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Efltate of Hornee Wolcb. rTATl ' ÏC&IöAV.CouiityofWMlitttw At a camón of the Probate Court lor the wJr' Wintateaunr, lioldcn ut the Probate Ottir? ,tï tv of Ann Arbor, on Wedjïeaday, the tlnrty h ay of May, in the yeur one thoneand eigfat hu? ïed and teven; y-one. ' t Prcw nt, Hinim .t. Benken, Judge of Trubnte In the mottfer tf the estáte oí Hornee 'WeM eaeaaed. i ' Onrendirtí bfl filmirth prtitkm, du!y verifted Nancy Woleh, praying Uiat Pihice Ik-niictt, orL her suitable penon muy )■ ;ipnointed AdminS! % of the estáte oí said deccased. wv apon it in ordered, that Monduy, the twentr Xtta i!:iy ot JUDfl n.'xt. at ten o'clock in thc tSü lOÜ, be fas thc htitng of said petitjaT nd that thp huirs nt law oí" siiid decenaed, andaU persone bat ■.. tíed ín aaid estáte, are reqmied to a ir Qt u wltM of naid Court, then to bc holden ♦ 10 Pxifljáto Oítioe, iu the City of Ann Arlor ,5 cause, if any therc be, wJiy thc prayer of 'titiinu-r should not be granted: Ana it i furtí rdered, that siud petitíonet givc notice to the pert! ted in aaid estáte, f iba pendeney of aaidi? OH, and heíirinff thcrcof, by can sin L a coírÜi iis order to be published iu to Michigan ArmL BWiqjgper printed and CÚcalAtíng in said Coúnt rae raooeauve vceks prertons to mid dar of hean!' (A true copy.) jJIIíAM J. BKAKF 1321 Jude of Probate. Estáte of "VVilliam Latson. Q rTAtL 03? MICHIGAN, Couuty of Wrushtennir B Ata scssioQof the Probate Cimrt füiiheCo5 f Watobteaunr, holden ut the Probiue Office, in tlie Cin i' Ann Arbor, ou ilonday, thc Oftccnlh day r I;y, in the year one thoiiduml eight hiiiKirt ■ ■vr-n; y-oiic. :it iliram J. Ik-ttke, Judge of Probats. In tlie matter of the estáte of William Ijiíkeee;ied. Un ixudin and flling the petition, duiy venfted ni :iizabcth í, LutKni, praying thnt a certuin ÍDfctn ntut üCw un ltlo in this court, purporting tobeï att vill and" teatnmi'nt of trnid dtccíisúd may bo admi ■ t-d to probate, itnU that adnñnistration of saidc nay be gmnled to üoine suitnble penon, Thereupon it ia ordered, that Mondítr, the tirtlfti. ,;iy ul' June next, nt t.-n o'clock in the furt-r.oon U iMigned flW thc hearinjr of MÍd petition. and thatnj egrtteí-s, (L-v-sL.s and luirs at law of said dtceused J ill otbet peraona fcotevested in said cutate, are reqíi5 0 appcat at a si BBfajn ot nid eourt, then to WholiW Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arburïï how caust', if nny tbere be, why the prayer oí a jetitiouer tshould not be gninted : And ít i iw. ordeifd, thnt said petitioner give noticc to tlie ho sons intcn9tcd in naid eetate, of tle pendtucy a ;iil petitíon, and the hoarínff tht-reof, by tauniL. copy of thi order to be vubliahftd in ttic Ji'cAmm 4rffu$tñ nrwHpaper priiit-ed and eñcnlatÍDg ín L xiunty, three successive weeka previous to futid dard i.avini;. ' (A true copy.J HIRAM J. BEAKl.s 1322 Judge of Probate. Estáte ot' Jacob Maehrle. TATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wathtean At a fteseion of the Probate f'onrt fortheCooatr f WádlUttSWf bolden at the Probate Office, int City of Aníi Arbor, on Snturday, tlio aixth in oí Muy, In the ycar une thuusand eight hundnd and seventy-one. Prest-itt, iiirain J. Beakes, Judge ofPrubnte. In thc matter of the estáte of Jacob Macfcifa deceased. On reading and filing the petition, duly rerifled, Jacob Iinuer, ndmmútrator dt bonis non witb tleTiH annexed, prayínR that he may U Hcensed to sell etttain real eítíite whereof wiid deceasetl died neizcd. Thereüpon it is ordered, that Monday, the niutwentli day of June next, at ten o'clock iii thc forenuon be assigned íor the hearing of gaid petition, aud that the lejía tees, devices and heirs at law of aaid dt-ceased, urf itll other persons interested in aid estáte, are lequiml to appear at a session of Raid Court. then to be holdrt, at thc Probate Office, in the City uf Ann Arbor, nj show cauye, if aiiy there be, why the i.rayer of thepe titioncr sliould not be f?rnnted : And it is futfig ordered, that said petitioner ive nutite lo tliepenoM fcntawBted in s;ml estáte, of tíie pendefley of saíi peti. tion, uiid the hearing thereof, by cuubing u of thii ordor to Ih? pnbliahed in the Michigan Argút, a mipapef prlhted and efatRÜating in suid Vounly, fon BUOCCMOTO weeks previous to said 'day of heminff (A tmeeopy.) HIKAii J. U15AKF8 1322 Judtíe oí" rrolte. Estáte of Yrelon Batos. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnav, . O At a sCívsiou of the Probate Conrtfor the oí WaafaCmav, holden at the Probate Office, in : of Ann Arbor, on Tumáay, thc sixteenth oí Muy in thu year one thousund eight hundred aai sevonty-one. Dt, Biram .T. Bcakea, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Vidon Bateé, de-1 OMMd. On rcading and filing the petition. duly verifieiJ, of Henry C. liates, praying that (icorp e C. Page or nCk other duitable ierson niay be appointed administii tor of the estáte of said deceaseu. Thereüpon it is ordered, That Moudttj, the telftii day of Jane next, at ten o'clock in thi lurenoon, be assigned for the hearing of wiid petitkc, and that the heirs at law of said dt-ccnscd, aiid aUoth er pci-sons inteiested in suid estáte, are requiied to ippeur at a session of said ( ourt. then to be boldu, it the Probate Office, in thc City of Ann Arbor, aad show cause, if ;my tln:re bc, why the piaycröftkt Ijí.'ti' ii.iiicr should not be gTanteU : And it is faitber ordered, that said petitioner irive notice to the penow interested in said es'ute, of the pendency of said peö tii m , aml the hearing tliereof, by causinff a copy oftha order to be pnblisliod in the Siichtgan Arpm, s newpaper printed and circulatiri? iu said county, tlr stiocesive weeks previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) HÍKAM J. BEAKÈ8, 1322 Judge of Probate. Estáte of Amasa Aldrich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coantj of Wiiihtemiw.. At n sessiou of the Probate Court for the Cmtj of Washtenaw, boldeo at the Probate ofltef, io the City of Ann irborfon Thnrsday. thceijrhteenthdsy of M;iy, iu tliu yenr jhc Lbousaitd eiht haiidmi and rtcv.ntyPresent, Himtn .T. Beakca. Jndye of Prubitf In ttie matu-r ot' the e&tnte of Amasa AÜ, deceased. Martlia H Aldrich Execntrfx of the fast iV and testament of said dncvaned comes iDto Ooart and reproaen a thai -w now pr-pared to rendir hnr fiual acconnl as ttuch Kxecutñx. Therenpon ItUordered, thfltJMot day. thetwelfili day of June next, at tenYlock in the forenoon, be assigDcd lor examining aud allowiuL' n.(b . couut, and thal the legateefl. dcvfoei-sandhtintt law of said deceaed. and til other perron i inter esifd in said estáte an reqnired to uppeaï ai a Bésalos of said Court then to be holden at the Probate Oilice, iu theCity ot Ann Arbor, in nid couniy, and showcanse,if nny therc be, wit th saidaccountöhoiildnotbeaUowcd : And i! Mftfr thcr ordertd, tbat said Executris j:tvc notice U the persons Idterested in said estáte, oí ihc pitdencyofyaid account, and thehearinc thcreof by oaaslllga copy of this order tobe publighed in tbe Michigan Argu. a newspftper priuttd ind cirti laUug in said Couuty, tiiree successive wki i)icvio:i?to3tudday of hearing fAtruecnpy.J IÍIKAM J BEAKKS. 13lCld Jndue ol Pruhiïe. Estáte of Stephen W. Griffin. STATE OF .MICHIGAN, Countyol WashtcDaw. At n seseion of the Probate Conrt for the Cou'.t ofWashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, intb City of Auu Arbor, on Monday, the ürst d;iy Muy. In the year oue thoussnd eiglt hundred and seventy-obe. Present. Hiram J. Beakes, Jndgeof Probate. In the muiter of the estáte of Stephen . Grlfi. deceased. Onrcadlns.indfUinglhe petiti.'n dtilyveriti" sa M luirliug, Administrator, prajing tht h m:iy be liccued to mortae or eïl certalfl rttl estáte whereol said deceaeed died -fitd. Thereupou lt is ordered, that Mondar, w twelfth day of June nexu at ten o'clock in l forenuou, "be assigned for the hearing oí tiic petition, and that the heirs at law ol saicl (!■ and all other perous interested in soii are reqolred tu appenr at a seesion of saitH'"?-1 tiicn t be holden attheProbat Office. in thicnj" Ann Arbor. and show canse, il any there re'! the pf ayer Ol thepetitionershonld not be sranlw: Amlitisfurtherordered thnt snidiietiliODCiciut" HcetothepersoBiintereBtedlBBsiaestoteoltliep dnirvtfif suid petitiiin, and the liereof. JJ cuisine a eopy of tbif Order to bepnblii-hcd It!" .ii ■ ;.!■ e . ij-uk.-, ii newstuper printen sndclrtnlu! in said connty. fonr siicccssive weckf previmm { 4 truecuuy'1"1 HIRA51 .1 . BKAKW. un Ixi&gt ofProlu. Estáte of Milán Glover. OTATEOK MICHIGAN (Jüulitj of Washlocí ■'■ At asesslon of the Probate Cuurl for thl of Waihtenaw holden at the Probate Olllce, t ■ City of Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the tweiitiem oj of May, in the year oue thoüBaiid eignt "' dred and aeventyone. Present. HiraraJ. Beakef.Judge of ProMte. Iu the matter of the Kstale of Hilan Ulonr, "otTreadinp and fllinKthe petition, dnlyveríeí,f Celinda Oiover, prayinz thnt she. or some oiw fuitable pi;r?on, may be appítiutcd Adiniaifi'"'" of the c-tateof aio decen-ed. . Tbereupon it is ordered, that Morday. tut ' ' tcenth day of.Iuue neït. at teno'clork !5e'"1! noon, be assincd for the hi-aring o( ■.,!. tlou, and tlw the heirB at law of Mid "f cened, and all other persons interenten inM.'"pr arerequired to appear at a cession of saio l , then to be holden at the Probate Office, i' City ol Ann Arbor, and show canse if aiiy 'i"'"Z whv the prayer of tbc ietitiner ghoulü tmV "i-uutcd : Andit isfurthcr ordered, that satcIJ tionerKivenoticetothep,ersoni! mterested i istati'.of the pendency ofxaid petition T " hearinothereof, nycausiii" a copy of tlns ow' ■ bepublisbed in the MUii?n Arrjus. ue-. printed and circnlaiinjr in ald Coimty, ir.rM'-ccisive weeke previou to said dn cf heanncCAtrnecopy.) I11RAM J. BKAhES; 1313 Judïe of Proh'Estáte of Thomas Kane. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. C'onrty of WashteM" O Atanesaiouof tUe Probate Court furtbeto of Washtenaw, holden al the Probate Ofnce,ir City of Ann Arbor, qb Monday, the flite of May. iu the yer one thousand eigm " dred uncl scventy-ciue. PreeeatJiiram J.Bcakes.Jndgeof Probate. Iu the matter of the K(e of Thomas M decased. , t(l.j n On readtngsnd Hing the potiüon, duly veri; Peter Tiiite Adrolnlftrat. r. ut lit rum, pra. tht he mny be 1 ceiiied t eell certain te ' " whireof aatiï dereasod died selzl. _, Therenpon it isOrdered. tlini MoDda. thf ;"., sixih day of Jnne next, at ten o'clock m ' forenoon, be aeslgned for the henrins orsaid P""1 „ and that the hcir at law of suid di-ceafcd, . other persons lntereted In said estáte, are req"' toaupear nt a sesslon of said Conrt, b " holili-li ai the Probate Qw, iu the City f Ad" A„m3 and show oauso, if any there V, wy TSESm? petitionershonld not besranted: And it i"lnrt'l;1,. crded.that ald petitioner gW notice to the je"" iDterestedin aid entate, of tbe pendeury oim1, t:tiou,and the hearinp tliereof, by cuiHBg "L,, this Order to be jmbllihed in the ■"'"'■" f'mtn newspaper printed and circnlatlnp in ?lll,hel i, foursaccessive weekB prevlous to aid day o' 'Ta trnecopy.) HIRAM J-BEAKES. 131utd JudceofProl!Beal Estáte for Sale. OTATKOFMinil.: J.N, ...imtyof WjhtiW!u [„ ter oí tho estáte of Frank ■'"„( minor: Notire ia herebrilTOT, ttat b P"", un order t'ivintc-.l to the unde.reif.tMKl, l'i,inn"ibjtt) eetuto of said punor, by thp Hfm. JvM lS!ï for ÜiBCftunty of ahtenw,on tl;vtl;i-u7,TrvrtI af Apfff a. n. ll, fiere wfll i - ola ' YVrSnSb to the hiBhest bjfcr. t tho o1t of ticwlale 4 " ,, inthevillaircot' Jtelhi. iu ibe CQUOtJ " y1":", jurt, in said on s„: urday, theeTOTteenthdW M: v. n. IÍ71, ut tan oVi-k in Ote tmtaw ot Xi teoUoot to nll „ncmnbi-ances by mortng or " c ,w axiating at tüe time ofmle, ""1 ■■'"os"'J'":Mli (tobt üf (lower of the widoiv of Nonni"'';. .IvvvaaeU, thejein). the fi.h. "' "i },„, to-wit: The nadiTided bilf of lots nme """' ,f. Hoek toe, ia the villar of Delhi, in aaW coun.. ,_ to the recortled plat of said


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