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Unen (.'arinrnis At Joe. T. Jacob' lhc clothlOT for Jfon, Y.mth, Boft aad ChUdron. Go mihI toke a lookai them. roinl I.iut Shmvlwat 7.5O f rom Amtien, clieap u i .:■.()(), ni tho j: iiijji:kv s-roicic. A X.'W Rock of PAISLET suw: s. .-.1 1VIXKS & WDEKES'S. Von can Uuy s I'uint Lace Slmivl Irum Aliclioil, for SI O, ivorifi tloublo t0 ni 011 oy, at tio v RtllIInery store, 47 Sontll .lililí Slrcil. Soldicrs or 181S, wlio aerred stxiy ütrn, sre cu t'tled to Pension, tuit] shotil'l sppty ImfMdt&tel; to Joliu N. Oott, Bounty and Pontloo --int. Aun Arbor, Mich. Toa ciimiot mahr a IwIIit íivrstmcnt worlli tS.OO llinn lo luí) n l'oint Lace Shawl forit itt tlie Ncw Store. A Large Stock of NEW CARPETS, at WINE8 & WOHPEX'S. The w Millim-ry Storp 7 Sontli 'liiin Streel i headiiiarter for taras?ls nnd Fans. A 8PLBNDID STOCK of JafáoSM Silks ana Poplins, rt .Tuat NWtVBd :it W1XER & WOED] Vr Motil Patchos, Frccklcs And Tsii, TTse Pérry'a Moth and Freckle Lotion. The only rellnl)lc and harmless rernedy for renioviug Brown í)Uc)]oraiODe from the skin. For Timply Kruptioiií, Black Beadi, Blotehed Itisii 'uratlons on the face, use Ferry's Comedon6 A Pimpla Keini'dy. Preparad only by Dr. B. C. Pcrry, DermatoloBti 19 Bond Street, Nejí York. Sold by druggists evorywhcre. ' 1314ni4 i -4 ■ t Bounty ío SoMIrrs. ThoBC who enlistad Iu 1S61 on Ihe (Irst cítll of Prcsleiit Lincoln, and who v:re hoaorably dlsch:irOfl reforAthe éxpIratioQ of the torm of thcir enlistment, are eniltled to $ioo cach, as botín ty. AiidsoldU-rsenlisting ander act of.Tuly 4th, 1364 aroto be allowccltlio unpnid instalments ofhounty fthv were fllscharged bv explratíon of service Thcnbove claanes ahould raakc application to the nndortíiííiH'd. M:irch24th,lS70, XZtnt JOÜN N. OOTT, Bounty anti Claim Agent. tm-14 - ■- - - Sefoml Hanl nnd IV ru Orpahs And SleJodöons Forsale very choap at rrof. MUJs nttslcroon), No.43 MaiiiStreet. (Orez II til 1 & Kob lDson.j I276tf ALVINWILSKY. To r hraha, fnüfrnla, Kansas, and ihc B. & H. IÏ. R. I.amls. The stftrtlng poiiiíti of thts Route bm at Chicago i ii' i Peoría The central poirit is BURLINGTON, (i the Mississ'ppi. H trnvnrses TUinofs aml the wbole lreadtta f Bontbem lowa. Kc&r t he Missouri ita trunk forks into three branches, for lt has tb ree vrétflori) tcrtniiii. üs Dortbern tómatnns la Oounoll Bluffs, wbere, rossiii'j; o Oraalm. it conneets wlth the Dnlofi lJ:icific for all places on the Intra-continental and I'acific alopea. Ovór-land travel anti trafile choosc tliia r linblc.ronte more and more. Itsuext Urniimu bZJnootn, the CflpÜAÏ of Nebras a. fifty livf milos west of the Missouri at PlatUmoiith. Thla is the only direct avenue to the Spntih Platte country, where itn: sales of railroad land lust scason, rose to half a millkm. lts thlrd torminuB is t aniba and Nebraska City. At Il.Mid'iivir, It maken close conne ;wiceadajp, for St. Trisoj'h, Jx'nvcnworth, Eanaat 3Ity, and tlie wnoïe Soathweet.. Jn joarneylng thcor, from tho K:i-' to Kadsas, via tarltDgton, yoo enjoy advantftgesjon gan bi ure on no otlicr line. You both pass over n mad secnd to ii o o Hut :n Bpbcd , Bftfefy, or ;my pallman lux iry of modoró travel ; and whJlE on yotir way, -v tey ths garden of Illinois nnd Mi iouri, aa vi iOU,000 acres of prairie in Sonthwostern Iowa, aow n market at low riccs nnd loüg credit. Eeep Lt then belore people westward bmmrl, "to ak.f the BnrHnerton Route." 1310tf OMETHINO GtD AT LAST! 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having locatefl at t'aisfp'ace, hns just opened as FINE and SELECT an assortment of CLOTHS, (JMSI1IES & PAMCY VB8TW, As can be ÍDuntl wost of New York City, which he is prepared ta make op into the most STYL1SH GARMENTS, AT TUK SHORTEST NOTJCE, AND LOWEST POSSIBLE PRÍCB. AI.SO A UNE OP GENTS' FUIÍMSHING GOODS. Call on JAS. EOTD and.ho will GIVE YOU FITS. JAMES BOYD, l:sistf B4 Itlaiii Street. SAM. B. REVENAÜGH, PHÖTOGRAPHSR, MAKES ALL K1KD8 OF PSCTURES FROM THE SMALLEST LOCKET TO THE LIFE S I Z E , An FIXISIIES THEM IN INDIA IM{! OILi, OR WATER COLOKs ! IN A SDPPKRIQR 11ANÑER. 1319-ly. IVo. 3O III UO llT.r.1 pEOPLB'S DRUG STOiijM R. W. ELLIS & CO,


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Michigan Argus