ÏTEBB, Slifrift 1819-W6. By Jürxin Fora, ÜUBaer-Swïtt


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