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The Special Session Of The Senate Came

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end on Saturday last, n8 without romoving the injunotion of soorooy froirt the proceedingg in e i. Thia refusal leaves the country at the merey of loaky vossels - Senators md att I that body and pmnping newspaper oorrjspondents. It oan ïogitiii I mitliing of the discussions pending the ratijication of the " Trcaty of Washington," absolutely nothing of the rew na ! ed tor and againsi such ratifioation. Tliis aotion is trifling witb tlii coiiulry, and ia both tobo deprecated and condejnned.- The peoplc hav.' :i. right to l.innv, and Erotn ■■■ n h ■ r: 1 1 :iüvi and official B0ure6ê,not gimply and alone tluit tliö trnaty was rat ïfled, bnt upon what gróunds 50 or any othor ïmmber of Senators voted in favor of its ratifioation, and espeoially the re ; sons whioh induoed and compclled 12 Senators, more or less, to vote against rafrification. There may bc reasons in time of war or rovolution wliy cortain proeeedrags ín 8ÍIlier Ilonse of Congress should bc secret Sor (he time being, but there is nota shadow of reaeon nor a grain ot' :nse in oonaidering treaties with totéign powers in secret sossion, and wn liopo that the people will make themsolvee heard upon the point, and that tlici farce of a secret i for any sneh puipose will never again be enacted. A treaty that can not bear the light of day shpuld not le negotiaíol, and S-iniuis wliu nm'. talk and voto witli closed doorsnnd befbre deafand dumb hearén-shottld be ntired to private lifo, and i i. ■ men who wil! not fear to givu liio publio a roason for fcho faith that ís in them. Purther, we boíd that the pjiblío has a right to havo submittüd to its tribunal sinii ijnportant docuraents as treatíea before '.!■■ y ave ittfid the Sonate. Tlie nntiy, or at least a fair proportion of it, Ib as capablo ot' discus'i! de idingupon the meiits of progosed fcreatiea as Senaéom. Il was, therefore, ]ivsuinptious cnough for tho Senate o considerad tho Treaty of A'. i m in secret session, but to refuso to re t'ne injiniclion of secreoy tsota kik !i prooeeding is colpable and doservos rebukf.' both Érotn thepressand the people. . xator Scnimz ísn't known as vruy mucli of a Dcmocrat, and yct bis Btomaoh is not strong enough to bolt some of the recent legWution of Congress. In a recent speech, made to liis constilunnts at St. Louis, ite isreported assaying : "I dcm re i o state that I agrae witli thosc whosee in the several jjrovisions of the Ku-Klux bill nt encroacñment of the natwruü authority upon th legitimad shere of local self ttot minviiUcd ly tlit Congtittttion qf thit !;,'!,;:" Could and indictment against the bul beframed in stronger Ianguage ? " An onoroaohmeni " upon the rights of tlu of porren "not warranted by the Constitution." And this by men excessively " loil," by mon vlio flatter th,emselves that all virtuc, all palriotfem, is wrapped in (licir gkÍBS. It iniu'];: be suqirising if we did not remember tint the samo clasa of men havo for long ycars considered the Constitution as waste pii]er, and set up Ilnir own will as the " Higlier Law." Tho Ku-KIux bill is the legitímate fruit of the seed that SOHTJEZ h'elped to sow. I(, waa sweet in his mouth, hut we aro glad tn know that he is now boginning to find it better in the belly. Trns is a bad ycar for " pugilistio geni lemen," alias prizo fighters, alias bruisors. Mage and CoBUli.v w'ere driven out of Canada by the polioe, and befóre tholr mili." Cor.uxs aml EbWAfiDe had their flrst meeting in tho vicinity of Now York interrupted; then fought 92 rounds b;ick of Central Track, L. L, both got ting scriously puniahsd', bot darknesa pui nn end to. the diversión beforo oither was declared the victor. This was on the 2 Jth uit., and on tho 26th Juilge DowLixa got them into his clutohes and genteneed each of the principáis to twolve months in the penitentiary, wit-h a fino of $1,000, in default of paying which the impriaonment is to be continued twelve months longer. MrAi.rrxi:, one of the umpires, was also given six months impriaonment and a $ü00 fine. Let the good work go on. St. Claii; ij a proliflo as wcll as a belligerent oounty. In population, according to tho recent oensas, slio nurke as tin; 7fh counfy, but in tho number of children, as por last kcUooI censúa, the 4th, The censúa givee her a popula- tion of 36,667, and the school oerwué i:,640 between tho ages of 6 and 20. Washtenaw has a population of 41,442, and rcports by tic school census 12,710. Why the difforenco 'i Pkevious to adjourning, tho Sonate, by a vote of 23 to 1.3, miignanimously onlcied the discharge of White and Iïa.m;delI, the obstinate Tribune porrospondents. It must have 1 nous, consïdoring that the body had no power to dotain tliem in oustody a moment be yond tlic life of ite session. - 'J'l !■■'.■; ■. rere all Republioans. Mesare. -Chandler and Feesí dM nót vote either way. Mxs; Stastok had a naugbty fit -on a few days ago, went back on Geaxt, pionounoed him the master instead of tho s'-rvanfc of tho poopK and said I bal : " On t.ho 4th of Mrch, 1872 ho wil] leave the "White Hbuse rich and infamout.' ' ■ .8. have bui I often, and aro thn other woman-rihters going to tafce them ? It ts ostii,Kiif-ii thnt-, (o.dOo iivi s were ■ :. and onè fcbitd of the city de!, including the best-know most magniflceni portion, I ml in snraotion ín Paria. Aadit ia by no pa 1 faot fchat anothor and yl another insurreotfon maynot follow bpforo Franco ■ st;i!i]( govenuaent. Befobe adjouming its i the Lu ■-{ New Bi . ■ ■' . hy a unanimons roto ín rcsolutions condemning the "Treaty of W ashington." Thb editorial frtitsniity.of the wi part of this State are to höld a do tion at Pentwater on O.ic (iik of June. The I of J ■■■'. ion .! three hondred dollars fora public dinner to the editora who 7ili pass through that city on the 7th of Juno, on an excursión.


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