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New Remedies For Burns

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ïicw remedie for burns are adducl to the ist. The first is cbarcoal. A picce of egetalile charcoal laid on a burn at once sootlies the pain, says the (inzette Medícale, and if kept applied for au hour cures it completeiy. The seooad one is sulphate of iion. This was tried by M. Joel, in the Children's Hospital, Lausanno. In this case a child, four years of age, had been exteusively burned, suppuration was abuiuiant and so ofi'ensive that they ordered the child a tepid bath, containiug a couple of pinches oí' sulphate of i ron. This gave immediate relief to the pain, and being repcated twico a day - twenty minutes each bath - the suppuration decreased, lost its odor, and the child was soon couvaluscjut.- Medical Press mul Circular. This is the prettiest dress we have found in all of our fashions exchaiiges for tho week. It was a silver pongee, the skirt mado absolutely plain, with a slight circular sweep about the back and side widthsj giving an aiiy gracefulncss to the folds. The front-width was quite as long as the side-width, polonaise plain. The bonnet was of white EngHsh straw (the Artless), trimmed with clusters of geraniums, with a veil of black ehantilly lace falling on one side. Cameo jewelry, a bouquet of geraniums, and a silver-colored parasol with fi pearl handle completcd an ifreproachable costume. A capital story used to be told oí' the ate David Rpberts. Au art oritio who ras hi,s personal frieád published a sharp attach upon oertain picturss oí' his just exhibited. " My dear lloberts," Wrote t lie evitic in a private letter, "Yon maj lave seen my rernarks on your piotures. [ liope they will rnake no difference in our iriendsníp. Yours, etc., ." "My dear ," wrote the painter in reply, ' the next time I meet you I shall pull your nose. I hope it will make no difíoreiice in our fjieadahip. Yours, etc., D. Koberts." Au Ëlmira farmer vt-rote to Horace Greuley tor advico as to the best kind oí' bees to keep ;nul reoeived an answer to tho elfeet that "husking bees" vvore tlie 'nest, but in order to make them lay honey proíitably, lie inust use a china egg, umi biailket liis ln-es when they are up( "ii tlie nest, and feed tkoza bran and middlings. "Was Mr. Cliiselem a very popiilar ni-n when ho lived in your towu r" inquired a Ijusybody oí' a í'riend. "I should think he was," replied the gentleman ; "as manv persons eudeavored to prevent his leaving : and several of them, including the ■ : 's officer, followcd him soino distanoe." A lady in Rt. Tjoxiis has made a deeided improvcment in the ordinarv lireiieh of promise suits. Her oomplaint embraces in its charges, uot onlj' the false lover, but the gentleman she wanted for a father-in-law also. He had objected to the proposed match, and thcreby influenced his son to break it up. The principáis of a recent Teiv. wedding weve : Í81. TL, had been married twice befor uud the gioom i'our timee.


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Michigan Argus