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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .„Curlllmw. ._ ' , . illVi. Im-irF i tu B . Advice and Prettie pT. . . R. JpJtaiïfS,e. ?o. souih Mam sweet. Aa Affcaf. , u A. SESMONS, Attornej nd ronnioUor J. Hu, Kl BUW ?ud Iiworynce Agent Con idïd " '"' 'i'"1 ""■"■ Oflkc ,"' IJ""11:'9 ff uinitaire. Onron ueet. amb Artwr, MtehhT JACKSON, Dcntlst. auccossor to C. n. . "lier uilicicormTMuia-idHuluiistrecU, „or Ihe "t„re ol U. W. KlHs & ( o . Aun Arbor, V. Lireo_ Oltlc, at rctidciic eotaor ol H „, .nd DiTion StreeU wt door e_l of PreabySo Cburrh . Auu Arbor, Mich. E. fiíaíw SoS Qnrf PiirnWiIni: Goods, . Sa 7 Sootli Mala -trct, Anu Arbor , Midi. Mee on Bufon Street. Libtrty ireet. " rbir. r_WIS f. KIMO-. D.-alor iii liurdware, L St)v Hoom KuroHüui Goode, tin Wre,_c. „. 31 South MaiD Btrect. iiTt H AH-I-. Dealers In nry Gooda GroBwr_t.c JfccNi. ú South Malo nreet. Aun Irlwr. alAWSON &■ SON, Grocers, Provisión and 3cobuMi üd dealer in Water Urne. Uud Piaster, and Piaster Paris. No. 14 East Unruntirect ei HONWHEIIH, WIiols!e and Ketail Dealer 3.5 BMdT Maae'ciotblng, Oöths, tajwjj ï,,iini;.s.andGenfB FuruMuug Uouds. No.'.' South tliin Umi. Wíl. AC i:it, li.r.I.T i" Hdy Mdi loth iug iluibs. Cawimerea, Vcstliisn, Hat. Caps, Tronkí, ifcrpet Bags, &c. 'Jl iouih Mam streel. ill..nnr: .V FBKE, BookseUera mist.iU tionre M.ical Uw rad College It 1"';k,s4-houl and HlKiellaneoM Booka. Nu. J North Main rHt. Oregory Black, Aan Acbor. F1NLKV & E.IiWIS,'DealersiD Boo'e, Sho8. Gíiti-is, Sdppen, Jfcc No. Kast Unrou ttreet, Mm tthor. S.F SCHAÜËRLE, laukcof Mude. Oie inetrueUon on the flüÑO, VIOLIN AND GUITAR, ithlf o(Bc No. ft" South Hala stnet, tJloore's ■toilangj, or at the reWeace of the pupil. PIANO TUJNlJSiG, vaÁt a specialiïy and eatisfaction guaraiitccd; I3'4yl ÏTSOOKBBT. GLASSWARE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly HTe In tore alarge stock "f Crockcrj, Glassware, P!ted Ware, 'nllery Grocenes, &c, 4c, all tobe H'ldal uuuü'.iaU)' low prlcee Ko I'J'Kast Hurmi Street, Ann Arhor áíSlf J. & V. BONiiELLY. ÏÖffti G. QALL, DEALBK UT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I.AItli, SATJSAGES, Kt-., Ordcr)licitd and promptly fllled with thebest il in the market. 31 Kast Washington street. AnnArbor, Sept. 16th, 1S09. 143Jtf J A tv lv S hj x } rjj 3B Manotactnrcrof Oarriages, Baggies, Wagons, AN'I) SLEIUHSof erery stjie, made Of the beei material, and warraiucd. Hon6 BhoetDg aud Be.-■ii.i:' done i!uni,ily and pricea reaoiinlilc. icUoii Street, ncar R. R. Depot, Ann Arbor.Mich IHlyl L)R. U. B. PORTER, DENTIST. Oluin theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 111 Operations on the Natural Teeth PERFORMED WITH CARE. ONSURPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPERIENCE TTISG AETmcÍAl TEBTH, TO G(VE EACU INDIVIDUAL, Urej of the proper tixe, ahape,colort firmnettand na al r.zprtttiun. 1244 JIjmbeíTyard. C. IÍRAPF, Hu a iar„e and weI] ,tocked Lumber Tardón jj."ton Street, In the south part of the City, and 1 ep cooetantly on hand an excellent varlety of LUMBER, SHIN6LES, LATH &C J "H" oíd as low a can be afforded in thls, "lltr and prlccs nch that 0 ONE NEED GO TO DETROITL . . C.KR A FF. 0 Arbor, jRiumry 20th, 1871. 980 AGRICULTÜRAL WAREHOÜSE OPENED JIAKCH 8th Kast Sida of River, NCHESTEK, - - MICH. 'tOCAt'SRS ARK KERPKCTFUI.LT 8OLICITED An b AND EXAM1NiL THE MERITS, QUALU Y aÈTRIi.'ES OP MY SKLKCTION8 OF IMIXE" AfiD FAltMINÖ TbDLS. 1S13" B. R: PORTER. (]t C.IenKIÑS Sc HRANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. 'EE OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON STS. AU Operations peiformed in tiio Most Thorough and Scientifib lnahncr. indltüUS ÖXide üas coula"tly on hand, a amlnistercd with perfect safety.


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Michigan Argus