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Nkw YoitK, June 6. A llttle specalatlve feeliug lias furtlier strengthened the gold premium, whicli elOMS At 112)4. The advauce in cottou it wouM seem must have a speculative cause, mlddltng apitoda being quoted to-day at lf4, Whlch is over 5c advauce within the nionth. Cotton goods sympatlme wltli tliis advauce, aiul a number of mskes are udviuice.l to-Jay J0 per yard. The grain market has settled down iuto a more stendy wsy, and prices uro a trille strorwr for wheat thau at last report. The loreigti market Is steady. Coaroe gr.iins are Iffiic. lower, Hop iiave been iu active deinand or the Enj;li8"i market, mvire espeeiully old hops Prices are uuseltled, but it would seem that Uiey can harrtiy 20 lower thun they now are. Live stock art: lower iu tlie city and at all leadlng point , aml ■ (luil and dëcllnlng inarkel lor the next few nioulhs ia most probable. Detroit, June 7. The receipts of continue exceplion■iliy largé for the season, and it is probable Ihflt Uw: comlug linrvcst vvlll flnd less o!d vvheat in the country than usual. Prices are l@2c below last report. Extra vvliite at 1.48, Nu. 1 white at $l.43@1.44, Treadivell atfl.43@1.45, Dd Amber at $1.43. Oom and oats are both a trifle lower, the forruer at about 57, and ihe tutter at 54@ 55. Beiins are quict, $1.40@1,70 beiníí noiniual for fair to ROOd lots of onptcked Buiter i weaker, 17c betng on'.y obtalnable (or chuicest st-lections, the bulk of Ihe sales beinx at lü@l. ïbero bas ben some spcculalive (teniand lor old halter SI ti@9. (Jhcrsv is 11 (air riuest at 14@15 lm' ui-w factury. Drltfi fruit weuk and nomina!. Appies at ()(iïi),l2 ; peiichca 22 25. Effgg a simde wi-akt r HlU Ust report, the average belng I4@14,lj, with 15c soine times paUI tor lots of strlctlj fresli by couut. Feed is umler a more libeia! snpply ; bnnat ;21, roarse middlins at S8-, and line, $26@27 by the c:-r lood 9óme MicliiHn xtrawberrles are in market and are worth .bout $8 per bnshel, hut these prloea III aanilj be sus tetoed under more liberal receipts. Hops nominal at 2'i4c for last piek. Potntoes conti Doe modératela active, but prices are miscttlcd and lower, say at 00c per bushei aml 2.i)0 per bbl. in car load lots. Lanl in burreis, lOilOSjc; in tubs and crocks, 11}.Í@12 ; country cnred hams, 10@ll ; gboaldero, 7C8. Tallow, 7c. WOOL.-Sheariiig is actively Kflií on, and In a few days lle l)ody of t.he clip Iu Ibis Sl;ite will be ready for market. It ncemn Impooslble as yet to givenny data as 10 values. Krom present iudications, local boyera wHl have the run ot the nnrkrt tor some time, as castern bnyors will lint veuture anl.ll prices beoome soincuhat sittled. Some small lots uc ivp.ined to have been already niaiketed In the interior at about 40c. Most likely prlceg will s" abovethUat flrst, but the market may breuk at nv time tnereafter as soon as the Imnwdlate wants of manufacturera are snpplled, and on the othcr hand, the possibiü ly of a short supply muy secure gool prlcen all aroaod. In Ohio, mixed lots of the uew clip are held at 5ü@55c. The Is test reponed sales of Michigan wool in Boston were at 53c. INew wool is not worth as much into 5c per pound is old, and takintrttiis into ncoimt. and the cost of COmmlasioni and froijjhts, sayfifáHc, and the value of the clip from Mm fanner's WHffon would he somethinii likc 40@42c. Tlilu is probably a lower flxure than will lx.' rcnli.ed at any time To sum up the case, the best opinión eeuw to be that at the opening of the market priecs will r:tn;e mywhere from 45 to 5:ic, nul then if the agKretcate field throaghoat tho couotry is :'cMi"iid to be imple, priors must decMiv. bnt iflt is short, valm-s will be governed l)v the prices at whlch fcrelgn wool c:in be Imported. There Beem nö pood reason to anticípate a Ureer yield this yenr than Iggt yi'.ir. It Is not known that Itocki have boen Increasod, Whlle of conr-e the consumptive domand must have increased to somc extent ASÍ UMI PRODlfE V, VKKrll'S. Auo'ts Office, June 8, 18T1. Wrlltof thl iftcrnoon ? follown : wuif vT- ivhlte. 130141 : H"'l, HMi?oc. OORX- MllSISOO. OTS-4034c. 13KVNS- 1.50. IIOTTBU-15.' FOOi-lic. LABD-lie. CniOCBNS- 18C TUBKBÏS-Hc.


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Michigan Argus