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That Excursion To Jackson

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Thai was :i very happy and iicnptablc comnlimcut paid our Ilon. Mayor, Coininon Conncil and business men, ly the generous invitatiou of tlie Jackson Comiuon Council to make. thoir Holly Water Works a visit of iaspeotioa on Tlmrsday last. The usual generoSity of tha Mit-liigan Central hád apprópriated, freí: of clinrgo, one elegant ooaoh to tho exclusive use of the delegaüon oonaieting of over thirty peisong. The (lay wus fine, and in the best of spirits we sped away on our trip. On irriving ut Jackson our de.le.gut ion met a heurty welcome :u groeting from Mayor J. IT. NOYES, Eccoi-der A. M. TiMCKlt, City Attornoy Pbok, Aldenneii Seaton, Chapin, Hysor, and r.ake. Also by Ex-Mayor Benitbtt and Hon. FXDUS LlTBEMOEB. CoRMgM wcrc in waiting, und onr company were aaeorted to the b;autiful grouuds of Kx.l;iyor I)kxni:tt, and a superb lunch prorided. Aftcr a social chat, a sniall hydraat near at hand was opened to show how oasy it is, in the Central City, to get lip a rofreshing shower in one's garden, just at the time of day when the laúghing tiowors and drooping foliage need tlio vÏTifjdng influence; umi as they come out of tlio silvcry spray scem alinost to say : " Gad bless the Holly Watw Works." At this timo we were joincd by tin; Mayor and Common Council of Tpsilanti, nnd in carriages wero taken to the Holly Water Works. Horo the guests made a general ÜMpeotion, and all woro coiiviuood that a finer pioco of mechan ism was nerer jmt in ïnotion and tlicy congratulated the jieople of Jackson in the glorious Buocosê of their mammüth enterprise. The huge engine, with its 250 horso power, seemed Hke "a thing of lii'c" perionning its gigantio task of supjilying 10 milos of water pipe with all the raso and quietnoss thai a baby's eradle is rockcd. TYom thenco the guests roturned and wore put down in front of the Hurd IIouso, wilère a grand sceno was soon presontod. In two minutos froBQ the f:i of a. ure boíl, the lioso carts reaohéd fivo lire hy drants, and were oach throwing water from a 1 1-2 inch nnzzle 180 feet in the ir. ïliis was the climax of tho day's onjoyment - tho all-convincing argument in favor of tho Holly Water Works, ïhcse works oost $120,000. 8ovontyfivo hydrants have been located, which are i'ully equal to 7. steani fue entines. The reault of all flus safety from lire, lias been to reduce the ratos of insuruneo one-half, and bosidcs the amount of iusuranco on property has been greatly reduoed, as littli: or no loss is incurred. Bcforo the works were const ructcd Jackson auffered a loss of from $10,000 to 00,000 a year, but now it will be compara tively nothing. For about !? j.00 a year every family can liavü the water, and in case of fire, have the means right at hand to subdue the il ames. At 2 o'clock the guesls were assombled with their Jackson frieiids in the spacious dixting hall of the Huid House, where a suinptuous banquet was providcdbyminc hosts Smitii & Huur, in a style that gave great credit to the proprietors for being first-class esteren to tho yubHc, and worthy of the best of patronage. Aftor f uil justice had been dorie to the feast, and souie excellent Mineral Water, imported froin France, had been imbibcd, s'vcr;il racy speeches were maJo on the improveinents of the day, until ourhomeward tmin endod (lic day's doings. In conclusión we would s;iy, that Jackson is deoidedly ahcad of many of her sister citics in al] that pertains to enterprise and prosperity. lier iviilroads, her water works, her Nicholson pavements, all go to to show what a live city can do. Is it not time for Ann Arbor to wake up from hor long" Eip Van Winkle sleep, and go in for all these improvements, in order to becomo more prosperous and cossful 'i


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