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Nkw York, M'ay 80. Exccpt the continned flrmness of gold, wliicli bolds at a fruction bclow 11, flnanciul affalrs are extreinely qulet. The goveroment will sell rtttring the month $7,000,000 gold, and lmy $4,000,000 in bon, Is, whicli wIH act as o safety-valve to the expansive toudency of tlic gold in&rkct. Both the cotton and wooleu goods markets are gtroag, ivi'h a loinh'iK-y to advance, raw cotton having advauctd dariDg tlie ruonth som' :'c per ponnd, ivbilc t!m liili prlee of wool must stïinulnte Ifhé vroolen market. The breadstnffs markol ia i (levoid oMnterest at thls tlrae. The market through the week has bei n flactuating, and on wheat and flour elo I iy bettei- thau at lasl rebort, cxce'pt on spring wheat, whicli Is lower. in Liverpool the market scems td be declluiug. There is no tonlng dowii in the wool tu trket, and sales coorse restrleteii to the ImmedUt wint-i of maonfActurers. Proin present in dicalions, prlcea of the DOW eln) aro likely to opeo very high, farmern froni the state of the market. for t!io past few weeks, hávlog ix.iiti-i-1 views on the anbject. There mtist, ol conrsc, lx1 a limit to prices, ss forelfo woola most come in competí tlon wlth domestic f tiiü lattet be lx ld above a glven figure. Witliin thapast üvc or s'x weeks, over 4,000 bales bave been b ught In LofidOD on American acco.out, notw thstanding the hijrii diitle, The Ca i oni a spring clip has realIZcd 10@12c hlgher than last year. Bales of Michigan qnarter bloodfleece are reported in BostüD a-i B6c, whicli would mak(; the Mi!H( m-:ide wo'rth about 46c Irotn the farraer'g wogon. Stil], fresh won] is liardly worth as mach fur im medíate uso as oíd, nuil other considera tions may rehice this estímate r valué somevvhat. A s:ife estímate proba bly i, whlle it is not impossibie that the market may go 5c hlgher Ihan thls. Dbtboit, May 31. Tlic banks report an abunaance of mbn ey and eurreiicy, and this state of thiugs Ip likely to cootiuue through tbé purarncr. All accvptablc commercial büls ure readlly taken at (:(, ii) pet eeot, Thcre Is littli.' cairfortnouey (rom tlic interior, Local bonils, is school loan h, etc., are not much offered (ov Degotlation ü the city, as they usaally iii?.l maiket t lionv. TWg shows a lic iMiiy state of money ra ittèn throagh out Uk.' Btaté. Oitr dry x) Is men report a more th;tn nsinlly active tradé for the seasou. 'J'hu arrivala of wlieat continue excesslvely lare for t!ie seasoa, aud iDdicate a pretty gearal cleTtia!{ oïtt of old Btoclu belore the ivw prop cumcii jii. The mar, ket lias been cyiite Irregular at, tlmcs clarIng the week, buc prlcea close as firin aa ut ia.-i report. Extra wbltc wheat, $1.47; No. 1 white, í-44'No. I rèd, Tré-clweli and Amber, ea h jl.4 Córn has lóixerl at67@58 Oatsftlsolow er at 66(57. Bems are flrmer, chy hanflpieked beluj; held rit $1OO&3. Country conslg'Hnehts of . ■ onti probably Bell ai .-■;. : : . l;-i. Bntter is plemy and lowcr, 17e bpluz oiitftkle (or all excepc fancy ims, wlillc medium and mixed lol i ''i: Ific. Dricd apples :i ühacl Hrcner .-u (J.4.g7c. fc&gs, raiwket nd'■■"] '■' 1 i I ' ,';ir'. PoLaloe )aye ïulecl $1.05.n 1.08, ure veaki r wl ist dy rtwo, und re now hard Ij quotablc ubuve :! for peacbbloivs. AS AR8OK PKOBüCE fltRKETS. A RChna Oficb, Johis 1, 171 . We quote thln irtnrnoon nx roltovra : WBBAT- Whlto, ;::■■■ ;i"r Bed : . i .. CORN ■.. 60t i . . s -1.50 II ■■ BUTTKK_lc. EGOS- lio l.AHD- líe. Al' 'LI I 1 01 AÏIII-.S üfll' :■. Tl RKBY8-HC.


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Michigan Argus