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JJENRY T. HELÏOOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT CATA W BA GRAPE PILLS. Component Paris - Fluid Extract Rhubarb and Huid Extract Catátela Grape Juice. FORLIVERroMPLAINTS JAUNDIOE mi IOUS APFECTIONS.SICKOBNEBVOUSHEADACHB uisTHKNIiss. Bto. PURELY VEGETABLE. CONTAIN1NO NI) MKRCÜUY.MINEUALS Olí DELETEI'.IOUS DRUGS. H These Pili ire most dellghtinüy plensant BOT. CKlivi-, supurscding cantor oll, salts, rmignciiia, etc There is nothing moro acceptablc to the alomadi. Thcy give tone, and cause netthcr nausea nor enuinc ph!uí. The arecomposcd of the flnest Iiitc dient. Aftor a fewday's jse of thera. such an"invigorutlon of the .ntire system taken placu as to appear to the weak and enervated, whether arWn; from impriulcnce or discase. H. T Helinbold's Comp.iuud Fluid Extract Catawba CJrapc i'lll aro DOt susarcoated, trom the Tact that ii"ar eoated Puin do uut diwiolve bnt pai-8 thruugh tlic stomach wllhont dIsHOlvinü.convrqucntly do not produce the deslrod eflect TUK CATAWJiA GRAl'K PILLS, bolnj; plensant iu taste and odor, do neceseiinle thoir bclnj; eiijjur-coated. PKICE FIFTY CENTS PKK BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S niam.Y concentrated compound ÏIDID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA WIII radlcally extermínate from the systcm Scrofula Syphilm. Kever Sore, Clccrs Sore Eye, SorcAcü! Sor Mouth,8ore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diesc9 Salt Rhcum, Caüker, Running from the Kar, White Swelllngs, Tumors, Cancerons Affectious. Nodes. Ricketts, GlandnlnrSwellng, Nlht SweaVa, Rash, Tetler, Humors of all Kiuds, ( hronlc Rhenmatisni, Uynprpeia.aud all dlceasea that have been eslubliühi'd iu the eyatem for jears. L BEIXO PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR TITE AltOVE COMPLAINTS. ITS BLOOD-PURTPYING I'RDPERTIES AHK (IHKATKR I HAN ANY OTHKli PKEPARATION OP 8ARSA PERILLA. IT GIVES THE COMPLEXION A CI,EAR AND HEALTHY COLOR AND RESTORES THE PATIRNT TO A S'ATE OF HEALTH AND PURIIT. FOR PUHIFYINGTHKBLOOIl. REMOVING AIL IHRONIO CONsTITUriONAL DISEASKS ARI ING FROM AN IMIURESIATEOFTHK BI.OOI). ANdTHE OM.Y Rtti IABLE AND EFFE' IUAL KNON RKMIi')Y FOR THE CURE OF PAINS AND BWELUNO OF TUE BON ES. ULCERATIONs OF IHETHROAT.VNÜ LEO. BLOTCHKS PIMPLES ON TUK FACE, EHYsn'EI.AS, AND AIL 80ALY KRrPTIONSOFTHKSKlN. AND BFAt'TIFYINQ THE COMPLEXIÓN. PUICE. $1.50 PER UOT 1LÜ. M HEKST T. IIELMUOLD'9 CON.CENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHÜ TUE GIÏFAT DICEBTIO, hiiö COred evcry case of DIABETES in which it bas been glven. Irritadon of tw, ot the Bladder and tnflamm.ition of the Kidncys nnd Bladder, Ketention uf Urine. Dlsoases of the Prostrata Gland, "-toiK iu thu Hladder, Calculue, Omvcl, Iïrick Duet D'-prj.-it, and Hucnous or Milky Dicliarea, and tor Ecfeebled and Delicate OonsdtltlOQB of both Sexe, nttvndcdwUh the followÍDK symptoms : Losa of .Mtiiiiry, Uifficulty oï Breathli)L, IiHlipon:tion to Fxertion. LOM of Power, weak Nerves, TT6inbUng, Horror of Dl-ease, Wakefultiepe, Dimnessof Vision, Kaïn fn the Back Hot Handa, Plosbingoftbe Body, Dryueofl of tb Bklo Brnptton of the Face, Pullid í'oiintennncc, Universal Laceitudc of the Mut-cular Ssr-m, BlO. t"r-cd ly persons from the ages of eiphteen to tWL-ntv-flve, and from thïrty-fve to fifty-five or in fhc decline orchnuge of lifc ; after conüncmcnt or labor paina ; bed-wcttlng iu uhildrcn. TI BLMBOLDB EXTRACT BT7CIIU is Djurotic and Blood"PuifVlng) aiu) cures a!I D1WA80 ariaiutf from Habita f Di88tpátl"a,flad Kxcesses and Imprudente- in Life, Impuritles ofthe Blood, Ktc. , SuperBeding Qopabla iu affectious for which it ís nscd, and Sjphilitic A JDBClloos - In these dlsea&es ustd Ín conucction wHU Helinbold's Rose Wash. LADIES. 1 D many Affect lons peco liar to LadiB, the Extract Buchu ís unequaled bv any othei Remeily- a in Uhloroilaor&eteiitlon, IrregoUrHy, Pain ruinen or uppre((-ion ot Cu tomary Rvncuatiope Ulcérate d or tfchlrrui tatc of the Uterus. Lcucorrhoea or White, stt'rility,anil foi all GomptuntS Incident to the habit of fiisslpaiion. It !■ prescribcd extensively by íhí moat eminent PhyalofaiM and Mid wiroforonfeebled and delioate Coutiiinlons. of botli Sexes and all Ages (attended wíth nuy of Lhe abvc diecasets or ?yinií'..om8.j O II. T. IlELMBOUVá FXTKACT BÜCHU CURES DIEASES ARIIXi KROM IMPRUDENCES, HABlTíOF DIíSlPATION, JtTO; , ín al thcir etages, at little expense, üttle or no Bbmge i n (liet. no inconvenieuct:, and no expoaurc. It cnutitíaa frequent deslre, and gives Btnngtb tí) ITrinate, therehy remorlng Obatmctlonti ProventtDg Strlctnreí of thc Uretha, Alia; ing Pa n and Inftummation. p fr;queut in this class of disoases, aud expelllng all PofcottoaD matter. ThouNinds who have bevn the viciinis ofim:ompelcnt persona, nnd whi! have píiid hrvy fees to be en red in a hort time, have fnund tlw;y havo been doceived and that the "Poiaon" ha, by the uee or tlpowerful a-triugent8,'been dried u in tint yetetn to break out ín a more aggravatetj form, and perh:ips after Marriajre. Use Hfltnbohl'p Extract Bactav for all AfTections and Diseases of the Urinary Or-ana. whether ftxlsting iu Mate or Peínale, from whatever oasaeorigialUinir, and no matter of howlong Atanding. Price, Oue Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Bottlc. L flEíTRÍ T. HELirBOLD'S IJÍPROYEB ROSE WASU cnnnnt be enrpassed na a Face Wnh. and willbe lound tho only spi'Clflc rcnicdy In every pi'cifsor ('utaneonn Affictlon. Tt peedily eradicateu Pimple, Hpole, Fcorbutlc Dryness IiidnratioiiB of thj Cutancoas Mombrnnc, etc., dlopsli Rednpre nnd Inciplent Inflammation. Hlvce. Itnsh, Moth Palche Dry. nos of Scalp or Skin, Frost Blies, and nll pnrpoacK for which Salves or Ointment are nstíd : rerttores to the klu a átate of Pnrlty and 8oltU"Bs, and insures continoed healthy otlon t" t.hc tiumo ofits ves sel, on which dpendn the asreeable clearncss and vivacity of complexión o mnch soupht and admired. Hut hiiwcvrr vulmibk a-1 ft rcmedy for existini; dflects of the Skin .11. T. Helnibold's Roac VV.iíh loDg sustaiued its principl1 clnim to onbonnddd patronage, by posgasftíns iunr1tlee which ronder it.t T0H.EI' ÁPI'EííDAOR of the moít Snperlntive and Conn-üiial Charactcr.comlilnirig in an eleffant formnln thone prominent. rpquiltca SAFKTY and EFFICACY- the invariable accompauimento of it useas a PreRTvative and U( fresher of the Complexión. It Is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a HvpMHLIc Nntnri', and fls jin injectiou for discases of th! Urin.irv Orirat:. arisin? fr m Imbits of dissipa'inn, nsed IneonnWon wllli the EXTRACTA BU BV, SARSAPAR1LLA. and CATAWBA OFAI'B IMI.I.--. in surh diseasesiw recommended. cannot be urpassod. Príce, One Dollar Per Boltle; D FulI and czpliclt dlrections accompany themedlF.vídencc of the most responsible andrelliiblo charactor furuixhrd on applicatii'n v.ith hundredsof thonsandíTof living wltnesses. and upward of 30,000 ansollcltcd certlflcates and rMommendatory lettir m.'iny of whirh are from the lilirhest sourres. IihUmIíiil' eminent Physidans Clerïvmi'n.Statesmeu. 'te. The proprietor has never reportad ío thoir publlca tion iiAwflpsperii be floee not do thfi from the fiict that hl ardde rank as Standard PreparatioBs, and do not ueed to be propped np by certili cates. llenry T. Helmbold's iae Preparatlons, Deliveredto anv addrosH. Pecurefrom otwervation. KST AHI.I.-HKD UPWARD OF TH'BNTY YKA1ÍS. fííld lv Druciíits t'vttrywhere. Addresa letton for information. n contliUm to 11EMRY T. IIELMIiol,l, Droggltt and Chemist. Only Depots; II T. Helmbold's Drní; and Chemical Warehoiisc. No BM linmdway, New York, or ton. T. Helmoold! Medical Depot, lOiSüuthTvuth Street. Phllatlrlphia. I'a. BEWARKOF CO:XTERFEIT3. Aík forHenry T Helmbold's! Takenoother. 131o í FARMERS ! I dcílre now to return my lnnrty tbttokl for the liberal atrouage of the Farmers or W:iliic i::iw and RcgolDfDg Coanties. who hftfe ftr to naat vewwiu the )nt extended to tne tlieir I rade, and I hópe and trost salisfactory nnd proiltable lo boih pañíes. I hope tu nicivf a fair nlmre of their pril r" naga Ín thc future. My efloits will be huneutly directed towards tbe Interests of my Custoniers, "well a.tmyown. And [ain my alm will be. Bol to keep nrcheap gooda a poniólo, bnt as _' 'od as can be I'outid. nnd u' as Luw Ratos as Ule quatity of my üOndBcan be aft'urded. I will not undertaKe to compota ín prlcea withjnferior goode. I wlll ooi lmpair the qnaltty of my Implemento lo order to re auca tbe prica The porchaaeofcheap oí any kiiit] provea ;ui nnprofltabla loToetmonti ae muny llave fouud to their coat. I hall kiep a FUL STOCK OF FAHMG TOOLS on hand, that ia generally fouml in market. X uní the authoi ized agt-ut for thc fullowingj THRESHÍNG MACHINES Genuine Huffnlo PittN, Huíalo, N. Y. 'I ii h iiíi 11 Swecpstakcs, Baule Oreek. IficteslH & Mu ,!ic nls i ibrutor, B.Creek. Too l.civr Muchinc, Hacine, Wiu. ALSO The riiampion Rcaper & ílower, Sclf Rako. The Kirliy Sclf-Rakini; lts.iur. Comblned. The Rlrby THO-Uheclcd JIowcr. Wood's Tlafbliie, Conibincd wllh Self-Kake. JACKSON WAGONS, Buckeye and Shnrtsville Qrain DrillsFairbank's Scales, all sizes. THB OEXUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, Slamifuctured at Kalamazoo. Ihavelorntcd mself at thenld and well-known Apple Packine Ilmiae of 1) Hennlng. on Detroit Street, opposlte Mucho1 Block. where I shall be happyto'mml na many of my oíd customers, and as niany m:w une a may pleaae to comu. I have secured the permanent services of Samuel McClarcii.oneofmy oldühop hands, who perfectly under-itauds KEPAIRING AU kinds of Agricultnral Tools, and will be on hand early in the morning and late at night, wheu ueecssary to accommodate . M. ROCERS. Ann Arborj April lst. I371.J ' 1315 raC Sheriff's Sale. State of Michigan, Coonty of Wnshtcnaw, e.- By virtue of a write of execuion, lamed out of ana under the seal of the Ciicuit Court for tho ooontr of Wanlitcnaw and t;it of Michitrnn, dutcd the ni'nth (9th) day of March, A. D. 1871, nnd to medirectad sad dulivered,tay-uinsL the tïoods end clmttk-s, lanOu nnd teneraeuts of Charlea Peach, deteiidant theréín named, I did, on tlie twentieth day ot M;irch, A. D. 1H71, for thc want of goodn and cliattlcs, levy upon tliu folíowing real i'stnte: Bezinning at n stake in tho center of tho Territoria] rond, on the east hlf of the southwent qnaxterof Miction wvent-een (17), in townahip four H) Houth of r:in?c (ÜJ six east, thence north eighty-wven degreeaist, six cIihídr; thencu north flftoon minutes west, fourchahiH and eighty-tive links; thenee south fitfhty-st-v.-n dtwxwf tliirty minul.-s w-sí, BÍXChaínj eleven Uoks; thence wmth forty-one degreen thirty minutes east, three chains; thenco sonth .-i:;lit ---v,m degTLts tliirty minutes west, four chains forty link to tho plaoeof bezinning-, contiiinin three and bbventy-five one-hunaredtha acn i of laad : Alo i para 1 of laii'l begiiminfc af a stake in the center of the 'I er ritüritil rond, on the east half of the southwest quorter of ection (17) seventeen, in town (-1) .south of range (6] east; tlicin-e norfh eihty-wven degrees thirty minutes cat, four (4) clmins llfty links; thence touth forty-One defirces tliirty minutes east, three ehains; thence south eik'ht y dri es thirty minutos west three chains to the place of beginning;; AJso apieocof liind beinji in the oorner of west half "i thesouthëatt quaztex of sec. (17) seventeen, in townahip (4) tour south of ranKe () sixeaet, commencing .'i]i roda east of the northwest corner of fwid lot. runnuur west fedght rods to the oorner of saidlot, uümce south ten rodo, thence oortheasteily to the pto o4 beeinningi alUtlie above deei riptione sup)xsed to contain flve aud one-foortfa acres of land : uso the south half of the wast half of the Dortheastqusrterof botion (17 d townsbip four south oi range öix eaöt, coutJiining1 forfy acres of tand,mOTeo Also i part of the northwest quartor of section [17] seventctn, town four 4} souih oi range [6] Btxeast, beginning At the soatheasi eornez of vud tiiin m renteen, and runnizig thence nortfa twenty-oife riüiiits and Beventy-two links, Ülience west tnxteen chaina and rixty links, thence Bootfa fitty degreee west iiiue chains and fiflfen links, to the of the Saline and Monroc road, thence south thirtynineand one-fowüi degnes east,twent7 cliains and forty-iuni links, to the south line of sala ansí I tion, and thenee east on said Une ten chains and botenty Unica, to the plaoeof ; taining forty iiciftj of land, more or lees. iiit-li premises I shnïl exposé for sale at public auction, to thc highest bidder, I at the south door of the Court House in the ('iiy of Ann Arbor, in Buidcounty, on the third day of July A. D. 1371, at ten o'clock in the fbzenoon of said daar. DatedMay L9th A. I). 1871. MYRON WEBB, Sheriff. D. Cramer, Plt'ffa Atfy. Mortgugu Sale. WIIERKAS, default has been made in theconditious of a certain inoitgngc, mude and executed by Daniel Long! Jr., on the twenty-thixd day oí' December, A. D. eijfhteen hnndred nu sixty muc, to John McConnick, whicli morteage was rooorued on the bbom dsy, in the office of thc líejrister of Deeds in and íor the county of Washtenuw, Michigan in líber forty-two oí" mortgagQSi aad page cwo lmudivd and íiity; and wherens, t-iereis now duo and unpaid the sum -il tnirty dollars on aid mortgnpe and the note nmiup;nyiuí the same for interest, and the further sum of toree hundred dollars principa] and aottniing int ris above the s;iiil tliirty dollars will becomc duc on tlie fliBl dny ocf Ootobet aext, and tinte is siso fchirty dollars due for an attorney fee. provided for ni said morfgage should any pioceedings uo tuken to foreelose tho same: and, whereas, no proceedings at law or m eonity have bOftn taken to recover the saine or any part thWeof : notice ís hereby giren, by virtue of the power of sale cuntained in said nioríyuge, that on Monduy, íhe seventoenth dny oí' July A. I), eighteen hnndred and seventy-unf, at the hour of twclvo o'i-luck, noon,of Bftid day, ui the front door OÍ the ('ourt Honee for ihc caunt f m Waahu-DMw, the underdgiied wiU aell at publio auotian, to the hifrhest bídderf t lie pieisifiefl aeecaibed in said niurf.L'iiiíí1, W Sttifieiont thureof to ynj and saíisfy the Boid debt. fche intenet tln.-ivon, thecostsniid espadaea of said sale, and the ottoraey fee provided for in BOid morteoge; Xhesoíd pcemiaes being detmribedaa that (artiiin pieee or pnroel of land lying and being in the i'ity of Asm Ai'iiur. in thfl OOUnty of U';i)itenaw, bounded and desonbed as followi, beinf? the Bouth half of the íolloivinjí daeoribed land, bounded by the Aun Arhor eüy liuir.s on tlie nnrth; tm the Bast by tlie Catholio i iemetery ; 0D the soutli by tin CtaflCí on tin1 west by tanda reoently ocenpted by JIi. BMk, beinpr eig-ht rod in front and ton rodH deep. Aun Arbor, April llth, 1S71. JOHN McCOEiaCK, Mortgagcc. O. Havkxhs, Attorney for Moi-tgapee. 1317-td.MoT-tgage Sale. DKFAI'TjT liavintf beon iiijhIp in the :onditiins of a certain moitgOflO, exccuíel by John D'Wolf, and Caroline l)"Wolf, of the township of Fi-eedom, Wh-íIitciüuv County, Michigan, tO John Jacob Fiegel, ofthe ■ameplaoe, benrinff date the eigtiUi dayof Joly A. T. 1870, and icconU?d in the RegifjtBr8 offio fv.thesaid ('t)un(y of Wushu-iiuw, on the eighth duy of July, A. 1. LS70 in líber 41 of MOrtgnjref. on pajre C59, by reason of whieh dcfault there i now due and to ber.ome due upon .-aid morUrage the num of ix hundred and seventy-four dollar and fifty-two cejits. und no bit or proceedins nt law or in ehanoery bavütff oeen instituted to recover said ainount, or any part thei"eof; Notice ís therefore hereby Riven, that on Saturday, the twenty Reoond day of July, A. D. 1871, at eleven o'clock A. r., of the su id day at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arboï, in said Connty of Waahtenaw, {thesame beüw the place where the Chcnit Gourt for sjiid county is held), I shiill lell at public auction to the hiirhest bidder the premises hereïnafter desciibod, or so inuch thereof au slmll le necesRftry to satisfy the oïnount due on Baid mortgac at the dftte of this notico with interest and costs and expenses aUowed by law, togethev with au Attorney' fee of thirty dollar, pioviilnl fÖT m sftid BUUftcV that is to sny all tliat ot-rtain tract or parcel of land situnted in the township of Fi-eedom, ('nunty of Waahtenaw, and Btate of Mii:lñ!.riii. kiHiwii md aesoribed as il. half Of t hr northwest quarter of the north west quarter of section nmnba bwelvej, iu township nnmber three south of range number tour easL in toe district oí' land snbjeet to sale at Detroit, Michigan, containing t went y aerea more or lesa. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1871. JOHN' JACU1Ï FIEGEL, Morigogec. J). CltAVKIt, Attorney for Mortgragee. 1319td Mortgage Rale. DIJ'ATTLT havinfr been made in the condition of a certain mottffOge execuíed by Norman Untes, of tho township of Bharon, county of Waahtenaw, and Stute of Michigan, fco Bosoa l'.nton, of aaid t'onnty of Waahtenaw, on the ih-ht day oi Janoary, A. D. 1866. and rebordea ín the Etegfetor1! oltice of said county of Wasntenaw, on ÖW ninth dav of June, A. D. 1SG6, in Lübex Sï "f mortgfigef, ;it page 21, on wmoh mormure anti note aooompaziying che same there is now olaimed to bc due. and to become duc at the date of i tlie sum of eifcht hundred and seventy-three and 60-100 dollar, also au Attorney 's fee of ten dollars provided (br In said mortgage, and no prooeedtngs at law ar in eqnity haviiif; Inx-ii had to rt-cover the said aniouut or any part thereof Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given, ihnt by típ tue of tho jwwcr of nle in naid mortgage eontained, I ■hftl] hU ei publid auction, to the ubeat bidder, on Haturday, the first day of July next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoou of said day, at the BOUth door of the ' Court Souse, In the city óf Ann Ajrbor, in wid county, thut iwiiifT the place of holdiiiL' the Circuit Court for ■aid county. all thii oattain tract or parrei of land sitnated In wie township of Bharon aionsaidí known and desoxibed os foliows, fo-wtt j the wesi ono-half of 1 ' ,ist (uaitrr, md tlie west one-lmlf oí the ; east hult' of the southeast quarter of seotion neven, in ' township throe south of rune thnv e;ist, in State of Michigran, ctmtaining onc hundred and twentj more or (een. April -Uhf 1871. BOSSA EATON, Mortenge. P. ('ramkh, Att'y. for Mortgagee. UM Go toR.W.ELLIS & CO'e for choice Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes . Mortgage Sale DKFATLT having beOD iiind-' in the DOndition of a certain mortgage meouted by Charlas BeuUer and l-i in tiin-, bis wit'e, of tho city of Aun Arl.or, m Wnhii-nuw couuty and Stutc of Michigan, to Alpheoa relch, ol the same place, on the Hth day nj Hoy 1860, and veoorded in the ofliw of Bashtarof Deeds lor iaid county oí Woahtmaw, on the vt day of May, a. . 180, at 4 o'olook a. m., in liter 2 of moi t'j;i-t , un page 7H2, whiob H.-iiil mol tgage was duly I by srtid Alpheus Feleh to Kun stiiic Bestier of tho city of Ana Arbor, sfbreaaid, ihu -22 day of A]-ril. a. J. 18til, nnd recorded in the office of Register "1 Deeds for said eounty of Wnshtenuw, on the 20th dJ of July, a. i. 13C9, at 8Vá o'clock a.m., inliber 2 of Wlgnimima of mortgages, on paffe 258, and assigncd by the said ICrni-stiuu Krutl.r to Am-: iBunn, of the mm dty of Aan Arbor, on the I8th day of Biareh, a. i). I8T0, wteh aasjgnment is reen the Register' otlice Of said cnujily, tai tibor 3 of asignmeut oí mortíageii, on page 58, and t hut thereia elaimed to )„_■ dne m the dutc hereof the sum of two huodred nnd two dolían and ; eenta, also th' n aaansbk oosta and attomey tees, should nny pro. be had to faredtose the same ; andno stut or :.iw oi in cjuity haring been had to recover tl ■ ured by suid mortgage, or any part thereol ■ pbfgiventhai byrirtue of the power of sale ui said mortgage oontained, I shuli sell ut public auoUon, to tin laghest bidder, on the 2itli dayof June a. i. 1871, at two o'clock in theafternoonof thatday at the front door ol' the ('ourt House in the sai Ann Arbur, in the county of Waabtanaw and State ol Michigan, the premisesdesarlbed in suid mort gage as ai: those oertain tracto or parcela of landdeaaribed asfollows, to wit: the north part of lot number thrce in blo.k number ttve, being a strip of said lot, two roda ido on the north end of the same, and running airosa the same from east to west; nlso thenoutl part of lot number two, in unie block, boundei M follows, to wit : on the north by a line commencim in the cast line of Spring street, al the distance ut -2 V '■■■: feet from the nocthwest corner of id lot nomber two and running Ifaenee castwurdly acroa saiil lot to i poini in theeast line of aid lot at the dwtance of 40 in the northunst oorner of %oü lot number two thenoe running southcrly by the east line of aid lo to tl:e southeaat comer thereof, thenw west by the soutli line of said lot to Spring street, thence north by Die west line of said lot to the piare of heginniü I i ■ same being rituated in thut part of said dtj Arhor kuown as Peloh'l addition, ■ plat ut' wlii. ]i i.rceonlcd in the of ttie Kegister of Deedsnf sak county, m Siicr 4S of deeds, on page 140, and the sail premisee hewbj conTsyed subject to all rightsani privileges whii-h beloag M Ute proprietara of 'the mil roce wliicli runs along the east bovdor of said nremisee Datad, Morch22d, 1315 A. W1DEXMANX, Asi(fnee. Foreclosure of Mortgapo. "TJEFAD.T haring bemaiada in the paynaataf the -L' sunuof moncy, with ten per cent. inten ■nwl by t.lie mortKii executwl by Johnnm Sage to Cliauncey 31. Mttlen, bearing date th nme beeatti lay of April, a. d. 149, umi reoorded . a. i). 1859, in the office of Ketrister of Dceds of the county of Woshtcnaw, in the State of Michigan, in uber No. 25 of mortifnifcs. at page lot, and nannnml to Honorah Morse, September 22, a. d. 18ü2, by deed o: tnignment recorded in sidd Kegister's office, in saic liber No. 25, atuaKt M, on the 2i)th day of March, a i. 1871, by whicn default the power of sale containet in said mortgage became operative, anrl no uit or prooeedinf? haring been inatiuted at law to recover the aebt ramaiuing secured by sueh mortBnRe, or any par tlirnof, :ui,l the snm of two himdred and fenrdOUan and -' vt-uty-ciglit cent being now claimed to be due thereon : Notice ii tharafore hei-eby gtven thut saic mortgage will be forcclored by the sale of the mortgag ed premisee known and described us bcing in Brown 4 Kuller's addition to the Ttllage (now city) of Ann Ar bor, in the county of Waahtenaw, in'the Ktate of Michigan, and commencing in tlie northerly Une' o Broadway, eightecn feet two and two nfth ioehes sou'.hwcsterly from the corner of Brown sfreet and Biwulway, and running thence northerly and piiralle with Brown street, forty-nine ieet, thence southerlv and parallel with Broadwuy ninetecn feet and a half fhcni southeaterly and parallel with Brairn street torty nine feet to Broadway, thenee on tlie line o Broadway to the place of bcginning. Aloo the undivided half of the following deücribed land: Comiii'iicing in the muthwcsterly line of Brown Btreet, forty-nine feet ncjrtherly from the corner of Broadway and Brown street, and running thence northerly on i he of Brown street eightcen feet, thence southerly al nghi angles with Brown street flfty-seven feet two inches and twotliths to land formerly owned by Aaa 1.. Siuith, thenee easterly and parallel tothe Krst mentíoned line and on said Smith's line eigfatei thence northerly t rifrht angli-s and parallel with the seeond line to the place of beginning, at public auctiot or vandue, at the C'ourt ilouse. in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county, on tSaturday, the tirst day o: July next, at noon. HONORAH MORSE, Assignee. J)ated, March 27, a. d. 18J1. E. V. ICOBOA, Att'y. 1315 Mortjjiige Salo, 1BFATTLT baring been made in the eondition of a -L' certuin mortgage, cxecuted by Joanna u'ilara, oj the City of Ann Arlwr. County of Waslilunaw, to Andrew .1. Khively, of tho ity uf New York. on tl nmeteenth day of February, A. I. 1186, and reoorded on the same day, in Uber n of mortgagea, on iagc 21B, at 3 p. m. of aaid day, on wbioh mortgage and bonc accomrjamying the ame, tbare claimed to be due at the ilate of thiü notue, tlie auin of thrce hundred and six and twauty-flve cents, also un Attomey's fee of thirty dollars anould any procefldingsbe taken U toreclose the same, and no proceedings in law orequitj haTing been had to the debt or anv part then.-of ; N'itiecisherpby given, that by virtue of the power (t Bale in sairl mortgage i'ontained, I 1imI1 sell at publicauction, to the highaat bidder, on Baturday, the tenth day of June neit, at 2 o'clock in the aftemoon of aaid day, at the Cour! Honae, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said ( ounty, that Itóng tlie llace of holding :, i ourt for said i'ounty of Wiishtew, all rtain piie or paroals of land sitúate in the townabipof Ann Arbor, County ol' Wimhtcnaw aforesaid, knuwn, bounded and described as follow, to-wit : 11 that part of the west halt of Ule northeaKt :im number nine (i?) east oftlieroad the DOrthwest corner thereof; abo all that pari of theeast half of thesouthwest quarter of said seetion Ijring eoat of -.r,4 raad not herntofore deeded to Daniel O'Hara; all in townahip number twosouthof iumberai3 'i east. Marob lith, 1871. ANDREW J. SUIVELY, Mortgagee. John N. Gott, A ttorney for Mortgagee. 1313 Mortgago Sale. Di ;i' ! 'Ir having been made In the conditíona of a mortgage exeouted by Hary M. N".ulsins to Edwin 1 Ina.iurll. and daled April 4th, 1870. whioh mortgage is reoorded in the office of the Begister of Deeds for the cou ut y ol' Washtenaw, state of .Mif-liigan, in liber 43, on page 221, and by raaaon of said default there being now duf the suin of t ivo tlioüsand aeren hundred and iwenty-three dollars nnd eifirhtyeight cents, abo an Attoiney's fee of thirty dollars, and no prooeedinge at law or in equity having been hadtorei nount; Notíoe ia therefore lieifbygiven, on baturday, the 5th djiy of Aiiiriist. 1871, at eleyen o'clock of saM day, at the south door of the House, in the city of Ann Arlior, in said oounty, I shaU sell at public auction-, to the highest bidder, tfae premiaes doooribed in said mortgap-i is to say : all of tlie foltowinK pieoes or pareels of land sitúate in the city cf Ann Arbor, aforesaid, known and described a.s follows : hot Xo. ohe. and the cast half of lot No. two, in lilix-'ñ No. One north of Huron street. in range No. two east, accordiug to the recorded plat of said city. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 8th, 1871. EDWABI1 TiïEADWET.I.. D. Cbaheb, Mortgagtc Att'y. for 'Mortgagee. ■ 1321 'Rail Estáte for Stde. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Cmmty af Waahtenaw, ps. Jn the matter of the eatate 01 V. Goodale, minor: K0ÜO8 ii heieby uiveii, that in pursunnce of 111 order (frantetl to the umlwMinird, Guardián of the eetate of said minor, by Hon.Judffe of Probate, tor the ooimty of Washtenaw, on the t ■wenty-sixth da; of April, a. d. 1871, there will be aoM al public to il bighed bkLdi r, ar tho office of ioodale - Henley, in the vulage oí Delhi, in the couuty of Waahtenaw, in Baid HtatOi on Bal nnlay, the&eY4 oti enth flay of ■) une, a. D. 1871, at ton o'clock in the foreuoon of that day, (subject to all eiuuiabrunevs I y morteage 01 oÜm ru ise existinjr at the time of sale, and uso aubject to the rijfht of dower of the widow of Norman C. ioodale, di ■ ■i. th rein ■ the ÍDllowing deacri bed real tu-WÍI : The imdivitled hálf OÍ Iota niño and ten, in block nine, in the vüloge of Dettii, in aaid county, ao eorrlinff to the feoorded pial of eaict vülage. Dated. April 26th, .. j. 1871. ■ EDWABD U lïüYDr.N, láSO Guurdian. Real Estáte for Salo TATi: OF MICHIGAN, County of Wnahtannw, .-. ■ in bho matter ol tlm estáte of Albert Stevens, de . Kotkw ishereby ivcn, that in pununnoe of un ii"iiM gwatéd tn ihf nTiU'rsig7ic(l, Adnrinjstrator of the estáte ni' iaid deceaaedL hy the Hun. Jttdgv of Probate, itor the oounty of wawitenow, on theseventcnüi day of April, A. D. 1H71, there wflj be Kold at public vendue, to the higheet bidder, in fiont of the Clifton House hotel, ín theviÜageoi W'liitmore Lakt-, in tin1 county of Washtenaw, in said BtatO] on SeJ mday, the thiitl dy of Juno, A. D. 1871, at eleven o'clock n the forenoon of that day (subject to uil ensamoxAJMM by mortgnge or oithorwiae existinfi ui the time ot the death of said dereuRcd, nd'also subject to the ritrht of dover f hta wMow t&enin), the folfowingdeseribed real estáte, to-wit : A parce] of land begrfnninjr tour ehalna and tivrnty-tive link (-outh of the quarter post betweon sectiona Üve and six, in town snip one south ot' ran;e six east, in iaid Btate, ruAning thenofl north etehty Bxcand a half degreos east twelva thains and sixty-triffbt links, theuce south ninc dcgroeseart two chains, tlicnoe south seventy-tíve and a half dflgreefl weet threedhaina andsevatty-tcnreB links, Uienoa eouth eisrhty-eix and a half degraee west nine rlmins and thiity-two links to the seetiun liiie between eortions tic and six. thenco north two degxees west alona aoid aecfikm line two oboias and wrenty links to theplftceof bcginning.eontainintluve acres, one quarter of on ama and wixteen roda oí' land, be the sume moreorless; nlso one other pa roei of land in said town tmd rane, denbed tw commencinp in the eenter of the hi#hwuy, on the west siile of Whitmore Lake, at the northeast corner of n pieoo of land heretitorc ilrnlril by William Jay to Joel W. Huil. thence BOuÜierly along the center of said bishway fburteen feet, thence westerly ahOttt two hnndred feet to the uutïle iu tuiid HaU'd north lino and to a stuke, thence saaterly along said Halla north Une to the center ot' the bjghway and place of bezinning ; also all that part of the southwest quurttit' of the northwest quarlev of said aooïloD flvo, Bame townaUp and range, whioh lies east of the center of the bigoway ruiiiünj north and south on the west bank of W hit more Iake, nor heretofore deeded by said Albert Btevena and wife. Uatt-d, April 17th, A. D. 1871. HENRY.FRAT.Tf K, 1318 Administrator. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHTCïAX, County of Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Homy lïower, deoonaco Notíoe la hereby gires, fihal in pursuanco of an order trrimttid to tlie undersined, Admiuistratrix dl rstatc of Raid decojised, hv tho Ilon. ui rrobate. for tliü county of Wuslitonaw, on the aixteenth day of Jnnuury, A. I). 1871, than will be iold at public vendue, to zixe hlgheat bidder, at the south door of theConrl OoneSpU thtM-ity f Anu Arbor, in the county of AV'ashtcnaw, in sjiid State, on Wednw cïay, the spventh day of June, A. I 1871, at ten o'cloGk in tlie forenoon of f):a' day [sabjeoi tn all oncUD oea br morteage or otherwfae existing at the time of theabath ofaaid deoeaaed, and also aubjwt to the ri'ht of dower of bis widqw thei-einl, the followinff descriad u-al estáte, to-wit : All that part of lot cifiht, in block one north of Iluron Btreet and ranpo three, aooordlng to the rocorded plat of the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, bijnning on Jlain stfeet, at tho northeast corner of said tot, tbenoB KkilCh 00 the lint' oí" Main vtuvt twenty-ono (ft . tlniice wee) fee the alley i" the reai of .nii i t . thenoe oorthto the north Une of aaid loti 1 to the place of beginning, wtth the bridi 1 I . thereon, belng iu .-aidcity oi Ann Arbor, oonnty and State aforoaalol Uated, Apni 18Ü1, A. 1). 1871. ICABOABBTT (. BOWER. 1318 Adminilnitrix. P11YSIGIAHS -PRESCRIPTIÖSS" AGCURATELY AND CAREFULLY PREPABED BT n. & co.yDHuaaisia.


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