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The New York Evening Post Of The 24th

The New York Evening Post Of The 24th image
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inst. had a letter from New Haven dcuashig some of the recent moveiuents ad changes at Yale, with others contemplated. We extract the foüowing paragraph for the purpose, of oommending it to the ciiisiikration of the authorities of ihe Michigan University : A, graat changabas been made in tUis last terÈi of oollege jjear, by pli oing Presentación and Conunencemant daya in the samo week. Beretofore Presenta-; tiou Dtiy has oamo on June 2lJ, from which (ame imtil July 21, the data ofGonaneticament, seniora had no rogultir work to do. This year. howeven the last exajnination occurs July ", Presentafion Day, July 11, and Commencement, July U!. This chango was determinad upon tor the following reasons : Aftor Presentfttion Day the three lower classes became deinoraliabd, probahly on account of the oxample of the Loafing seniors, and no thorough work ooold be got out of them. Tliu seniors theniselves had no need of a. vacation, as it used to be said in order to write com.ncnt pieces, iiiiisinucli as these are roquired to be written now before the Spring vaoation ; and, lastly, it is the desigu to nialce the thirdtertnfltfieBioryear more of a. lacturn-temj, andso muebthe more profitable to tho graduating olass. It is quite likcly that beteafter the v. vaoation between the close ofexaniinations and commencement, which the class of '71 are to have, wUl. he shortonod. It is oertainly quite novel, at least in Yale, to bc busy with recitations and lootures and oxaminationa and oommenoetnent pieces, entting down Tqwnsend priso essays, and sellijag farniture and oollecting pictures and paying bilis all at the same time ; but with a proper knowjtadgfl of ono's iluHcs beforohand, it wil! probably be a botter and more profitable arrangement than the old one. We have como to uold tbesanue opinión of the effects of Ciass Day- anwering to Presentation Day at Yale- upon tho atadentsóf tholoworclaaseshere, and upon the ilisiiilino of the institution, and. boliove that the Benion áhould be kept at work until noareí coramencement. This ís the case at Harvard, at Conicll, anti we think at Princeton, whcre Cliuss Pay is :i IVaturc of Comrnenoomont wcok, instead of using nji ii wcck in a preoéding month and renderJBg four weeks oajaporatively ralueloas, - And if wilh susfi :v chango somo moans ca) nlt Be devisad to keep the undergradiaté classes on the ground until aften Cointaenccniont, makingit a-ttrticlivo or obligatoiy, CommenoemGHt vi-it. r.s -vvill havo ocular demonstration that Alma Mater Ims a fimiily of sonp, and and distinguiahed strangers invitód here wspeaken will n t be Bompollej to ask, in the lubgnsge oí ÊOBEBT COLLTEB, " where are the Boys ? " What reader of the Argus hos not read f that eminent curpet-bag Radical, JudgO BÚSTEED. ThÍ8 Judgl! BlSTEED, whilo a ro-ident of Ni w York, was nppointed to a Unitt-d States judgeship down in Alabama, BS a roward tor lii.s noisy "loyalty," - and not at all becauM of his superior ability. The Judge has .ately been rustioating in "Washington, and a few days ago was examincd by the Ku-Klux or Southern Outrage Commit:ee, the co:nniitteo fully expecting to make out a caso by him. But the Judge ïad no sui'feit of bloody-bones storiis on ïand, and testified that " he did not beicve imy sutil orgiinization as thn KuKlux existed in Alabama." He also exjloded the evidtnee given by tho " llcv." Mr. Lakix. TUis Lakix sworc that ' tliirtv-three indietnients had been found n Bts-ikkd's Court for violation of the Civil Rights bill, but Judge Btsteed, who ought to know, says that but one such indictmont has been found. Cali ;ho next witnesa, gentlemen outrage hunters. The Polaris, commanded by Capt. ïai.l, is to sailfrom New York fortho Arc;ic regions on Modnay. At a i-eception givon liim Monday evoning, at the rooms of the Geographical Society, Mr. II. II. Grixneli. presented Lira an American lag - which bad been carried by a previous American expedition. - Mr. Green, of the Univcrsity, findïng the o.xpcdiüon " not what fancy pain;ed it, " did not accept the position tcndered bini. And so the University colors will not be given to the brceze from that North Tole. Tuesday cvé'hing's Tribune lias the folOWlng item ol' local interest : "At the Hoanl of Tratle this noon, Mr. Henlcy, of Wuslitfimw Comity, exhibited samples of the new erop gáthered froin uear Delhi. The heads ere of amber and white vvheat, of lair sfr.e, altliough not large, and well lillcd with a plump, flne keruel. It ivas ruised Vum wheat received from St. Louis last rail. If the erop of that county is as good as the sample indicator, uo beteer wheat will be found anywhere." The Demooracy of Calforniahave nominated Gov. Haiuiit as a candidato for re-electiün, and placed him squarely upoti an anti-railroad snbsidy platform. The Govemor has mado a very popular officer, except that he has given offence to the ring of speculators which has sought to quarter its entorprises upon tho State treasury. Threc years ago ho was elected by a li'ttle over 7,000 majority, andhis re-election may bo considered certain. The sentcnce of La'xahax, of the Methodist Book Agency, to suspension was not approved by Bishop Ames, and the negativa of a single Bishop nullifios the finding. It was a singular way of proceoding, the suspending of Laxahax for making charges Ifforc inquiring into the truth of the charges, and a way that will not satisfy " the world, " even though it may be considered good church poliey. TirE New York journals congratúlate theinsolves that tho lease of the New Jersey iiiilroads by the Penusylvania Central Company, makes New York the terminus of the Pennsylvnnia road and its westers connections, ends the contest of 1'liilinlelphia to become a seaport and commercial city, and converts it into a suburb of New York. Presidf.xt GnANT is advertised to be in Washington to-day, to attend a Cabinct meeting ; that is if he can be spared from Long Braneh, the races, nnd tlip S-v York politicians long onough. Gkant don't belioTe in a located Government, but rather in a rotating one. A MOííKEY has been detected robbing a man's pocket book on a Brooklyn fenyboat, which is considered proof of the truth of the Darwin doctrine of tho "Descent of Man. " It is at least incontestable that he has learued, the ways of bis brothcr man.


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