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, 8 g I a w Zj fe S . O L 32 Stfíj lía gíi olSL a CQ . S s f o k The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISN'T ONE OF DARWIN'S PROGENIICRS ! BüT W1IAT O F TH AT AS LOMG AS E. J. JOHNSON ! HAS A FULL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! FOR SPRING AND SÜMMER ! ! Hl STYLE8 II IS GOODS THE BEST! AND UIS PRTCES THE Also a full line oí GenU Furnifhlug Goods Cal! andcxamiue liis CHIPS, PALMS, STKAWS, l'ANAMAS, and LEGHORNS, belora purchaeing. 7 South Matu St., Aun Arboi. .ilÍGÜST lOth, 1870. NEW WHEAT FLOUR aporior qualtiy, atth ANN ARBOR CITY MILLS. Vcry nlce holt-d rom Menl. coane Meol.Graham Flour- Rood second qnality t'lonr nt l..w prioe - Cracked Whcat.and nll kinds of Fecd. nt lowcst prlccs.anddolivcrud inony P' uf the city. ïarma wr1 Ordf rt ?h 'm my Order Bot at the Poat Offlce Pro?ííl? 'tUudcdto. j.T.awATHBL yrr h en ïou wan t FINE PHOTÜGRAPHS, GOTO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, No. 30 Iluron Street. jqq BÜSHELS OF CHOICK GRAY BUCKWHEAT, F0RSE3D, fur alo at the Asricnltural WarehUU8er MOSKSROGERS. Ann Arbor, Jqqe Ist, 1ST1. IW4W4 DUTTER WANTED. I nm agnin prrparcd to tke all CHOICE BUTTER Made in the l'ounty, for Casji Rood Watt J.H. MAYNARD. ! PBYSlCIASiTiÊSCRiPTIOSS VOCUIiATELY ANI ', CAREFULLY PREPABED BT R. W.ELL1S t V0.,DRU0GIS18. Sheriffs Sale. Y VIRTrjK ofonecxecnlloD Itstied unt of and ander the real of the Cfr colt fcuft fortheuon , urWMhuwr, and State of Michigan, bearlntt ! nte the thirticth ly of Dcoimbir. A D. 18T0, and ihe dlre'"tcd aml dr-livered, I. Ryron K. I'orter, heHir. by Thos. T. Jlo.'kins, IH-pitty Sheriff, (lid. on ' i thiitictlulay ufDetember, A.D. 1870, levy npnu nd seiie all tht; rlgbU litie. anll Intvrtat of Manrlce J Cconnor, n and to the following defreribf d lands nd premlvea to wil: Thewest (hallj of thosouth uut Tjof rciiiiiilirtfcii and the liorti! Í itjuartcr of the northeasi l.i (quarter) ofsection 32 ; :vi-ntv-tvo;, towli oho eOBth, range atx eaat i" líJe ( 'ouniy ofWashtcnatv nnU Rtnte of Mirliiïaii. whieh t-'-iiiini-n or the defaudanl' iDteHíl theriln t shall ] xpifie forsalc, at public anctlon, ar Ibe 1,-nV tHrect, , t the sötuh door ff the tourt House in the city of ( knn Arhnr, thnt iiiiuc the place for holding the , Mrcuit Coart for the County "f Wachtenaw. on , attrday the fifieenth day of July next, at two , Vork in the afternoon. Uatcd, Anu Arbor, May 2Tth, 1S71. is. K POKTfiR. Sheriff. 1324 By Ti08. J. Hoïkhi Deputy SherifV. Hheriff's Sale. TATK OF MICniOAN, County of Washtenaw, m. J By virtue of a writ ot' execution issucd out of and inder the seal of the Circuit Court for the amnty of Ya.ihtenaw, .State of Michigan, dated the eightcenth Jiy of March, IS"?, umi to me directed and delmml, gtlint the grtods and rhattels, lamls and U'nemenis of UncHt S. UUCaM, dsfaodlUl! th'frin nnmed, 1 did on he eighteenth day of March, a. D. 1871, ior tho want f good and chattcls, levy upon all the interest that Unclia ;■. Mcrard has iu the following described íiecea or parcela of land situated in the villaje of ■helsea, county of WaahteBaw, State of Michigan, lescribed as follows, to-wit: Ixjts No. 1,2,3,4, and 39) thirty-nine, in block No. 6 in said village of Chelea ; alo commenciDg ut a point two rods east of the lortheaet corner of said lot one thencc running north ilong the hignway thivï rods, thence west sixteen ods, thence söuth to the noWheast corner of lot No. L in .said block No. (Gi six, thencc east to the place of H'ginmug : also a piece of land bounded as rollows, ui the north by the last described piece of land, south y lot N'o. thirty-nine, and on the êfust by Iota No. I tnd 2 in suid block, whirh pïfetnhlM I shall exposé for ale at public auction to the highest bidder, ut the outh door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Aror, ou the flfteenth day of July, a. d. 1S71, at 10 a. .i. of wid d:ty. Dated, June 1. 1871. MYItON WEBB, Pheriff. 32-ltd By Joetin FoKiïfcs, Under-thcritf. Real Estáte for Sale. JÉTATE 01' MICHIGAN', County ot Washtenaw ss. ! In the matter o!' the cetatü of Anthony Kly, deletêoHi Notice ís hereby triven, that in pursuancc of in order frrantoid to the underained, administrator f tho wtate of said deceased, by the Ilon. Judge of Probate for the County of Wushtcnatt, on the ftfteenth layof May, A. 1). IS71, there will bc sold at public ,-endue, to the Ucbet bidder, at the south door of the L'ourt House, in the City of Ann Arbor in the county f Washtenaw in said State, on Wedneadav the ninenthday of July, A. 1). 1871, atoneoV.ock in theaf;emoou of that day (subject to all encuuibrunceti by aiortgaee or otfaenrúe exi.sting at the time of the leath of said deceased, and also snbject to the rliflit of iower of liii widow therein), the following described real estáte, to-wit : Tlie undivided half of apexoelof land bounded as follow: Bejrinniug at northeeat xitüer of Cross and Iliiron streets in the city of Vpsiiaiiti, county and rttato al'oresaid, and runnitiif thence nortli alona lluron street nine roJs, thence along ii. Sanderf lntid to the rivcr, theuco down the river to Cross street, thence west to the place of beLliin.inL, {exceptinK and naerving the purels of laml owncd bj Charles MoCormiok and the City of Ypsiianti. Dated, May 30th, A. I). 1871. U24 IIIRAM DAY, AdminUtrator. Chancery Notice. PURSTTANT to and by vlrtne of a decrce of the Circnit Conrt for theConnty of Washtcnaw, in chancery.made on ihe 23(i cay oí September, 180, in a can?c thercln pending whereln Charles Brooka as guardián of Mae Bell Dcarborn, an infant, is complnlnant and Isalah M Harwood is defendant ; Noiice is hefeby uiven. tbat I shall peil flt public venduc, to the iïtrhcn birlder, at onc o'clock in the afteraoon, on the 2"lh day of May, 1ST1. at the front uraunllidour of the Court Hoiiso, in ettj oi Ann Irbor, all thnt éerlaie tract or pirce! of land and premlset knowo and described as followsi BeglnnlLgat the southwest corner ol section twen ty-seven, rrotn thence lunnius eatt one-half of a rnilc, thence north forty rods. from thfiiCL' west to the center of thopubtlc hiíhway situato ncar the west lino of section Iweny-sevcn, theuce south alonu' the center of alcl hinhway to the place of beglnnlng oontalning forty acraa mora or leai afld beiQff a part of secUon twenty-seven n the townihfpof Plttsñeld In the County of Washteuaw, and S:nte of Michigan. Dated, April 13th,l8Tl. H. BEAEAN. A CircwU Corirt Coiitmisjiouer for Wa-htonaw Couuty, Mlch. B. B. Woon. Complainant's Solicitor. 131T The abovt sale is postponed nntil Sattirday. the seveuteenth day of .Tune, at the same time of day and place. Dated, May 27th, 1871. R AN A Circuit Conrt Coininissiontr for Washteuaw County, Mich. Mortgage Sale. DEFAT.'LT having been made iu the coudition of a certain mortgage oxeeuted by Qeorge w. MoCormick and Nellie McConiiick, of the city of Ann rbor, county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, lo Alice M. Bet-rs, of the same place, on the 23rt day of March, A. D. 186J, and reeorded in the Ottice of the Register of Deeds of ïuiid cnunty of Washtenaw, on the 23d day of March, lftfifl, at 6 o'clock p. IC of said day. in Liber 3!) of mortgiigres, on page 559, on which mortKHire there is elaimed to lw due at the date of this notice the sum of one thousand and sixty-efeht dollars and seveuty-four cent", and an Attomey's feof thirty dolían Uierefox, in addition to all other toga] costo, ahonld any pi-oeeedinp; bc taken to forcdoee said mortírage, and uo proceedings iu law or in eijniry havinfr been had to recover said sum of money or any part Ihi-reot : Nov, therefore, notioe is liereljy given that, by virtue of :i power of sale in said ntOTtirage eontaiueii. I shall sell at public auction to tho bigben bidder, on the flecoud day of September next, at 2 o'clock i". M. of said day. at the front door of tha Court House in the city of Ann Arbnr. county aforesnid. (that being the place of holding the Circuit Coart for said ootmtrit all tho certain pieces or pareéis of land sitiiatfil m t!ic city of Ann Arbor, county of W'jishtenaw aforesaid, known, bounded and tl as followft, to-wit : lïeinfr thewest half of lots nine and ten (9 10) block number three (3) south of Huron ytï-eet, and ranse aueaber two {'2) east, aceording to a reeorded plat of the village (now city) of Aun Arbor, county of Washtenaw aforesaid. June lst, 1871. ATTCK M. BHBE8, Mortfrapee. John N. Gott, Atty lor Mortgagee. 1324 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beea made iu the condition of a certain mortgnge cxecuted by Toney C. Tbouipson ot thu city of Ann Arbor, county of Waahtenaw, and State of -MiohiKan. to Thebe Jane Kllrivroi-tli, rf thu township of Lodi, county of Washteimw aforesaid, ou thu 2-2d day of June, a. d. 1868, and recordad in th oihce of tho Register of Deed for saiJ county, on the S6Ul day of June, a. k. 18SS, at ll'i o'clock A. M.. in Líber ."!! of mnrtsiages, on pau ml, ou whieh moiigage and note aceompanyisg tfie Bame there is elaimed to bc due at the date of this uotice the sum of ninehuudred and live dollar and sixty-two eouts, also an attorncy's fee of thirty dollars ahould any proceedings be taken to foreclosn this mortgage, and uo suit or proceedint,' in law or equity haring been iustituted to recover the debt or any part thereof : Notice is hereby priven, that by virtne of the power of eale eontaineil iu suid moitfagc, I shall sril to the hisliest bidder on the seeond day of September next. at 2 o'clock i". M. of said day. at the front door of the Court House in the city of Aun Albor, in nid eounty of Waahtenaw, the premisea deacribed iu said tnort..!1 those oertaiii pi' oea or paxeels of land situated ín thu city of Ann Arbor, county of Waabtenaw and State afoiosaid, known, boonded and aeaenbed iu (bUowa, to-wit : liduji lots nuinU.'l' ten and lieven in block numbor one. and lots flvu, six, twinty-tlu-ee and twenty-four in Mock number two, luid lot nuiuler four in bloek nurnter four, according to a reeorded plat of Hill'a addition to the city of Ann Arbt.r, Blichïgan, reserving trom said ale Iota ten and eleven in block one afoi-esaid, heretofore released. June lst. 1871. rUKDE JANE ET.LSWORTIT, Mortgagxe. Johs N, (orr, Aitomoy for Jlortgagee. 1324 Mortgago Sale. WHEREAS, default bas boen in thecondittons of a oertain moitgage, inaite and exeeuled by Daniel Long, Jr., ou the twenty-third day of December, A. 1). eightcen hondred and sixty nine, to John McComiick, which mortsrage was reeoided on the same day, in the otfiee of the Bagiaterof Deeds in and for thê county of Washtenaw. Sicbigan, in Uber forty-two of mortgïiges, and page two hundred and fifty; and whereas, t.iercis now due andunpaid the sum of thirty dollars on said mortgage and the note aooompanying the ame for kiterest, and the further sum of tlnee hundreil dollars priucipal and aocming interest above the said thirty dollars will beoome due on the flrat day of Ootober next, and there is also thirty dollar due for an attorney fee. provided for in said mortgape slmuld any proceetliugs lc taken to foreelose the samo; and, whereas, no proceedings at law or m equity have boen taken to recover the same or any part thereof : notice is hereby given, by virtue of the power of sulc containcd iu UM moitjiage, that on Monday, the aeTeateentb day of July A. I), eightceu hundred and nventy-one, at the hour'of twelve o'cloek, noon, of snid day, at the front door of the Court IIoukc for the county of Wahtenaw, the nnflmalgni d will sell at publie auction, to the highest bidder, the premises deseriliel in said ruortgaffc, or suHident thcroof to puy and sutisfy the said debt, the interest thereon, the costs and expenses of said sale, and the attorney feo provided for in said mortRage : The said premises being descrilwl as that certain pieee or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Aun Arbor, iu the county of Waahtenaw, bounded and dosoribed as follows, bein the simth half of the following described land, bounded by the Ann Arbor city limita on the north; on tho by the Catholic Oemetery; on the south by the ('!niib road: on tho west by lands recently oconpiod hy tiilk, being eight r4 in front and ton rod deep. Ann Srbor, April lltli, 1?1. JOHN .McCORMlOK, Mortgagee. O. Hawkins, Attovnoy for Murtgitgce, 1317.W, Moitgagc Raio. DEF ACT1' haring been made in the eonditions of a certain mortirage, executed by John IJ' Wolf, and Caroline IVWolf, of the townsbip of Fi"eodom, Waehtenaw Cuunty, ZVIichiiían, to Johu Jacob l;ioírol, of the sameplaoe, bctirinadate theeighth day ..f .inly A. D. 1870, and eaorded ia ttia Jlegutar'a onot for tbe eaid County of Washtenaw, on the eighth day of July. A. D. 1S7Ö, in liber 41 of Jfortgages, on page 659, hy reason of whieh default there is now due and to become due upon sttid TOQrtjfage the sum of six hundred and seventy-four dolían and Hfty-two contu. and W "int or procoeding at law or in chancery having been insti. tuted to recover said amount, or any part thereof ; Notice is thcrefore herebv given, that on Raturday, the twenty econd day of July, A. D. 1871, at atoren o'elook A. M„ of tho snid day at the front door of the Conrt Ilonso, in the City of Ann Albor, in said County of Washtcuaw. the samo beini; the plnee where the 'iicuit Court for said county is held), I shall sell at public auetion to the highest bidder the premises hercïnafter deftciibcnl, or ao mueh theroof ;i sh;ill ba necesar- to mtiafy tho amount due on said mortgage at the date of this notice with interest :in 1 costs ali'l ,N]nses allowed t.y law, toiiotlior witli an Attorney's fee of thirty dollars, prorided for in said morteage that is to say all that oertain traot or part-i 1 of land aUnated In the townabip of Freedom, County of Waabtenaw, and State of Michigan, known aud oeaeribed as the cast half of the northweat qnarter of the north ivost quartor of section number twelve, in township nnmber three south of rang number foureaat. iu thu district of bind subjfi.l tO s,li'„l Üotioit, Michigan, contaiuing twenty acres more or tost, Ann Arbur, April 21, 18T1; JOHN JACOB PIEGEL, Múrtgagce. D. CnAMKn, Attorney for M.otjfageo. l."nOtd Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO's for ohoice Wines and Liquntf , for Medical Purposes . Mortgáge Sale. DEFATJÏT havhigi t ín ;he cdndnianói ■ certtd - exccuteU by Qiarlee Bcutlcr uid liriiestinr, liis wite, ot" the city of Aim Arlnir, in IVftshteiiaw ii iiinty and Stoto of Mifhit-an, to AlpheU Ffclch, of the -.une place, on the stn day of May, 1860, and redordtd ín ihe wthVi'of Kctóstcr of Deeus or said couDty Hi' Washtenuw, on int (Hst day of Muy, a. n. 1MD, at &L o'clock . .. ni Ubei 26 of -. OH ■;:'.:(' 72, wbiofa said moirtgHKQ wuj d'lH' lastened by sai ti Alphuus Felch to Erneeiino Heutler, rf the city of Aun Arbor, afniesaid, the 21 in 01 SpTÜ, A. J. Ir1!), and icoovded in the office cl j:. )t Doeda fot mmI county of Waahtonaw, on thi la; of July, a. d. l!, at x}-. o'clock a.m., in líber u oí' iKsiniui'iits of BortgñaoB, tro page 258, and aastaned iy tbe saí'l Krin'tint: Banttef to Aup-utitus Widen:n;tnn. of the Siiid city of Aiíii Arbor, on thc ltitli lny f March, a. p. 1870, whíCh amignbSkbt ia rWbraJ .1 In Lhe Bagntcri office ofsajd county, in líber Bofasiiptiment ol iiMjrtgucs, on pnce 58, andthat Ü ?laimed te bu du. al the date nereof the sum of two hundred and two dollars and 7K centtfj ulno thc reasonnble costa and uttomey f ees, éhonld SDY prooé behfíd tíffíttOnB the ; BCÚ B0 fetUt or pp tnn ;it law o in sriuity haring Ixtm had to m-over tho rkbt leeured byaan uortgnge, oí aoy part fcheraaf; iiovcby given that by virtáis i the power í ■ate in aaid mortgage contamed,! ahaU ell at public troctioD, to the highet bidder, on the 24th il:ty of June, a. d. J871, at two o dock ra the afteraoon oí that day, ut the front door of the C'ourt' in the said city of Aun ArlKíi', in the county of Waahtonaw Bod State of Michigau, the preniííett described in uéd mort K'wea nll thoso certin tructs or parccls of land decribed íw follows, to -wit: the north part of lot numlter in block mipjbt.'v five. l)t'intí a strip of sjiid lot, twö roda widc od th' h'vth end of thö same, and running across the saine tram east to wet ; altto the south purt of lot nnmbei" two, in same block, bounded af follows, to w it : on the north by a line comrncncin(f in the east hue of Sjuiny Htreet, M the distance of 24)4 feet fi-om the uorthwest corner of said lot number two, and running thence t-astwurdly acrow nnUl lot to ft point in tht' erirt line ot said lol ut the distanee of 40 feet from the Dortfaeact corner of said lot numbor tiro, thence ruuniuir soiitherly by the east line of Miid lol to thc aouthuust corner thcreof, thwütSb Vreet by the south line of said lot to Spring ffifL-et. thenee north by line of said lot to the place of beginniaKi thé ftiïffè hihis' sitiuited in that iirt of suid city of Ann Arbor known as Felch's addition, n plat of whïch is reo'vded In Öie offlouf the Register of Deedsofsaid county, in liber 48 of deeili, on píLe M0, aud tlit; said premiscfl are hereby oonreyod subject to all rights and privilcpes which btïïong1 to the proprietors of the mili race which rune nlonr the cast border of said piemises. Dated, March 22d, 1871. 1315 A. WIDEXMAXX, Aipnee. Forcclostire of Mortgage. DEFAUI.T having bífii niadí: in paymentcf the Boma of nnmiy, with ten per coat. interest there on, secnred by the mortiroge executcd by Johanna Sage to Cbauneey H. Millen, bcaring date the nine.teenth day oí April, a. i. 1851, and rcoonlcd May 3d, A. d. 1859, in the office of Kepwter of Dccds of the county of Waahtoiav, in the Btate of Michigan, in Uber no. 25 ot tilortgagc, at page G03, and asaigned to llonorah Morse, fteptcmber 22, a. n. 18(i2, by deed of assignmeut recorded ia said Eegjater8 office, m said liber No. 25, at page fiO4, on the 2'.)th day of Mareh, a. d. 1871, by which default the ppwer of sale contanu t in said mortgage becAme pprwtive, and no euit or proceedin having leen iüM uittil al );iv to recover the debt reniiiiuing secured by such mortffape, or any par thereof, and the snm of two hundred and tour dofial l and seventy-eight eeuts beins ow chtimed to be dm thercon : Xotice is therefore hereby givcn that sait mortgage will bc forecloeed by the Bale of the mortgag ed memuea known and describt'd n being in Brown & "iiller's iiddition to tho vfllan (now city' of Ann Ar bor, in the oounty of WasteoaVi in the State o Michigan, and commencing1 in the northerly line o fífoadwny, eighteeh foet two and two flftlt inclies southwes'terly trom the corner of BrWn at reet anc Broadvray, and thence nol-therly and paralle with Brewn street, forty-nine feet, thence southerl; and parallel with Bruadway iiiiietetn feet and a hali thenoe noutheaaterly and ataHel with lirown stree forty nine feet to Broadway, thence on the lino o Broadway to the place of begiuning. Also the undi vided half of the following described land : Com meuciiii,' ín the southwcsterly line of Brown street forty-nine feet northerly from the corner of Broad wtiy and Brown utrett, and running theuce nurtherly oñ lhe Une of Brown striset ghteêa feet.tbT'nce south. erly at nghï anglea with Drown street flfty-aeV'én fee twt inehes and twofiftha to land formcrly owned b; As; Li Bmith, thence easterly and parallel Go the flxa lUentioned line and on sjiid Smitii's line eitihti-t i t.' thence noilherly at right anales and parallel with th second line to the place of besinning, at public auctio or vendue, at the Coort Home, iii the city of Aa Arbor, in twid county, on Saturday, the nrst day o July next, at noon. HONORAH MORSE, Asaignce. I)ated, March 27, L. i. 1871. E. "VV. M.ouoA, Att'y. 1315 DEVAt'l.T having baan made in the condition of certain mortgage, exeented by Joanna O'Hara, o the City of Ann Arbor. ounty of AVashteuaw, t Andrtiw .1. Shively, of thc City of Xew York, on th ninetcenth day of Tcb: uryf A. D. lK6iï, and reeoi-dec on the same day, in lilx-i 35 of mortggea, on page 216 at 3j m. of said dny, on which mortgage and bon accompanying OiG same, there is ciaimed to be due a tin: datfl of this notice, the sum of three hundred ant nlx dollars and twfcnty-nVe centa, also on Attorney ii ■: of tliiity dolltuï should any proccedinesbe taken t foreclose ilu; saine, and no pjocecdinga in WW orequit; ha ving boen had to recover the ebt or any pai' thereof ; Xotice is hereby given, that by virtue of the powo of in fail inqilfliWO contiïihed, I shall sell at pub lic auction, to the lüghcst bidder, on Öaturdny, th tenth day of June next, at 2 o'clock Ín the afternoo of said day, at the Court House, in the City of Au Arbor, in said ouniy, that being the place ot' holdin the Circuit ('ourt tor said (ounty of Washtenaw, a eert ai n pieoee or paresis of land hituate in th township of Ann Arlwr, County of U'iishtenaw afore said, known, bounded and described na followa, to-wit being all that part of the west half of the northeajs qnarter of sección number uiue ('J) east of the roa( croing the nmthwest corner thereof; abo ''I tl d part of the eaat batf of the southwrst quaríer of sai aeotion lyinK t of said road not heretofore d.ded te 1 O'ÏIam; all in towiishijj uuinber two south o: ru:;:v munbi t Bix 6) east. Man:h lüth, 1871. ANDREW J. 0HTVKLT, Mortgagee. JOHX X. GOTT, Attorney for Moilgngee. 1313 Mortgago Sale DEVAVLT having been made in the conditions of mortgaae exeenzted by Mary M. Watkina to K waxd Treoowfil, and daleJ April ith, 1871), whic mortgage is recorded in the otlice of thu Rtister i Deeds for the county of Wa&htanaw, State of Michi gan, in liber 43, on page 221. and by reason of said dt. l&nlt there botag now duo the sum of two tbonsant seven hundred and twenty-three dolíais and cight} eight cents, also fin Attomey's fee of thiHy dollars awd no prooeedinga at law or in equity haring bos had to recover saidamount; Notice is theicfore hen by pi ven, that on Satnnlny, the 5th day ot Augus 1871 i at eleven o'olock of sald day, at the south door o the Court House, in the ■;■ ot" Ann Arbor, in saii county. I shall soll at public auciiou, to the highes bidder, the premises deacribed in suid mortgage, tha ia to say : all of trhe followiug picces or parctis of law sitúate in the city of Ann Arbor, aiom-nid, kuow and described as follows : l.otNo. one. and the eas half of lot No. two, ín block No. one north of Huro street, in taoge No. two oaet, accordiug to the recorded plat of snid city. Dated, Ann Arbor, May Bth, 1871. KIjWAKD TREADWEJX, D. Crammií, Mortgngee. Att'y. for Morigageo. 1321 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havmg been mode in the condition of a oertain mortyage esconted by Norman Bales, of the township ol Sharon, rounty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Hnsra Eaton, of said coimty of Washtenaw, on the iirst day of January, A. I. lfscfï. and ïeeorded in lbo Register's oiñce of said county of Waahtenaw, on tho ninth dav of June, A. D. 1RGH, in libcr 37 of mortgages, at pae 24, on whieh inortrairc añil note accompunyinj the same tlicrc is now el.nnii.-d to be due and to become duc at the date of tiáa notioe, the sura of eight hundred and Berenty-thne and 60-10 iollus, alsoan Attornoy's fee of ton dollars provided for in said mortffage, and no proeeedinjis at law or in aqulty haring N-en had to recover the said amount or ilny part thoïOOf : Ñow. therefore, notico is hrreby .'iven, that by virtne of the pcnrer of rale in said mortiraire contained, I sli:il! Bell ai public auetion, to the highest bidder, on Saturdny, the first day of July next, at 1 1 o'cloek in tlit1 fore'noon of said day, at tho south door of the Court House, in the city óf Aun Albor, in said county, that being the placo ol" holding the Circuit Court for said county, all that cextain traiM or parceloi land situattnl intho townsiii]) ot' 6haxQD aforesaid, known and deecribed as folhWB, to-wit : the west one-half ol' tba ontheaat qnarter, and the west ono-half of the OJist halt' of the soutlnasl quavter of aection seven, in tiiv.'nshiptkroo south of raiise tlircc cast, in tin State of MichiKiin, oouUiining one hundi-ed and tweuty una more or less. Arrillth, 1871. HOS RA EATON, Mortïairee. D. Cbamkb, Att'y. for Mortíriigee. 1S16 Estáte of Patriclc Hoban. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw, fs O At a IIIMImII of the Probato Court for the Coimty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offioe, in the City of Ann Albor, on Wednsaday, the thivly-Hret day o r:iy. in tho year onu thouand eigbt hundred and sovonty-one. Tresent Hiram J. Hoakea, Judpc of Probate. In the matter of the estato of Putrick Hoban, On raadlos and filinf; tlio potition. duly vorified, of Ellen Hoban, praying that sim may be appomU-d Administratvix with the will annexod of said deofased ; and Patrick Wall, ot' the last will and testament of said deeeased. comes into Court and repvesmts that h'1 is now preparod to render his Önal account as meb lixecutor, aud asks that he may be permitteil to reaign that trust. ThereupOD itisonlorcd, that Moiulay, the twentysixth day of June next, at ton oVlctck in tlie forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petitiun, jiikï account, and that the legAtees, .lei is. n and hcirsat law of said dcoeased, and all other jiersons interested in said estáte, are required to apjiear at a aession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, la he City of Ann Arlxir, and show cause, if any then be. why the prayeroi the petítioner should not be granted, and why said ïwseount shonld not be allowcd : And it is fnithor onlered, that said potitionerand Kxecutorpvenoticctu the ptirsaim mtenstei in said est uto, i.f tho pendoaey ui' iviid jxtition and the li" irinjt tiheruof, and tlie haaiing of said account, by eaoBDg a oopy of this order to l.' pnbttshed in tlie Michiotm Argus, a newspaper, printed and oirculatins? in said county, thieo auocesaive woek previou to said day of hearing. ,,,,,.,,, „vat.-i.-o (A true copy.) UIKAM J. UEAM'.S, $H Judge of Probate. Estato of Chnnnecy S. Goodi-ich, Jr. STATi OPMIClllüAN.CountyolWashtennw.s!. At asclon of the Probate Court for theConnty ol Washtenaw. holden ai the Probate Office in the City of Auu Arbor. on Satimlay. the tweotj evcoth diy of Mav, in 'he year oue thousand eight huudred and a'eventyone. ■ Prerant Hiram J Heakes, Indge of Probate Jn themntteroftheeitate of Chancey S. Qoodrich, Jr., deoead Joahna a Laland, Anroinlstrator with the wil anuuxed of saiil deoeaaoi, come iato Court aud representa that he is now preparedto rcnderhie annl accountnamen Anministr.tor. ThereuiioiiltlsOrdered. that Mondny, thetwentysixthday of June next at ten o'cl.'ck in the fore Ul,,,)i lie assiu'iicd for examinliij; aud allowiug such acconnt, and that ihe legaten ierlBeo and heir at law of said deceased. and all othor persous iuterested In said eatate, are requirrd loappoar at a Besalon of said i oiirt, then to be holden at tho. Prubulc Olllc", In Ihe Cily o( Ann Arbor, in sid County. and show cause, ifany there he why the ed aoeount alionld not beallowed: And it is further ordi;re(l that suiü Adrolp(ltratoJ aive notice to the persou inlefeated in ssid estáte, of the neudency of sai.l acionm. aud the hearipg thereof. bycansinj: acopy or this order to be pub liühedinvhe Michigan Arovs, & newspaper print, d and clioülatiiic in saiil Oonnty, three successive (A truecopy.) IJ1BAM J. BKAKKP, 1824 Jiidgp of Probate. _ .. .. iLJ-JJ . GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and i Medicines ,PaitB,Oils,&c.


Old News
Michigan Argus