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Commencement Week

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Another 1,'nivorsily yoar hos rollod around, aiul ugain v are callad apon to ohroniole the sayings :iinl doings oí " Commenccment Week." First in tho fOgular order camo the BACCALAURBATB SERMÓN. 'l'his vie preoched on Sumlay, 'it 3 o'clock F. m., liy Dr. '■"lililí, to a largc congregation oonveiied in th M. !■'.. ( 'IimitIi, including a scattering apd frufrinrntary portion ■ ■■( tlic Senior ClaeSi Tlio text on which the dÜWJOune was founded is as follows : "Hohttthm laad 11 lUtiana of mn for to iwell on ;ili LI e faco at the nirth, mid ' h rmined lbo Kmcí i ed, nfl Uuof thi-ir habitat ion.: " Tbnt Uier !nM solt Ui I.or.l, f hapl; II; el otter him and ünd him, tlioug-li be few Vmin mie of (!■."- . I '-.'. .. 1. 1'. l'( J7. l-'iom tillar Wdids ot' l'uul, rt'svl iVon liis discourse boforo the assomblod stndents of the Athenian Ilnivoisitics, the speaker proceededto discuss " The doctrint (f Divine Providente at retealed in the dexielopmani ofHuiwm Itütory." BEe reinarki.'il tint tbs Apostóle oponed liis discourse by "announcing the fondamental truth that God is the Cruntor and Conservator of the world and all thinga therein, the Lord and proprietor of all," from which he advancod to the "discussiou of thestlll more interesting tnitli that the entire course of human history has beon detormined and superintendcd by a Divine providence." Elaborating upon and amplifying this position of Paul the speaker laid down his inain proposition, as follows ; Haviiig " made of ono blood all the natious of mankind " the hunian race is om brul h, , and all men have iHjual natural rights to placo and provisión and protcctioii, with a wonderful power of ftdaptability to cvory olimatc ; jntelligonce and power to Bubjugate nature, and to so modify exterior oonditiona m to Ut him;■ H' for i residenoo in ftay part of the !i.i!)ii : e. Ood had also determino 1 and prended ovor the dispeniona and inigrutions of the human race; had Hxed the timo of settling each continent, and liy what people; had detennmod bcforehand the boundarios of eaoh nation and the time of their existenoe; and all this that tin; nations of mankind should " seek God." This proposition was ably and eloquently discuased and illuitrated ; the illustrations being drawn from history, sciennc, nature, and philosopliy. We had intended a ruil abstract of the discourse, but fiiul that wc havo neithor the time nor gpace to do it justice. lts various parts wero so dependent upon ling positions and diseussions that extracta hore and therc Vould also bc iusatUfaotpry. Wc, thcrofore, content ours.'lt', for Iho present, with giving (lic practical oonclxisions as addreaaed to the class before hiin. ilaking his application, hu said : Gextlkmkx of the Class of 71 : - May I nut congratúlate you on the fact that you ai e priviloged to live in thi age ; that you wore born in a land and un age possossing so rich an inheritance in the !:chi(!vcmcnts OÍ the past, and so full of promiso and hope tor the ages to como. Above all, I congratúlate you on vuur connection with a. University which reflects so well the spirit ;'il U nd ney of the age ; a University which has so wisely appropriated all that is great and good in the w-ork of our predecessors, but has also had the sagacity to divine the wants of the present, and anticípate the demands of the future ; a Univcrsity which is Christian without benig scctnrian, where science and religión, reason and faith, a wholcsomo respect tbr the catholic thinking of the ages and individual iiidcpendencc ot' thomrht, roveivncc for all that is divine and Christ-like, and allegianco to all that is true in every system, may bo combined, and rendered practically efficiënt foi' thu eulightenment and elevation of mankind. You now go forth from the study of principies and methods to assume the ïvsponsibilitics of activo lifc Study the signs of the times, seck to oomprehend the wants of the age, cspecially the dntics whioh you owe to society, and start in lifc with a iixcd determination to doyour wbole duty. Consécrate some portion of your time and energies to works of benevolence. Be generous in your sympathies, noble in your aims, unsclfish in your plans. Help forward the movemonts of a true Cliristian civilization '. lic faithful to your oonscience, your honor, and your God. AVc expoct to hear from you in future days. May we hear of you as worthy sons of this your Alma Mater, and above all as the true sons of God. St i i ■■ each day and year to excol your former self, to bc nobïer, purcr, better men and Christians. " Build th(;; moro statfly mansions, O my soul, s the Bwit't sousons roll I Leave the low-vuulted past : Tet eiich new temple nobler than the last I.itt thee toward luiavrn, with dome mure vaaf, Tiïl thou at k'ugth art freu, Leavmx thineout-grown sliell by life's unresting sea. THE CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ANNIVERSARY. On Sunday evening, to an ovor-crowded house, Kev. Dr. Z. El)DY, of Brooklyn, X. Y., delivered the anniversary address beforo the Christian Association. He opened by congratulating tho association that its mombers werc students in a freo and unsectarian University, where they could do battle for tho right untrammeled by bonds or creeds. That thoy were alo members of a Christian Association was also evidenee that they were enlisted for the War, the war Bgainst rationalism and materialism. Eeferring to Darwin and Tyndall and Huxley and Herbert Sponcer, ho thought that if their teachings were true as to the descarit of man and kindred subjects, they also wonld refute the doctrine of man's iinmortality. He, thcrefore, proposed to givo his allotted timo to a discussion of " Tw Immortality of the Soul." In doing so lie ignored revelation cntirely, and relied upon tho arguments evolved from nature, the principal of which was man's own consciousness. Beginning with the infant ho domonstratcd that there was a consciousness of an ex istenco separate from the body. The child soon rocognized its hands and feet and othor organs as " mine, not as me." This argument was carried to considerable longth. Ho referrcd to tho capacity of the soul to take cognizance of the outer World, without the aid of tho senses, and x-oferrcd to a young lady resident of his city who gave womderfnl exhibitions of this power. He also reasonod that if the soul has no future oxistence there has been a great wasto of material and power in endowing man with such capacities to be enjoyed but for a day; and closod by saying that if in his dying hour aniiihiUtion should be revcaled to hiin he should checrfully accept it, and dio consigning God to rcign alono in his own supremo selfishness. It was a powerful discourse and delivered in an impressive manner. lili: AI.I'MXI ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of tho Alumni Association' was held on Tuesday, at ' o'clock P. M., in the oíd chapel, not a vei y attracti ve place for a re-union, but around and upon the inner walls of which hang many memories. The report of toe necrologist, Mr. T. E. . of ('levclam!. 1 1 i ■■'! the following deaths sineo the last nnnual mooting : C. A. Thompson-, Jr., M. A.. at K-vlauuupo. Class of 1860, Rev. II. O. Nuwcomb, M. A., ai IÍ1ïuiii, 0hio. Class of 1861. (ico. S. Hastings, at Ciuincy. Class of 1887. .hu. Whiting, at StOfeie. Olaw of 1869. The following ofiiccrs were thon oleeti l för the ènsuing yeaft Bumideni -W. 8. Perry, '61, Ann Arbor. Fint 'in -'n. -i-., i: E. A. Frazer, (J3, Pontitto. ijecond Vice-Prmdent-Z. truesdoll, '■'', Flint. etWff-'Proi, Klisha ..Iones, '00, l':i:versii f. Treamrer-Pioi. A. H. Pattengil, 68, l.'iiivcrsity. ..,.■,,,', CtmTnittst-r-M, H. öoodrich, '45. J. (i. A. Sdasicms, '50. E. ]), Kinnc, (il, Ann Avbor. Omtor - A. H. Pettibon.-. '.V.i, Crecnvillo,Tenn. Alternato- J. II. MoGowan, '01, Coldtfator. Poet Prof. E. L. Walter, (m, üiverrity, Altérnate- A. E. "Wilkinson, 'lüt. T. H. (,'hasc, '-19, was continucil asnccrologist, and the office made an office of tin' Bociety. On motion tho retiiing President was instrncted to BJiswer tho toast, tho U 'umi at the Uuivursity dinnor. Col. C. B. Grant, Gen. Dwight ray, and J. II. McGowan wore appointed a committee of thrce to colleot manueoripts and records of the alumni who had died durin; the war. The aasooiotiofi theu adjourned to meet. at the lïothodisi ('lunch in the evening, to attond the literary exereises. After the iidjuurninent the u: mbcis of the oImb ctf '01 held a decennia re-nnion. The Oration and l'oem before tho association wcrc dolivered at tin: il. B. ('lmrcii in tho evening; the oration by W. H. W.ut, Esq., t New York City, of the class 'IS; and the poom by II. M. Urr.KY. of Detroit, of the class of '61. A "local " event nrhich attracted great attention mado the evening an unforfimate onc, gave the orator and poet an audienos not up to the usual standard in point of numbers, and erowded them into a late honr. Unfortunately wo wero an absontce, but judging by the published abstracts in the dailioa buth orator and poet did justico to tho occasiop and their subjoots. roMMEXC'EMEXT. More dolightful wcather was ncver gotten up for Cominenoomoat day at this or any other University. The day oponed oool and with a dcliglitful bieeze, the same being eontinucd unto the end. At ,m early hour the M. E. Church was densely packcd, the audience consistinc: largely ofreturned alumni and visiting atrangers. Omittingall notice of preliminarios and procossion, all commenta upon the day os a landmark, all Jenkins-y gossip of beauty and fasliion, we come at once to the more important excreisus. Aftcr musió und prayer by the Kcv. Dr. Cocker, Acting President Frïezu called the roll of the dösignated class orators, who r pond 1 ín ord as followa : 1. RüFU8 E. PiilNNEY, of Aim Arbor, discussed in a pleasing manner " ltulos and Principies," and concludcd that individuáis and society and organizations relied too niueh upon fixed rules and 00 little upon principie. 2. Edward L. Mark, of Predonia, N. T., said that the WOrk done by the senior class is not what it should be, and that batís the meaning of"Howit Looks." .t was a criticismof the olootive systeni, the conclusión being that the systum might )e right but that it was worked wrong, hcre being a lack in nunibor of instructora to enablo students to protitubly enoy tho privilege of a freo selection of studies. 3. HiciiARD ürnsox, Jr., oflonia, in " Maehinery vs. -Forcé," was coniidunt that there was too much of formalism in the world and in the church, too much reliance upon written erceds, constitutions, laws, by-laws, and resolutions, and too little ontlmsiasin and soul power. 4. Edward B. Sumxek, of Pec.atonica, had an ïmpreaeion (luit " Monopolies" are not to be desired, though perhaps, a neecssary evil in carrying on great public works. " Itailroad king " nieans the subjugation of our most popuhms States, and without extraordinaiy caro we shall find that " we have nursod parasites to dostroy us." 5. Cuas. E. Gortox, of North Brookfield, N. Y., reviewed with considerable spirit " The Public Services of Alexander Hamilton," whom ho credited with being both soldier and statesman, and the chief organizar of our government. G. BobbbtM. WkhïUT) of Shabbona, 111., whoso subject was "Franco, " discussed instead the Froneh people, and analyzed French oharaotor. 7. Haury B. HrrcHixs, of Ann Arbor, did full justice to ''The ïconoclasm of To-day." Ioónóclagm, originally the destructioD ofidols or images worshipped, is to-day the disposition to destroy every thing of the preceding age, whethor right or wrong, good or bad. The Iconoclast is not the truo refonner. ïhe Conservasivc is not necessarily wrong. The Iconoclast is the destróyer ; the Conscivative the protector. The precoding orations had been good, but this was evidtmtly, in matter and manncr, the oration of the day. This concluded tho Conuuencement orations, and during the next piece of music tho large auditmeo kopt thcir eyes on the " Coming Man, " and waited the INAUGURAL ADDRE8S. Acting President Fkieze roso, and Baid : By the autliorlty ol the Hou. Board of Regeats, I aniiounce, ihat Jamks BObiull An(;i:i.Ií, LL. J)., having been ctöly elected by them to the Preéldeucy olthis I 'n:vcrty, ui't haviiig sifjniHoil his acceptance bl ilie same, is herebv luvwted with all tlic powera and dlguitleg of that offlee, hii'1 publitly recogülzetl and declarad President of the Univer.sily of Mlphlgan. Ainl now, President Áínoell, Id belialf oí the Regente and the Facultles, In bdmlfof the Aliimui and Undcrgrailuates, in behalf of all the rnembera of this Unlverslty, I must heartily welconic you to this new lieltl of labor, and, I doubt not, of honorable achlevement. We recelve yoa as our Prestdent wltn cutiré oonfldence in your abllity to meet all the requiroinentsof the IiíkIi )oition. Wc are Buce Chat yon posteas all the glfta of beart and liead, .- 1 1 the breadtb of schAfarehlp and ceflnement ol' culture, all the experience aml achleved Buccess, wbicl) we have desired lu the chief offleer of this Univpi-sitv, and .vliicli we uivc been long walting for. Celieve me, these words are not, thí mere eulogy of forra, dictatcd bystatèlyceremonlals; they are the expression of our real sentiment and belief. Be assared that you have not come o a cold and distrustlul comniunity, prelisposcd to censure, aml to .vithliold favor uitil it sliall luivo been extorteil by the ' resistible loic. of success. Yon come to racoltlM and stodents rcady to tiixv you 1 at ouee tlieir earnest sympathy aml willlng co operution. In all. the ontorpiisis your ove for the L'nlvcrsity shall prouipt you ' to imdertake, we shall be with yon, heart and hand. I kuow, indeed, tliat no Intelligent nsan can enter npon the hijih and responsie duties to whicli yoahave beeinsalled, ivltli out aoinetlr.iig of cl ubt and misglvlna;. 1„ ibors and i wals ín eutlles.s üuceession rise beiore UI in ; liilis an 1 mouutuiuu o: illfflcul tv to be onquered, ouo nftsr Yet the coiinciuusnessofwhat yon liave aire ay accoinplishird la a kindre] tplierv, the assurunce tliat you will hcre hIso be bui' roonded wlth collengues who will glV you 110 div:U il or falnibearted support, especluily the past hlntory of thia Unlverslty, wlilcli lias alvrays moved on wrlth steadi■jess and strengt!) through :ill opposiug daugere, always gulnlug gronild in che esteem and conttdence of the State, these cou siilcr.iCiiiis, I (lo'.il)l not, will dlspcl Ironi your iniud all present distrust, ulid ill courage you to enter ;ii once ii.on your labora with clieerful hupt; nul coiiildoucu. Ton come to an Ivistltutlon whlch, tbougb stin yonug, has acbleveti much and real fí"ol. l'i.'rliaps it hisiniMi pra)8cd iwyond ils incrits, bilt we belleVe is somt' jiist irrouml upraltie. Ynl vvliatever ii may have accoiuplUlted liitlierto, tira opportunitics sud poibilltiee s in Deiure It, wlthdraw our eyea Iroui pa' Buocesae? to the glorlous carcer jvliicli opciis in Uie l'uture. 'J'o this worl; of high p.romlnr we have ca 11 ril yon,- leader in ihis urantl ediication al enterprlsc ve have made you. Wesughl one to t:iki' tlie Iil'Iiii who posées.ocd atoufe the vtgor and enthnx asm ol yonth, and the cal in :ind patiënt wiltlng of rtper ivirs; w s[iii!il oiic ol kimlly lic.irt and resolute will ; i; dlacipllned mind, and cnl tured taste; wcll iel in iiooks but also wcü riMd in human natura; eqnally al home la the eclu-lon ol study and In the pubüc assi'iiib'y ; !'aiiii!iir with tlie nsüiutions c(' uijiiiii himls as we;! ie otli' w i ; holding lovlnfily to all tliat is good In the pist, yel senerously acceptlng all ihat is .nood i:: the prcüeut ; and crowulna all thssé vlrtues wlth the fslth and lile of ■in eürncsl Chrlstlan ; wr Roujjht all these qitalltieo, all these conflitions ol succeis, and we th I nk we havo found them happily united in Prcoident Angrell. And, therefbre uu welcoilieyou.slr, wlth c fervent benedlctlons of our hetirta. We wclcoiae you to these hlls whiih are to be ibe scène o( yonr Int ure RBceefKS; wc welcome you to our iiearts and holnes, We pi. i]z" to yon our fraternal syinpathy. our ifevoted fV'uudsliip, and our nnwaveriiii; upport And earnestiy will we hope, fcrvently wül we pray Ihat the l)lcs.s:ny; of Aimlghty God may res npon the adminls tration upon wlnch you on ter tliis day. As President Axcr.i.r, rose to respond lic was greotcd with tremoiidousiipiilausc, which miglit liiivoconvinccd liiin tliat his welcome wns a hoarty onc. Hé first thanked Prof. FRtEZE for bis kind words, and expressed a fear 'nis pnrtiality anil eavly and long friismlship had led him to indulge in too eulogistie terms. Then áddrossing himselfto tho andlenoe bs diaenssed for an hour and a (piartor the nilations of tho University to tho State, end olearly and elotpiently 3.0fined his idea of H Ulttversity and its work. He spoke without uotes, but was nover at a loss for a word, and his sent rices wore as fltuMxed and polished M if forged in his studyi His voice was clcar, sonorous, woll managed, his gostures easy and giacful ; and from the fir I lii' had t'ull control of his auditors. Tho addross was reeoived with universal favor, and gaye manjanxiou8h.earerscnnj6Ldence in the futuro of President„ and confirmud tlniu in tho opinión that he would prove tho " right man ï ii the ï'ight place. " Our space this woek forbids snoh an abstract, as wimlil do justice to the speaker, but in our noxt wo slrill ondeavor to nrike up for del . ïho degruus woro then conforred, and diplomas ]ir seiitod bj tlio iu'v President, is followB : Pharmaceutical Cliemist - Albui'i M. Adama, Albert tí. Amarinan, Oscar L. Braddock, Wlnfleld 8. Carey, ( has. H. Cranipton, Ëenry A. Fitcli, Jog. A. Kliek, Gorge ï. Ge.ntch, John 13. Qraham, Otis C. Johnson, M;;rt:n C. Kelly, Solon Fred Massey, Asher Frank Merell, .Morris A. Mincr, Barnuel ê. Moore, Dinlel A. Pliiilips. .Icim Powell, Newton D. Stlles, Amella tJpjoün, Alary Upjunií, Vrill ;am M. Wiison. Mining Enginoer - Curtís Culross Smitli. Cirii Engihcer-Albcrt E. B:iklwin, Allen I'liilip Boyer, .) tmea Dewej Biirr, .John Eiscuniunn, John A Faltón, Joslah L. LltUcnold, Lyinau Mason, A. Jefferson Parshall, Buruii U Pennington, Elllot I). Perry, Alexauder B. Raynioud, Ourtla C. Smitli, Samuel W. Walker, J. Burkitt Wc )b. Bocht lor 'f S'-Jmce - John C. Cliambers, Joh P. Cornell, Addlson J Eflgertoii, Samuel 9. (i reen, Charles A. (lust, Ediyard iJ. öuinour, Cbae M. Wilklnson, llarry C Wllcox, Bachelor of Philoiophy- ' Elroy M'Kendree Avery, Tlicodore A. Peleli, J. Lathrop UUlesple, V 'm. UeivilL Bachelor af Arts - Edward M. Adama, Jonathan E. Blwell, Charles Chandler, Uharles E. Couley, Jobo F. Kagtwood, Peinbrook K. FHtorafl, (ico. T. Fox, Henry M Uoodell, Ueury C. (ran ger, Alexauder W. llamili.on, Walter S. Harslia, Preston 0. Hudson, Richard 1 1 n ; ! son, Jr., Earlc J. Knlght, Chas. K. Laihain, Morton W, Latson, Edward L. Mark, Jos. A. Mercer, VVatson B MUIerd, Henry W. Montrose, Gray Otis, Horace Phillips, ÉlafUa E Phlnney, Benjamin T. K. Preston, Perry A. Randall, Frank Uemick, Beaj anln (. Bras, Wllliara F. STK. Ki . i . ■ i-, .;-. Webster flaavey-, John W. Sleep er, James A. S. Warden, Floyil I!. Wiison, Charles J. Wlllett, Kobert M. Wrlghfe Mister of Arts - Willhun K. Aiulcrson, Mclvilln Mftltlson Blgelow, Francia A BÍackburu, William A. Chancller, Uaac N. Deramon, Frederic A. Dusgeon, John C Freeinao, tteorge U. Krv, Mark W. Harvlngtoa, Oeorge 8. Hlckey, Prancis W Jone, John CurtU Maglll, JohH E. HTKeighau, 11. II. Olay Mltler, Albert II. PatteugkU, Walter B. Perry, Jacob L. Sleimnetz, Edward L. Water. ' hocUtr of Medicine- Spencer Djlls, Luigi U Doane, Richard Woolsey EíIím, Robert Qeorge Hcx. The Honorary degreeol M. A. was con (erred upón títiii Morbb Barbkb, and thalof LI,. D upon T. 0. Aijuot, President of the State Agrlcultaral College. TUK UNIVERSITY D1NNKR. This was Süived in tlio Law Lecture Room, at 2 o'clock r. sr., to about 400 hungry persons, including Eegeöts, ExKegents, Facultios, Alumni, invited guests, oto. The tables were bountofully supplieil witk the substantials and lozanea ut' the reason, nndor tíie (Hreoidön of Georgo Do BapÊsto, of Detroit. Grace w:is pronounced by Eev. Dr. Mahax, of Adrián. Ai'tev fnll jiisüco had beon donn nul tlio phyaioal man refreshed caino tlie ineyltable after-dinner talk. Tho toasts were announced by Dr. COOEBB, as followa : 1. Our. New PretiderU : Welcomo to Michigan with her ampie fleldi of usefulneas, to Ana Arbor with ita happy homes, to the University where Presidonts havo addud new laurel to t lu ir crowns. In responding, President AifOEijj eipressed hiB thiHxks for the welooine, sugested that he had already wearied tliuir jüitience, and that thcir powers of physioal endúranos must b greot, judging by the way they had borne Iiím inaugural and disposod of the dinncr. He apologized to the Class of '71 for intruding apon thoir tiino and limiting the nurabcr of their répresantative speakerg, but prorniscd In return to listen toany of their numbei when inaúgurated as college presidenta; 'J. Michigan - Th State qf two Pni': la : Washed by tour raighty lakes, tanate in hor goographieal position, rioh i:. bei minos and narvests, but richer still in her thriving population. ltoapouac by Attorney Gonoral Dwioht May, wlio was profuso in hispraise of the Btato, aml lavish in oomplimant to President Amibll. 8. The.Meiribertof th l.ff.'.,iinrr : who froely voted lia seTonty-tive tli" dollars, :ml weit' sorry we i L nut i-k tor inore. " Wo are coming Fathor Abtanam, for one hundred thousand ma ftocpaaae by (Jol. (kant, who was thankful foi this sinall bit of praisc for abused legialators, next to Common ( 'imiii'ils the moet abusod of men. He íhougbt the Legislatnre mighi alwaya bc relied apon for necessary aid, and suggostcd to the Alumni thcy were masfezj of the sitimtion. I. -■ Ex-RegerUs: Honored when in offlo !, and grutefully reiöctni,bcro3 since ihen; though they have ccased to i táfe for us, máy thoy never cease to be interes' i'd in us. J. M. B. Sill, in responding, suggested that when in office lie had sarei heaid of any Buoh honor.s ; if honotred out, he %v:is glad he was out. lic once thought of continuing hú associations with the board, and then he thougkt he wouldn't, and his party not having thuii taken tlio "iiüw departnié" a majorrty of about 30,000 of his. folio w oitizens agreed with him Ln liis lattcr conclusión. But h; lovud tlic Univeraity and should never lose his interest in it. 5. Out General Qoternment: The donor of our endowment. Michigan has done so wull with tálente given hei that shu deserves more in futuro. i:, ponse by Hon. Avsxtx Bi.aíu. Praiso of any act of Congrcss wh new to him, mul there mtut be somc dosign in it. lie thought that tho donation roferród to, not an individual act, but in the pursuit of a policy early cst;iblishel, v;is in tho rijílit direction, and tlmt Michigan had been fortúnate in adniinistering thu trust. He COncgded that as tho lands left wero being nipidly dispuse1. oí' moro miglit be well given to tho University, and pledged his aid in that direction. 6. 7'n; Alumni : Alma Mater ícvls a liv ely interest is their professiona] ulvaacement, and is looking hopefully fox substantial tokons and "tirst tiuits" of their growth in riches. Bgponse bj Eler. (. 1'. Tinhat.l. 7. The City of Detroit : Bldest daughter of the Weai, and eldest benefactor of the [Jniversity. May her prosperity alWays bö gréat, since tiie use sho makes of it is :ihv;iys gonefOUS. líesponse by Mayor WlTÈATOjr. A song w;is then sung, lien tho toastr announeed that the lateness of the hour, with tho oomijng comer stone exereises, madeit necesfary to oinit the additioual seven toasts huid in his hand. And we cheerfully omit thnm also, hopin-, however, that none of tho omitted Bpeeches soured on tho stomachs of tho il gentlem n thus summarily disposed of, destroying their day's enjoyment. TUK CORNER STONE. The closing public evens of the evcntful day was tin? laying of thu corner stone of Univcrsity Huil, at 4 1-2 p. t. After muño by Üic colloge choir and prayor by the 11 v. Mr. 1'iK'L.sox, Dr. CocKER rcad the list of articles depositod in tlio box, for the inspection of somo futuro generation of searchers af ter nntiqu-irian relies or post mortum building records, - as fa lows : Tricrnnul Catalogue for 1671. -Vruuii! Ostalogae for 1871. Proceedings of Board of Rcgonts for 1871. Presidente Annual Rnportfor 1870. Programmes of Law, Medical, and Literary Commecnements for 1871. ProgËaimnei of Univcrsity Day for 1869 and 1Ö70, and Glass ot'I)ay, 1871. Detroit, Aun Albor, and Chicago papers for Coinmonccinent Weck, 1S71. .Copy of Lawa and By-Laws of the Umcrsity. Last iiniiual Itoport of the Superintendent ot' Public InstructinM. Copies of the sever.-il l'nivcrs t.y diplüli: Dr. Tiippan's discourso and baccalaureate. Dr. Tnppau's addrewto Uediosl Class. Dr. Haven's inaaoral address, mldress ti Medical Class, ninl bacoalanreate. Judge Oampbell'a addi-ess at the openiag of the Law Department. Jadee Christnuicy's address to the L:iv Class. ( hv. Felch's address to the Law Class. D. Duffield's address to the f ,:i w Class. Descriptivo Catalogue of' the Museum. Ciitü -logue of Arm Arbor Public Schools for 1H71.' Form of acknowlcdgment for books donóted. Labels for books presentod to Library. Curds used by readers in Library. Speeimons ot' tho oard catalogue of' Library - nomina] aöd robjeetrre. Ftaoaodincs trf Bfio&igan Publiulmrs' Associaion for 1868. PhotdgraphB of the UnivBTBity Hall in progrese cit'cri'ction. Prof. Wincholl's report of the Museum. The Corner Stone was then laid'by Prof. Krikk. President Axgell made a very brief and sppropriate BddreUi after whioh the following dedicatory ode, composed for the occasion by Jndge CaííPBELL, was sung by the choir. Deeply plant the brosd foundation ; .'I'liea the house wril tiniily stand, Fair and stronc froin mc to summit, Ciowning all the Master planned. Lay the corner-stone, and prove it fustly setj - fov loftier w:ills Art unseen shall mise above it, - Grander tlomes and statelier halls. I.ay it wcll, that safely o'er it, Surely built and deftly wrought, Truth may poist hei" shining arches On the mighty shafts of Thought, There iuay Wisdom dweil with Knowlcdgc, - Science there witb Faith abide, - ■ and day to those tint seck them Opening all their portals wide. fusticc sits patiënt sereiicly, Svyordless there, and open-eyed; - ■ m stands erect and queenly, Crowned and smiling at het side. Noiseless on the Hoor of crystal Forms tnajestifi róund tliLMii throng; - Thev for man who toüed and snffered, - ■ They who hoped and waited They who died lest riglit shoulcl perish, They wlw frmght that peace might bloooi, - All the deathlesj smil can cheiish,- There sihftll triumph o'er the tomb. Prove stone, - Öiough dome and tunct Crumblmg He with Wall and fi:.r; For the house no hand hath builded Staiuleth strong for evermore. Briif addressea followed by Judge Campbell, &nd Ilon. E. C. Walker, and tho oxercisrw waro tonninatod by the Doxology. The Preaident'a reception in tho ovonLng waa largaLy attMided, aad ploaeaaüy oonoladed tho cxercises of tho Twcutyleventb Annual Cómmencement at tho Miohlgao rinversily. - The mama of the duy wns fiirnisned by Bi'Nnix.'s Opeta House Hand. We shoulil ftdd, and tal; o pleMure in so doing, that tho best ot' order was pregurvediii the ohuroh, and that, fw those who wished to fcieai wffrs pónnittod to do so.


Old News
Michigan Argus