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BUSINESS BIBBOTORY. i', ■ninr ottoe bour t 10 8 P ■. Advice aud l'n-Sglï,DiftMn 0 [O 7 r. x. each day, ! K" to -.ejiuor. u-, 77tt-. KI-LIS & CO Uruïiilsta and dealers l. i„ P,ru';roilS, etc & Í South Malu Street. jiirlior. 7a. A. sksSIWS Attorney and Coaiwlloi ■J al Law, Ktuil Kïtate umi Iusurauce Agent Cou. ' „'„' od Collecllon of ilutan prumptly atviidnl to on liberal lenns. Offlee lu DonusUja1 Blo upelairc. Uurou sireei, Aun Arlxir. Mieh. Wil. JACKS, Deutist snaMwor to C. B. . Portcr coruiT Maiuand i-nrou stncU. -the ior. ..i R. W.Ellli o, Ai.n Aibor, jlïh. iDoathetlca adminlatered 11 roqnlrea. ,.- K. KKKAKKV, .tl. I)., Phj-BÍcian and Y . sur-.uii. OlBo. nl ri-Miu-nrr ,-oruer of Humud Dlvisloa Streota nrst door east of Prcbby Uurfb . Anu Arbor, Mich. n M. JIO!V. Hiiiler in Ilats and Taps, i'i. ïor. Si-iw (iban OeíU' Fnrnieliiuj; Ooods, je No áuutli Main .-ireet, Anu Aruor, Ulch. . ! TJIi:KI-AD & WMKMON, Ufe and Kir. tiuurance .-(ireuUK aul deak-ra-u Kcal Eatatu. ODlceou llnrou Street. I(!H KKCK Si CO., Dealer in fumitureof J il] iiinös, No. 5.' South JUia strect, auci i West I. Jnyelri-et. uu lb. r. rlÉWttS C. BISDOM, Dcalvr in Hardware, L Stovta lliiusf Funii hiug (íoode, Tíu Varc,.lc.. No. 3i South Main elrett. B"AC1I A AHKI-, Dealere iu rry Oooil OroCfrics, i Ac.No. ïii i-outljllamauect, auu Arbur. SLAWSOX ie SOÏV, Gr"Orí. Provisión and Comuiiafion MerobaDt ami deiilero iu Water ümc, Laud Piaster, íudPlaílerPuri. Xo. 14 Kast lluro Biretft SSOAiiMKlW, HhoK-sa.e aud Keiail Dcnler in l n:;y Made i lotlilng, Cloth QaaalBMC, tiuü. tod Qeot'a l'uruisliiu Ko.u South Slaiu Street. . W3. WAfalVUK. Di-alif in Ready Made loth "iuu.Uotlis Cauimeraa VatlnnBua.]pa, l'ruuks, karpet Bagd, &c. I routh Main .-trc-l . GlI.nOKK & FI8KE, Bookel(ot aiul SUliontra M-dic:il ntid College Tert Uo.-ks, ituol nnd Miicellaueou liouk. Nu. a Noctli Malu reet. Oregóry Block, Ann Arbor. FII.I-:v tVtSWJStnealentin Boi, Shoes, Üaitcrs, iipj;er, Sc No. ï Kast Uurou t-truet, ,tlwr. IU. IiKI.IOlíi, 'roprielórotthe Oelehrated j tiimlHht rs and other popular remedien, Auu Arkir. Xuh. EOCKEUY. (LASSWAEE & GR0C13EIES, J. & Donnelly Hweinstorealargestdcki'fCrocker), Glvswarc, t'tUvl War.-,' mlcrj (irnciTien, &c, ie. all tobe Mloat uimx'uillv l"w pricis. No 12 Kast Uurou Street, Anu Arbor lUStf J. A . DOMKM.Ï. WUS G. GALL, DEALEB IIST FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I.AIÍU, SMSAGKS, Etc, Onkrusiilicitedand promptly fllled with tbcbeet otile iu üta markat. 3i Kaal WjwUiugtoiietrect. Ann Arbor, Sopt. 16th, IS65. lS3Hf Aj A K. Ia. je JL j ct -iy' Mamitacturer of Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, AND SLKKüISof evi-ry style . made of the beet material, and warnmfad. ooreo ahoclng and líe nairüig done pronytly aud pnces reasonable. Ilclruii Slreet, uear K. U. Uepot, Aun Arbor, Mich. JJft.C. B. POK-ÏEK, OSccin theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. ill Operations on the Natural Teeth FURFURMED WITH CARB. UN3ÜRPASSED PACILITIES AND BXPEK1ENCE SETTING ARTÏFICÏAL TEETfl, TO 01VE EACH INDIVIDUAL, ïttttrtM of the prvper the, thape.olor, firmnet$mnii na al expretsion. 1244 LUMBER YARD. ! 1 C. KRAPF,on! lia & Urge and well utocked Lumbcr Taril on ; Jefferaon Street, in the Mitli part of the ity. and ■ ill keep conötuinly uu hand ;tu excellent vuriety of LUMBER,SH!NGLES,LATH&C ■hlch will be old as low as can be affurded iu thls Hl trktu. èuality aud jjrlces neb thst ÏO ONE NEEB GO TO DETEOITC.KHtl'F. Aud Arlior, January20th, 1811. 98Í AGRICÜLTURAL WAREHOUSE OPENED MAKCH 8th ii-int Sida of River, ïfASfCIiES'ï'EK, - - MICH, f ARMERS ARK RKPPKPTFTTIXT SOf,ICITED ípclLL AND EXAMINE TIÍE isiE'KlTS.QUALnY W!D JPJÜICES OF MY StLECTlONS OF JBBW AN'i) FARM1SQ TpOLS. UlStl It. It. PORTES, p Q. JENKIKS & "3. JRANDOLPW WfJITE, M. D. DENTIST8. ptSïEil OF MAINJlND WASHINGTON ST'S. All Operaüoua peifoiuied ,n the Most Thorough and Scientifie marnier. Nitrous Oxide Gas constantly on haud, and aiimiiiistcred vvltli perfcit. safety. 13-MyU ■■ - ........ ] JJEOPLE'8 DRUG STOivr, R. W. ELLIS & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus