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FARMERS ! I deaire dow to rotura noy hearty thaokfl Tor the liberal patronage of the PanDera oí Waabtenaw and fij Inlog Counttes, who bave fbf 10 many ven; in the paal extended to are ihcir trade. and i hope and Lruet satis factor} and profl tabla ; botb píirties. I bopfl Lo iv-iv( H fttir abare of thelr patr nage in the (tature My ofloi'ts will be houestly atreeted towards Uio luterests of my Customers, M will ;is my o"ii. And agaln myaim will be, D't to koep na cbeap coods oa posalblcs bnt sa 'ni aa cao be fpnnd. andfti asLow Ratea aa theqaaltty of tny gooda eau be afltorded. l will nbt nndertake to compete In pricea wlth Inferior goods. 1 ill ooi impalr the qnallly of my linplemeata In order. t n dnce llu: pricc. 'Vhv purcluisc of cht'iip gooda of auy kind l)rl■■s nn unprofïtJiMe iuvcftuunt, ;t-s iiiany bave foand to tbelr cost. I sliaïi kt cp u FI'Ll STOCK OF FAKMG TOOLS on h.iTid. tiirit Is generally fonufl in inmki'tl I am the aojcborbed i-iii for the followlng THRESHÍNG MACHINES Genuine Bmffalo Pilt, BaBUo, H. V. ilitliitcm Sivi'ji(itlv'. BatlteOreok. 'ichols A siicpiierdN Vibrator, B. Creek. Tbc ;iT Idacnine, liacinc.Mis. AL80 The f Ii.iiii)oii Rrapvr Je Hofr, Self Rahe. Th' Kirby glf-Raktn Kfapcr, CoinMned. Tlir hirlty Tuu-U'hrrlrd IHovcri Wood's SacillllCi Comblncd nitti Sclf-Rake. JACKSOX WAGONS, Bnckeye and Shnrtsville Grain DrillsFairbank's Scales, all sises. TIIi; GENUINE CURTÍS AND DODGE PLOWS, UftDnfactnrcd at Kalamacuo. I have lncftted mypelf nttheold snd well-knnwn Apple 1'Mckiite Hooee óf n ntennfoff, on Detrotl Street, opposït e Bocboz' Block. whero I shUI be happy ti meel as many of my old cu.tomer.t, and as iiiituy nnv onesaa may pica; tocóme. r have secured the permanent arrvlces ofSaavoS Mc laren, one of my oldahop haude, who pericctly aadoftaiida KEPAIBINQ AH kind of AsrriniUnral Tool, nnd will be on hand ca rlv lu the xaorning and late ai nflit, when mcosaxy to accemmodata ■ m. rocers. Ann Arbor April lt.lS71. 1316mG TT E AR YE! tt - I 5s. The "Bar" not being a Monkey ISN'T OXE OF DAEWIN'S PROGENITORS ! BUT WJ3AT OF TUAT AS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON ! HAS A FÜLL STOCK OP HATS & CAPS ! - fok - SPRING AND SUMMER, ! ! I1IS STYLES -A-RE THE L.A_TESTH1S GOUDS T H E BEST! AND HIS PRICES THE mzz aac 32 l jsess thc Alio a full lino of Gents' Furnishing Oooila Cali and examine his CHIPS, PALMS, 8TRAW3, I'ANAMAS, aud LEGHORN8, beiore purchasin;.'. 7 South Main St„ Ann Arboi. 3DIBEGTOÍRY -OF- ANN ARBO Tt9 POR 1871, With a Complete Portrait ot the City, an Accurate Census, Statistical Tables, &c. &c. rrtHE UNDERSIONED.havïnhnd ftn extensivo J experlence In the compllatlon and publtcation of City and Connty Directorios in tbis and other States, and havloe 5en solicited by a dqoiT er of thé prominent citizeus to Usne ;i work oí tlne kind, leela BSfeio proioising complete saUafiactlon The work wil! (oiitain a Cúmplete i)urtrui4 of the city. i'-Tth itö advantagea as :i commercial aqjgl manantctnring town ; aïao statiatlcaJ uibli'rf show Ing the miraber of fiims engaged In evcry department of naano&ctni'e and trüdc ; tho aggregateanntuii ales i the same ; the namber of iiw lltng and bnaiaess hoases In the city, and Ln b t very kind orchnract'.r of Informatiun tlit the citi.en or HtraitL'vr niay desin ; sketches of Itae Bchoolfl, chttTChtf. beneroient societic The city poaseuofl mnny ad van t ages which, ir they gvneralij kiHiwn, wonld attract settleifl fiKin all parta of the country. It ip our design to pofiUsb a work tor eeneraj dUtrtbotlon throojchooi the Dnited Btates. It woülil be BDperfloona to here mee the neoealty Of advenislng acity.or tomeiifi-'n t li 'idvanlnpes that real eetate wnorsand bosina men derivo f mm tliif nethod of advertisinp; a city. The work wiy be dellrered to rabwrlbTi In the mouth of July It ís to be hoped tlüit business meu wül (iniy conaider and sppvèelate the advantagee of adrertlslng their bnjaiBcsi In tMsbook. Itwill bc foand Ln tore offices, hotcln and all public plaeex where liie cardi must meet the eye of ecoreB ol purchiiMcrü every day, Tenns of Advertising, One Page $2f oo Kalf ' 15 00 Konrth 8 0 Capital Xnmcf 50 Price of books to eubscribcrs,$3 00; to nou-sub HcriberH, $3 50. 1892U JAMES M. THOMA3. VyAlSTTESD. A pood house andlotcontaining all the necepsnry :ooveDleDcee oí a sood borne, In Ann Arhor, Miob., for w!ii h I win azcbange one of like dosorlptlon, n veiy liberal terma, In the c-iiv nf Preeport. 111 Myhoaaa and lot are nicely situated, are wort M.uoo. I ul(o li.ivc twcivc aerea of nie fannlng ot jardeDingland jotnlng city limits worth VíOO peí aoic, all "f which 1 wNh to ezchADge Br pfnporty In Ann Arlxiror ii larm in Waslui-miw County. Am jrcparctt to pay or tun the dtfference 1& caab. A mat bargaiu w'Ill be yiven. Addraaa and learn parIcalare, I.liWIS COLIiY, 1320m3 Frecpurt, 111. SrxVíT SuVcrihers to Potere I I l] It Musical Munihlv ra jetXXJ. V ting their M-iic forleai thau iwo canta a pieoe. I B Thosc who have noi xcn I this Marica] tfagaatae I shunlrt iikI :;o cent for a I sfimplecopyi Themoslch wimI I ;y ílays. Thomag, KlnH 1 ' I II ïel, Pereley, and other ■LJ J V# poñolaf wriUTs. íwo back anmberi tor A New School Book,bv 4dcent8. Fnnr back tumiH. . Price', L$L'% Sub' $7.60 per dozen. Conlaine _ .llírriw? over two hnnared ncw and T I L I ' I ' beautiful tonga, duets, etc. lili' 1 I by Win s. H atar, Tbmnai, etei Every I TTj V 1iij{ i ncw, frceh, andjj. I % parkllng. Opatent and n,-. , . 1{ upedman pagai m-nt free. I lili I i I 1 fampleeoptaa mailudfrce II I ' I I I 1 ofpolageto teatherafoi Jll-iIJi 1 J. 1 kj ÍS cents. Liberal terma fbrlotrodaatlOD, Worth ofM.isicfor 83. Address, J. L. PETEE8, 59 üroatlwíiy, X. Y. Tiachcr!Bfii(lilur na ttaairordara fr $.o wortb "í mnaic can clalin aean subscriptiD u i'etmf' Mueicul Uontúly, U26t( PIlïSICIASS'lisijBIPTÏOISS" ICCLRATELV AND CAHEFOLLY PRBPAHED BY I R. W.ELL18 & (JO.,MIUGQI81S. gOMETHINU GOUD AT LAST! A.rr 24 Main Street. The undersigned, having locatcd at this 'place haG just opeued as FINE and SELECT an assort ment of CLOTi, CAÈ1ÉRI l FACY TOTpl, As caa bo found wost of Wcw York City, which he is prcpared to makc up into the most STYLISH GARMENTS, AT TMK SHORTEST N0T1CE, AND LOWEÏÏ POSSIDLE PRICB. ALSO A URE OP G-ENTS' FUllNISHING GOODS. Cali on JAS. BOYD and hc will GIVE YOU FITS. JAMES BOYD, 131Stf 24 CTain Street. SECOISTJD ABEIVAL -OF- NEWSUMMERDRYGOODS - AT- isr .A. -3T IET A. Tl ID'S Wo have jusl received NEW DRESS GOODS ! IN BLACK, COLORED AND JAPANESE SILKS, French Ornnflics oud Ca'wns, white aud colorud, PIqu.ií, Percales and Linens, Parasol8( Ribbons and Laceo, Hoop Skirts and Coreets, Gloves aud Ilosiery, I.ineii Damask and Towcls, AND A FULL LINE OF I DOMESTIC GOODS! These goods have all been boayht by .Mr. J. n'.Maynard, FOÜ CASH 1 And thcy wUl bo BOld at a small udvauce fioin Coet. J. H. MAYNARD. 1324m2 A 6REAT MEDICAL DISCOVEBY. 11IIL.I.JONS Itenr Testimony to the YVondcrful Curativo Efleits of DR, W.lLKEltiM CALIFORNIA I I BH IV F&t I I K u IIP -?as Vllii J. Walker PronrUlor. K. H.Mi:1unju.d Ji Co., Drunteta nd Qcn. As"tB, San nklMlaoo, CaL, añil S2 aud 3i Coiauiercc : üt, N.Y. Yinearar Bitter aro not avile Fancy Drink Made of Poor Knul, Whisktj-, Froof Spirits anilRefuso liiquorg doctorcel, spteed tnd swectenedto pleasc tho taste, callcd "Tonics," "Appctlzera," "Rcstorers," de., that lead the tifipler 011 to írnnkcnness and ruin, but nrc a truc Medicine, mado from ttie Nativo Roota and Herbs of California, freo from all Alcobolic Sliinnlnnts. Thcy are tho GRF.AT BLOOD Ft'RIFIER nnd A LIFE GIVING PRICIPLE, a perfect Iicnovator and Invigorator of thc System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy conditlon. No person can tako these Bitters aecordlng to directlons and remain long unwcll, provided thcir bones are not destroycd by mineral poison or othcr mcanBt and tho vital organs wasted bcyond thc polnt of ropair. Thcy nro a Gontle Purcrn t i vn nu wcll ns a Tonic, possesslng also, thc peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent In rcllcvlng Congestión or inflammatlon of thc Livcr, and all thc Viioera'. Organs. FOR FIMIAI.K COMP1.AINTS, whether In' youngor old, marrlcd or fiioglc, at tho dawn of womanhood or at tho turn of lifc, tlicsc Toalc Bitters havo no cqual. For Inflnnimatory nnd Chronic Rhciimalini nuil Gout, J)j(ip('isia or IndtceattoD, i: ! ons, Rrmiitpiit mul Ititcrmiticut Fcvcr, l)i-casi-s of tho ISIiiuiI, IJrcr, Kidnc-y, and ISladdcr theac Bitters havo been most successful. Siu-li Discasca are causcd by Vitiatod Bloodf wfaich Ia generally produced by derangement of tlio DiL'cst ivo Orjrans. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, E RChe, Pain in thc Shouldcrs, Coughs, Tiglitness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Socr Eraotations of the Stomach, Bad taste in the Moutli, Bilious Attacks, Talpitation of thclleart, Inflaminatlon of tho Lungs, l'ain in tho regions of tho Kiducys, and n hnndred other painful symptoms, are the oflsprings of Dyspcpsla. Thcy lnvlgorate tho Stomach and stimulatc the torpldllvcraiidbov,-cls,vl)lclircnkrtlicmofuneiual!cd effleacy in clcanslng tho blood of all lmpurltics, nd impartinir ncwlifc and vl'or to the wholcRystcm FOR SKIN DISKASES, 7:ruptions, Tettcr, Salt Iihccni.Blotchcs Spots, Pimplos, I'ustulcs, Boils, Carbnnclcs, Elng-Wormn, Seild-Bead, Sore Eyes, Erisipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of thc Skin, Ilumors and DiBeascs of thc Bkin, of wliatcvcr name or natnro, are literally dug np and cnrrlcd out of the fjstcm in a f hort time by thc rcse of thcfo Pltt.rrR. One boflo in mioli cases win convincc the most Incxeduloni 01" thcir curative effect. Clcanso the Vitiated Blood -wliencvor von flnd lu ImpunUcs blirstlnR IhroiiKh thc skin In Pllupiet Krl. tionsor Borea,ctouiae1t trhen y„„ nnd it obitrocted and BltiKguli intlicv.iiis; eleanwlt when itlsfonl and yonr reclines wlll teil "ii when. Keep tlic bioud pure and the lioalth Of tho ayatem 11 follow, PIN, TAPE, nnd other WOBM8, lnrklncln tho y.itcMi olso niuiiy thoiuandB, are efl'ectnally destroreilniKl removed, For full dlrectlons, read carefulfr thc circular aronnd each bottle. prlnted 11 funr laugunges- hnalisli, Germán, Fr i. ii and Bpaniah, J. WALKER, Propriotdr. B. H, McDONALD & CO., Druflsts and Cien. Agnts, San Francisco, Cal., and' 32 ard 34 Commcrco Street, New York. t-tf-SOLD BY ALL JJKUÖGISTS AND DEALERP GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints,Oils,&c. BOOTS AND SHOES ! CHEAP FOR CASH! JUST RECEIVED AT B. F. Eice's SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE HANGSTERFER'S HALL;! A now Stock of Seasonnble Boots and Shoes among which is a flue assortnient of the latest Stylesof Ladics' Misscs' aud Uhildrens' Fine Shocs in Serge, Goat and Kid ; A Great Variety of Mens' Boys' aud Youths' FINE G0ODS IN PRUNELLA French Caif, and also an cntirely ncw Stock of Slippers, Gorecl Buskins, and Shoes of Fancy Colors of New Styles. We alm to keep the best and most serviceable vvork, AT REASONABLE PRICES. Particular attention given to the manufacture ol SEWED & PEGGED OALF B O OT S I Which ave guarautced to give entire satisfaction as to FIT AND DTJRABILITY. REPAIR1XG DOXE PROMPTLY ! ! CALL AND SEE OUK MDIKS' P9LISH WATER PROUF GOLD Bl'i'KLE Si:it(.i; SHOE, OM.Ï $2.00. I-AD.ilS' I'OI.ISU MMTER PKOOF SH.Vl'.R BI ( KI.i: SERCE SHOE, $2.00. Serge Gaitera, $1.00. floth Slippers, ,50. N. B. All Prime Goods. No Shoddy. t824-2m. SA1. U. KEVËNAIUH Copies Oíd AÏBROTYPES& DAGÜERREOTYPES IN FIRST CLASS SÏYLE TO ANT DB3IRED SIZB. yHEN YOU WANT FINE PIIÜTOGRAPIIS, OO TO SAM, B. REVENAUGH, Nu. 3(1 Ilurou Street. IpEOPLE'B DRUG STOi. R. W.ELÜS& CO. __ANN ABEOK


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