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The Crops

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Trho Department f Agrículture has rocently fonwiti ned the country of tlio very imfavorable pivwpoct of the oottoh erop, and all our Suuthorn excbsngét hiivc MHuthiigto sny continiüit'iw ofthé bad ti'linjrs. In Uoorgia aiïd Florida the Spring Mina have been of untkreoedented violente, and it is expeoted that cotton yield will be reduced at least onc third of thu average. C'orn is doing bettor, but wheat and oats hare been bacïly ïamaged ly rust. The same, wifh oerfjiin limitatioiis, is true at aH tho otlior BoutherU Btates. tn Texas, howe ver, the out-look is moro favorable. In tho West the conditiou. of the crops is as promising as could be desired. Tho Illinois wheivt erop is iminiuisi' HMÍ oi' uxcollont quality. Tho same erop in Missouii is STervwheré rsportil :is1'av :iiove average, UU bett;r oven than last yoar. Corn and oats are also doinfï well. Similar stati'incnts come from Oliio and Indiana, lleports from all parts of Xebraska give ussurances of an abuudant liarvest, whÜ9 the most extravagant expeatations are cherished by the-Californians, some of whoni jrophesy that that Stato will have one hundxed tliousand tons of grain to spare. In some lo:nliti;s, howcver, droughtisconiplained of, bnt littU attention is likely to be paid to this stereotyped grumblo. Ohicaoo, June 2ó. D'spatclics received at the Western Associated Press Office in this city from central and eastern Wisconein, eastern and central Iowa, nothern and central Indiana, and all parts of Illinois indícate that the recent terrific thunder storm and hurricane had no perceptible ill effects on the growing crops. In most of the localities froin wliiuh dispatcheshavc been received tlie storm was nuich less severi thaii ii this vicinity. Many of the dispatches state that tho erop prospecta were never better. In some few localitics the wheat erop is suflfering from rust. The reports from western Wisconsin and from tho great wheat belt in Minnes'ita do not givo so favorable a view. Tho St. Paul Press says in regard to a recent trip over the section bordering on tho SbssÍ88Íppi Eiver in that State : As far as our observation extended, evidence was found that the reportad ill conditiou of the wheat erop was fully justified. Acfounts received from other sections of Minnesota justfy the belief that the disaster has been general, and that the yield will fall far below the average.


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