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A Union Of Conservative Men

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ït must be oWimw to ho plainest underKtanding tb the Democratie party can only earry the Presidential election noxt year by securing large aceossions trom tho ltepublican irty. How is tliis to be accomplishod'r On tlic Titrious quetii'iis whioh'have divided uu wo miwt ailow that the Republicana have bonsai us oursalvesi Oí courso they entertain as muobpride of opinión. It is worse than. úseles to ask thom to stultify thuir antecedeiïts; the ofcher hand, all the world should not bribe us to malse any dishonorable corvcessions or mean orertures. But is there no point to which tho reason and pivtriotisui of both partics (ui oome, agreeing to disagroe on questions whieh have passcd out of active controversy, and by this generous process sijuaring the old set of books, for tho sake of opening a ncw record of fellowship, peace and progress ? In our judgmimt there is such a line, and wo can rcach it without dishonor,. None of tho questions w.hioh brought the Republican party existonee re main to separate the liberal rjkL oonservative element ef the country. The Radical orgaaization of the present day resembles the party tliab nominated Fremont in 1856 and Lincoln in INtíO as little a it resembles the party that nominated Harrisou in 1840 and Clay in 1844. It is a tutally now concern, a creation of the war: lts head, Gen. Grant, is anoldtime Democrat. lts most representative leader, Gen. Butler, is an old-line Democrat. It puts forward none of the arguments which were advanced by Mr. Sevrard, and Mr. Chaso, and Mr. Greeley, and the fathers of the Republican party. Slavery, the all-absorbing issue, has passed away. Tho negro is a frue man, he is s citizen, he is a voter. The various stages in the journey from servitttde to suffrage diviilwl gi-eat masses of peoplo. Thousands of Demoorats resisUnl einancipation ; resisted equality before the law ; resisted enfranchisement. Thouisands of Republicans contended for each in sucoession. All havo been secured. Thero is therefore nothing left of the negro question to separate the honest ReÍ)ublican and the hönest Demoerat, who ove their country more than any political organization, unless the Democratie party tadisturb tho sottlenient of the negro question and to uullify the terms which now exist. We maintain that the Democratie party has no such purpose, and we are borne out in this by the eoncurrent testimony of the Congressïonsl address,. the Democratie press, and all the rules of rcason and probability. Indoed, but for the wild and absurd bawling of three or four notoriety seeking newspapers the Radicáis would not be able to make out so much as a charge of such an intention. Events, howover, re working out what was denied to rational entreaty. The boisterous Montgoniery Mail is dead. Tho senile Mobile Register has changed its coat and fallen into line, an humble and wo trust a repentant follower of those whom it tried to browbeat into its waived-up folly. The Momphis Appeal alono reuiains as a vociferator of nonsense and a gabbler of platitudes. The Democratie line and compass, the foremost Democratie leaders and the great Democratie journals, are a unit on the quesiion of leaving the negro where he is and giving a fair show wr the sculfle of the future. So, why should Republicans and Demócrata who have quarreled over this point consider it any longer a bar to their cordial reunión for the sakeof the Union 'i In order to secure that reunión, no acrifice is asked or required on either gide. The Democrat is not urged to go back on the opposition he made to einan oipation and enfranchisement when those legues were up lor diseussion and decisión. The Republican is not urged to recedc from the verdict which he has obtaincd. No one proposes to renew the controversy. It has been closed. The negro question is, in this sense, a dead issue. Greater questions have appoared, questions of re publican government; qnestions involving absolute liborty and poace. On tftose oilizcns aro invited to take their stand without regard to antecedente, and we maintain that there is nothing in the records of the honest Republican and the honest Democrat which should keep them asunder wbere the restoration of the conititutional forms and the reanimation of the spirit of the old free fabric of equal States are the issues to be lost or won. The battle in wbich we are about to engage is freedom's battle. It is in reality a struggle for our exietenoe as a democratie people. Our libertiee are threatcned as seriously bythe ascendency of an irresponsible partisan doniination as ever they were threatened by the annies of King George III. A few bold and designing men, like Morton and Butler, are taking advantago of their hold upon their party to organize a machine which will render a revolution easy, They will succeed, unless the people are aroused in time. Gen. Grant is a party to this eonspiracy. It is formidable in all its departments, well planned and gkillfully conducted. It can only be defeated by a unión of all the conservativo elements of the North and South, and, to acconiplisli this, the most generous apirit is demanded of Deiuocrats and Republicans alike. Two years ago we sounded the alarm, and the country responded to us bravely. Whilst the politiciuns were denouncing us, the people were gathering by our ide. The leaders have at length come up to the point. Mr. Vallandigham bas touched the key note. Young Adams li;is Btruck the chord. It ill not be long before the most skcjliral will find that it has music in it. Benselera olamor has ceased. Nothing nmains but for the good work of sober reason to go on, and it will go on between this mul next year, until the elements of unión and peaee aro joined togethor on a broad and tolerant platform, a platform for all the people of all the States, a national platform which recopnizes no man as a rebel and proscribes no man on account of his record or his rare - in other words, an old Jeffergonian. Democratie platform of original principies. This is what is meant by making the Dcmocracy truly lemooratic ; and it embraces a series of propositions so just in themselves and so essential to our safety as a people, and so pure in their source, that they cannot honcstly be resisted by any man, be he Republican or be be Democrat, so be be sincerely anxious to restore uh our ancient institutious and our peace on terms of mutual benefit to both seetions of the Uniou.


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