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" New Deportare," a terrible craw-fláhiug, a gorging of old-tiruo Democratie tliunder, a confcsrfion that the Enpiiblieans have been right and tho Democrac-y wrong. They claim tbat recognizing the 14th and látli amendínents as part of the orgaan law, and theroforo as dead issue, is a concessioii that opposition to tliose amoiidments whilo pending vaa vrong, and that negro suffrage should never havo been opposod. Those journalist forget that thougli they supported 8TKPHEX A. BOUOLA88 in 1860, Gnn. McClBLUAST in 1864, and Hohatio 8eyMOUK in 18Gft, and that notvrithstanding their opposition they succeMirely recognized tho oleotion of Abraham Lincoln and U1.Y8SS8 S. Oraxt. These men becarne Presidenta nerertheless. So nith negro and the amendments. The Deraocraoy opposod them when opposition was legitímate and right, as a legialator may opposo and vote against. any pending measure or law. But adoptod, to recognize tho fact is not to confoss that the opposition was wrong. Doiuocruts must take things as they are, and to swenr tliat blaek is white, that tho Constitution hag not been amendod, that there bas been no war or no resulta, is neither a mark of wisdom nor the way to power. Do t .hoy see the poin t ? The Xew York Eceniny Poet rccently gave place to a very able artiele, f rom tho pon of Hon. Miron Winslow, mathematically, or next to mathematically, doro onfftrat ing that the iricome tax is both a capitation tax and a direct tax, and being such is uneonstitutionaly levied and collectod. He quotes the best recognized autliors as to the definition of xn income t:ix, and fortines his quoted deflnitions by undisputed legal decisions. But what of it ? Congres has determinad in favor of the income tax, and if an honest Supreme Court should give a decisión not in accord with its views, this same Congress, by the aid of the President, would contrive to reconstruct the Court and get the decisión reversed. It is useless for Mr. Winslow and the Post to talk about unconstitutional legislation, - wbother in spawning greenbacks, taxing inoomes, or what not - whilo the Riidicals have control of Congress, and these writers and journalists, if sincere, should first aid in hurling from power a party which puts the will of its leaders above the organic law, a Congress whicli makes its own desires and interests " the higher law." It is time and breath wasted. Edwin Croswell, so long prominent in tho State of New York as a Democratie politician and journalist, died at his residenco, in Piinceton, Now Jersey, on the 13th inst., aged 74 years. Mr. Croswell was connected with the Albany Argii from 1823 to 1804, and was long the leading Democratie editor in tho United States. We doubt not tliat many a reader of this paragraph will rememb'cr that organ of old-time Democracy whon undor his charge. He was also a prominent member of tho famous " Albany Regency," which dictated the policy of New York and of the Union for a long series of years. Mr. CttOSWEIX left tho Argua and journalism in 1854, in moderate circumstancos, and with his political influenee impaired by tho Democratie dissensions, and ongaged in other business in New York, residing at Hastings-on-the-Hudson. Ten yoars ago hc had a pamlytic stroko, closing his business career. About a year ago he removed to Piinceton, whero ho diod. The Commissioner of Intcrnal Rcvenue has dirccted assessors and collectors to be governed by the decisión of the Supremo Court in Buffixgton ns. Day, " in assessessing and collecting the incomes of State officers." The decisión ref ei red to is the one holding the incomc tax, so far as imposod upon tho salaries of State judicial officers, unconstitutional All State officors are exempt by this order. Why not county aud city officers ? Why should our Mayor be taxed on his dollar salary if the thousand dollar salary of Gov. Baldwix is to be exempted ? We stand for city rights. - By the wny, if Congress can not tax the incomo tax of a State officer can it impose a stamp tax upon his official bond P The objection that the income tax might bo spread on thick cnough to tax the necessary agencies of tho State out of existeiico is as potent against the stamp tax. We believe that both taxes are void, but nöt for tho same reasons assigned by the court. A hecext Washington dispatoh brings tho following very unsatisfcictory intelligonce to thoso Radical politicians and journalists -n-ho thrive on Ku-Klux outrages : " Trustworthy accounts of the situation of affaire in Georgia aro at hand. It appears that a Ku-Klux organization does not exist in that State. There is but little violcncc, and that not of an organized political character, if, indeed, it has a political origin. Virginia and North Carolina aro in a somewlmt similar eondüion. In Georgia the plucing of tho State in the hands of the very best element seems very hopeful." It will be necessary to manipnlate thp wirea and silence such poaceful utterances. Thereforo prepare for a ncw lot of " bloody-bones" storics. The praperty holders and bufiness mon along Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, don't liko to havo tho projeeted tunnel use that avonuo for the neecssary approaching cut. Thoy proposo that the tunnel company purchase ilie light of way through tlie adjoining blocks on south side of avenue, tli.ut the inui(;ase in expense will not exoeed $20 - 000. If that sum wil! cover tho difïeronco tho tunnel company had botter inTest it and mako itself independent. Much future disaffectinn, and, perhapa, costly litigation, may be savod by the comparativcly gmall investuient. M. M. Ham, of tbe Dubuque Berahl is the Democratie candidato for Liout. Gov ernor of Iowa. Mr. Ham was many yoars a resident of this State, and in 1858 and 1850 was connected with the Frec Prest, Wc inado lus acquaintancc at Lansing during tho winter of 1859, and thefriend sliip tlit.ii fonned induces us to wish that be had :i botter sigbt for an election. He isa man of talent and would worthily wear tho honprs of tho ofïico.


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Michigan Argus