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firmal Wímm. CONSÚMPTÍOK. Its Cure and Its Preventive. BYJ.H.SGHENCK,M.D, km.wn and Indiapwably pro ren CTl' "" nl . 1 '"'." n"ivl uV.irlotumily and frierids nc BleapinK lile dreai"l.s3íuuiucrUit whloh, liad tiiey oolmly adaptad DR. JOSEPU H. SCHENCK'S S-IMPLE TREATMEXT, mfl nvalleil thomiu-lres of hls wnnderfttlly effioaelons inpdii-tre tlif'v would flot hnve fallpn. Dr Schenck has Ín .wn m proved that berrvi'r sufflci.nt Tltallty remaln, thnt vltallty, by ■ his njedicinea and bis dlrcctlooa tot Uicir uso, is qulckenn.Üe?Smtte nothlnu presmnptnoa. tA thc faith f tho Invalid is marte no repreMntatlou úiut ts mt a thouound timo? ubatontlatcd by rivlnit nd TUIbla w.rks. Tho llMory ol the cure by Dr. gcbeuek's medicine Ís as siiupie as it Is unfalllng. lt philos opliy re mras no argument. K Ís aelf-ussur'ní'btfsí-0wJS';r'm'loan Pil! are theflrst tiro weapons wlth which the citadel of the maladj is assaüod. Two thlrds of thc cuses of eonaamptlon orí' ñute in dy.ipepsni and a funcUonally disorderrl livor Wiih t&isoondltloii tho bronohlal tubo " syraputhlze" with the Momnch. 'fliy respiind to tho fiTorblnL-arU-.nof tlie llvcr. Here then onnes th culmnatln; nooit, and tho setting In, wltll ali its distreuing syiui)Uuis, of CONSLIPTION. The Mandrük" PIlMura rnmpoíclnf neof Wnture's noblrat fts -the Polt.itiira. Thev possess all tho hl.i1-oarclilnir. alUuative properliea of 'caiuniol, but, unliko caloiuel. tlioy LE.VVE NO STIXG BEHIND." The work of cnn 1' nw beRinnlnK. Thn Tltlatwl nni muCiMia dcpiMltn m th bowelatuid In tlioiilimentórv canal aiv rh ilver . liko a clock. s wounit 't ariMWcs tn m it3 torimilty. Ihestomacii uets responaivelr. and tliu patlcnt begias to feel ttiat bu 13 getting, at last, A SÏPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. Thc Spa-wpcd Tonlc. In with the rillü. nprni1!'' and asalmllatea wlMt the rood. hyhflcaiiüii Is m"v nronressinü without lts preTlons tortures. Dtaaftrn hoconms painlcs and tlie cur.' is neen to be ut mino. Th"r lannm ro flatulonoíi no exaosrbatlon of the stomacll. An appdtíte sets in. NoW comes the greatost Blood I'uritior over Trt-civen hv an in.iul-'enl l MifíiTinit ninn. Schonck s Pulmonioivruponnii' m lopertpnn itsfunctlonsaod to busten and completo Iho curo. It enters at once upnn kswi.rk. Naturecan ii"t. be cheuted. It coiiecta and rlpena the Irapal red nd dlaeaaed portions of the luna. Inthe formof atherluga,lt_prepareatlieinfor expectorati.m.Mii.l I..! ni! rarfsfa' rt lime BUlMdy la vnnquishe I. tno rotten throne that it oci'Upli-d I renovated antl mudo new, and tlie auetit, in all tho dliiiiity of reained TiKor. teps feuth to enjoy tho mtiubóoJ ur woman:iood. tüat :is GIVEN ÜP AS 1.OST. TlieRfcnfl ttilnijis. tM rat Ion ts mirf pífiy Inn warra ro.m unlll tliey f-rlt woil : it ImpoMlhle in nrevent takin -' cold when tho lungs are disenspí!, bt ii mut be prevented or n cure can n.r bacffooted. Kresh ulr and r dinjí cTt, especlally In this sei't' oí the country, in the fall mul winter aeason, are all wnmtr. rhysn-ians ili ■ n itimcn 1 tlnil (■.iirsc loso nitii'ni-. if thoir lui'Kl re blidly rtwaurd anti vet. he.Miisj tlioy ure ::l th ' li..uo they mun not slt ilown qiliet: Ihoy must'walk bout llic rnom as muoh and as fastas t!ie stren::t;i will bear, to cetupapood circnlatlon of blood. The ]allent Miint keep In good snlrlts- bo dt-rml:icd to (totwfü. Thla lus a preat ilcal to d i ivltb. tbo a;petltc, and la the greut polnt to "'rVdespnlrnf euro after mrh ovidenep of lts po?5lbillty In tho wtit r-aset. n-rf! tnovul c-rtalnty In all othnrs, is slnful. Dr. Bchrnck'a p ITonal tatenlpnt to the Faculty ot' Uiá ov:i euro tnitf In these nioilent " Many yoara aso I was In thc rtapf." of conramptlen; confliu-d to ray til. nnd r.t mie timo my pliysicians tttonht th;xt I cm d not live a weelï : thon, like a dnmninff m:'.n outehlnff nt Htraws, I heard of and ohtainid tho prepamtlona vhi'li 1 i:ow offer to the puhile in'! thcy made a perfect euro of me. It .,,,.T,i.d to mo tbat I o nld leel thom penétrate my whole Bystom. Thoy Boon rlpcned the matter in niy ' hii. and 1 w old BDit n more than a pint of effen. ■ seUow matter pvery mornins fer i 1(.:' timo. " ,V soon as tliat hoj'an to Btlbsme. myeouffll. fever, Tininl. mei nli 't swe.its uil liccrfn lo loare me. nnd my ■ ■ becamo so ;-e:it that it vrns vifhdiflk'i:!tv that 1 eould be1.1;1 frfwn eating t0 wnchi I soingainpiuy EtrcnKth. and have irrown i:i tli-Ii evo: sinoe. "I was weished abortly nfter my rcrovery, add od the Doctor, "tien löokinff liko a mi-re akeletoni niv vreitfht v:ts only ninety-seven ponndavmy prps.■u'weiïht Istwolmndrert n;id twcnty-f!ve(22ötp"i!nds, and for years I have e.njovcd uninterrupted health." Dr Sciipncl: h:is flteeontiniMMl lii profiissional visits to Now-York and Boston. lia cr liis fon. Dr. J. H. Srhrnck, Jr.. still continuo to Bce patlenu nt thoir office No. lsNorth Sllth Stroet, riiilailelphia.every Saturday f rom O A.M. t. :i p.M. Thto who wlh a thorouchciaminaiion ivlth tho Bcspiwaietpr wijl bo rharppd $5. The RespinimeUT declares the exact conditlonof tho hitics. and laticnta tan rcadilr Irarn whi'tlicr thcy are curable or ivt. The directiona for feiking the niedlclnca aro adaptad to thetmelllgonce even of a chlld. FoUow these rl!rLLtions. aml kind Nature wlll do tho rc t. exceptlng tllfit in sorue cases tho Mondrofca Pilla uro to be taken In increase.l dofleaf tho chroe medicines ieed no othcr accnmpiinimeiUS than the imple instructions that them : First creato ttppetlta. Of returnini? hp:Uth. ïiuniror is the most wplconie pymptom. When it ■ . .es, asit will como, let (lie despalrlnit at onee bo of Rood cheer. ííood hl'ott at oncn follows, thecouffh. l.j usens, the niïht IMOJt Is nbated. In a short tiuie both of these morbld symptoms nre gono forover. Dr Schenck's medicines lire constnnlly kept in tena of thouiands of families. A Inmtlve or puruatlTB Uie Mandmke Pilis arp a standard ' ti j whl'e the Pulmonic Pvrnp, as n ere f toiK' ■::■'.■ . ï, niiy he rearded as a prophylaoterio ugainst cuuauiapclon in any of Hs fonns. ■ i'rice of the Pulmonic ?vrup and pea-ween Tonic, $!..')'■) a bottlp, or Ü7.50 a hulí dozen. Mandrake Pllls, 36 ceuts a box. Fur sule by all cirucais.16 and dealers. HTJR1.BUT & EDS4LL. 32 JUake trett, Chicago, III., AVholesale Aeents. AM. tí. REVENA UtíH K.EEPS OH HAND A. LARGE STOCK OH" OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AND GJLT MAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST MEÏ6 O O T) S RECEIVEDfestTlewis i CALL THE ATTKNTION OP TUE PEOPLE O F 111 E CITY AAD COUNTRY TO flIEI EXTEXSIVE ND WEIX AR.-ORTKD STOCh Of SKASONABLB GOODS IN THE LINK OP BOOTS RUSTID SHOE3, Which they now h'ive ín stnn and to wliich con staut arlrtmons wHl bc made Uirongbnnl the seimou' Tlic eooiii" whicli ve tIVr aro i ■ and freh from the fictoiy, audiu all casCBwlll be fouud as represented. EVERY DES'-nirriOX OF LIGHT AXD HEAVY WORK, FOB ME, WOMEIV ASÍJD t i f í I.DREJ i. .. We have the EKCL ÜSTVE SALE OPTHE CELEBR1TED tll.F BOOTS AXD SHOKS, Made by JAMES M. BURT, O? N. T. CITY. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED BOTH IN STOCK AND WORK, Aleo the VXCLVSTVB HALE oí REYXOLIAS BRO'S. LADIES FIE SHOES OF EVERY STYLE The abovc workisfnr superior to any heratofore F V EU offerfa in ihis i iiv. una we gunrantee it ín every particular, niiduell il at THX l'Klt cifH: be low Detroit Prices. on tho same ijoods. JAM. B, REVENAUGH, :8Ajphotographsrí RETOUCHES ALL HIS NEGATIVES BEFORE PRIM11NG, SO THAT FRh:rKLLS,M()TIlSANDTAN Do not show iu any of his Pictures. No Extra Charges. I 1VE GEESE FEATHjSRS PIBST QTJALITT, Consta'jtljon Uand and for sale by RACBSr A BEL - i Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by i """ Jiftvoit Mvtúktvmte. o _ MICHIGAN MACH1SEBI DEFOT. 0. S. WORMER & SON, Doalera in all kinds of Wocxl elron Working Maohinery. 9!i, 101 and K8 .Tefferson Ave., Detroit, M!. pïmiSTAA Hi.HI.IXG, J WlfaTKRN STEAM MA-BBL.E -W"Om?:S. Manufacturera of Marble and Marhleir.i-d Mantli, jfbrnet and Plumbere' Stock. Monumental and CYin-try Work nf evciy descriptiou ou hand. Aleo deslere in Grates Cor. Monroe Avo. nnd Farmer ut , Detroit. Mich P. Cukipta. Geo. F. Mkui.ik. TAMES HALL JU. V ., J Dealers in CARPETS AM) DHY GOODS ! 87 Woodward Ave, cor. Lamed St. N. B. We havo au imroouse stock and will gel) goods low cnough to mafte it nu object for those in ,he huorior to boy of us. CARPETS, we make spccialty. GFO. s. FHOST Ar CO. Cuas. Noble. Gco, S. Frost. C. W. Noble. firn; .Ajsrr) I-A-lsriDS FOB SALE In every part of thU Slatc and the Üuited Statei DETROIT. l IC, Swals& Co., INDUSTRIAL AGENCY ! Por iupplying evcry description of industry WITH LABOR. Office wilh GEORGE S. PKOST & CO., Detroit, Michigan JAMES JE.'K8, (EstablishedlS54.) l)t-:il r in all kinds of AND SUPPUES, Alsci Airiut for IInII's Fatent Shinglc Tlucliiue. S9 Atwater street Kast. tetween Bates aud Rac dnlph streute, Detroit. Mich. l( niTWHATir IX SIIOILD IAIL7 Jj In the lrijrhr. Lexicon ol j-outh, which fate rceervea for his young manhood, there is no euch word as fall. RandaU's Circassian Cream Wash Was never kuwn t" fail t" remove Frcckles, Plm pies. Moth Pitchos. Tau, &c. , if nsed as per direc tl "Da, and persevered in. II your drugj;it has no Kot il, lell hira to scud for it. J. J. KANDAIX. Proprittor, Fieherlilock, Detroit PIJíE APÍB FARITIING LAíBS.- We oflerfor eale 25,0'U acres uf Valualile Pine and Farmii-g Lands on Time, at Prices rans;ine from $S to !$1.O Per Acre B,3S3 acres of these Fine LamlB ure locjued on the Wieconeln River 9,62(1 acres ou Water leadlnt; to Cbcboygau o Duncan Mich Í40 ncre8 on the Atifrrt' liiver 3,' 00 aeree on Thunder Bay water?, leathny to Al pena. 850 acrr? on the Titibawasse River. 2.20 acres in Gladwtn ('. . Mich., fr Parma aud Ttmber 1 27i acres Choice Mineral and Hard Timbe r Land near ontonaron. íi.oiiO acres Prairie land in Nebras ka. noar the UiiioD Paclitc Rallroad. 0o aerea Rood K:irmi Dg Land in Graiiot county. 3 to $5 per acre J3? M:uiy of the-e Lrlnds ure worth the price w ask for them foi Panniiii? purposes after the Tim berls ent. For ful) description, pnce aud terms seud for Circular. 1). riiESTO k. CO., Bnnkors, Detroit, Mich. A R. & W. F. XilNN, Mana.'acturers of Cround CofTrrs, Spices, üluslard, etc , dt And Wholesale Dealers in TEAS AND GR0CERS' SUNDRIES ! 120 Jeffei sou Avenue, Detroit. TOHX COPLAND, Manufacturar anc' 0 Wholesale dealer in a large variety of Crackers, Suaps And Biscuits. Orders solicited and ö'iod at lowest market price Send tor Price List Keel Oven Steam Bakcry, corner Randolpb nn( Woodbrldga streels, Detroit. 4 LBEH1 J. PIEBCE ie CO., WHOLESALE 35 Woodward Averme, DKTROIT. M.ICHI&AX HUGH JOHNSON, Manufacturer of aud dealer in CARRIAUES, BUGOIE8 AND SLKIGHS ! A ñif üssurtmnnt of the latast styles of home-mad and Bantern Garríales, iucluding Lahdm, Clar Non and Family Cae'íiages from the celébrate) factory of ï. VLwn fc Co., Bridgcport, Conn., con síautly on hand and furnlshed to on.ler. Nos. ÚC to 1U6 LaruedSt. west, cor. Cags St. Detroi C arriare Mnnnfacturti's. JOHN PATTON &SOT, Are ofierinc the larest and best assortnicnt o CARRIAGES & BUGGIES IN TUE WEST, At Greatly Rednccü Piicef. A!l work made uude Our own supervisión, and Fu'-i.y Waibatkh. Factory aud W:irer;oms corner Woodbridge an Brush Streetb,Detroil. tWj7JJB..yrTBSt , For 'Plirealima. awing Wood Malvina Cider, siteainirii: li'ocxi for Cttttle, &c D. E. KH E, Mauufaciurcr. 191 ATWATER STREST, DETROIT Goi:itV. .V BKOXHKR, Importcrs and Dealers in PANCY GOODS ! Toy8) Yankee Xoiions, Hosiery, Laces an Tiininiincs AND MANUFACTUItERS OF CHILDREN'S CARRIAGKS, BASKETS AND Sleighs, No 8j and S Woodward Ave . üetroit. Transplant Now.- Prutt aud Ornamenta Trees, Surtios Roses, Grape Víiirs, and al thennall fruits Ureen House and Bt'ildlnir Plants l:itili;is, Gladiolu, 'i ube Roses, Maderia Vince, &c. elimihl be plantedaftcr tiie middle of May. Seeds o 'hcutst varietiés- Fiild Vegetable anrt Flnwer, al new. this is the tirst year of our sced trade, w have no oldae'ds on hand A vcry lariie s ock of the above , at moderate ratfs Address, WM. ÁDAIR. Detroit. T0H W. AÍ1PHI.ETT, t wu'u.ii-E dealer in R0CKINGHAM & Ohio ST0NE WARE QLASS AND STON FRUIT JARS. Send for Piice List. 64 fe 6G Woodbridge Stroet AVeet DETROIT MICH. CgCHDLEHBVBCH) Bllüard Table llanii faclurcr, wlth Dklaeï's Patent Steel Wir C8hlon8. !in. liw auil 102 Randolph Street, i etroit Hleh. Branch: St.Josepli, Mo. I also mnufacture Pijieouhole, Jenny Lind am Bajratell lahles anrl do uil kinds of alterin; and re puiring Keep always on hand Settmd hand Table aud all gnod appertuinm to Billiards. Buwttn Pius and Balls for tale. Aíso all kinds of trimmiu done. SAM. B. HEVENAUGH ' PHÖTOGRAPHER, MAKES ALL KINDS O PIGTURES from :he SMALLEST LOCKET TO THE LIFE SIZE, AND FINISHESTHEM IN INDIA INK1 WAHB COLOBs . IN A SÜPPERIOR MAHintB. 13:9-'.y. No. 3O ÏHIiOi HEET T7-ID GLÜVES. I have 20 dozen of tho 0ELEI5RATED EMPRES8 KID GLOVES ï In the most exquisite ehades, for one dollar a pair. lï!2-tf J. H. MATNABD. [TENIlY T. HELMBOLD'S C0MPO0ND FLUID EXTRACT CATAVVHA GRAPE PILLS. Compmitnt Part - Fluid Extract Rhubarb and l'liu'd Exracl Catauba Grape Juice. FOR I.IVER 'OMPLAIN t"R JADNTHCE, BILIOTT8 AKPBCT1ON8 sn KOK NERVOUSHEADACHE, COSTIVKNKSS, Etc I'UIUÍI.V VEGETABLE, L'üNTAlNl.Ml NO MKlíCUUY.ÍilíiKKALS OK DffLKTJSBIOUB DRUU3. H These Pilla nrc tho moM dclightitilly pleasant pnr;ativp, eupt-rstclJDg cultor uil, -:iif , m.'ijíiietú'i i etc. Hiere is uothing more acceptahle t the Htomach. l'hey fiive tone, and caunenuither unueea nor jrnpng pains. Thc are composed of the fiiie-Jt logradienl. After a few dny's ue of thern Pitch ati ïnvigoration of the entira syntem taken pïiicc as to apt7ir miraculon to the weak and enervated-, wtiWher irifing from imprudence or dieease. II. T HelinKtld'S Comp und Fluid Eitract Catawba Grape i'llls m DOt aturar costad, ir om the fact tbat sugar coated Pilla do not diusolvc bnt pass ihrouih thestunaach wilhoDt dinBolviner.coiiBcquf nriy do net produce the deslred effect THK CaTaWBA UKAPK PILJ-S, )iii)" pleasuut ïu taste aud odor, do necesítate thelr heJng sngar-coatcd. PKICK F1FTY CENTS PER BOX. E HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIöHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FUI EXTRACT 8AR8APAR1LLA Will raálculíy extermínate from the systcm Scrofnla Svphilis, FevcrSoree, Ulcera Snre Eyes, Sorc Lei, 8or Montli, 8ore Hcad, Broncuitle, Skiu nisenses. Snit Bhenra, Cankers, Kunninga from the Eür, White Swclliu;s, Tumors, Cancerous Affect on. Nodcs. Rickctts, GlumUilurSwelIn;,', Nlitlt SweaMi Rush, Tutter, Bqmon if all Kimtï, i hronlc Rhcnniiitiïm, T)vvprpgia, ar.d nl] dleeaees that have been establisheii in the systcm fur ycars. L BEING PRKPARED EXPRKSSLY FOR TUE AUOVE COMl'LAINTS. ITS BLOOü-PUKII'YING PRUPERTIKS AKE RIÍATER I HAN ANY OTHEK PRUPARATION OF SAH9AP 'RTLLA. IT OIVE3 ■[ II K COMPLEXIÓN A Ct.EAR AND HKALTHY COI-OU AND RESTOHES THE I'ATIKNT TO A S A.TB OFHEALTHAND I'IUTIY. POHPtJRl PYING THB BLOOD, RRMOViNÜ AIL "HKONIC CONSTITÜT10NAL DISKASKS ARI ING FROM ANIMrURK STATE OP THK BLOOD, ANITHE ONI.Y RKI IABLE AND EFPEmUAL KNOW] RBMK'IY KOR T51E CURE OF PAINS AND SWKLLINO OP THE BONES, ÜLCBRATION8 OP IHETIIROAT AND LEOS BLOTCIIKS PIMPLES ON TUI'. FCE, KRYSII'KLA-, AND AL S'ïALY ERIPTIONSOF THE SKIN. AND BFAl TIFYINQ1UE COMPLEXIÓN. PKICE, $1.50 PER BOTILK. M IIK.VKY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU THE GREAT III'RETIC, hos etired every cose of DIABETES in which it h:i bien -,'iveu Irritutinn of thu neck ol the IJlurtdir and iutlammationof the KidneB and Bladder. Retention uf Urine, Diseases of the Prostrntc Oland, .-tone in the Bladder, Calculus, G'avel. Bliek Dust Dipofit andMiuiionsor Milky üiscliarjics. a' d fur Eufecblcd and Delicnte Coustitutions of both Scxes. aitcndtd wi!h the followinf: ymptom : Lok of Memory, DifHculty of Breathtllg, Indisposition to Kxertion, IjOS6 ot' Power, wenk Nerves, rrenihlir., Horror of Di-case. Wakefulueps, Dimnersof Vision, l'ain in the Back. Hot Hand Woshlng of the Biidy, Drynee of llir Skin Kriiption of the Fac-, Pallid Count enaucc, Universal La8t?itude of the Muscular System, Eic. üsed by persons from the agca of eighteen to twentyflve, and from thirty flve to tifty-tive or in fhe decline or chance of life ; after coutlncrncnt or labor pains; bed-wettingiu children. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUC1IT' is Dinretic and Blood-Pu'iryiim, and cures all Dlsease arisinj; from Habits of DÏsslpati"n. and BxeeUM and Life, Impuritlcs of the Hlood, Ktc isupersedlng CVpnhia In affectioim for which it is nsfd. and Syphiütic Affectione- in these diseases ostd in con nection with Uelmbold's Rose "tVash. LADIES. I n many Affections peculiar to Ladios, the Extract Biichu In nneqoaied tv nny othei Rcmedy- as in chloroeip or Retentinn, Jrrea;il:iriiy . PalnftilneM or Bappretslon of Cu tomary Evacoaliooa Ukerated or Schlrrna utatc of the Uierns. Lrncorrhisa or White. Sterility,and for all C'omplaintB incident to the habits of DwiipatiOD. It i pre?ctlbcd extinsively hy the moet eminent PhysuIanK and Midwive for enleebled and delicate "CoiiKtitution of both Sexes aad all Ajos Cattendad with auy of the above diseases or eynip!oms.) O n. T. HELMBOLD'? fXTRACT BUCnU CURE-! DI-EAS1JS AUI-I.v; TROM IMPRUDENCES, IIAB1T3 OP IiI-.SIPATION, ETC. . In all their etages, at üttle expense, llttle or no change in iuconyenicnce.andno expoaore. It causes a Irequent desire, and givcs Blrcngth to Vrioate, thcreby rcmovliif; Obuructions, Prcventing Stricturc of the Uretha. Allayinj.' Pam and Iullnm. matiou. go frequent iQ this claafl of diËease, and expel1l0[Sll niülter. Thousiinda who havebfen the viciime of incompetent perrons mid h' havepaid heavy feea to be curetl iu a hort time, have fouuil tlmy have been deceivcd and tbat the "poison" ha?, by the ure or '■powerful a-triu'ente,"been dried llji í:j the System tobrenk out lua more Rgravatw form. ana perhflps jifter Marriase. Dse Helmhold1 Extract Bachn for all Affi-ctions and Dbeaeea of the üriiviry Orana. whether exlst iii"in Maieor Female. from whatcver canse originatlu!:. and no matter of howlonï tanding. Price, One Dollar and Fifty Cents Per Bottle. L HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE VVASU cannot be stirpnesed nu a Face Waf h. and will be tonnd the only specilic rimedy iu every species of Oulaneou" Afl'cction. It speedlly eradkates Pimple, Spots, Hcorhutic Dryness Imluratione of the Cutaneous Vembrnne, etc., dUpt-ls Rednt-?! and Inclpletit Inflammation. Ilivcu. Rath. Moth Patche Dryneps of Scalp or Skin, Proal Bttea. and ill ptirposes for which Salve or Olutments are used ; restores to the kin a state of Putity and Softnss. and iii8area contlnucd healthy action t" the tis-ue ofits vei pels. on whlcb penda the ai'reeahle clearncï; and vlvaeity of complexion to much sonrrhtand adinlred. But howcver valimlile a a remedy for i-xipliii" dfeouof the Skin. II. T. Helmbold'e Boa Wui h.-is long sustalned it s principie claim to unbounded patroñase, by possissins qualities which ri'nder it a TOILEI APPF.NDAOK ot tneinost 8uperlatlve and Confrenia] Choractcr.comWninp in an elegant formula tbose prominent requisitas SAFETY nnd KPKICACY- the invariable accompantanenta of 1 1 ave - Af a Preormilive and R Trcsher of tho Complexión, I! a ;wi excellent Lotion for dlsi'r.scK of a Syp11!'1" Nature, and as au injectlon for diseases of tj ary OreanB. arisiní; fr m habita, of dissipa'ion, naod iDConnretlón wiih the V'TRACTS Bl'CIII'. BABSAPARILLA, and t.ATAWBA ORaPE PII.L-1, in uch distases as recommeurted, ennoot bo urpaed . Prlco, Ouo Dollar l'cr Bottle. D Fnll and explLclt dlrectins accompany the medicines. Kvidonce of the moft rpsponslbte andrellahle character ftirnltíhod on Bpplfcution with himdretlpof thonandii of llviiiir witiiff8t's. aiiri upwnnl of r0.000 nnsolicïiod certifirntr.s nnd rc)Tmiï(mdntory letters maTij of whli are from the Mr hout son reeg. includ!ntL eminent Phvsieïfins Clerymfii StrttPwmen. te. The proprietor ha never rt'sortfd lo thelr publica tlon 1 ti the newspapers; he flfTB not do thle from the faot that hls arncIt'B rank au Standnrd I'rrpnrations, and do not noed to be propped up by certKicatee. ETenryT. Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, DeHvrerl to ny a'lrirps. Secnrefrom olisfrvatlnn. B8TABZJ' HÈD UPWARI OP" TWBNTT YEARS. Pold bv DrOffglBta eTerrwhero. Adreailettcru for Information, ín coDfldeóce to HEMUY T. HELMIÏOLD, Drn-ïfetaiidChemiiit. Only Depotfi : ÏT T. Helmbnld's Drne and Chemlea' Wrehonse, No ñí4 Brondway, HewYork.Or to II. T. Heïmbold's Medical Depot, 104 South Tenth BtrPt, Phfladrlphia. Pft. BEWARB OF corNTERFRTTS. Ask for ïlenry T. Helmbold'sl Tke no othcr. 13l0


Old News
Michigan Argus