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California Cherries

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aehnraeter, a genius, i philosopher. Witn ;ill his professed antipathy to everything oertain, ho ís oocasionally surpriscd into an aoknowledgeinent of tho mcrits of something bronght to his notiee. It may bn nothing uiore than tho cut of a garuient, tlic spoed of a horse, tho architcctural beauty of a building, or tho quality or sizo of some specimen of vegetable production ; bnt ho inmiodiately qualifies his remarks with, "Oh, it doos vory vrell for thoso regions - it vouldn"t be mueü In California, though." '■Unclf Ned," s:vid I, "you nevcr saw a churry in California lárger than thoso." ""Wrll'" perliaps I didn't." "Why," siiid I, ."how largo are they in California, and how do they soll them V" "Woll," ho replied, with all tho gravity of a judge, ."that dopends something, of oourso, upon the season of tho yoar. Thoy vary in sizo as woll as pxioe. Tluay soll thera by the pound, and if you only want a few pouiids they geuerally charge about tweuty fivo ctüits a pound ; but if you want a whole cherry, thoy'll let you havo it for about flitoon conts a pouud."


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