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ÍOMETHIJVG tíOÓD AT LAST! AT 24 Main Street. The unáersiffned, having locftted at this Iplace, has just opened as FINE and SELECT an a8ortment of CLOTHS, (JASHIffi & FANCY VËSTIM, As oaTi be found west of New York City, wliich he ia prepared tj make up into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE, AUD LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. ALSO A LINE OP GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and ho will GIYE YOXJ FITS. JAMES BOYD, lSIStr 24 Main Street. SEGOÏSTTO -A.TÏ.HI7"-A.Ij -OFNEW SUMMER DRY GOODS -ATH&. A. Y 3ST A. !R ID'S We have Just reccived NEW DRESS GOODS ! IN BLACK, COLORED AND JAPANESE SILKS, Frenen Organdíes and Lawns, white anti coïored, riquíis, Percales and Linens, Parasols, Ribbon and Lacee, Hoop Skirti and Corscts, Glovee and ITosiery, Liucn Damask and Towels, AND A FULL LINE OF DQMESTIC GOODS! Theee goods have all been bought by Mr. J. W. Maynard, FOS. CA.SH 1 And thcy will be sold nt a small advaiicc froni Oost. J. H. MAYNARD. 1824m3 A GREAT MEDICAL DISOGVERY. irtll.MONS llenr Tcatlmony to the Wondcrful Curallve Eflvcla of DR. WALKKIS'S CALIFORNIA ..■ f S C 1 1 n r ir "■ ' Tf f f J. Walker l'roprietor. K. 11. M.Düni.d ft CO-, DraggUts mi Otn. Ag ti, Ssd FnncHeo, CsU, nd ï and J4 Commetcc SI.S.Y. Vlnnear Bittcrn aro not avile Fnncy Drink. Maduüf Poor Uu in, Wliinliry, Proof Spirit and ICefuHe Llquorn doctorod, gpiccd and sweetened to piense the taste, eallod "Tonics,' "Appetlzer," "Kcstorers," &c, that lead the tlppler on to rankennces and ruin, bnt ure a true Medicine, made from the Katlve lïoots and Herbg of California, freo from all Aleoholie Btlmnlanta. They are the ORF.AT BI.OOD PUUIFIEH. nnd A I.IFE GIVING PRINCIPIE, a perfect lïcnovator and Invlgorator of tlic System, cnrrjing off all poisoaous matter and reBtorlng the blood to a hcalthy condltlon. Ko perton can tako these Bitters accordlng to dlrections and remain long unwcll, provldcd thcir bonei are not dcutroycd by mineral poison or other mcans, and the vital organs wasted beyond the polnt of repair. Thoy aro a Gcntlc I'urcntivc na wcll asa Tonic, possessing also, the peculiar mcrit of actlng as a powerful agent In rclievlng Congestión or lullammatlon of the Uvcr, and all the Villero: Organs. FOH. l'i:JIAI,K COMPI.AIKTS,whcthcr in youngor old, mnrried or Blngle, at the dawn of womanhood or at the turn of Ufo, these Tonlc Bitters have no eqnal. For Inflninmatnry and Chronlc Rhcnmn tUm and Gout, Dyspcpgla or IndiEcstion, IllliouH, Iicinii tent and I nt ornill tini Fcvcra, Dlsenses oftho Blood, L.ivcr, Kidneys, and Blndilcr, these Bitters have been most succensfu!. BucU Diaeascs are cnused by Titlatcd Blood, whlch Is gencrally produccd by dcrangement of tho DlKcative Orean. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Hcadchc, Pain In the ShouldcrB, Couglis, Tiglitnrm of the Chcst, IMzzIncBs, Sour Erur.tations of the Storaach, Bad taste In the Mouth, Blllous Attacks, Palpltatlon ofthellcart, Innammatlon oftho LiinRs, Taln in the reglons of the Kldncys, and a hundred othcr palnfnl eymptoms, are the oiTsprings of DyipcpIa. They invigorate the Stomacll and stimnlato the tor. pld livcr andbowcls, whlch renderthem of uncquallcd effleacy In clcansing the blood of all Impuritlcs, and Impartinp nciv lifc nnd lgor to tho whole system FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tettor, Salt Khcum, Blotchcs Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbnnclcs, Rlng-TVorms, Scald-Hcad, Soro Ejes, Erisipelas, Itch, Scnrfs, Discoloratlons o( the Skin, Ilmnors and Uiscascs of the Skin, of whatever nnmo or nature, are llterally dug np and corrlcd out of tbc system in a fhort time by the nse of these Bitter. One hottlc In "urat'i'vé""' V ' 't conv'nce tbe m08t iutredulouBof thelr Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon flnd lts Impurltics burstliiK tlirougli the skin In Pimplen Eruptlonsor Sores, rleanao It when yon flnd It obnrnetd and slugiflsh in the vi-Iiir: clvaiiBelt .whi-n itiêfoul.and yonr feelinim wlll tcl( jou when. Kcop tlie bluod mire aud the health ortuc syslcm wlll follow. PIN, TAPE, and other ffORIlS, lurkinpin the BVBtem ofBo niany lliouMndn, are cn.itimlly (fettroyednnd removed. íor full directlons, reaíf rnrenilly the circular aronml eseh Iwtllp, prliitcd In four 1buguages - Kiigllsh, Gvrniun, I'icikIi aud Spanlrh. J. WALKER, Proprictor. P.. II. McDONALD fc CO., Dmciats and Gen. Agentn, San FraneiBco, Cal., and 33 ar 34 Commerce Street, New York rrSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALBB8 - mm . . ,- . GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for 3trictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paint 8, Oils,&c. ■ - - - _ ■ BOOTS ANDSHOES! CHEAP FOB, CASH! JUST RECEIVJ3D AT B. F. Rice's SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE HANGSTERFER'S HALL ! A new Stock of Seasonable Boots and Shoes among whlch is a fine assortment of the Fatest Styles o f Lailics' Misscs' and Chlldrens' Fine Shoes in Serge, Goat and Kid ; A Qreat Variety of Mens' Boys' and Youths' FINE GOODS IN PRUNELLA French Calf, and also an entircly new Stock of Slippers, Gored Buskins, and Shoes of Fancy Colors of New Styles. We aim to keep the best and most serviceable work, AT REA SONABLE PRICE. Particular attcntlon glven to the manufacture ot SEWED & PEGQED OALF JB O O T S 1 Wliich are guarantccd to glve eutlre satisfaction as to FIT AND DURABILITY. REPAIRIXG DONE PROÏPTLÏ ! ! CALL AND SEE OUR MIMI'S1 POLISH WATER PROOF GOLD Hl (KIK SERVE SHOE. OM. V $2.00. LIDIES' l'OI.ISII WATER PROOF SII.VER I Bl'CKLE SERGE SUOK. $2.00. Serge Gaitera, $1.00. Clolh Slippers, .50. N. B. All Prime Goods. No Shoddy. 1324-2m. SAM. . REVENAIGH Copie Oíd AMBROTVPES & DAGCBRREOTYPES IN FIRST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DB3IRBD SIZB. jgE IT KN0WN TEAX HENDERSON & WEST, 'BLACKSIIIXHS BY TR.iDE, Do agree to fura. ah and Bhoe now all aroiind, 0E, SPAN OF H0RSES FOE 3 done to order ; toe Md set old hoes tor iocupts uehMt wagon and boggrtlre, 50 centa a pieco Workitiü the beat materlaT, umi all kinds uf j.ib work iind nat work at tbe loweal M,ihle flituru Utmost palu taken to please caatomn. Piense give un a cali and seo. Snop sitimtud 011 Ponrlh Ktrect. directly uortn of Agricultural Hall. Uou'i forgeimc place. fc ... HENDERSON 4 CO. We have .a machine for upsettiug tire without cuttmg. 1825w T" ATEST STYLES! BEST GOODS ! GREATEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRECES ! ! S. SONDHEIM HAS JUST RtTURNED FROM THE EAST, WITH THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOGK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS EXT'S FI'RISIII; GOODS, CHILDREN AND ÏOIW CLOTMKG TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHEL8, &c, &o., &c, THAT HAS EVER BEF.N nnOI'QHT TO THIS CITY, WUICH HB WILL SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CAS31MEKES, COATIJVGS, a id VES TIN GS, WHICH HE WILL MAKE UPTO ORDER IlV THE JBESTrISTYLE, AKD WARRANTED A FIT OR NO SALE: PAINTS PAIÍTS Oils Oils Oils Varnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Brushes MINERAL PAIJNTS. &c, LOOK TO TOUR INTEREST AND CALL ON J{. W. ELLIS & CO., BEFORE PURCHA8INQ 1 r ===■ Finest Assortment of Toilet Goods in the City, by


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Michigan Argus