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EJtate of "WilliamLaüënr Q TATE OF MICHIGAN, Ceranty of Wartrtma ÖAU atwion of thc Probate Court for tí! r ' "■ of Wa-hUmaw, holden at the Probate Office, in tw'r !T of Aun Arbor, on Monday, the Mtwinh ui"í Hay, ni tbe yunr me thousand eight linndií' !'"■ ■■ ui Iliiiiiu ,!. HimIicb, Judgc of Probate deÍLcíi9 mUtU' "f th t"t0 f WiUi'utwni On reading and filing the petition, duly veria„i BUzabetn K. Urtaon, pr.iyiug that n rtain ;, " menl unr on Ule m Oda conrt, purpurt.n,, to?-?' Uat wfll and Iwlimmit of said deccnsed nmv h ? 7 ttd te probate, and tlrnt ndminLstratiun of saM?' muy be gnntod to uc lulubls person i lhereuponit is ordered, that Moiiday, the l.,, day c.f June next. Ot tcno'clock 6 tlie town, ';h ■1 f..r ti,, hearing of Kaid petition, and th2',í legaten, deriaeet and heir at law of Raid d,t,.3' " all other peno intt-rested in said et4ite, are nv.;." to Bppeaj al ;, s-ion of said court, then to be lïïi1 utth. Probeta office, i.i the City of Ann vil. ■ show ranx, if nny thtre 1, why the prayer ífT petitíonei sliuuld not be urunted : And it w %,!.!' I. tlmt Hid petidoner give notice to S a itercated in Baid ratnte, of the DeniliiT ■ siiid pttiüon, and tho hearinpr thertof, by S7 copy of thi order to be publiahed iñ ií?i' Arym, a newspaper priutefl nnd cii-cnlntinit i " county, tbreo aucoowivc week proviotu to aid rt."1 heanng. u aaJ tt (A tí??1Opyl HIRAM J. BEAKKS lilt Judge of I'rotute. Estáte of Jacob Maebrle. CTATK (IF MICHrilA.V, Connty of Wunhteii. L; Atasewionof the ProWt Cowt for tlic r of Wushtenaw, bolden at thc Probate oeL iï?i' ( ity of Ann Arbor, on Bstuday, the h h of Muy, id the ycar oue tbouaand cúíht SiJïï and seBty-oue. "Mal 1'rcBont, Hinuo J. Beakc, Judge of Prolmtí In tho niutUr of the estáte of Jacob Mb,w deoeaaed. ■Maeörf On reuding and ülinK th petition, duly vtriSrf , Jnrab ünuer, ndminntrntor de bnnii a with thl' annexel, uraying that he inay be liecnsed tosdlí? tala teal estaU wheieol unid deceawil died eiifd Tbaienpon itis ordered, tbat Mondny, the nincL.,, duy of Jnoe DffiCt, at ten o'elock in the foS? nedtotbeheoiÍBgof8aidpotítioB,iidSfS! legato, d.-vwcs :md heira at luw of lid dece-uid 5 all otber persons interest cd in aaid ir.-tute, art tmiïï to app.-i.r at .i Manon of said Court, then to le SS!" Ht tfie rrobate Offire, in the City of Ann A,Cw show cauM-, ïf nny thcre be, why the prever of ai titioner shotild not be (franted : And "it (L ed, thut said petitidner gire nolke to tbetS? ■ted in said estáte, of the pendencv of saiá VÏÏ! tion, and the hearing tbereof, by causin a copy oE order to be published in the Michigan Jrau, I DVrí paper pnnted and simdatíng in uid ('ouuit t sucoetisive weeks previous to said day of lieurinii ' (A troe opy.) HIRAM J. BEAKÏ's '322 Judge of PrV,. Estáte of Vrelon Bates. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wahlena O At a seasion of Ibe Probate Conrt for the Counttii Washteiüiw, holden at the Probate Office mthei. of Ann Arbor, on Tnesday, the sixteenth dai 7i May in the year one thousand eight hundred 3 scventy-one. Present, Hiram J. Eeukcs, Jndgc of Probate In tho matter of tbe estáte of Vrelon Bt i. cvaned. " On rcading and filiüg fhe petition, duly hñed ,i Henry C. Bates, prnying that Ueoriie C. l'aw ortml other ntftable person niay bc appointed adinúiSiT tor of the estat of said deceaséd. " Thercupon it is ordered, That Mondar ti, fwelfth day of June next, at ten o'clock ,ï! forenoon, be assigned for Wie fcen-rD of soid wtitii, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, aud HiX er persons inteiested in said estáte, are reíjairpd iJZ. pear at a sesaion of aid Court, then to be hoMtii iï tJ Probate Office, in the City of AAn AV „I íhow cause, if nny there be, why the prayer óf Ik petitioncr should not be grunted : And it U furti oiilered, that said petitioner give notice to the pmou iuteiested in said estáte, of the pendency of wid v tion, and the hearing thereof, by cuusing a copy ofS, onltr to be publiahed in the .VicMyan Artii, t, „T. piijKT printed and circulating in said county th. ucccsüivi; weeks previous to suid day of hearini (A truc oopy.) ÏIIKA JÍ J. BKAKÉ8 1322 Judgoo l'rebote. Estáte of Amasa Áldrich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Cunnty of Wnphtemw a Al ■ cislou of the Probate Court for the ('oontt of Washtenaw, holden nt the Probate office in ui t'ily of Ana Arbor, ou Thursday. the eiutiteeir.k d,, of Mny, in the year one thousaud eijjot HilMni aud seventy-oue. Present, Hiram J. Benkcs. Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Aman AWrlch deciased. ' Martha B Aldrich Execntrix of the Int' 11? aod testament of said deceated. comes iulo ('oort and repleten s that is now prepared to reader hr fiual account as uch Kzociitnz. Thepenpon itisnrdered, tbatMim(Uy. thetwelfth day of Jnne next, at tentdoek iu ihe foreDoca be ..-h i ■il for esamiuini; anti fwh t cunnt, aud thal thc legatees. deviséis and bin il hvw cf :iid decea'ied, and all other persons jDtcr('ti! m s.-iid estáte are required to nppearit f sessiou of said Court then to be holden ai tie Probate Office, in the City ot Ann Arbor, In uil county, and show cause, f nny therebe, wij tte snidaccountshonldnotbeallowed: And It Ia fa!" thcr ordered, that said Executrix give notice io the penonfl intereated in said estáte, of the wb. deni'v ofeaid acconnt, and the hcarinc thereof bi canelDg a copy of ihis order to be published ia tíx Michigan Argut, a newspaper printed and eire latine in said Couuty. three oucccsxlve weeü previoaa to said day of hcariui;. tA true copy.J H1KAM J BEAKES; ISltitd Jodce 01 Prubatf. Estáte of Stephen W. Griffio. QTATK OF MICHIGAN, Coanty ot Watitat,! kJ At a session of the Probate Conrt for theCoulf of VVa?hieBaw, holden at the Probate Offlce.imlé City of Ann Arbor, on Mwmlay, the int d.iy of May, in the year owe OionBsnl nu lundred aud swentj-oiw. Present, líira J. Buakes, JtStt of Probntf. In the matter othe estáte of Steuhen v. Giifflc deceaséd. On ret(fineaDdfiling the petitlnn duly verlficiof Asa.M. Darllng, Administrator, prajtlug tbnt he miy be Hccmed to murtvagc or sell ruiu rel etate wbcrcol said deceascd died eixed. Therenpou K is ordered, that Monday, th wcliih duy of Jane next, at ten o'clock il the orsnocm, be assigned for the hcarMg of nlï eitit)ii. and thal the heirs at law o) sitid dec-lïrt, ind all other persona bitereeted in said etate1 ut rcqriiiid to appear at a bcbsíou of snióCoarï hei to beholdci attbe Probate Oftice, in thecitjif nn Albor, and show canse, ií any thett be.why tlic r:iyer oí tne petitioner should not be pnaiei And it isfiirtlitü ordered that snld petitionct üiveto icctot.hcpersoTií'lutereiítedin Baldeetatc of the pendency ofvaU petition, and the heariur ftQ8Ulg a t:oiy of thih Order to !■ pnbli(hetl lDthi )k higanJ ru, a newsijaper printed audcirculatipg n snid county, four euccessive weekt previoui W nï tl day of hearing. (Atrliecopy.J HIRAM .1. IÏEAKÉ8. 13.'1 Judge of Probate. leíate of Milán Glover. tíTATKOP MICHIGAN. Connt) ofWasMeDinr.w. - Ai a tiession of the Probate Courtfor the Conni) '! W.i.M-nnw holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Anu Arbor, on Salurday, the twenticth dij if May, in the ycar oue thonsand eigbl bui? dreri nnd eventy-one. Present, llirum J. lïeakes, Jadgc of Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Milan lover, deeeased. On readinp; and filinL the petition, dnlyvcrlfie.oí Cellnda Glovêr, prayinir that fhe. or some other MÜt&hle person, nmy bc .ippointud Adniinistrator of the e taU at sala deeeaiea. Thcreupon il is onlered, that Monday the cine irciuh tlny ofJniie next. l ten oYlock in theforr-' nooii, be aarigned for the hearing of siiid pw1 tion, and Umi iiriis at Uw of said de cenyed. and all other ueri-onMntereetid in saitleetate, are reqairad .to appeat :it n tetslon f Mid Cnnrt, Eh. n to ba holden t the Probate Office, in 'hi riiy ui Au ti Arbor, and show cause if any tlierfbd why the prajer of the petitioner should uot bt grauted Andit isfurthcr ordered, that saidpetitioncr'ive notice to thepereont? iuierested in rtid' ■ 01 ' th' pvndency olHflid petition. nnd th lipni'iiiL' tbereofi ty cansins ■ copy ofthii order to be published in the Mü.hiftan ATOU$ñ newcpapw, printed aud circulmlujz iu said Counfy, threentecssive wt'iïki previous to saidd cfhrarinf. (AtruecopJ.J U1RAM J. BEAKES, 1818 Jtidtrc of Probate. Estáte of Thomas Kane. aTATEOPMTCHIGAN.Connty of Washten-'1 O AtasosHionof the Probate Ooort for rheConmT of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. Inth City ol" Anu Arbor, on Monday, the flíteenih W of May. lu the year one (bo'nsand eight tondredaiid nuventy-one. Present, Ui ra m J. Bcakec.Tndge o f Probate. In the matter of the Estáte of Thomas Kant1 deceaaed. . On readiüfjand ftlini; tbc petition, rlnly vprilied.ol Peter Tuite Admiuistrnt r. tf Ixntit non, praji1 that he may be 1 censed to peil certain reii euti whereof snin deceased dled (ceiied. Thcreupon itisOrdered, that MoDda, the tWfD'r sixih day of June next, at ten o'clock (n _tw forenoon,be assigned fortlie hearing of said petitie and that the heirs at law of said deceased, aod ilj other persons interestcd in said eetate. are requirre toappear t a session of Hiiid Conrt, tlien toM holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbofi and show cauLe,if any there bc, why th'prayer ültw pctitiniieishouldnot bcj;ranted: And itHfurtheTOïirded,ttaat eald petitioner urfve notice to the pefp intereated in uld estáte, of the pendency ofBW[ tition.and the hearing thereof, by caiteinga copy ' this Order to bepabllsfied in the Michiran Argvui newspaprr printed and circnlntinp in eairlCoBttfi fouriiccessive weeks previous to snid day ofb fAtrnccopy.i HIRAM J. BEAKES, X310td JadccofProbAttachmcnt Notice. BY VIRTUE of one writ of nttachmont iisiiedl if the Circuit C'oiirt in and for the cnty f Waahtenaw, the Otlulay of Maroh, 1871, Charle ïuiindiiijifer and Jolm M. AViurncr Iteinsr plantiflh,1 . OVOS ('roman, dcfendant, Jiirainst the gootl, etottWj nu. mi ys, eflbets, liinds and tenemsnta of =:ii'l 0& rimi;m, for the sum of rifteen hiindred dollar, rit 4f uttarhnicnt mnde return ablc the 4th duT Airil. 187), at ten o'olook, of ml dny, 1 did, on ï lOtb day of M:irc!i. 1871, sebe, t;ike and Lery poo f tJie interefit that (wcn Croman haain the followini , (li-vrriVed real estáte, to wit : aU thnt Un tt pnrceioi land lyiPg andbeïng ín the toxrnshi]! f Norihfiö ooantr 'f1 Waahtonaw, State of MnhiiraTi, krw bounded and described rs followw, to it : the nortn oast auaxtexof thaaoatboaot quartcrof eotion no hor Htteen in township number one south and ranp nunilKT six aast) accordinji to the original survoy f tainiur fort y anos of laod. I, April 26th, 1871. MVKON "U-KBB, Slieriff. 1S19-W6. By Jortin Forbes, Uunaer-ShrtT1 YANTED. A pood honc and lotcontiiinintr aH the neefw'? eooTenlencefl of a pood hrnne, in Ann Arbor, Mie for whieh I will exchamje one of like descriptfo1 on very liberal terina, in Che city of FrecpoTl' My house and lot re nlcelf sltnated, are wor $4,(X'O. I aluo huye twelve acres of nice farmlfï gardoDing land JoinlDS city Ifroits worth f.iKï pp acre, all cf which 1 wlsh !o exchaniie for prnperlj Aun Arbor ora larm ín WasbteiiHw AJ propared to ])iy or tu the dirterrneein cash. (rreat bargalta WiD Lsa firen Addresa and Icaru pf üciilart, LEWI COLBY, 1320mr. Fteeport, UK. GotpR.W.ELLIS&CO'f for 3trictly Pure Drugs ano Medicines .Paints,0ils,&2.


Old News
Michigan Argus