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Morigage Sivle. rKFAtLT havlng Inxn made in tho concUtion of & y' oertain mortofl ïït ■ ited by (ieuiv) '. Mct'oroick and Kellie sta ionnick, of the city r Añn Acfaqiv, cuunty of V Jisiitcnaw, Ifld Btate f Mfehigitn, to Uioo M. lktrs, of the same pl.tcu, on the 23d tlay trf Marrh, a. i. 1800, and recordsd in the Office if tin' U:yiMtT of ljfod of WUd County of W'.ili!-'i:iw, on the 2Sd day of Murch, isro, atèo'elook p. m. f nld 'i;ty, iu Ldbez 89 of mortsagoa, on pui 559, on which mortguge 1 Uore Ls olaimea to be due ut. the date of b ,i ..f one thousand and sixtv-eilit ad Bevonty-Tüv wat, and an Attorneyfl n e I dollars therefor, in addition to all other legal hould any procecdinga be tfüu o to foreolose ■mH mortgage, and no prooeeaings in Uw or in etjuity bwvina bi i n had to rooorex uüd wim of money or auyi reof: Notv, therefore, DOtiee is herebygivei] tli.-u, by virtiic of a power of sale in attid moi ontalned, I shaUgeilat public auotion to tho highest l'i.Mi-i-, on the SNDnd day oi September next, at 2 o'clock r. m. of Mkid dy, at thu tnuit door of the Court Hotueta the city of Ano Arbor, county atoreMini, that i. (ng tbe ploos of holding the Circuit Gourt Epraaid ooonty), all thoae oertain picces or parcelsof land sitiuitL'l in tho city of Aun Arbor, eonnti of Wnaht naw afoieeaid, known, Umndcd and dewcriljed rtfl folio ïvk, tu-wit 1 Being thtï h:i!t' i.f Ints niru' and ten (II & 10) bloefc number three 3) south of Iluron Btn ■ i, and range munber fcwo f) yus', ncoonling to a rocorded plat of the tillas (uuw city) of Ami Arbor, noiinty of WiiKhtcnaw alorusaid. June Ist, 1871. ATTOK M. BEBR8, Mortifftffco. John N. Gott, Atty for Mortgngce. 1324 Mortgage Sale. DEFAUXI liavinp bMD muflí' in the condition of a (■■■li.iui mortgog] i xecuted by Torrey '. Xhompson, of the oity of Aun Arbor, county of WaahtenaVi all-I State of Michigan, to Piw hf Jone Blhworth, ei the townsliip of l.o'ii. oonnty of Washteuaw aforesuiil, on the 2'2d day of Juno, a. r. lKíttí, and reoorded in the office of the Kcfpster of Dneds t r said county, rn the 2'ith day of Juno, a. d. 18fi8, at ll'i o'clofik . m., in Libar N of mArfegogoa, on pago 191 on wliicfa mortgage and note acíxinpnnyinpr the saino there i.-daimw to c duo at tho date of hia nctico the sum o! ninc hnndred and Uve dolíais and aixty-two cent, also nn uttorney's foc of tliirty dollars sliotil 1 any piweedings be taken to foroclose thw mnrtyngo, njt no snit "r pTOCecdlng Ín luw QV equity hn Ing men inptituted to rcoovox tho debt or any pari Unit .'l : Ko tice ia hetoby rítoi, thaü by virtue of the powrr at aio oontainw in eau) mortgage, i shoU wil totiu bighest bidder on tin seoond day ol Beptember next, at -1 o'clock i. m. of Batd dftr, ut the front 'óxr Of tht CoiuH Hoose in the dty of Ann Arbor, inaaid oountj Of "Waal ilona w, tbe prcmirtcs 1-hiii1-(1 in said DtOTtgage as all timsu oertain piepes or parcela oi land situated hl the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenau and Stftto aforwaul, known, bonndcd ;iuii dcHcribed u foilows, to-wil : Being Iota namber '■ ;i and i leven in bloek nnmber one, and lots Uvo, ux, twonty-three and tu'.nty-four in block nnmler two, and lot numher four in blode aumber tuur, acoordËog t a recordad plat of Ilül'a addition to the citj of Ann Arbor, Bfiohtgiin, tOBcrring froni udd sale km ten and cluvon in blocb one aforesaid, horctofont reloased. June lat, 1S71. FHEBJS JAXE ELLKWOHTH, Mortgaee. John N. (ott, Attorncy for Uoiltgagee. " 1324 Mortgagu vSaleDEFAT'Ir having utn modo in the conditions of a mortgage sxecuted by Hary at. WntVins to Va vard 'IriM'lwi'H, and dated April Hli, 1870, vhiol mortgage is reooraed iu the ottice of the Rf-g-istor o] DwdB for tho county of Waahtenawi state of Michiaan, in lihor 43, on pae 221, and by reoson of aid dotault thcre boinK now due tlie buin of two thouttuu BAvenhundrod and twenty-three dolían and eiflity dghi i,i, is, rIm hb Atfonu'y's lee of thirty dolían and no proooedinn at law pr in equitr baving beei hatl to rocOVW said aniount; ffotioc is therefore lieie by ffivcn, that on t&atnrdav, tbe Wh day of Ang'ust IS7Ï, at ek-vi n 0olOOkof sui.l day, at the wouth door o the Court HoiUO, in tht: city of Ann Arbor, in snit county,! hall scll at public nuctiou, to the hJghee bidder the premiaet deaoibod in said mort gage, tha is to say : til of tlie fpllowinr piejos or parels of lan aituate in tlie city of Ann Arbor, aforeaald, knowi ;iiid dOBoribed as fouom : Lot Xo. one, and the eaa half of lot Xo. two, in block N'n. one north of Hun i treet in rauee No. two savt, oooocdiag to the ivcordtt plat of said eiiy. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 8th, 1871. E I ) ff A i; D TB KA PW ELL, D. Cbameb, Morti-agee. Att'y. for Mortgagoo. 1821 Mortgage Sale. DEFAl'I.T huvin bttOB made in the condition o a oertain mortgage, executedby John DrWojf, ani Caroline D'"Wolf, of the township of Frei-rloni, Waah tenaw County, luohtevn, to Johu Jacob Fiegw, ofth sume plooe, boaring date the eitfhth dy of July A. 1 1870, and rocorded in the Beguter's omoe for the aai County of Waahtenaw. on tbfl Otghtb 'lay of Ju!y, A I). 1870, in liber 41 of UortgagOS, on pape 659, by rea son of which default there is now du; and to beeom due upon baid mortae the num of xix hundred hik hc vent y-f uur dollars uuu fífty-two cents, and no suit o proccedint; at law or in chaiuvry boring been insti tuted to recover aid amoniit, or any part thercof; Notice ia tliereiore horeby given, tbat on Saturday the 1 wenty necuntl day of July, A. D. 1871, at eleven o'clock A. M., of the said day at the front door of the Court Jlouse, in the City of Ann Arbor, in uaid Coitnt) of Waahtonaw, Lne same ttein the place whcro th Circuit Court for said county is held), I shall aell a public auction to the highest bidder the premises here inaftcr desciibed, or so much thereof as .shall be neoos aary to aatiafy the amountdue on said mortgASeat th date of this nut ice with intereöt and costs and expen ■di allowod by law, feogether Wittl an AttorneyV fee o thirty dollar, provided ftr in said mortpiKC "that Ís to say all that certain tiact or panel of land nituated in tliu tuwnshiy of Freedoni, County of Waahtenaw, au State of Miöhigan, known and desenbed na the eiw half of the novthwest quarter of the north west quur ter of aection number twelve, in township numbe thruc sonth of range number four east, in tho dïstric of land subject to sale at Detroit, Michigan, oontuining twenty acres more or leK. Ann Arbor, April 24, 1871. JüHX JACOB FIEGEL, Mortgagee. D. Ckamf.ii, Attorney for Jlortgagee. 131i)td Mortgage Sale. WHEREAB, default has been made in the condition of a certain mort gaffe-, made and executed by Daniel Iong, Jr., on tlie twenty-lhirtl day of Deoem ber, A. D. eighteen hundred and ixty-innet to John Mc( 'onnick, which mortgagc was reooidtKl on the aan day, in thsofflcQ ot the Regiaterof Deeda in and li the eoonty of Waahtenaw. Michigan, in liber forty-tw of mortgages, and page two hundred and fifty"; an where&ft, tuere is now due and unpuiil the sum of thirt; dollars on Hiiid mortgage and the note accompHnyinj the name for iutcrest, and tbe furtlier um of three hundred dulhirs principal and nccruing interest abov the said thirty dollars will bocome due on the first da; of Octobcr next, ami tlierc ia atao thirty dollars due fo an attoruey fee, provided for in said mortgage shoult any proceedings 1e tuken to f oreclose the same ; and whereaa, no proceedings at law or m equity ha-e boei taken to recover tho snmc or any part thereof : noticc i herebv given, by virtue of tbe power of sale containein said mortgage, that on Monduy, the seventoent day of July A. D. cighteen hundrád and ueventy-one at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, of said day, at th frontdoor of the Court House for the county of "VVash tenaw, the underaigned will still at public auction, to tbe highest bidder, the premisos aescribel in sait mortgage, or sutiicient thereof to pay and satisfy th said debt, the interest thereon, the costs and expense of said uale, and the attorncy fee provided for in snic mortgage : The sa-id premises being deacribed as tha certain pieee or parcef of land lying and being in th,e city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Wasbtenaw bonndcd and described as follows, being the south hal of the following described land, bounded by the Ann Arbor city limits on the north ; on the eaat by the Oatholic Cometery ; on the south by the Chnbb road on the west by lands recently occupiel by Aira. Sük being eigbt rods in front and ten roda deep. Ann Arbor, April llth, 1871. JOHN McCOBMICK, Mortgagee. O. IIawkins, Attorney for Mortgagee. 1317-td. Foreclosure of Mortgage. DEFAULT baving been made iu the paynienl of the suniK of money, with ten per cent. interest there on, secured by the mortgage èxecuted by Johanna Sage to Chaonoey 11. Miliun, baaring date the ninetecuth day of April, a. d. 1H59, and lecorded May 3d a. r. 189, in the oftice of Register of J)ced of the rfHinty of WathteOftVt in the Btate of Michigan, iu liber Xo. 2" ol mortgagCA. at ]age 603, and aütugned te Honorah Bforso, September 23, a. d. lí(i2, by deed o] aaatgnment reconletf in said liegister's office, in said libdr Xo. 25, at page 60-1, on thu i'.'th day of lureh, L, u. 1871, by which default the power Of aalfl containt-d in saiil mortgage beoame oiwrntive, and no suit or proceeding having been instiutd at law to recover the debt remaiuing socured by such mortgage, or anv part thereof, and the nui of two liuudred and four aullara and Beventv-eight cets being now claimed to be duc thereon : Ñotit is therefore hcreby glven that said mortgage will be foreclosed by ihe aalc of the mortgag ed premtses known and described ;w bel&g Ín Hiown & Fuüit'h addition to the village (now city) of Ann Ar bor, in the county of "Wasntenaw, in the State oí Michigan, and commencing in the northerly line oí Etroaoway, eighteen foet two and two fifth iuches outhwostérly from the corner of Brown stieet and Broadway, and running thenco northerly and paralle] with Brown streef, forty-nine ieet, tbence southerly and parallel with Broadway n meteen feet and n half, thence southeustcrly and parallel with Brown street fort y niño feet to Broadway, thence on the line oi Broadway to tho place of beginning. -Viso tlie umïividad half of the folktwing dt-scribed land : Commencing Ín theïly line of Brown street, forty-ninfl feet northerly from the corner of Broadway and Brown street, and running thenee northerly on the line of Brown street eighteen feet.thence southerly at nght angles witli Brown street fifty-aeven foet two inehos and two fifths to land formerly owned by Asa L. Smith, thence easterly and parallel to the first nentioned Hne and on said Smith's line eighteeu feet, thence nortlierly at right angles and parallel with tho second line to tho plaot? of beginning, at public auction or fondue, at the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, ou Saturday, the ürst dny of July next, at noon. HONORAH MOKSE, Assignee. Dated, March 27, a. d. 1W1. E. AV. Mobgak, Att'y. 1315 Mortgage Sale. DBFATJXiT having been made in the condition of a BBrtain morteags èxecuted by Norman Bates, of the tovnahin of ohaton, county of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, to Uosea Eaton, of said county of Washtrnaw, on tlnst day of January, A. D. 18(tí, and recorded inthe Register' office of said county of "NVashtenaw, on th ninth day of June, A. D. 1866, in liber 37 of mortgages, at page 24, on which mortgage and note aceompauying the same there is now chumed to be due and to become dut at the date of this nolicv, the sum of eight hundred and seveuty-threc and (J0-1ÍM) dollars, also an Attorney 's foc of ten dollars pi-ovultd for ín said mortgage, and ik prooeedingi at law or in ■;[uity haring been had torecover the said amount or any part thereof; Ñow, therefore, notioe i horoby givpn, that by virw Ot Ilie power of sale in said mortgage contained, I shall solí at public auction, to the highest bidder, on ■atnlay, the first day of July next, at 11 o'clock in ;he forenoon of siiid day, at the south door of the 'oui t House, in the city of Aon Arbor, in saM county, hat being tho place of holding the Circuit Court for said county, all that curtain tract or purcel of land situated in the township of Abaron aforewiid, known mei deeorihed ai follows, to-wit : the west one-half of ;he southeast quarter, and the west one-half of tlie jast half of the southonst quarter of aaotdon BOTOn, in ownship three aouth of ranpc threc oast, in tbe Btate of Michigan, eontainiogone hundi'cduud twenty acres more or faaL April 4th( 1871. HOSEA EATON, Mortsragee. D. CnAMEn, Att'y. for Mortgagco. ISÏfl Estato of James O'Bnen. iTATÏÏOF MICHIGAN, County of Wafhtriintv, 88 3 Noticeis hereby given, that by an orderofthe Probate Court for the Countv Of wasbtenaWi made ou the twentieth day of June A. D. 1S71 six monlhs froni that date WON allowod for creditorw to treeent thelr claima tgainst the ettate of Jame )Mïrien, late of suid Connty, deceat'tl, and that all credltora of said dacemsed are required to prespot heir clniinu to said Probate Court, at the I'robtitO )ttcc,in the Ciiy of Aun Arbor, for examinatlon and allowance, on or befo re the hiéndela day of MMnnbai ni'xt, rui. i that sitch claims wil] t' haard icfore said Probat Court, on Haiurdny, the sxeentb day of September, and on Wednesduy, the wcntl th dav December next. at ten o'clock iu the orenoon of each of thoecdaya. . Ann Arbor, Jniic ïoth. A. ü. isït. I1IKAM J. BBAKBS. 182Tw4 Jndcuf Probate. Coinmissioners' Notiee. OTATK OK MICHIGAN, Connty oMVa.1 ' II,: „,„!,, -s ,, „a i.h,,. been .,!k a ■robateCourt for üd county, ConuS.VÍ 8ive, i xamme mid ndjust nll claims and (,.„ 1 ' sus agatatri estato oí Lcandet I! f ,;■!. „„„,j,,!,,, ...l.h.T.l.vpv, .. monthsfrom date ure nllowed, iVy or,l, tol' LI. . ate of said deceueed, and Uint Uu v -n --. wel, i„ ,,. , '■ )ii Sntimlay, the Illtli day of Aiifruxt „,,,] ■' be Bral any f December next, ni i o'chvk ■ ' aohoi -a„l doyo, t rto-ivc, examine, and jju Datcd, Jmiï ut .. Ii. ifTl. „ CALEH MOOR E, ) 'v2'4OTIi.Nir.l. (i(ini)INf!, I commu,: Estáte of William Latson! QTAÏKIIF KICHIOAN, Countvof Waslit, - Nol ice i, hereby pi-,..,,.' that tv ar. fe Probate Court lor the County of WaahtaniL1n uw ui-rcnlceuth duy of June, A 1) iS-',"" nontliH bom that data wereallowed tor '_!;.. ' pniwut their claim nguinst the i-st:ite Of v Lotion, late of asiel nunty, deceased, and ik T" raditoM ui f nre-Vffü'ri toïL thi-ir rliiims to said Probate í':.iu M (v { Office, in tli. ■ cityi.t Ann Arbor. for xatnm,,?1 aUowonoe, do t.r befora the eferliteenth ,',v"3!f cembor next, nnd tlittt ucli claims will U-iicgnicJ B.ii.1 Probato Court, on Saturdny, the Btth j August, and on Mondar thscight een thdaynftÏÏ! bor next. at 10 o'elock in the forenoon ol 2" those day. K-li ' Dated, Ann Arbor, June 15, A. I) ls;i ilIUAMJ HKAKhs. 11! s of i'ortutt Keal Estáte for Salo. - STATET)F MICHIGAN, County ol Wtítím. In the matter of the estáte of Anthony n, " i. Notice i hcroby irircn, that in puiNuin as ordar puntad to the ondordgned, .min,., " of the eatateof said dooeaacd, bj th Bon 7?" Probate for the ounty of Woabtenaw. on the 2 luy..f May, A. 1). uil there will be wld v? rendue, to Cha higheat bidder, :it Uic sonth ,5 ( ..„,; gouw, In the City of Ann Arbur in !„.„, )' ubtenaw In snid State, on Wednesdnv ti„ '" doy of Angnst, A. D. 1871, al one o'clock hui1 temoon of that dny (object to all encumbra!," S mortgage or otherwiae existing at the tim, ,,? Oaath of suid .1. ceased. nnd alno mibjtct ;., -f flower of higwidow therein), the 1'oUotri iv.,l,-,;.ii,., t.,-it: Tlicundiviil 1 tod m follow: Beginninx at , corner of Cros and Hnron treeta in the citro? tÏ lanti, oounty and State nforesaid, and runnt i'"' northalonK Huron streetnine vl.,, !] r-'JS t;. Bunders1 Une] to the rivcr. thenre down tle riiür1 Croas streef, thciieo rest to the place ert -.■iii,iiT.."'' i'i"ni:: and r servlng (he parcela of lasdonrik CEorlm McCormiok and tlie City of YiKilanti ' Datttl, May 30th, A. D. 18TI. 1327 1IIHAM iAY, Administnrt Estáte of Lydia Church. tTATE OP MICHIGAN. Donnty of Wahtnn Ö At luusslouiir the Probate Coort fortbeolï of Woabtenaw, bolden at the Probnte oftlw ,l! cily of Ann Arbor, on Wednesiiny, the Iwentu day orjnne, in theyear one thoueand t-iehtC dred and seventyone. "" Present, Illram J. Beakcs, Judpe of Probstr In tbc matter of ihe cstntc of Lydii (Wt i deceaed. '" Theoclore P. McDonald, Administrntotof aM , tatc, comes inïo Conrtaud representa thai heb u prepared tu render hi Hual account a eucli AitJi lstrator. " Thcruuponlt l Ordcred, thnt Hondiiy. ihi. entuth dny of July neit, ut ten o'ol'wk hX forciioon, beonalgned for examlplng and ,nmi, Buch acconni, and that the helrs at lawoliatji wmoJ .and all atbwpTaoBi'lDtereattd ra aWtfc are requirud toappearatasentoDOfMldCouttta to be holden ut the. Probate Office. In the Citroito Albor iuKaidCoiiiity.anil howcanaelfanyiamiL whythesaldacconntahonld notbeallowed; kttü further ordcred, that said Ailniinliritor"'i t('i,! tothepersoiiilnterusted in eetate, lifthetut. dency of said .-icctnmt, ;,nd the bearinv tbereoLI eansug copy ofthla order t )■ paGlIihriM Uichigan Argui, newsuaper printednndcl-fnliii,, lnaaidCounty, thrnc succeMtTc reeka ]iniui,'- aai'i d::y of hearing. (A tniecopy.J II1RAH J. BKAKES, lïttl Jodgeof Prchjw, Estáte of Roswell Curtis. OTATF.Ol' MICHIUAN, County oiWa8htfn . 0 At a acsiiion of the Probate Court for theCou 01 waabtensw, holden at the Probate once ia tli City of Ann Arbor, on Thnrs'lay, th twcMyietJ d-iy of Jnnc. in ihe ycar oue thoueauu citkthui. dred and sevci.ty. one. Pre.ent Illram J Heake?, ludgeof Probute In the matter of the estáte of Koswt-U Cunk deceaed Leoter Curtís. Execnt' r of the lat wlll 'Mj tatnent ol s.üd deoeased, comea inioConrtiodrip resents thut he h miw prepared to render liii iu account as snch Kxcrtitor. ThereuponitlsOrdered, that Monday, tbe ma. teenth dny of July neit alten ovlock iu the (ore Boon, be assigned for exnmininK nnd tllowii snch acconnt, and that the leñatees deriita and helr at lave of said deceased, and il! other persons Interested in sairl ee-tate, are k. quirrd toappcar ata sestion of said Cnnrt, theau be holden at the Probate Office, in the ('ityolün Arbor, in said Connty. and show canse, If any tbrr be.why the said account should not beailowëd. And It is further ordered that said Eittnlw ffive noticc to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendencv of said acconnt. and the hearinr thereof. hy canMní: a copy of this order to be pnV lislic.Hn the MiekiffM Arutu, a newspaper printíi and clrcnlntin in aaid Connty, thrce aucceislti weeks previons to said day of hearing. (A trnecopy.) II1RAM .!. BKAKES, 13-T Jndge of Protatt. Estáte of Jacob Maehrle. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wafhtenawji O -Uu session of the Probate Court fortheConi of IVaahtenaw, holden at the Probate office, ii [ft Oity of Ann Arbor, on Monday. the Dineteult dij of .Iiine. In the year one thousand eight hauireá and seventy-one . Present, Hinim.I. Beakes. Jndirc of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Madult deceased. Cath'irinc Barbara Baner, fnrmerlv Cathiriti Barbara Maehrle. Execntrlx of the last will ud testament of eaid deceased, comes into Coort ui representa that bIh is now prepared to ronder hr: flnal acconnt as such Kxccutrfx. Therenpon it is ordered, that Monday. tbe urnteenlh day of July next, ;it tenuVIoc'k in thpfort noon, beassined for examlnineand allowineiuta account, and thal the leñatees, devisera and beirt il law of said deceaxcd, and all other pcrons interested in said estáte are required to appear at I session of said Court theu to be holden al the ProbateOfflce, in the City ol Ann Arbor, in laid connty, and show cause, if any there be, wbj til saidacconnt shonldnotbeallowed : Aod it ia further ordered, that aid Executrix gite notice to the persons interested ín said estáte, of the peodencyofsaid account, and thehcarins thereofb; canginga copy of this order to be published in tbe Michigan Argut, a newspaper pnnted and circo lating in said County, three successive wetks previoas to said day of hearins. tAtrnecopy.j HIKAM J. BEAKES, 132Ud Juclceol Probate. Estáte of Drakes - Minors. STATE OE MICHIUAN, Tounty of Washtraaw,. At a session of the Probate Court for tb Coutty of Wanhtenuw, holden at the Probate Office in the City of Anii Arbor, on Wednestlay, the fourtcenth day f June, in the yeur one thousund cigut hundred n4 .-.i.iity-oue. l'lïscnt, Ilirum J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Mary E. Drait, Lnofift A. pralte, Abram A. Drake aud WüliamH. I Jr.ikf, minors. N;ithu!i ialyer, Guardian of said estáte comes into Coort aad nun-uLa that Be is now prepared toren der his rimtl account as meh (uardiau. Thercupon it in ordered, that Mondöy, the tenth d:iy of July, next, at ten o'clock in tbfl forcuoon, be axsigneel for examining nnd allow iv.j kucIi accotmt, and that the next of kin i suid minors, und all other persons interested ia said estáte, are required to nppt-ar at a session oí said Cmirt, then to be holditi ai tliu Probate Otfici.ia the City óf Ann Arbor, ia Siiid Couuty, and show 0MB6, il' uny there be, Why the ssiid account should not be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said Guardian give notiee to tbe persons interested in ü tate, of the peiidency of said account and the bearinc thercof, by cansina a eopy of this order to be pabusbw in the Michigan sirgas, u newspajx.-r printetl and eiree latintf in said County, three sueeessive weeks preTic- to suid day of hearirjg. (A true copy.) HIRAÏI J. BEAKE8, 132G Judge of Probate. Estute of John Frearn, Sr. STATE OF MICHIUAN, County of Washtenaw, ■ At u session of the Probate Court for the Countj1 of ■Vashtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in theClty of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the ninth day [ June, in the year one thousand eight hnndred aw seventy-one. Present Hiram J. Beukes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of John l'ream, Senw-i dcoeased. On ronding and fUing the petition, duly verified, John Frenui, Junior, prayinii that George "NV. FreaOt or some other suitable person, muy be appointed w ministrator dt bonis non witll the will annexed of tó deceased. 'Ihereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the tent day of July next, at ten o'clock in the íoreiioon, W assigued for tlie hearing of said rK'titiun. and tbüt ti légateos, devíseos and lteirs at law of said deceaicd, iJ ivllotlier iersons interested in s;iid .--.!. dr, are requi-1 to appear at a session of said court, then to be bolo-11' nttho l'robate Olfiiv, ia tho City of Ann Arbur, show cause, if uny there be, why the prayer of te petitioner should not be grantcd : And it is furtwl orxlered, that said petitioner give notice to the ptf' sons intertsted üi s:iid estutv, of the pendeocy osaid petition, md the hearing thereof, by caiwinK4 copy of this order to be pahUahod in the Jiic' A riiia, a newsjmper priuted and eirculat ing in Bw county, tlu'ee successive weeks previous to said day- boariss;. (A true copy.) HI1ÍAM J. BEAKES, 1320 Judge of Probat Estiitc of Christopher Lange. STATE O; MICH1UAX, County of Washtenaw, !■■ At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtamnr, holden at the Probate Ottice, in J City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the fitth dar June, in the year one thousand eight hundred aw1 si.-i-nty-one. Present llirani J. Beakes, Judire of Probate. In the matter of tho Estáte of Christopher L-deeeosed. _ . Cn ronding and ftlingthe r'tiüon, duly verHW-" Mary I.ange, praying thut 1' redcrick Kapp msJT w appointed Adruinistrator of the estáte of said deTheroopon it la orJered, That Monday, thcU-" day of July next, ut ten o'clock in the !orcuoC' h aasig&ed tot the hearing of suid jR-titu'", nat the hsfca at luw ot said deooaaed, and all otw'Lf persons interested in said estáte, ure required to app-1' it a session of suid Court, then to be holden, at ' Probate Offloe, in the City of Ann Arlwr, aiul Mj , it' any there lx-, why the prayer of the - t It'Ll"e, nonld not )k_! -rranted And it la further onKn-d. tnasai-I jH'titioiu-r fiive notice to the penona intewaw ■ aiiï tétate, of the Jiendency of said petition, and ' icaring theiüof, by rrausinfí a coj-y of this order to }: mbUsSod in the ïlt";"ii Arffutt a nerapaper v-nat-. ,nd circulatiug in fyiid county, throe BnÓoeanïVB wct' jreviou to .--.lid dav ot heaiinir. (A true copy.) I1ÍKAM J. BKAKES, 1Ö2J Judge of PrubatoAll persons who have alainii againat the eatateof t" ■it.' afín. i.i 1!. Mnndy, v.iu preaenl them f'r inuva[ n'nt at the oi H. D.Bennett, ini.iii) Liuiianr, on oí befare the tit'tli day of Bepteinberi 1S71. Ualed, Aun Arbor. June Sth, 1SV1. II. li, UENNETT, ) SEDGWICK DEAN, [ Trustee.'T.KMl'KL FO8TEH, ) , DEOPLE'S DRUG STOxiüi R, W. ELLIS & CO.


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