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In ihe lust nnmöer of tbat excellent Libarly da:!v, "Ttie Cmcinnati Ilerald," we find t lie folio ing dcÜnentions of the stripea of AboliiioniaiH. Rwid ihem, and dccije oport llie meritfi of the different stripes as faithfuUy described beïow: ''There are several stripes of Aboliuonists. 1. First, ihere ia t'io great Whig party- : jyhicli has slyled itself ' the truc Libert} jiarty.' ïts nbnütion ttripe generalij' comes out preUy viviiïl jnst before on eleclion, and fadës awny ete a!l ihp returns are recnived.- ' Of iliis party in Northern Ohio, Miss Abbeyiclley, wlm ie aow there circulating nnd adoc-iimg the forcgoing piedles, so7s, thêy aïé ir less Ptartloil at her doctrinos than are the' ..iberty men. - Thid is llie etnpe, changctbh. ' 2. There i?, pi-comliy, theGiildings stripé".ibolnionist3 vvith t!:is maik, use moral íifañim to put down slaven', and political actioii 'o put up slnvetioldprp. Their wont is to" prnyK prearh Ptid tvitc ttgttintt flavery 364 uays in thryoor, and nu UieSGOth, Xovotejof" its suppor'.ere. These cnernily belong tü the pnriy which the Gazette has llie honor in part to rprc5Pnt. This is the strípe, Prolean. S. As n third stripeof Aboütionista, Ve' havp that portiftn of the Northern and West-' ern Bemocrt.ry, wiiich devotes all its encrgips to the nnnoxBiion of a alave tèrritory susrspiib'.R of división into six Stateg, wilh :hp view. by oponincj n market for ihe slavés in Viririnin, Morvlorui, Kentucky, Tenncssee' nnd MisFonri, and thns raiiing1 the valüe of 'iiroperty,' of abhlishinw i in all ihose States! This is á very peculiar stripe. 4. Thore is still anotlier cla6s of most irttense AboMitioWsrp, composed of men of rei mtirkb'c smsihility, frorh ail pániea. 'íhésé bate f-laverv so nwch, they cannot bear eVért' to mpn'ion its nsme, and so deeply indignarit are they at the aLrpresions of the slaVebolders, thnt th.v are atraifi to tnlst lliemselves tö' speakofthem, lest tlioy should be too muchf cairicd awny. Thia is the stripe ñfvisible.5. Tlio Ltherty meñ are of anolher stripeV Tdry hnve Lrot the steam p po high against Oppression, thnt iheir only eafetv is in lettingf il f)ff. now atiii then. They numberéd at the" rfosl Prf.ií1pn!í;i! election CO.O0O voterp, to $&? I not hing of womrn nnó cliildrcn. 'Thëy ore' 'grenl' for the Uron. The rhosf beftutiful tliirps pn'ui ;:bo'it the blcssed Union hnve been uficred nijd prinled by thcm. Tlietf háve npver pot up Disunion plpges of oriy kirid- 1 hut thev po for the doctrine of Dhorce on a larga scale - nol for the divorce of riian ani vvife; orof the Norlh r.nd South, or of thé' Kast nrif] Wcsl- b'it the DlvOtcè of the Nn'■ ijiiñol Governmeot froin Slavery; - ond to ef-i t fee: ibis, llicir jjmni! instriimentality is at thé' Ejallo{ 15 x, wlucd ilipy tliink oiight to be nserf tinlv for the pqrjxjÊp of elrcting: men to ofEce" wlio will s::s;a:u ihc for the euls A-r wliith t wns formed--the tfStab'lUh' rneol nf justio, and sciirity of Liberty; and ; not prciihite it to the bs-se and wicked pur niifd of upholdln and extenilihSr a consecra: led eystejn ofJ&Mjjptufla. Toia is the tntt ' stripe. C. Th last stripe is borne by a class of Aboütjonïf)t., ',v!:oe .ceat of operotionsisBos! ton, wrjoso roprcsenïative is Mr. Cïarrtèon, on nppoTvnt, if we unHer6iand him, not only f i!,e Cnitrd Siatet Govemnipnt,bnt of all huii) ui Governinents. By this clnss of Abolitioniítp, the Liberty men nrc,-if any thing, mere ecverely üerjooncedi than;arè tRevariöUS tripps of Wiiig n:.i] Democratie Abolilionists.


Signal of Liberty
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